204 research outputs found

    Skalabilna implementacija dekodera po normi MPEG korištenjem tokovnog programskog jezika

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    In this paper, we describe a scalable and portable parallelized implementation of a MPEG decoder using a streaming computation paradigm, tailored to new generations of multi--core systems. A novel, hybrid approach towards parallelization of both new and legacy applications is described, where only data--intensive and performance--critical parts are implemented in the streaming domain. An architecture--independent \u27StreamIt\u27 language is used for design, optimization and implementation of parallelized segments, while the developed \u27StreamGate\u27 interface provides a communication mechanism between the implementation domains. The proposed hybrid approach was employed in re--factoring of a reference MPEG video decoder implementation; identifying the most performance--critical segments and re-implementing them in \u27StreamIt\u27 language, with \u27StreamGate\u27 interface as a communication mechanism between the host and streaming kernel. We evaluated the scalability of the decoder with respect to the number of cores, video frame formats, sizes and decomposition. Decoder performance was examined in the presence of different processor load configurations and with respect to the number of simultaneously processed frames.U ovom radu opisujemo skalabilnu i prenosivu implementaciju dekodera po normi MPEG ostvarenu korištenjem paradigme tokovnog računarstva, prilagođenu novim generacijama višejezgrenih računala. Opisan je novi, hibridni pristup paralelizaciji novih ili postojećih aplikacija, gdje se samo podatkovno intenzivni i računski zahtjevni dijelovi implementiraju u tokovnoj domeni. Arhitekturno neovisni jezik StreamIt koristi se za oblikovanje, optimiranje i izvedbu paraleliziranih segmenata aplikacije, dok razvijeno sučelje \u27StreamGate\u27 omogućava komunikaciju između domena implementacije. Predloženi hibridni pristup razvoju paraleliziranih aplikacija iskorišten je u preoblikovanju referentnog dekodera video zapisa po normi MPEG; identificirani su računski zahtjevni segmenti aplikacije i ponovno implementirani u jeziku StreamIt, sa sučeljem \u27StreamGate\u27 kao poveznicom između slijedne i tokovne domene. Ispitivana su svojstva skalabilnosti s obzirom na ciljani broj jezgri, format video zapisa i veličinu okvira te dekompoziciju ulaznih podataka. Svojstva dekodera  su praćena u prisustvu različitih opterećenja ispitnog računala, i s obzirom na broj istovremeno obrađivanih okvira

    Running stream-like programs on heterogeneous multi-core systems

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    All major semiconductor companies are now shipping multi-cores. Phones, PCs, laptops, and mobile internet devices will all require software that can make effective use of these cores. Writing high-performance parallel software is difficult, time-consuming and error prone, increasing both time-to-market and cost. Software outlives hardware; it typically takes longer to develop new software than hardware, and legacy software tends to survive for a long time, during which the number of cores per system will increase. Development and maintenance productivity will be improved if parallelism and technical details are managed by the machine, while the programmer reasons about the application as a whole. Parallel software should be written using domain-specific high-level languages or extensions. These languages reveal implicit parallelism, which would be obscured by a sequential language such as C. When memory allocation and program control are managed by the compiler, the program's structure and data layout can be safely and reliably modified by high-level compiler transformations. One important application domain contains so-called stream programs, which are structured as independent kernels interacting only through one-way channels, called streams. Stream programming is not applicable to all programs, but it arises naturally in audio and video encode and decode, 3D graphics, and digital signal processing. This representation enables high-level transformations, including kernel unrolling and kernel fusion. This thesis develops new compiler and run-time techniques for stream programming. The first part of the thesis is concerned with a statically scheduled stream compiler. It introduces a new static partitioning algorithm, which determines which kernels should be fused, in order to balance the loads on the processors and interconnects. A good partitioning algorithm is crucial if the compiler is to produce efficient code. The algorithm also takes account of downstream compiler passes---specifically software pipelining and buffer allocation---and it models the compiler's ability to fuse kernels. The latter is important because the compiler may not be able to fuse arbitrary collections of kernels. This thesis also introduces a static queue sizing algorithm. This algorithm is important when memory is distributed, especially when local stores are small. The algorithm takes account of latencies and variations in computation time, and is constrained by the sizes of the local memories. The second part of this thesis is concerned with dynamic scheduling of stream programs. First, it investigates the performance of known online, non-preemptive, non-clairvoyant dynamic schedulers. Second, it proposes two dynamic schedulers for stream programs. The first is specifically for one-dimensional stream programs. The second is more general: it does not need to be told the stream graph, but it has slightly larger overhead. This thesis also introduces some support tools related to stream programming. StarssCheck is a debugging tool, based on Valgrind, for the StarSs task-parallel programming language. It generates a warning whenever the program's behaviour contradicts a pragma annotation. Such behaviour could otherwise lead to exceptions or race conditions. StreamIt to OmpSs is a tool to convert a streaming program in the StreamIt language into a dynamically scheduled task based program using StarSs.Totes les empreses de semiconductors produeixen actualment multi-cores. Mòbils,PCs, portàtils, i dispositius mòbils d’Internet necessitaran programari quefaci servir eficientment aquests cores. Escriure programari paral·lel d’altrendiment és difícil, laboriós i propens a errors, incrementant tant el tempsde llançament al mercat com el cost. El programari té una vida més llarga queel maquinari; típicament pren més temps desenvolupar nou programi que noumaquinari, i el programari ja existent pot perdurar molt temps, durant el qualel nombre de cores dels sistemes incrementarà. La productivitat dedesenvolupament i manteniment millorarà si el paral·lelisme i els detallstècnics són gestionats per la màquina, mentre el programador raona sobre elconjunt de l’aplicació.El programari paral·lel hauria de ser escrit en llenguatges específics deldomini. Aquests llenguatges extrauen paral·lelisme implícit, el qual és ocultatper un llenguatge seqüencial com C. Quan l’assignació de memòria i lesestructures de control són gestionades pel compilador, l’estructura iorganització de dades del programi poden ser modificades de manera segura ifiable per les transformacions d’alt nivell del compilador.Un dels dominis de l’aplicació importants és el que consta dels programes destream; aquest programes són estructurats com a nuclis independents queinteractuen només a través de canals d’un sol sentit, anomenats streams. Laprogramació de streams no és aplicable a tots els programes, però sorgeix deforma natural en la codificació i descodificació d’àudio i vídeo, gràfics 3D, iprocessament de senyals digitals. Aquesta representació permet transformacionsd’alt nivell, fins i tot descomposició i fusió de nucli.Aquesta tesi desenvolupa noves tècniques de compilació i sistemes en tempsd’execució per a programació de streams. La primera part d’aquesta tesi esfocalitza amb un compilador de streams de planificació estàtica. Presenta unnou algorisme de partició estàtica, que determina quins nuclis han de serfusionats, per tal d’equilibrar la càrrega en els processadors i en lesinterconnexions. Un bon algorisme de particionat és fonamental per tal de queel compilador produeixi codi eficient. L’algorisme també té en compte elspassos de compilació subseqüents---específicament software pipelining il’arranjament de buffers---i modela la capacitat del compilador per fusionarnuclis. Aquesta tesi també presenta un algorisme estàtic de redimensionament de cues.Aquest algorisme és important quan la memòria és distribuïda, especialment quanles memòries locals són petites. L’algorisme té en compte latències ivariacions en els temps de càlcul, i considera el límit imposat per la mida deles memòries locals.La segona part d’aquesta tesi es centralitza en la planificació dinàmica deprogrames de streams. En primer lloc, investiga el rendiment dels planificadorsdinàmics online, non-preemptive i non-clairvoyant. En segon lloc, proposa dosplanificadors dinàmics per programes de stream. El primer és específicament pera programes de streams unidimensionals. El segon és més general: no necessitael graf de streams, però els overheads són una mica més grans.Aquesta tesi també presenta un conjunt d’eines de suport relacionades amb laprogramació de streams. StarssCheck és una eina de depuració, que és basa enValgrind, per StarSs, un llenguatge de programació paral·lela basat en tasques.Aquesta eina genera un avís cada vegada que el comportament del programa estàen contradicció amb una anotació pragma. Aquest comportament d’una altra manerapodria causar excepcions o situacions de competició. StreamIt to OmpSs és unaeina per convertir un programa de streams codificat en el llenguatge StreamIt aun programa de tasques en StarSs planificat de forma dinàmica.Postprint (published version

    Master of Science

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    thesisThe advent of the era of cheap and pervasive many-core and multicore parallel sys-tems has highlighted the disparity of the performance achieved between novice and expert developers targeting parallel architectures. This disparity is most notiable with software for running general purpose computations on grachics processing units (GPGPU programs). Current methods for implementing GPGPU programs require an expert level understanding of the memory hierarchy and execution model of the hardware to reach peak performance. Even for experts, rewriting a program to exploit these hardware features can be tedious and error prone. Compilers and their ability to make code transformations can assist in the implementation of GPGPU programs, handling many of the target specic details. This thesis presents CUDA-CHiLL, a source to source compiler transformation and code generation framework for the parallelization and optimization of computations expressed in sequential loop nests for running on many-core GPUs. This system uniquely uses a complete scripting language to describe composable compiler transformations that can be written, shared and reused by nonexpert application and library developers. CUDA-CHiLL is built on the polyhedral program transformation and code generation framework CHiLL, which is capable of robust composition of transformations while preserving the correctness of the program at each step. Through its use of powerful abstractions and a scripting interface, CUDA-CHiLL allows for a developer to focus on optimization strategies and ignore the error prone details and low level constructs of GPGPU programming. The high level framework can be used inside an orthogonal auto-tuning system that can quickly evaluate the space of possible implementations. Although specicl to CUDA at the moment, many of the abstractions would hold for any GPGPU framework, particularly Open CL. The contributions of this thesis include a programming language approach to providing transformation abstraction and composition, a unifying framework for general and GPU specicl transformations, and demonstration of the framework on standard benchmarks that show it capable of matching or outperforming hand-tuned GPU kernels

    Integracija tokovnog modela za učinkovito izvođenje na višejezgrenim računalnim arhitekturama

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    Streaming has emerged as an important model in present–day applications, ranging from multimedia to scientific computing. Moreover, the emergence of new multicore architectures has resulted with new challenges in efficient utilization of available computational resources. Streaming model offers the portability and scalability of performance with the increasing number of cores. In this paper we propose a tool which enables the implementation of the compute–intensive stream processing kernels as portable modules in general–purpose applications. Resulting modules can be efficiently reused with high degree of scalability in regard to increasing number of processing cores.Tokovni računalni model predstavlja zanimljivo područje istraživanja s ciljem ubrzanja kako multimedijskih, tako i znanstvenih aplikacija. Isto tako, pojava višejezgrenih računalnih arhitektura rezultirala je povećanjem zanimanja za istraživanje metoda i modela koji bi omogućili učinkovito iskorištavanje postojećih paralelnih resursa. Tokovni model omogućuje istovremeno visok stupanj apstrakcije, prenosivost i skalabinost aplikacija s obzirom na povećanje računskih jezgri. U ovom je članku predložen pristup koji omogućuje implementaciju računski zahtjevnih dijelova aplikacija u tokovnom modelu te njihovu integraciju u vidu prenosivih modula. Na taj način ostvareno je ubrzanje cjelokupnih aplikacija pri izvođenju na višejezgrenim procesorima

    Optimisation des mémoires dans le flot de conception des systèmes multiprocesseurs sur puces pour des applications de type multimédia

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    RÉSUMÉ Les systèmes multiprocesseurs sur puce (MPSoC) constituent l'un des principaux moteurs de la révolution industrielle des semi-conducteurs. Les MPSoCs jouissent d’une popularité grandissante dans le domaine des systèmes embarqués. Leur grande capacité de parallélisation à un très haut niveau d'intégration, en font de bons candidats pour les systèmes et les applications telles que les applications multimédia. La consommation d’énergie, la capacité de calcul et l’espace de conception sont les éléments dont dépendent les performances de ce type d’applications. La mémoire est le facteur clé permettant d’améliorer de façon substantielle leurs performances. Avec l’arrivée des applications multimédias embarquées dans l’industrie, le problème des gains de performances est vital. La masse de données traitées par ces applications requiert une grande capacité de calcul et de mémoire. Dernièrement, de nouveaux modèles de programmation ont fait leur apparition. Ces modèles offrent une programmation de plus haut niveau pour répondre aux besoins croissants des MPSoCs, d’où la nécessité de nouvelles approches d'optimisation et de placement pour les systèmes embarqués et leurs modèles de programmation. La conception niveau système des architectures MPSoCs pour les applications de type multimédia constitue un véritable défi technique. L’objectif général de cette thèse est de relever ce défi en trouvant des solutions. Plus spécifiquement, cette thèse se propose d’introduire le concept d’optimisation mémoire dans le flot de conception niveau système et d’observer leur impact sur différents modèles de programmation utilisés lors de la conception de MPSoCs. Il s’agit, autrement dit, de réaliser l’unification du domaine de la compilation avec celui de la conception niveau système pour une meilleure conception globale. La contribution de cette thèse est de proposer de nouvelles approches pour les techniques d'optimisation mémoire pour la conception MPSoCs avec différents modèles de programmation. Nos travaux de recherche concernent l'intégration des techniques d’optimisation mémoire dans le flot de conception de MPSoCs pour différents types de modèle de programmation. Ces travaux ont été exécutés en collaboration avec STMicroelectronics.----------ABSTRACT Multiprocessor systems-on-chip (MPSoC) are defined as one of the main drivers of the industrial semiconductors revolution. MPSoCs are gaining popularity in the field of embedded systems. Pursuant to their great ability to parallelize at a very high integration level, they are good candidates for systems and applications such as multimedia. Memory is becoming a key player for significant improvements in these applications (i.e. power, performance and area). With the emergence of more embedded multimedia applications in the industry, this issue becomes increasingly vital. The large amount of data manipulated by these applications requires high-capacity calculation and memory. Lately, new programming models have been introduced. These programming models offer a higher programming level to answer the increasing needs of MPSoCs. This leads to the need of new optimization and mapping approaches suitable for embedded systems and their programming models. The overall objective of this research is to find solutions to the challenges of system level design of applications such as multimedia. This entails the development of new approaches and new optimization techniques. The specific objective of this research is to introduce the concept of memory optimization in the system level conception flow and study its impact on different programming models used for MPSoCs’ design. In other words, it is the unification of the compilation and system level design domains. The contribution of this research is to propose new approaches for memory optimization techniques for MPSoCs’ design in different programming models. This thesis relates to the integration of memory optimization to varying programming model types in the MPSoCs conception flow. Our research was done in collaboration with STMicroelectronics


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    After Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) was discovered, finding the similarities in proteins became a fundamental procedure. In recent years, there has been a rapid development in alignment technologies. Alignment is the basic operation used to compare biological sequences and to determine the similarities that eventually result for structural, functional, or biological process relationships. These new technologies produce data in the order of numerous gigabyte-pairs per day. With the use of a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), these data can be solved. We can utilize a GPU in computation as a massive parallel processor because the GPU consists of multiple pips. This new hardware creates new opportunities to study and improve current algorithms that are used for research in DNA alignment. In this thesis, we proposed a new algorithm to tackle this problem. We matched blocks of reference and target sequences based on the similarities between their empirical transition probabilities matrixes. The computations were conducted on an NVIDIA GTX 760, equipped with 2GB RAM, running Microsoft Windows 8.1 Professional. Our experimental results show robustness in nucleotide sequence alignment, and the parallelized transition probability indexing on a GPU achieves faster results than a former study of a proposed sequential method on a CPU

    Parallel Computation of Nonrigid Image Registration

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    Automatic intensity-based nonrigid image registration brings significant impact in medical applications such as multimodality fusion of images, serial comparison for monitoring disease progression or regression, and minimally invasive image-guided interventions. However, due to memory and compute intensive nature of the operations, intensity-based image registration has remained too slow to be practical for clinical adoption, with its use limited primarily to as a pre-operative too. Efficient registration methods can lead to new possibilities for development of improved and interactive intraoperative tools and capabilities. In this thesis, we propose an efficient parallel implementation for intensity-based three-dimensional nonrigid image registration on a commodity graphics processing unit. Optimization techniques are developed to accelerate the compute-intensive mutual information computation. The study is performed on the hierarchical volume subdivision-based algorithm, which is inherently faster than other nonrigid registration algorithms and structurally well-suited for data-parallel computation platforms. The proposed implementation achieves more than 50-fold runtime improvement over a standard implementation on a CPU. The execution time of nonrigid image registration is reduced from hours to minutes while retaining the same level of registration accuracy

    GPGPU-Enabled Physics Based Deformed Model Simulation

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    Computer simulation techniques are widely adopted nowadays in many areas like manufacturing, engineering, graphics, animation, virtual reality and so on. However, the standard finite element based simulation is notorious for its expensive computation. To address this challenge, I present a GPU-based parallel implementation for simulating large elastic deformation. Classic modal analysis provides a set of orthonormal bases vectors, which span a spectral space encoding the dynamics of the elastic body. As each basis vector is orthogonal to each other, the computation is completely decoupled and can be well-fit into the modern GPGPU platform. We further explore the latest feature of NVIDIA CUDA so that the result of GPU computation can be directly used for upcoming rendering/visualization and a significant amount of overheads for transmitting data from client GPU and host CPU via the PCI-Express bus are avoided. Real-time simulation is made possible with this technique for many cases that otherwise is not possible

    A Novel Methodology for Calculating Large Numbers of Symmetrical Matrices on a Graphics Processing Unit: Towards Efficient, Real-Time Hyperspectral Image Processing

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    Hyperspectral imagery (HSI) is often processed to identify targets of interest. Many of the quantitative analysis techniques developed for this purpose mathematically manipulate the data to derive information about the target of interest based on local spectral covariance matrices. The calculation of a local spectral covariance matrix for every pixel in a given hyperspectral data scene is so computationally intensive that real-time processing with these algorithms is not feasible with today’s general purpose processing solutions. Specialized solutions are cost prohibitive, inflexible, inaccessible, or not feasible for on-board applications. Advances in graphics processing unit (GPU) capabilities and programmability offer an opportunity for general purpose computing with access to hundreds of processing cores in a system that is affordable and accessible. The GPU also offers flexibility, accessibility and feasibility that other specialized solutions do not offer. The architecture for the NVIDIA GPU used in this research is significantly different from the architecture of other parallel computing solutions. With such a substantial change in architecture it follows that the paradigm for programming graphics hardware is significantly different from traditional serial and parallel software development paradigms. In this research a methodology for mapping an HSI target detection algorithm to the NVIDIA GPU hardware and Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) Application Programming Interface (API) is developed. The RX algorithm is chosen as a representative stochastic HSI algorithm that requires the calculation of a spectral covariance matrix. The developed methodology is designed to calculate a local covariance matrix for every pixel in the input HSI data scene. A characterization of the limitations imposed by the chosen GPU is given and a path forward toward optimization of a GPU-based method for real-time HSI data processing is defined

    Reducing Memory Requirements of Stream Programs by Graph Transformations

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    International audienceStream languages explicitly describe fork-join parallelism and pipelines, offering a powerful programming model for many-core Multi-Processor Systems on Chip (MPSoC). In an embedded resource-constrained system, adapting stream programs to fit memory requirements is particularly important. In this paper we present a new approach to re- duce the memory footprint required to run stream programs on MPSoC. Through an exploration of equivalent program variants, the method selects parallel code minimizing mem- ory consumption. For large program instances, a heuristic accelerating the exploration phase is proposed and evalu- ated. We demonstrate the interest of our method on a panel of ten significant benchmarks. Using a multi-core modulo scheduling technique, our approach lowers considerably the minimal amount of memory required to run seven of these benchmarks while preserving throughput