1,061 research outputs found

    Machine Learning in Wireless Sensor Networks: Algorithms, Strategies, and Applications

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    Wireless sensor networks monitor dynamic environments that change rapidly over time. This dynamic behavior is either caused by external factors or initiated by the system designers themselves. To adapt to such conditions, sensor networks often adopt machine learning techniques to eliminate the need for unnecessary redesign. Machine learning also inspires many practical solutions that maximize resource utilization and prolong the lifespan of the network. In this paper, we present an extensive literature review over the period 2002-2013 of machine learning methods that were used to address common issues in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). The advantages and disadvantages of each proposed algorithm are evaluated against the corresponding problem. We also provide a comparative guide to aid WSN designers in developing suitable machine learning solutions for their specific application challenges.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorial

    Integration of Data Driven Technologies in Smart Grids for Resilient and Sustainable Smart Cities: A Comprehensive Review

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    A modern-day society demands resilient, reliable, and smart urban infrastructure for effective and in telligent operations and deployment. However, unexpected, high-impact, and low-probability events such as earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, and hurricanes make the design of such robust infrastructure more complex. As a result of such events, a power system infrastructure can be severely affected, leading to unprecedented events, such as blackouts. Nevertheless, the integration of smart grids into the existing framework of smart cities adds to their resilience. Therefore, designing a resilient and reliable power system network is an inevitable requirement of modern smart city infras tructure. With the deployment of the Internet of Things (IoT), smart cities infrastructures have taken a transformational turn towards introducing technologies that do not only provide ease and comfort to the citizens but are also feasible in terms of sustainability and dependability. This paper presents a holistic view of a resilient and sustainable smart city architecture that utilizes IoT, big data analytics, unmanned aerial vehicles, and smart grids through intelligent integration of renew able energy resources. In addition, the impact of disasters on the power system infrastructure is investigated and different types of optimization techniques that can be used to sustain the power flow in the network during disturbances are compared and analyzed. Furthermore, a comparative review analysis of different data-driven machine learning techniques for sustainable smart cities is performed along with the discussion on open research issues and challenges

    Foreword and editorial - July issue

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    Advanced Fault Diagnosis and Health Monitoring Techniques for Complex Engineering Systems

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    Over the last few decades, the field of fault diagnostics and structural health management has been experiencing rapid developments. The reliability, availability, and safety of engineering systems can be significantly improved by implementing multifaceted strategies of in situ diagnostics and prognostics. With the development of intelligence algorithms, smart sensors, and advanced data collection and modeling techniques, this challenging research area has been receiving ever-increasing attention in both fundamental research and engineering applications. This has been strongly supported by the extensive applications ranging from aerospace, automotive, transport, manufacturing, and processing industries to defense and infrastructure industries

    Ensemble approach on enhanced compressed noise EEG data signal in wireless body area sensor network

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    The Wireless Body Area Sensor Network (WBASN) is used for communication among sensor nodes operating on or inside the human body in order to monitor vital body parameters and movements. One of the important applications of WBASN is patients’ healthcare monitoring of chronic diseases such as epileptic seizure. Normally, epileptic seizure data of the electroencephalograph (EEG) is captured and compressed in order to reduce its transmission time. However, at the same time, this contaminates the overall data and lowers classification accuracy. The current work also did not take into consideration that large size of collected EEG data. Consequently, EEG data is a bandwidth intensive. Hence, the main goal of this work is to design a unified compression and classification framework for delivery of EEG data in order to address its large size issue. EEG data is compressed in order to reduce its transmission time. However, at the same time, noise at the receiver side contaminates the overall data and lowers classification accuracy. Another goal is to reconstruct the compressed data and then recognize it. Therefore, a Noise Signal Combination (NSC) technique is proposed for the compression of the transmitted EEG data and enhancement of its classification accuracy at the receiving side in the presence of noise and incomplete data. The proposed framework combines compressive sensing and discrete cosine transform (DCT) in order to reduce the size of transmission data. Moreover, Gaussian noise model of the transmission channel is practically implemented to the framework. At the receiving side, the proposed NSC is designed based on weighted voting using four classification techniques. The accuracy of these techniques namely Artificial Neural Network, Naïve Bayes, k-Nearest Neighbour, and Support Victor Machine classifiers is fed to the proposed NSC. The experimental results showed that the proposed technique exceeds the conventional techniques by achieving the highest accuracy for noiseless and noisy data. Furthermore, the framework performs a significant role in reducing the size of data and classifying both noisy and noiseless data. The key contributions are the unified framework and proposed NSC, which improved accuracy of the noiseless and noisy EGG large data. The results have demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed framework and provided several credible benefits including simplicity, and accuracy enhancement. Finally, the research improves clinical information about patients who not only suffer from epilepsy, but also neurological disorders, mental or physiological problems

    A Highly Accurate Deep Learning Based Approach For Developing Wireless Sensor Network Middleware

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    Despite the popularity of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) in a wide range of applications, the security problems associated with WSNs have not been completely resolved. Since these applications deal with the transfer of sensitive data, protection from various attacks and intrusions is essential. From the current literature, we observed that existing security algorithms are not suitable for large-scale WSNs due to limitations in energy consumption, throughput, and overhead. Middleware is generally introduced as an intermediate layer between WSNs and the end user to address security challenges. However, literature suggests that most existing middleware only cater to intrusions and malicious attacks at the application level rather than during data transmission. This results in loss of nodes during data transmission, increased energy consumption, and increased overhead. In this research, we introduce an intelligent middleware based on an unsupervised learning technique called the Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) algorithm. GANs contain two networks: a generator (G) network and a discriminator (D) network. The G network generates fake data that is identical to the data from the sensor nodes; it combines fake and real data to confuse the adversary and stop them from differentiating between the two. This technique completely eliminates the need for fake sensor nodes, which consume more power and reduce both throughput and the lifetime of the network. The D network contains multiple layers that have the ability to differentiate between real and fake data. The output intended for this algorithm shows an actual interpretation of the data that is securely communicated through the WSN. The framework is implemented in Python with experiments performed using Keras. The results illustrate that the suggested algorithm not only improves the accuracy of the data but also enhances its security by protecting it from attacks. Data transmission from the WSN to the end user then becomes much more secure and accurate compared to conventional techniques. Simulation results show that the proposed technique provides higher throughput and increases successful data rates while keeping the energy consumption low

    Intelligent Sensor Networks

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    In the last decade, wireless or wired sensor networks have attracted much attention. However, most designs target general sensor network issues including protocol stack (routing, MAC, etc.) and security issues. This book focuses on the close integration of sensing, networking, and smart signal processing via machine learning. Based on their world-class research, the authors present the fundamentals of intelligent sensor networks. They cover sensing and sampling, distributed signal processing, and intelligent signal learning. In addition, they present cutting-edge research results from leading experts
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