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    Neurobehavioural and molecular mechanisms of social learning in zebrafish

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    Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D. degree in Behavioural Biology, presented at ISPA – Instituto UniversitĂĄrio in the year of 2019Os animais utilizam informação social e nĂŁo social para tomarem decisĂ”es adaptativas que tem impacto no seu fitness. O uso de informação social traz vantagens como escapar a um predador, encontrar fontes de comida ou evitar lutas com indivĂ­duos mais fortes, apenas por observação dos seus conspecĂ­ficos ou produtos relacionados com eles. A aprendizagem social ocorre quando os indivĂ­duos observam o comportamento de outros ou as suas consequĂȘncias para modificar o seu prĂłprio comportamento. Esta estratĂ©gia comportamental Ă© conservada entre espĂ©cies: os grilos, Nemobius sylvestris, adaptam o seu comportamento para evitar um predador depois de observar o comportamento de outros e mantem essas mudanças comportamentais, duradouramente, mesmo apos os demonstradores nĂŁo estarem presentes; as abelhas operĂĄrias, Apis Mellifera, apresentam uma sĂ©rie de comportamentos motores estereotipados que informam outras operĂĄrias da localização precisa de uma fonte de comida. Os mecanismos neuronais da aprendizagem social nĂŁo estĂŁo claramente compreendidos, e sĂŁo o centro de debate nesta ĂĄrea de investigação. Alguns autores hipotetizam que os mecanismos neurais da aprendizagem social sĂŁo partilhados, e outros autores defendem que a aprendizagem social Ă© um domĂ­nio geral presente atĂ© em espĂ©cies solitĂĄrias. O principal objetivo deste trabalho Ă© clarificar os mecanismos subjacentes a aprendizagem social e nĂŁo social. Este trabalho subdivide-se em dois capĂ­tulos experimentais: o capĂ­tulo II, onde procuramos os circuitos neurais do condicionamento observado com um estĂ­mulo social ou nĂŁo social; e capitulo III, no qual a eficĂĄcia de estĂ­mulos sociais quĂ­micos e visuais Ă© testada num paradigma de condicionamento aversivo. Em ambos os capĂ­tulos, um gene de ativação imediata sĂŁo usados como marcadores de atividade neuronal: no capĂ­tulo II utilizando a expressĂŁo de c-fos, por hibridação insitu, para mapear as regiĂ”es do cĂ©rebro recrutadas em aprendizagem social e nĂŁo social; e no capĂ­tulo III, a reação quantitativa em cadeia da polimerase foi utilizada numa abordagem com genes e regiĂ”es do cĂ©rebro candidatas para perceber o envolvimento do sistema olfativo em aprendizagem social olfativa. No capĂ­tulo II, nĂłs demonstramos que a aprendizagem social (SL) recruta diferentes regiĂ”es do cĂ©rebro quando comparada com a aprendizagem nĂŁo social (AL): SL aumenta a expressĂŁo de c-fos nos bulbos olfativos, na zona ventral da ĂĄrea telencefĂĄlica ventral, na habĂ©nula ventral, no tĂĄlamo ventromedial e a AL diminui a expressĂŁo de c-fos na habĂ©nula dorsal e no nĂșcleo tubercular anterior. Alem disso, conjuntos diferenciais de regiĂ”es cerebrais aparecem associados a aprendizagem social e nĂŁo social depois de uma anĂĄlise funcional da conectividade entre as regiĂ”es do cĂ©rebro. No capĂ­tulo III, nĂłs mostramos que pistas sociais visuais, como a observação de um conspecĂ­fico a exibir uma resposta de alarme, nĂŁo Ă© eficaz como um estimulo nĂŁo condicionado (US), mas pistas sociais olfativas, como substĂąncia de alarme, foi altamente eficiente como US em aprendizagem aversiva. AlĂ©m disso, identificamos os bulbos olfativos como uma ĂĄrea do cĂ©rebro essencial para condicionamento observado olfativo. Uma anĂĄlise funcional da coesĂŁo e conectividade dos nĂșcleos do cĂ©rebro envolvidos em processamento olfativo mostraram uma rede apurada para condicionamento observado olfativo. Em resumo, a presente tese elucida o debate nesta ĂĄrea de investigação sobre os mecanismos da aprendizagem social. Este trabalho clarifica que ao nĂ­vel comportamental a aprendizagem social requer um domĂ­nio geral e ao nĂ­vel neuronal Ă© necessĂĄria uma rede modular que permite a computação em simultĂąneo de vĂĄrias informaçÔes com diferentes nĂ­veis de complexidade.Animals use social and asocial information to take adaptive decisions that impact their fitness. The use of social information brings advantages as to escape a predator, to find a food source or to avoid fights with strongest individuals, only by the observation of conspecifics or their related products. Social learning occurs when individuals observe the behaviour of others, or its consequences, to modify their own behaviour. This behavioural strategy is highly conserved across taxa: the crickets, Nemobius sylvestris, adapt their predator-avoidance behaviour after having observed the behaviour of knowledgeable others, and they maintain these behavioural changes lastingly after demonstrators are gone; the foragers of honeybees, Apis mellifera, display a series of stereotypical motor behaviours which inform other foragers of the precise location of floral food. The neuronal mechanisms of social learning are not clearly understood, and they are in centre of debate in the field. Some authors hypothesized that the neural mechanisms of social learning are shared and others that social learning is a general domain present even in solitary species. The main goal of the present work is to clarify the mechanisms underlying social and asocial learning. This work subdivide in two experimental chapters: the chapter II, where we search for the neuronal circuits of reward observational conditioning with social or asocial stimuli; and the chapter III, in which the effectiveness of a chemical and a visual social stimulus are tested as unconditioned stimulus (US) in an aversive learning paradigm. In both chapters, an immediate early gene is used as a marker of neuronal activity: in chapter II using the expression of c-fos, by in-situ hybridization, to map the brain regions recruited in social and asocial learning; and in chapter III, the quantitative polymerase chain reaction (pPCR) was used in a candidate genes and brain regions approach. In chapter II, we demonstrated that social learning (SL) recruit different brain regions than asocial learning (AL): SL increased the expression of c-fos in olfactory bulbs, in ventral zone of ventral telencephalic area, in ventral habenula, in ventromedial thalamus and AL decreased the expression of c-fos in dorsal habenula and in anterior tubercular nucleus. Moreover, differential sets of brain regions appear associated to social and asocial learning after a functional connectivity analysis. In chapter III, we showed that the social visual cue, the sight of alarmed conspecifics, was not effective as an US; but social olfactory cue, the alarm substance, was highly efficient in aversive learning paradigm. Also, we identified the olfactory bulbs as an essential brain region to olfactory observational conditioning. A functional analysis of the cohesion and connectivity of the brain nuclei involved in olfactory processing were tuned to chemical observational conditioning. In sum, the present thesis elucidated the debate in the field on the mechanisms of social learning. This work clarified that at the behavioural level social learning proved to be a general domain, and at the neuronal level a modular network is needed to allow the computation, at the same time, of high amount information with different levels of complexity

    Animal minds: from computation to evolution.

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    notes: PMCID: PMC3427558types: Introductory Journal Article; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tCopyright © 2012 The Royal Society. Post print version deposited in accordance with SHERPA RoMEO guidelines. The definitive version is available at: http://rstb.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/367/1603/2670.longIn the great Darwinian struggle for existence, all animals must tackle the problems posed by variable environments, be it finding and processing food, recognizing and attracting potential mates, avoiding predators, outcompeting rivals or navigating back to nesting sites. Although the mental processes by which different species deal with such challenges are varied, all animals share the fundamental problem of having to cope with the sheer abundance of information in the environment, much of which is likely to be irrelevant to the task at hand.David Phillips Fellowship from the BBSRC (A.T.)The Human Frontiers Science Programme Organization (U.G.

    What can vigilance tell us about fear?

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    Animal vigilance is concerned with the monitoring of potential threats caused by predators and conspecifics. Researchers have argued that threats are part of a landscape of fear tracking the level of risk posed by predators and conspecifics. Vigilance, which is expected to vary with the level of risk, could thus be used as a measure of fear. Here, I explore the relationship between vigilance and fear caused by predators and conspecifics. The joint occurrence of vigilance and other physiological responses to fear, such as increased heart rate and stress hormone release, would bolster the idea that vigilance can be a useful marker of fear. While there is some support for a positive relationship between vigilance and physiological correlates of fear, a common theme in much of the empirical research is that vigilance and physiological correlates of fear are often uncoupled. Uncoupling can arise for several reasons. In particular, vigilance is not always a sensitive or specific marker of the internal state of vigilance. Vigilance might occur in animals who do not appear overtly vigilant or conversely an animal might appear vigilant without necessarily maintaining a state of vigilance. Animals in a fearful state might also be unable to allocate time to vigilance if they are too hungry. Vigilant animals might not show physiological responses associated with fear if they become desensitized to threats. For all these reasons, inferring fear from vigilance is fraught with ambiguity

    A sensory system for robots using evolutionary artificial neural networks.

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    The thesis presents the research involved with developing an Intelligent Vision System for an animat that can analyse a visual scene in uncontrolled environments. Inspiration was drawn both from Biological Visual Systems and Artificial Image Recognition Systems. Several Biological Systems including the Insect, Toad and Human Visual Systems were studied alongside popular Pattern Recognition Systems such as fully connected Feedforward Networks, Modular Neural Networks and the Neocognitron. The developed system, called the Distributed Neural Network (DNN) was based on the sensory-motor connections in the common toad, Bufo Bufo. The sparsely connected network architecture has features of modularity enhanced by the presence of lateral inhibitory connections. It was implemented using Evolutionary Artificial Neural Networks (EANN). A novel method called FUSION was used to train the DNN, which is an amalgamation of several concepts of learning in Artificial Neural Networks such as Unsupervised Learning, Supervised Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Competitive Learning, Self-organisation and Fuzzy Logic. The DNN has unique feature detecting capabilities. When the DNN was tested using images that comprised of combination of features used in the training set, the DNN was successful in recognising individual features. The combinations of features were never used in the training set. This is a unique feature of the DNN trained using Fusion that cannot be matched by any other popular ANN architecture or training method. The system proved to be robust in dealing with New and Noisy Images. The unique features of the DNN make the network suitable for applications in robotics such as obstacle avoidance and terrain recognition, where the environment is unpredictable. The network can also be used in the field of Medical Imaging, Biometrics (Face and Finger Print Recognition) and Quality Inspection in the Food Processing Industry and applications in other uncontrolled environments

    Annotated Bibliography: Anticipation

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    Embodied Cognition and Representation in Domesticated Dogs

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    Embodied cognition is a relatively recent approach in the philosophy of mind. Similarly, the volume of research into dog cognition has increased in the last decade and is set to keep on growing as we learn more about the animals with which we have associated for so long. This thesis argues that the principles of embodied cognition can be productively applied to the study of dogs. Adoption of these principles can improve experimental design and inform the conclusions that we draw from empirical data regarding dogs’ cognitive capacities and behaviour. This dissertation advocates for ethologically appropriate studies, designed for dogs rather than humans, a greater emphasis on the dynamic interplay between the dog, environment and humans, and fresh interpretations of the behaviour and cognitive skills that dogs demonstrate. Moreover, the models of embodied representation expounded in this thesis aid our understanding of dog behaviour and cognition and can enhance our approach to dog training. The thesis closes with a case for embodied representations as facilitators of rational actions in the domesticated dog

    Fatigue Detection for Ship OOWs Based on Input Data Features, from The Perspective of Comparison with Vehicle Drivers: A Review

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    Ninety percent of the world’s cargo is transported by sea, and the fatigue of ship officers of the watch (OOWs) contributes significantly to maritime accidents. The fatigue detection of ship OOWs is more difficult than that of vehicles drivers owing to an increase in the automation degree. In this study, research progress pertaining to fatigue detection in OOWs is comprehensively analysed based on a comparison with that in vehicle drivers. Fatigue detection techniques for OOWs are organised based on input sources, which include the physiological/behavioural features of OOWs, vehicle/ship features, and their comprehensive features. Prerequisites for detecting fatigue in OOWs are summarised. Subsequently, various input features applicable and existing applications to the fatigue detection of OOWs are proposed, and their limitations are analysed. The results show that the reliability of the acquired feature data is insufficient for detecting fatigue in OOWs, as well as a non-negligible invasive effect on OOWs. Hence, low-invasive physiological information pertaining to the OOWs, behaviour videos, and multisource feature data of ship characteristics should be used as inputs in future studies to realise quantitative, accurate, and real-time fatigue detections in OOWs on actual ships

    Genetic Factors Associated with Thermal Tolerance in Grow-finish Pigs as Measured by Feeding Behavior

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    The objectives of this study were: one, use electronic monitoring to determine feeding behavior patterns of grow-finish pigs throughout the year and to identify changes that occurred during heat stress events, and second, identify genetic markers associated with changes in feeding behavior due to heat stress. Pigs were placed in a grow-finish barn at approximately eight to ten weeks of age in 6 pens of 40 animals and monitored for 4-months. Gilts and barrows were from three different sire breeds, Duroc, Landrace, and Yorkshire. Each pen had one feeder, designed to feed 5 animals at a time. Feeders were fitted with an antenna and a multiplexer. Data were collected from antennas every 20 seconds. Outside temperature and humidity were obtained from a National Weather Station and used to calculate temperature humidity index (THI). Days in the study were partitioned into groups based on their maximum temperature humidity index (THI), where a THI less than 23.33°C was classified as “Normal”, a THI between 23.33°C and 26.11°C was classified as “Alert”, a THI between 26.11°C and 28.88°C was classified as “Danger”, and a THI greater than 28.88°C was classified as “Emergency”. Feeding behavioral differences among breeds and sex were observed across all THI categories. Landrace-sired pigs had fewer feeder visits compared to Duroc- and Yorkshire-sired pigs. Gilts had fewer feeder visits than barrows in all THI categories. A genome-wide association study for an animal’s change in feeding behavior between different THI categories was also conducted. Heritabilities for the difference in a pig’s feeder visits between each of the THI categories were low to moderate (0.136 to 0.406). Greater than 71% of genetic variation was explained by regions within eight chromosomes in the comparison between Danger and Emergency THI. Biological processes related to sensory perception and detection of chemical stimuli were over-represented in the set of genes located in these regions. Differences in feeding behavior patterns between THI categories demonstrate that heat stress affects sire breeds and sexes differently. Also genetic markers identified in this study may facilitate genetic selection for improved grow-finish performance during elevated ambient temperatures
