8 research outputs found

    MIMO Systems

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    In recent years, it was realized that the MIMO communication systems seems to be inevitable in accelerated evolution of high data rates applications due to their potential to dramatically increase the spectral efficiency and simultaneously sending individual information to the corresponding users in wireless systems. This book, intends to provide highlights of the current research topics in the field of MIMO system, to offer a snapshot of the recent advances and major issues faced today by the researchers in the MIMO related areas. The book is written by specialists working in universities and research centers all over the world to cover the fundamental principles and main advanced topics on high data rates wireless communications systems over MIMO channels. Moreover, the book has the advantage of providing a collection of applications that are completely independent and self-contained; thus, the interested reader can choose any chapter and skip to another without losing continuity

    Interference Suppression in Massive MIMO VLC Systems

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    The focus of this dissertation is on the development and evaluation of methods and principles to mitigate interference in multiuser visible light communication (VLC) systems using several transmitters. All components of such a massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system are considered and transformed into a communication system model, while also paying particular attention to the hardware requirements of different modulation schemes. By analyzing all steps in the communication process, the inter-channel interference between users is identified as the most critical aspect. Several methods of suppressing this kind of interference, i.e. to split the MIMO channel into parallel single channels, are discussed, and a novel active LCD-based interference suppression principle at the receiver side is introduced as main aspect of this work. This technique enables a dynamic adaption of the physical channel: compared to solely software-based or static approaches, the LCD interference suppression filter achieves adaptive channel separation without altering the characteristics of the transmitter lights. This is especially advantageous in dual-use scenarios with illumination requirements. Additionally, external interferers, like natural light or transmitter light sources of neighboring cells in a multicell setting, can also be suppressed without requiring any control over them. Each user's LCD filter is placed in front of the corresponding photodetector and configured in such a way that only light from desired transmitters can reach the detector by setting only the appropriate pixels to transparent, while light from unwanted transmitters remains blocked. The effectiveness of this method is tested and benchmarked against zero-forcing (ZF) precoding in different scenarios and applications by numerical simulations and also verified experimentally in a large MIMO VLC testbed created specifically for this purpose

    Joint bit allocation and precoding for filterbank transceivers in NOFDM systems

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    Recently, the non orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (NOFDM) systems have attracted increased interest. They have several advantages over traditional OFDM systems: higher bandwidth efficiency; reduced sensitivity to carrier frequency offsets, oscillator phase noise and narrowband interference; and reduced intersymbol/intercarrier interference (ISI/ICI). In particular, low ISI/ICI will be important for future systems where Doppler frequencies will be larger (equivalently, channel variations will be faster) due to higher carrier frequencies and higher mobile velocities. In the first part of this thesis the duality of multicarrier systems and Gabor frames is discussed and applied to the design of a generalized multicarrier system based on a filterbank structure. The efficient polyphase implementation is also discussed. In this thesis the channel capacity of a GMC systems is evaluated through the diagonalization of an equivalent matrix model where intersymbol and intercarrier interferences have been included. Exploiting the majorization theory, the mutual information can be represented as a Schur-concave function and it is maximized through a joint transceiver design adding a linear precoder at the transmitter and a LMMSE equalizer at the receiver. The capacity is derived by the eigenvalue decomposition of the global system matrix including the noise colored by the receiver filtering and employing a power allocation of the transmitted power according to the well-known water-filling solution. This thesis investigates also the behaviour of the NOFDM systems when a power and bit allocation algorithm (like the Campello one) is employed in order to satisfy a certain QoS constrain. A comparison of the performances with OFDM systems is included. Finally a simple application of the cognitive radio paradigm employing filterbankbased multicarrier systems is developed and some interesting results are showed

    Low-Complexity Algorithms for Channel Estimation in Optimised Pilot-Assisted Wireless OFDM Systems

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    Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) has recently become a dominant transmission technology considered for the next generation fixed and mobile broadband wireless communication systems. OFDM has an advantage of lessening the severe effects of the frequency-selective (multipath) fading due to the band splitting into relatively flat fading subchannels, and allows for low-complexity transceiver implementation based on the fast Fourier transform algorithms. Combining OFDM modulation with multilevel frequency-domain symbol mapping (e.g., QAM) and spatial multiplexing (SM) over the multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channels, can theoretically achieve near Shannon capacity of the communication link. However, the high-rate and spectrumefficient system implementation requires coherent detection at the receiving end that is possible only when accurate channel state information (CSI) is available. Since in practice, the response of the wireless channel is unknown and is subject to random variation with time, the receiver typically employs a channel estimator for CSI acquisition. The channel response information retrieved by the estimator is then used by the data detector and can also be fed back to the transmitter by means of in-band or out-of-band signalling, so the latter could adapt power loading, modulation and coding parameters according to the channel conditions. Thus, design of an accurate and robust channel estimator is a crucial requirement for reliable communication through the channel, which is selective in time and frequency. In a MIMO configuration, a separate channel estimator has to be associated with each transmit/receive antenna pair, making the estimation algorithm complexity a primary concern. Pilot-assisted methods, relying on the insertion of reference symbols in certain frequencies and time slots, have been found attractive for identification of the doubly-selective radio channels from both the complexity and performance standpoint. In this dissertation, a family of the reduced-complexity estimators for the single and multiple-antenna OFDM systems is developed. The estimators are based on the transform-domain processing and have the same order of computational complexity, irrespective of the number of pilot subcarriers and their positioning. The common estimator structure represents a cascade of successive small-dimension filtering modules. The number of modules, as well as their order inside the cascade, is determined by the class of the estimator (one or two-dimensional) and availability of the channel statistics (correlation and signal-to-noise power ratio). For fine precision estimation in the multipath channels with statistics not known a priori, we propose recursive design of the filtering modules. Simulation results show that in the steady state, performance of the recursive estimators approaches that of their theoretical counterparts, which are optimal in the minimum mean square error (MMSE) sense. In contrast to the majority of the channel estimators developed so far, our modular-type architectures are suitable for the reconfigurable OFDM transceivers where the actual channel conditions influence the decision of what class of filtering algorithm to use, and how to allot pilot subcarrier positions in the band. In the pilot-assisted transmissions, channel estimation and detection are performed separately from each other over the distinct subcarrier sets. The estimator output is used only to construct the detector transform, but not as the detector input. Since performance of both channel estimation and detection depends on the signal-to-noise power vi ratio (SNR) at the corresponding subcarriers, there is a dilemma of the optimal power allocation between the data and the pilot symbols as these are conflicting requirements under the total transmit power constraint. The problem is exacerbated by the variety of channel estimators. Each kind of estimation algorithm is characterised by its own SNR gain, which in general can vary depending on the channel correlation. In this dissertation, we optimise pilot-data power allocation for the case of developed low-complexity one and two-dimensional MMSE channel estimators. The resultant contribution is manifested by the closed-form analytical expressions of the upper bound (suboptimal approximate value) on the optimal pilot-to-data power ratio (PDR) as a function of a number of design parameters (number of subcarriers, number of pilots, number of transmit antennas, effective order of the channel model, maximum Doppler shift, SNR, etc.). The resultant PDR equations can be applied to the MIMO-OFDM systems with arbitrary arrangement of the pilot subcarriers, operating in an arbitrary multipath fading channel. These properties and relatively simple functional representation of the derived analytical PDR expressions are designated to alleviate the challenging task of on-the-fly optimisation of the adaptive SM-MIMO-OFDM system, which is capable of adjusting transmit signal configuration (e.g., block length, number of pilot subcarriers or antennas) according to the established channel conditions

    Spectrally efficient FDM communication signals and transceivers: design, mathematical modelling and system optimization

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    This thesis addresses theoretical, mathematical modelling and design issues of Spectrally Efficient FDM (SEFDM) systems. SEFDM systems propose bandwidth savings when compared to Orthogonal FDM (OFDM) systems by multiplexing multiple non-orthogonal overlapping carriers. Nevertheless, the deliberate collapse of orthogonality poses significant challenges on the SEFDM system in terms of performance and complexity, both issues are addressed in this work. This thesis first investigates the mathematical properties of the SEFDM system and reveals the links between the system conditioning and its main parameters through closed form formulas derived for the Intercarrier Interference (ICI) and the system generating matrices. A rigorous and efficient mathematical framework, to represent non-orthogonal signals using Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT) blocks, is proposed. This is subsequently used to design simple SEFDM transmitters and to realize a new Matched Filter (MF) based demodulator using the Discrete Fourier Transforms (DFT), thereby substantially simplifying the transmitter and demodulator design and localizing complexity at detection stage with no premium at performance. Operation is confirmed through the derivation and numerical verification of optimal detectors in the form of Maximum Likelihood (ML) and Sphere Decoder (SD). Moreover, two new linear detectors that address the ill conditioning of the system are proposed: the first based on the Truncated Singular Value Decomposition (TSVD) and the second accounts for selected ICI terms and termed Selective Equalization (SelE). Numerical investigations show that both detectors substantially outperform existing linear detection techniques. Furthermore, the use of the Fixed Complexity Sphere Decoder (FSD) is proposed to further improve performance and avoid the variable complexity of the SD. Ultimately, a newly designed combined FSD-TSVD detector is proposed and shown to provide near optimal error performance for bandwidth savings of 20% with reduced and fixed complexity. The thesis also addresses some practical considerations of the SEFDM systems. In particular, mathematical and numerical investigations have shown that the SEFDM signal is prone to high Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR) that can lead to significant performance degradations. Investigations of PAPR control lead to the proposal of a new technique, termed SLiding Window (SLW), utilizing the SEFDM signal structure which shows superior efficacy in PAPR control over conventional techniques with lower complexity. The thesis also addresses the performance of the SEFDM system in multipath fading channels confirming favourable performance and practicability of implementation. In particular, a new Partial Channel Estimator (PCE) that provides better estimation accuracy is proposed. Furthermore, several low complexity linear and iterative joint channel equalizers and symbol detectors are investigated in fading channels conditions with the FSD-TSVD joint equalization and detection with PCE obtained channel estimate facilitating near optimum error performance, close to that of OFDM for bandwidth savings of 25%. Finally, investigations of the precoding of the SEFDM signal demonstrate a potential for complexity reduction and performance improvement. Overall, this thesis provides the theoretical basis from which practical designs are derived to pave the way to the first practical realization of SEFDM systems

    Discrete Time Systems

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    Discrete-Time Systems comprehend an important and broad research field. The consolidation of digital-based computational means in the present, pushes a technological tool into the field with a tremendous impact in areas like Control, Signal Processing, Communications, System Modelling and related Applications. This book attempts to give a scope in the wide area of Discrete-Time Systems. Their contents are grouped conveniently in sections according to significant areas, namely Filtering, Fixed and Adaptive Control Systems, Stability Problems and Miscellaneous Applications. We think that the contribution of the book enlarges the field of the Discrete-Time Systems with signification in the present state-of-the-art. Despite the vertiginous advance in the field, we also believe that the topics described here allow us also to look through some main tendencies in the next years in the research area