305 research outputs found

    Un plan de toma de decisiones basado en datos en función de las áreas de DigCompOrg en una escuela primaria en Grecia

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    Las tecnologías digitales son un elemento clave de gran importancia para las organizaciones educativas y pueden contribuir a marcar el camino hacia una educación de calidad. La integración de las tecnologías digitales exige un proceso de innovación educativa basado en tres pilares básicos: pedagógico, tecnológico y organizacional. En la propuesta de la Comisión Europea para promover la digitalización de la educación, se destaca que la competencia digital es una de las ocho claves que los gobiernos europeos deben trabajar en el ámbito de la formación competencias. Otro elemento básico e importante de las competencias clave son los modelos de evaluación de las competencias digitales. a nuevos y mejores métodos de evaluación. Los principales pilares de esta tesis son la evaluación de competencias digitales basada en DigCompOrg y el conjunto de los datos obtenidos para ser utilizados en un modelo de toma de decisones basada en datos (Data Driven Decision Making - DDDM) para la mejora escolar. El modelo DigCompOrg orienta los procesos de análisis y toma de decisiones sobre la digitalización organizacional y DDDM explota la importancia de los procesos de toma de decisiones apoyados en datos reales de la organización, en este caso orientados a que la escuela pueda abordar procesos de mejora educativa. Los datos en el contexto de las escuelas se entienden como el conjunto de información que se recopila y organiza para representar algún aspecto de las escuelas que se está estudiando y como indica el marco teórico de nuestra investigación, la mejor manera de recuperar información sobre datos que conciernen a las competencias digitales es el modelo DigCompOrg. Por las razones anteriores, el objetivo principal de esta investigación es evaluar la competencia digital de una escuela primaria en Grecia en función de las áreas de DigCompOrg y proponer un plan de toma de decisiones basado en datos (DDDM) para la mejora escolar a partir del análisis de evidencias del estado real. Hemos estudiado, pues, el caso específico de un centro para su mejora, pero también hemos sido capaces de integrar dos modelos teóricos (DigCompOrg y DDDM) en una propuesta práctica. Los objetivos de investigación se concretan en: a) Analizar el grado de desarrollo de la competencia digital de un colegio en Grecia según las áreas contempladas en el modelo DigCompOrg teniendo en cuenta la opinión de profesores y alumnos. b) Analizar cómo se afectan entre sí las variables del modelo DigCompOrg a partir del cuestionario de docentes, con el fin de tener una autoevaluación y mejora escolar. c) Diseñar un plan de toma de decisiones basado en un modelo DDDM y los resultados previos obtenidos sobre la competencia digital de la organización. El análisis de los resultados de la investigación destacó una correlación negativa moderada entre la influencia psicológica positiva por el uso de las TIC y la influencia negativa en la educación de los estudiantes por el uso de las TIC. Se ha comprobado una correlación positiva moderada entre la influencia psicológica positiva por el uso de las Las TIC y la cooperación con otros estudiantes mediante el uso de las TIC, lo que indica que el uso de las TIC mejoró el desarrollo psicológico de los estudiantes según su percepción y al mismo tiempo aumentó la cooperación entre ellos. Finalmente, esta tesis llegó a la propuesta de un plan de acción DDDM relacionado con las áreas DigCompOrg de la dimensión docente y extrajo datos para la mejora escolar.Digital technologies are a key element of great importance for educational organisations and can help lead the way towards quality education. The integration of digital technologies requires a process of educational innovation based on three basic pillars: pedagogical, technological and organisational. In the European Commission's proposal to promote the digitisation of education, digital competence is highlighted as one of the eight key competences that European governments should work on in the field of skills training. Another basic and important element of the key competences is the assessment models of digital competences. to new and better assessment methods. The main pillars of this thesis are the DigCompOrg-based assessment of digital competences and the collection of the obtained data to be used in a Data Driven Decision Making (DDDM) model for school improvement. The DigCompOrg model guides the analysis and decision-making processes on organisational digitalisation and DDDM exploits the importance of decision-making processes supported by real organisational data, in this case oriented towards school improvement processes. Data in the context of schools is understood as the set of information that is collected and organised to represent some aspect of the schools under study and as the theoretical framework of our research indicates, the best way to retrieve information on data concerning digital competences is the DigCompOrg model. For the above reasons, the main objective of this research is to assess the digital competence of a primary school in Greece in terms of the DigCompOrg areas and to propose a data-driven decision making (DDDM) plan for school improvement based on the analysis of real state evidence. We have therefore studied the specific case of a school for improvement, but we have also been able to integrate two theoretical models (DigCompOrg and DDDM) into a practical proposal. The research objectives are as follows: a) To analyse the degree of development of the digital competence of a school in Greece according to the areas covered by the DigCompOrg model taking into account the opinion of teachers and students. b) To analyse how the variables of the DigCompOrg model affect each other on the basis of the teachers' questionnaire, in order to have a self-evaluation and school improvement. c) To design a decision-making plan based on a DDDM model and the previous results obtained on the organisation's digital competence. The analysis of the research results highlighted a moderate negative correlation between the positive psychological influence of ICT use and the negative influence of ICT use on students' education. A moderate positive correlation was found between the positive psychological influence of ICT use and cooperation with other students through ICT use, which indicates that ICT use improved students' psychological development according to their perception and at the same time increased cooperation among them. Finally, this thesis came to the proposal of a DDDM action plan related to the DigCompOrg areas of the teaching dimension and extracted data for school improvement

    PSAP: Improving Accuracy of Students' Final Grade Prediction using ID3 and C4.5

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    This study was aimed to increase the performance of the Predicting Student Academic Performance (PSAP) system, and the outcome is to develop a web application that can be used to analyze student performance during present semester. Development of the web-based application was based on the evolutionary prototyping model. The study also analyses the accuracy of the classifier that is constructed for the prediction features in the web application. Qualitative approaches by user evaluation questionnaire were used for this study. A number of few personnel expert users which are lecturers from Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris were chosen as respondents. Each respondent is instructed to answer a total of 27 questions regarding respondent’s background and web application design. The accuracy of the classifier for the prediction features is tested by using the confusion matrix by using the test set of 24 rows. The findings showed the views of respondents on the aspects of interface design, functionality, navigation, and reliability of the web-based application that is developed. The result also showed that accuracy for the classifier constructed by using ID3 classification model (C4.5) is 79.18% and the highest compared to Naïve Bayes and Generalized Linear classification model

    Систем за подршку одлучивању, евалуацију и праћење стања пацијената оболелих од неуродегенеративних болести

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    Системи за подршку клиничком одлучивању представљају рачунарске алате који применом напредних технологија могу утицати на доношење одлука у вези са пацијентима. У овој дисертацији представљени су истраживање и развој новог система за подршку одлучивању, евалуацију и праћење стања пацијената оболелих од неуродегенеративних болести. Анализа клинички релевантних и свакодневних покрета чини основу овог система. Обрасци ових покрета снимљени су помоћу бежичних, носивих сензора малих димензија и тежине, који не захтевају компликовану поставку и могу се једноставно применити у било ком окружењу. Први део система намењен је (раном) препознавању Паркинсонове болести (ПБ) на основу анализе хода и алгоритама дубоког учења. Резултати су показали да је ПБ пацијенте могуће препознати са високом тачношћу. Други део система посвећен је праћењу симптома ПБ брадикинезије применом резоновања који се базира на знању. Представљена је метода за анализу покрета који се користе за евалуацију брадикинезије. Поред тога, применом различитих метода обраде сигнала развијена је нова метрика за квантификацију важних карактеристика ових покрета. Предикција степена развоја симптома се заснива на новом експертском систему који у потпуности објективизује клиничке евалуационе критеријуме. Валидација је урађена на примеру покрета тапкања прстију, који је снимљен на пацијенатима са типичним и атипичним паркинсонизимом. Показана је висока усаглашеност у поређењу са клиничким подацима. Развијени систем је објективан, аутоматизован, једноставно се користи, садржи интуитиван графички и параметарски приказ резултата и значајно доприноси унапређењу клиничких процедура за евалуацију и праћење стања пацијената са неуродегенеративним болестима.Clinical decision support system represents a computer-aided tool that utilizes advanced technologies for influencing clinical decisions about patients. This dissertation presents research and development of a new decision support system for the assessment of patients with neurodegenerative diseases. The analysis of movements that are part of standard clinical scales or everyday activities represents the basis of the system. These movements are recorded using small and lightweight wearable, wireless sensors, which do not require complicated setup and can be easily applied in any environment. The first part of system is dedicated to the (early) recognition of Parkinson’s disease (PD) based on gait analysis and deep learning algorithms. PD patients could be identified with a high accuracy. The other part of the system is dedicated to the assessment of PD symptoms, more specifically, bradykinesia, utilizing the knowledge-based reasoning. A method for analysis of bradykinesia related movements is defined and presented. Moreover, by applying different signal processing techniques, new metrics have been developed to quantify the essential characteristics of these movements. The prediction of symptom severity was performed using new expert system that completely objectified the clinical evaluation criteria. Validation was performed on the example of the finger-tapping movement of patients with typical and atypical parkinsonism. A high compliance rate was obtained compared to clinical data. The developed system is objective, automated, easy to use, contains an intuitive graphical and parametric presentation of results, and significantly contributes to the improvement of clinical assessment of patients with neurodegenerative diseases

    Measuring e-learning systems success

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    The education sector has been radically affected by developments in information technology. In the education arena, substantial funds have been invested in the systematic development of technology infrastructure. E-learning is believed to be the main platform for adopting and using new and more advanced IT in the education sector. However, measuring the success of e-learning systems is one of the key issues facing universities and educational institutions. Although considerable attention has been paid to the information systems success issue, there remain arguments about which factors are the most telling in measuring information system success. The issue of evaluation of the success of information systems generally, and e-learning systems in particular, has become more complicated due to the differing interests and needs of stakeholders. Different groups of stakeholders deal with e-learning systems in different ways - for instance, students, academic staff, ICT staff, management, and software developers. These stakeholders have substantially different objectives and often there are conflicts between their aims. This study proposes an evaluation methodology model to assess e-learning systems success. The model proposed is one which includes eight constructs: IT infrastructure services; system quality; information quality; service delivery quality; perceived usefulness; user satisfaction; customer value; and organisational value. A range of stakeholders such as students, academic staff, and ICT staff are considered in this model. Three instruments were designed to measure the perceptions of three different stakeholders towards e-learning system success. A quantitative study was conducted at University of Southern Queensland (USQ), with survey responses from 720 students who use the e-learning system, 110 academic staff members, and 22 ICT staff. The results confirm that the study model is valid and reliable to measure the success of e-learning systems from different points of view. Some of the relationships among the constructs in the study model were supported and some were not. The study contributed to the body of knowledge by providing a valid and reliable model to measure the success of e-learning systems. Moreover, this study contributes to the practitioners, recommending universities and educational institutions that develop and support e-learning systems

    Cooperative Forestry Research Unit Annual Report 2011

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    Cooperative forestry research unit annual repor

    Cooperative Forestry Research Unit Annual Report 2011

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    Cooperative forestry research unit annual repor

    Застосування дерев прийняття рішень для аналізу впливу неакадемічних чинників на початковий рівень знань студентів

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    The resumes submitted by candidates for educational program in information technology area are analyzed. Potential factors that may be included in the experiment are studied. Previous studies in this field have been examined. Factors that have mostly often been considered by authors of other studies have been identified. The problems that are mostly often solved by different Data Mining approaches are surveyed. The problems mostly often encountered by the authors of the research were distinguished. The current forecasting algorithms are determined not to consider all the information. Now, it is mostly only one-time tasks, which in most cases do not consider the student's progress in studying. Independent non-academic factors that are considered in the study are selected from the list of resumes. The descriptions of each factor are provided. These factors may have an impact on the success of applicants who begin training in software engineering programs and may be considered in the success prediction task. Based on this sample of factors and taking into account the results of passing the initial level of knowledge test, the different approaches of data mining for candidates' classification were considered. The decision trees algorithms used in the study are as follows: J48, LMT, Random Forest, and Random Tree. The cross-validation method was used to evaluate the classification accuracy. The attributes that were considered during the experiment were evaluated. A decision tree was generated to analyze the factors that have the most affect to the initial level of knowledge. The performance of the selected algorithms is compared. All the necessary results of the study are presented, as well as the result of the generated decision tree, which determines the most important factors. The main factor that has the greatest influence on the quality of passing the test to the initial level of knowledge has been experimentally proved. Other minor factors have been identified that also has influence on the results of the test. Some possibilities for further research are analyzed. Therefore, we should conclude that the education industry in information technology has a great perspective and has a huge potential for research.Проаналізовано резюме, що подали кандидати на навчальні курси в галузі інформаційних технологій. Проаналізовано потенційні фактори, що можуть бути включені до вибірки для проведення експерименту. З цього списку резюме вибрано незалежні неакадемічні фактори, які беруться до уваги в дослідженні. Ці фактори можуть мати вплив на успішність кандидатів, що розпочинають навчання на освітніх програмах із напряму інженерії програмного забезпечення, та можуть бути розглянуті у вирішенні задачі прогнозування успішності. На основі цієї вибірки факторів розглянуто методи інтелектуального аналізу даних для класифікації кандидатів, беручи за основу результати проходження тесту на виявлення початкового рівня знань. Під час експерименту використано алгоритми генерації дерев прийняття рішень. Алгоритми, які застосовувалися під час дослідження: J48, LMT, Random Forest, Random Tree. Для оцінки точності класифікації застосовували метод перехресної перевірки. Проведено оцінку атрибутів, що враховуються під час експерименту. Згенеровано дерево прийняття рішень для аналізу факторів, що впливають на початковий рівень знань. Здійснено порівняння вибраних алгоритмів за точністю та швидкодією. Експериментальним способом виявлено основний фактор, що має найбільший вплив на якість проходження тесту на початковий рівень знань. Виявлено другорядні фактори, що також мають вплив на проходження тесту

    Computer-based tools for supporting forest management. The experience and the expertise world-wide

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    Report of Cost Action FP 0804 Forest Management Decision Support Systems (FORSYS)Computer-based tools for supporting forest management. The experience and the expertise world-wide answers a call from both the research and the professional communities for a synthesis of current knowledge about the use of computerized tools in forest management planning. According to the aims of the Forest Management Decision Support Systems (FORSYS) (http://fp0804.emu.ee/) this synthesis is a critical success factor to develop a comprehensive quality reference for forest management decision support systems. The emphasis of the book is on identifying and assessing the support provided by computerized tools to enhance forest management planning in real-world contexts. The book thus identifies the management planning problems that prevail world-wide to discuss the architecture and the components of the tools used to address them. Of importance is the report of architecture approaches, models and methods, knowledge management and participatory planning techniques used to address specific management planning problems. We think that this synthesis may provide effective support to research and outreach activities that focus on the development of forest management decision support systems. It may contribute further to support forest managers when defining the requirements for a tool that best meets their needs. The first chapter of the book provides an introduction to the use of decision support systems in the forest sector and lays out the FORSYS framework for reporting the experience and expertise acquired in each country. Emphasis is on the FORSYS ontology to facilitate the sharing of experiences needed to characterize and evaluate the use of computerized tools when addressing forest management planning problems. The twenty six country reports share a structure designed to underline a problem-centric focus. Specifically, they all start with the identification of the management planning problems that are prevalent in the country and they move on to the characterization and assessment of the computerized tools used to address them. The reports were led by researchers with background and expertise in areas that range from ecological modeling to forest modeling, management planning and information and communication technology development. They benefited from the input provided by forest practitioners and by organizations that are responsible for developing and implementing forest management plans. A conclusions chapter highlights the success of bringing together such a wide range of disciplines and perspectives. This book benefited from voluntary contributions by 94 authors and from the involvement of several forest stakeholders from twenty six countries in Europe, North and South America, Africa and Asia over a three-year period. We, the chair of FORSYS and the editorial committee of the publication, acknowledge and thank for the valuable contributions from all authors, editors, stakeholders and FORSYS actors involved in this project

    Information systems/information technology success and evaluation : an evaluation framework and general practitioner model

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    The main goal for IS/IT projects is the successful and timely delivery which meetstheir planned performance and objectives. However, IS/IT projects frequently fail. Ithas been reported that, on average, IS systems are delivered one year behind schedule,only I% of projects finish on time and within budget. This highlights the need for amodel capable of determining the state of readiness of organisations prior to theirimplementation of an IS/IT project. This model should be able to show the way ofimproving organizational readiness to increase the likelihood of a successfulimplementation of such a project. In spite of the recognition of the main factors whichcan affect the success of IS/IT, tools do not exist that addresses those factors in anintegrated manner. The primary aim of this research is to produce a generalpractitioner measurement tool that assists organisations in identifying the readinessgap before the initiation of a new ISAT project, and suggests guidelines forimprovements.This research is also concerned with the establishment of an evaluation framework forISAT. This framework presents a measurement of the success of IS/IT projects at thebusiness level. Both the evaluation framework and the general practitioner modelwould help organizations to predict the level of success of IS/IT projects in meetingtheir business objectives.In order to achieve the aims and objectives of this research a thorough review ofprevious related literature from different disciplines was carried out in order to firstbuild the IS/IT evaluation framework. The literature covered fields such as IS/ITsuccess literature, organisational effectiveness, strategic planning, communicationthcories, marketing, maturity models and ISAT measurement. The framework wasthen verified and modified by an exploratory field work in nine organisations fromwhich the general practitioner model was established.To verify and test the model, qualitative non-experimental approach was conductedusing in-depth case studies in four different organisations utilising triangulation ofdata collection methods that uses observation, structured interviews, unstructuredinterviews, historical data collection, and document review