935 research outputs found

    A new auditing mechanism for open source NoSQL database a case study on open source MongoDB database

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    MongoDB as a NoSQL database management system is relatively new on the database market and it is used in many important projects and products. Security analysis for MongoDB revealed that it doesn’t provide any facilities for auditing actions performed in the database. Recently, MongoDB company tried to rectify the auditing gap by providing MongoDB new enterprise version 2.6 (8th of April 2014). The auditing system logs operations information including; schema data definition language operations and operations related to replica set in addition to operations of authentication and authorization, and eventually general operations. But unfortunately still cannot record Data Manipulation Language (DML). Thus, this study aims to improve the auditing functionality in MongoDB by presenting a new mechanism for auditing NoSQL MongoDB database to include Data Manipulation Language (DML)/ CRUD (Create, Read, Update and delete) operations

    Automatic Generation of Data Conversions - Programs Using a Data Description Language (DDL) Volume 1 and 2

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    The report describes a DDL/DML Processor and a methodology to automatically generate data conversion programs. The Processor, accepts as input descriptions of source and target files in a Data Description Language (DDL) and a Data Manipulation Language (DML). It produces an output conversion program in PL/l capable of converting the source file and producing the target file

    Structural design of the data base on the internet of things for product quality control

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    Database management system structure and function, providing data definition language DDL and data manipulation language DML, and some other user functions. Product quality control database structure design, including logical structure design and physical structure design

    Perencanaan Database Query dengan Manipulasi Aljabar Relasional

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    Berdasarkan hasil penelitian pada pengolahan database aljabar relasional terbagi atas beberapa perintah yaitu Data Manipulation Language (DML) yang dimana mencangkup menampilkan data, projection, union, insert, delete, dan update. Data Definition Language (DDL) yang dimana mencangkup rename, drop dan menambahkan tab

    Data Manipulation Language (DML) Database Penjadwalan Dosen menggunakan SQL Server 2008

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    Abstrak: Data Manilation Language (DML) merupakan bahasa  basis data yang dipergunakan untuk melakukan modifikasi dan retrieve (pengambilan) data pada suatu basis data. DML yang sering digunakan dan terkenal  adalah Structured Query Language (SQL)  yang digunakan untuk mengambil  dan memanipulasi data dalam database relasional. SQL terdiri dari sintaks sederhana dalam bentuk instruksi-instruksi dalam melakukan manipulasi data, instruksi tersebut sering disebut dengan query. Bahasa query tersebut digunakan untuk mengimplementasikan basis data Penjadwalan Dosen dengan menggunakan basis data SQL Server 2008. Langkah awal sebelum melakukan DML dengan menggunakan query editor, kita harus memiliki database dan data yang telah diimplementasikan dengan SQL Server 2008. Dalam pembahasan ini hanya akan menjelaskan 4 (empat)  pernyataan DML yaitu Select, Insert, Update dan Delete dengan menggunakan database Penjadwalan Dosen pada RDBMS SQL Server 2008. Pernyataan select dimanfaatkan untuk menampilkan data dari suatu tabel (1 atau lebih) pada database. Update dipergunakan untuk melakukan perubahan data pada tabel dalam database. Delete dipergunakan  menghapus data pada tabel di database. Kata Kunci: DML, Query, Sql Server 2008,  Diagram, Penjadwalan Dosen.   Abstract: Data Manilation Language (DML) is a database language that is used to modify and retrieve data in a database. DML which is often used and well known is the Structured Query Language (SQL) which is used to retrieve and manipulate data in a relational database. SQL consists of a simple syntax in the form of instructions for manipulating data, these instructions are often called queries. The query language is used to implement the Lecturer Scheduling database using the SQL Server 2008 database. The initial step before doing DML using the query editor, we must have a database and data that have been implemented with SQL Server 2008. In this discussion we will only explain 4 (four) DML statements namely Select, Insert, Update and Delete by using the Lecturer Scheduling database on the SQL Server 2008 RDBMS. The select statement is used to display data from a table (1 or more) in the database. Updates are used to make changes to data in tables in the database. Delete is used to delete data in a table in the database.Keywords: DML, Query, Sql Server 2008, Diagram, Lecturer Scheduling

    Remote sensing and geographically based information systems

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    The incorporation of remotely sensed digital data in a computer based information system is seen to be equivalent to the incorporation of any other spatially oriented layer of data. The growing interest in such systems indicates a need to develop a generalized geographically oriented data base management system that could be made commercially available for a wide range of applications. Some concepts that distinguish geographic information systems were reviewed, and a simple model which can serve as a conceptual framework for the design of a generalized geographic information system was examined

    Lion: Listen online. Using GraphQL as a mediator for data integration and ingestion

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    Data integration is the task of providing a unified view of multiple data sources. Thesesources can be, and are typically, heterogeneous in their data model, data query language (DQL), and data manipulation language (DML). In this thesis is described a system called”Listen Online”, or Lion for short. Lion utilizes the GraphQL specification to provide integration for querying of web services. Lion provides a general structure by which arbitrary mediators can be used within a query. Lastly, by building on top of open source libraries,Lion provides the open source community with components that enable it to function in the form of GraphQL servers, visual layout libraries, and query builders

    Analisis Perbandingan Performansi Waktu Respons Kueri antara MySQL PHP 7.2.27 dan NoSQL MongoDB

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    Abstract – Currently now, every function of the governmental and private agencies are required to manage the system work properly, effectively, and certainly efficient in terms of both time and system flexibility. Not a few have used the use of basic management data to help maximize the work system that is being run. This research will be carried out by examining the performance when answering queries between 2 commonly used management database systems, namely the My Structured Query Language (MySQL) relational database and Not-Only SQL (NoSQL) MongoDB non-relational database tested on the Aspiration and Information Service System of Oebufu Village (SELMA) with the number of data records (50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000, 100000). The examiner is carried out on the Data Manipulation Language (DML) query, which is inserting, update, delete, and select functions in adding, modifying, and displaying data in the database. Testing is also carried out on the agreement function, namely Counting (COUNT), Total in 1 table (SUM), Average (AVG )functions as well as the AND OR liaison operator as well as testing data import and export. The research aims to provide the results of a performance comparison analysis between MySQL and MongoDB NoSQL query respond database to find out which one is more good for use. The results can be proven that the two databases have different speeds in response performance comparisons in each model test, where NoSQL MongoDB is proven to be superior in every transaction tested model, starting from DML queries and function aggregate testing, import-export of data tables, and intermediate operator function, but weak in comparing select queries to display data with a runtime difference of 1.95.Keywords: Database, Query Respond Time, MySQL, NoSQL, MongoDB. Abstrak - Saat ini, setiap fungsi kerja instansi kepemerintahan maupun swasta dituntut untuk dapat mengelola sistem kerja secara tepat, efektif dan tentunya efisien baik dari segi waktu maupun flexibilitas sistem. Tidak sedikit yang telah menggunakan pemanfaatan manajemen basis data dalam membantu memaksimalkan sistem kerja yang tengah dijalankan. Penelitian ini akan dilakukan pengujian kinerja waktu respond query diantara 2 sistem manajemen basis data yang telah umum digunakan yaitu database relasional My Structured Query Language (MySQL) dan database non-relasional Not-Only SQL (NoSQL) MongoDB yang diujikan pada Sistem Layanan Aspirasi dan Informasi Kelurahan Oebufu (SELMA) dengan banyak record data (50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000, 100000). Adapun pengujian dilakukan pada query Data Manipulation Language (DML) yaitu pada fungsi insert, update, delete dan select dalam menambah, mengubah, menghapus serta menampilkan data pada database. Pengujian juga dilakukan terhadap agregat fuction yaitu pada fungsi Counting (COUNT), Total dalam 1 tabel (SUM), Average (AVG) juga pada operator penghubung AND OR serta pengujian import dan export data. Penelitian bertujuan memberikan hasil analisis perbandingan kinerja waktu respond query diantara MySQL dan NoSQL MongoDB untuk mengetahui basis data mana yang lebih unggul untuk digunakan. Hasilnya dapat dibuktikan bahwa kedua database tersebut memiliki kecepatan waktu yang berbeda dalam perbandingan kinerja respon kueri pada setiap model pengujian, dimana NoSQL MongoDB terbukti lebih unggul, mulai dari pengujian query DML, pengujian agregat fuction, impor-export data serta fungsi operator penghubung, namun lemah dalam pemrosesan query select untuk menampilkan data dengan jumlah selisih waktu respon 1,95s.Kata kunci: Basis Data, Query Respond Time, MySQL, NoSQL, MongoD

    Relational Database for Health Care

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    The development of activities within a company will increase the complexity of business processes with transactional data that will increase from time to time. This is also experienced in health services, which are health service institutions for the community and certainly involve a lot of data in their operations. Starting from the registration process, medical/paramedical examinations, hospitalization, purchasing drugs, laboratories, etc. These data certainly require a container that can be used to manage the data needed in the transaction. So that later these data can be easily integrated and processed into a useful output. Database as one of the media that can be used to accommodate all supporting data. By using a database, and the features of a Database Management System (DBMS) can help companies carry out their operations more effectively and efficiently. The research method used refers to the analysis and design. In the method of analysis, literature studies are carried out from various supporting sources and observations of samples of research objects. While the design method refers to database design using the Database Lifecycle approac


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    Aplikasi dengan model penyimpanan kolom dinamis adalah sebuah aplikasi yang dapat menyimpan berbagai jenis data yang berbeda – beda tanpa merubah schema database yang telah dirancang sebelumnya. Aplikasi ini cocok digunakan untuk menjadi sebuah aplikasi inventaris dimana data yang disimpan adalah data yang beragam. Dengan menggunakan model penyimpanan dinamis ini informasi yang disimpan akan lebih akurat karena dapat menyimpan berbagai fakta untuk setiap data inventaris yang disimpan. Aplikasi Sarana dan Prasarana Unpas merupakan sebuah aplikasi manajemen aset yang berada di lingkungan Universitas Pasundan. Aplikasi ini dibuat untuk mempermudah pengelolaan aset Universitas Pasundan yang merupakan sebuah instansi besar dengan keanekaragaman aset yang dimiliki. Keberagaman aset ini menuntut sebuah inventaris yang dapat menyimpan berbagai jenis aset agar informasi dapat ditampilkan secara utuh, sehingga dapat membantu lebih baik dalam pengelolaan aset. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menghasilkan suatu aplikasi manajemen aset dengan inventaris yang dinamis sehingga dapat meyimpan berbagai jenis barang didalamnya. Terinspirasi dari berbagai aplikasi yang sudah menggunakan teknik penyimpanan secara dinamis penelitian ini dilakukan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan melakukan studi literatur, melakukan eksplorasi terhadap teknologi – teknologi yang digunakan, serta konsep pembangunan perangkat lunak berbasis web. Selanjutnya dilakukan tahapan mendefinisikan kebutuhan, analisis, perancangan, dan implementasi. Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini adalah suatu aplikasi manajemen aset untuk unpas dengan model penyimpanan / inventaris yang dinamis. Kata Kunci : Manajemen Aset, Inventaris Kolom Dinamis