10 research outputs found

    Static Data Structure for Discrete Advance Bandwidth Reservations on the Internet

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    In this paper we present a discrete data structure for reservations of limited resources. A reservation is defined as a tuple consisting of the time interval of when the resource should be reserved, IRI_R, and the amount of the resource that is reserved, BRB_R, formally R={IR,BR}R=\{I_R,B_R\}. The data structure is similar to a segment tree. The maximum spanning interval of the data structure is fixed and defined in advance. The granularity and thereby the size of the intervals of the leaves is also defined in advance. The data structure is built only once. Neither nodes nor leaves are ever inserted, deleted or moved. Hence, the running time of the operations does not depend on the number of reservations previously made. The running time does not depend on the size of the interval of the reservation either. Let nn be the number of leaves in the data structure. In the worst case, the number of touched (i.e. traversed) nodes is in any operation O(log⁥n)O(\log n), hence the running time of any operation is also O(log⁥n)O(\log n)

    Data Structure for a Time-Based Bandwidth Reservations Problem

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    We discuss a problem of handling resource reservations. The resource can be reserved for some time, it can be freed or it can be queried what is the largest amount of reserved resource during a time interval. We show that the problem has a lower bound of Ω(log⁥n)\Omega(\log n) per operation on average and we give a matching upper bound algorithm. Our solution also solves a dynamic version of the related problems of a prefix sum and a partial sum

    Dynamic maintenance of 2-d convex hulls and order decomposable problems

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    In this paper, we consider dynamic data structures for order decomposable problems. This class of problems include the convex hull problem, the Voronoi diagram problem, the maxima problem, and intersection of halfspaces. This paper first describes a scheme for maintaining convex hulls in the plane dynamically in O(log⁥n)O(\log n) amortized time for insertions and O(log⁥2n)O(\log^2 n) time for deletions. O(n)O(n) space is used. The scheme improves on the time complexity of the general scheme by Overmars and Van Leeuwen. We then consider the general class of Order Decomposable Problems. We show improved behavior for insertions in the presence of deletions, under some assumptions. The main assumption we make is that the problems are required to be {\em change sensitive}, i.e., updates to the solution of the problem at an insertion can be obtained in time proportional to the changes

    A Fully Dynamic Planar Point Location Technique

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    Coordinated Science Laboratory was formerly known as Control Systems LaboratoryNational Science Foundation / ECS 84-1090

    Further results on generalized intersection searching problems: counting, reporting, and dynamization

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    In a generalized intersection searching problem, a set, SS, of colored geometric objects is to be preprocessed so that given some query object, qq, the distinct colors of the objects intersected by qq can be reported efficiently or the number of such colors can be counted efficiently. In the dynamic setting, colored objects can be inserted into or deleted from SS. These problems generalize the well-studied standard intersection searching problems and are rich in applications. Unfortunately, the techniques known for the standard problems do not yield efficient solutions for the generalized problems. Moreover, previous work on generalized problems applies only to the static reporting problems. In this paper, a uniform framework is presented to solve efficiently the counting/reporting/dynamic versions of a variety of generalized intersection searching problems, including: 1-, 2-, and 3-dimensional range searching, quadrant searching, interval intersection searching, 1- and 2-dimensional point enclosure searching, and orthogonal segment intersection searching

    Scheduling Algorithms for the Smart Grid

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    Geometric algorithms for algebraic curves and surfaces

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    This work presents novel geometric algorithms dealing with algebraic curves and surfaces of arbitrary degree. These algorithms are exact and complete — they return the mathematically true result for all input instances. Efficiency is achieved by cutting back expensive symbolic computation and favoring combinatorial and adaptive numerical methods instead, without spoiling exactness in the overall result. We present an algorithm for computing planar arrangements induced by real algebraic curves. We show its efficiency both in theory by a complexity analysis, as well as in practice by experimental comparison with related methods. For the latter, our solution has been implemented in the context of the Cgal library. The results show that it constitutes the best current exact implementation available for arrangements as well as for the related problem of computing the topology of one algebraic curve. The algorithm is also applied to related problems, such as arrangements of rotated curves, and arrangments embedded on a parameterized surface. In R3, we propose a new method to compute an isotopic triangulation of an algebraic surface. This triangulation is based on a stratification of the surface, which reveals topological and geometric information. Our implementation is the first for this problem that makes consequent use of numerical methods, and still yields the exact topology of the surface.Diese Arbeit stellt neue Algorithmen fĂŒr algebraische Kurven und FlĂ€chen von beliebigem Grad vor. Diese Algorithmen liefern fĂŒr alle Eingaben das mathematisch korrekte Ergebnis. Wir erreichen Effizienz, indem wir aufwendige symbolische Berechnungen weitesgehend vermeiden, und stattdessen kombinatorische und adaptive numerische Methoden einsetzen, ohne die Exaktheit des Resultats zu zerstören. Der Hauptbeitrag ist ein Algorithmus zur Berechnung von planaren Arrangements, die durch reelle algebraische Kurven induziert sind. Wir weisen die Effizienz des Verfahrens sowohl theoretisch durch eine KomplexitĂ€tsanalyse, als auch praktisch durch experimentelle Vergleiche nach. Dazu haben wir unser Verfahren im Rahmen der Softwarebibliothek Cgal implementiert. Die Resultate belegen, dass wir die zur Zeit beste verfĂŒgbare exakte Software bereitstellen. Der Algorithmus wird zur Arrangementberechnung rotierter Kurven, oder fĂŒr Arrangements auf parametrisierten OberflĂ€chen eingesetzt. Im R3 geben wir ein neues Verfahren zur Berechnung einer isotopen Triangulierung einer algebraischen OberflĂ€che an. Diese Triangulierung basiert auf einer Stratifizierung der OberflĂ€che, die topologische und geometrische Informationen berechnet. Unsere Implementierung ist die erste fĂŒr dieses Problem, welche numerische Methoden konsequent einsetzt, und dennoch die exakte Topologie der OberflĂ€che liefert

    Optimized automated survey design in wildlife population assessment

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    Increased pressure on the environment has placed numerous ecological populations under threat of extinction. Management schemes dedicated to the future conservation of wildlife populations rely on effective monitoring of the size of those populations. This requires that accurate and precise abundance estimates are obtained for the purposes of wildlife population assessment. The accuracy and precision of estimates are determined to a large extent by the survey design used to obtain population samples. Methods for optimizing the survey design process are detailed, with a particular- focus on automating the sui-vey designs using computer software. The technique of automated survey design is a simulation-based tool, which provides the means to assess the properties of any type of survey design, permits the evaluation of abundance estimates over sui-vey regions with assumed population densities, and from a practical standpoint facilitates the creation of a survey plan that can be implemented in the field. Survey design properties include the probability of a particular location being included in the sample, the spatial distribution of the sampling locations within the survey region, and the distances covered by observers to obtain the sample data. The design properties are directly linked to the accuracy and precision of estimates, as well as the efficiency, achieved by a type of design. A comparative study of a number of different survey designs that can be broadly classified as systematic or non-systematic is presented. The simulation results show their performance with regard to the above-mentioned properties and the abundance estimates obtained if the designs are applied to some known population densities. Due to the more even spatial distribution of the systematic designs the estimates they produce are potentially more precise and the distances covered by observers less variable as well. It is also shown how biased estimates can result if the probability of a particular location being included in the sample is assumed to be even over the entire survey region when it is not. The problems associated with surveying along the boundary of a survey region and within non-convex regions are addressed. The methods are illustrated with a number of survey design examples