9 research outputs found

    ChemCalc: a building block for tomorrow’s chemical infrastructure

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    Web services, as an aspect of cloud computing, are becoming an important part of the general IT infrastructure, and scientific computing is no exception to this trend. We propose a simple approach to develop chemical web services, through which servers could expose the essential data manipulation functionality that students and researchers need for chemical calculations. These services return their results as JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) objects, which facilitates their use for web applications. The ChemCalc project demonstrates this approach: we present 3 web services related with mass spectrometry, namely isotopic distribution simulation, peptide fragmentation simulation and molecular formula determination. We also developed a complete web application based on these 3 web services, taking advantage of modern HTML5 and JavaScript libraries (ChemDoodle and jQuery)

    The Chemistry Development Kit (CDK) v2.0: atom typing, depiction, molecular formulas, and substructure searching

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    open access articleBackground: The Chemistry Development Kit (CDK) is a widely used open source cheminformatics toolkit, providing data structures to represent chemical concepts along with methods to manipulate such structures and perform computations on them. The library implements a wide variety of cheminformatics algorithms ranging from chemical structure canonicalization to molecular descriptor calculations and pharmacophore perception. It is used in drug discovery, metabolomics, and toxicology. Over the last 10 years, the code base has grown significantly, however, resulting in many complex interdependencies among components and poor performance of many algorithms. Results: We report improvements to the CDK v2.0 since the v1.2 release series, specifically addressing the increased functional complexity and poor performance. We first summarize the addition of new functionality, such atom typing and molecular formula handling, and improvement to existing functionality that has led to significantly better performance for substructure searching, molecular fingerprints, and rendering of molecules. Second, we outline how the CDK has evolved with respect to quality control and the approaches we have adopted to ensure stability, including a code review mechanism. Conclusions: This paper highlights our continued efforts to provide a community driven, open source cheminformatics library, and shows that such collaborative projects can thrive over extended periods of time, resulting in a high-quality and performant library. By taking advantage of community support and contributions, we show that an open source cheminformatics project can act as a peer reviewed publishing platform for scientific computing software

    DECOMP - from interpreting mass spectrometry peaks to solving the money changing problem

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    Boecker S, Lipták Z, Martin M, Pervukhin A, Sudek H. DECOMP - from interpreting mass spectrometry peaks to solving the money changing problem. BIOINFORMATICS. 2008;24(4):591-593.We introduce DECOMP a tool that computes the sum formula of all molecules whose mass equals the input mass. This problem arises frequently in biochemistry and mass spectrometry (MS), when we know the molecular mass of a protein, DNA or metabolite fragment but have no other information. A closely related problem is known as the Money Changing Problem (MCP), where all masses are positive integers. Recently, efficient algorithms have been developed for the MCP, in which DECOMP applies to real-valued MS data. The excellent performance of this method on proteomic and metabolomic MS data has recently been demonstrated. DECOMP has an easy-to-use graphical interface, which caters for both types of users: those interested in solving MCP instances and those submitting MS data

    The metaRbolomics Toolbox in Bioconductor and beyond

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    Metabolomics aims to measure and characterise the complex composition of metabolites in a biological system. Metabolomics studies involve sophisticated analytical techniques such as mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and generate large amounts of high-dimensional and complex experimental data. Open source processing and analysis tools are of major interest in light of innovative, open and reproducible science. The scientific community has developed a wide range of open source software, providing freely available advanced processing and analysis approaches. The programming and statistics environment R has emerged as one of the most popular environments to process and analyse Metabolomics datasets. A major benefit of such an environment is the possibility of connecting different tools into more complex workflows. Combining reusable data processing R scripts with the experimental data thus allows for open, reproducible research. This review provides an extensive overview of existing packages in R for different steps in a typical computational metabolomics workflow, including data processing, biostatistics, metabolite annotation and identification, and biochemical network and pathway analysis. Multifunctional workflows, possible user interfaces and integration into workflow management systems are also reviewed. In total, this review summarises more than two hundred metabolomics specific packages primarily available on CRAN, Bioconductor and GitHub

    Novel methods for the analysis of small molecule fragmentation mass spectra

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    The identification of small molecules, such as metabolites, in a high throughput manner plays an important in many research areas. Mass spectrometry (MS) is one of the predominant analysis technologies and is much more sensitive than nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Fragmentation of the molecules is used to obtain information beyond its mass. Gas chromatography-MS is one of the oldest and most widespread techniques for the analysis of small molecules. Commonly, the molecule is fragmented using electron ionization (EI). Using this technique, the molecular ion peak is often barely visible in the mass spectrum or even absent. We present a method to calculate fragmentation trees from high mass accuracy EI spectra, which annotate the peaks in the mass spectrum with molecular formulas of fragments and explain relevant fragmentation pathways. Fragmentation trees enable the identification of the molecular ion and its molecular formula if the molecular ion is present in the spectrum. The method works even if the molecular ion is of very low abundance. MS experts confirm that the calculated trees correspond very well to known fragmentation mechanisms.Using pairwise local alignments of fragmentation trees, structural and chemical similarities to already-known molecules can be determined. In order to compare a fragmentation tree of an unknown metabolite to a huge database of fragmentation trees, fast algorithms for solving the tree alignment problem are required. Unfortunately the alignment of unordered trees, such as fragmentation trees, is NP-hard. We present three exact algorithms for the problem. Evaluation of our methods showed that thousands of alignments can be computed in a matter of minutes. Both the computation and the comparison of fragmentation trees are rule-free approaches that require no chemical knowledge about the unknown molecule and thus will be very helpful in the automated analysis of metabolites that are not included in common libraries

    Bayesian methods for small molecule identification

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    Confident identification of small molecules remains a major challenge in untargeted metabolomics, natural product research and related fields. Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry is a predominant technique for the high-throughput analysis of small molecules and can detect thousands of different compounds in a biological sample. The automated interpretation of the resulting tandem mass spectra is highly non-trivial and many studies are limited to re-discovering known compounds by searching mass spectra in spectral reference libraries. But these libraries are vastly incomplete and a large portion of measured compounds remains unidentified. This constitutes a major bottleneck in the comprehensive, high-throughput analysis of metabolomics data. In this thesis, we present two computational methods that address different steps in the identification process of small molecules from tandem mass spectra. ZODIAC is a novel method for de novo that is, database-independent molecular formula annotation in complete datasets. It exploits similarities of compounds co-occurring in a sample to find the most likely molecular formula for each individual compound. ZODIAC improves on the currently best-performing method SIRIUS; on one dataset by 16.5 fold. We show that de novo molecular formula annotation is not just a theoretical advantage: We discover multiple novel molecular formulas absent from PubChem, one of the biggest structure databases. Furthermore, we introduce a novel scoring for CSI:FingerID, a state-of-the-art method for searching tandem mass spectra in a structure database. This scoring models dependencies between different molecular properties in a predicted molecular fingerprint via Bayesian networks. This problem has the unusual property, that the marginal probabilities differ for each predicted query fingerprint. Thus, we need to apply Bayesian networks in a novel, non-standard fashion. Modeling dependencies improves on the currently best scoring

    Molecular Formula Identification using High Resolution Mass Spectrometry: Algorithms and Applications in Metabolomics and Proteomics

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    Wir untersuchen mehrere theoretische und praktische Aspekte der Identifikation der Summenformel von Biomolekülen mit Hilfe von hochauflösender Massenspektrometrie. Durch die letzten Forschritte in der Instrumentation ist die Massenspektrometrie (MS) zur einen der Schlüsseltechnologien für die Analyse von Biomolekülen in der Proteomik und Metabolomik geworden. Sie misst die Massen der Moleküle in der Probe mit hoher Genauigkeit, und ist für die Messdatenerfassung im Hochdurchsatz gut geeignet. Eine der Kernaufgaben in der MS-basierten Proteomik und Metabolomik ist die Identifikation der Moleküle in der Probe. In der Metabolomik unterliegen Metaboliten der Strukturaufklärung, beginnend bei der Summenformel eines Moleküls, d.h. der Anzahl der Atome jedes Elements. Dies ist der entscheidende Schritt in der Identifikation eines unbekannten Metabolits, da die festgelegte Formel die Anzahl der möglichen Molekülstrukturen auf eine viel kleinere Menge reduziert, die mit Methoden der automatischen Strukturaufklärung weiter analysiert werden kann. Nach der Vorverarbeitung ist die Ausgabe eines Massenspektrometers eine Liste von Peaks, die den Molekülmassen und deren Intensitäten, d.h. der Anzahl der Moleküle mit einer bestimmten Masse, entspricht. Im Prinzip können die Summenformel kleiner Moleküle nur mit präzisen Massen identifiziert werden. Allerdings wurde festgestellt, dass aufgrund der hohen Anzahl der chemisch legitimer Formeln in oberen Massenbereich eine exzellente Massengenaugkeit alleine für die Identifikation nicht genügt. Hochauflösende MS erlaubt die Bestimmung der Molekülmassen und Intensitäten mit hervorragender Genauigkeit. In dieser Arbeit entwickeln wir mehrere Algorithmen und Anwendungen, die diese Information zur Identifikation der Summenformel der Biomolekülen anwenden

    Computational methods for small molecule identification

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    Identification of small molecules remains a central question in analytical chemistry, in particular for natural product research, metabolomics, environmental research, and biomarker discovery. Mass spectrometry is the predominant technique for high-throughput analysis of small molecules. But it reveals only information about the mass of molecules and, by using tandem mass spectrometry, about the mass of molecular fragments. Automated interpretation of mass spectra is often limited to searching in spectral libraries, such that we can only dereplicate molecules for which we have already recorded reference mass spectra. In this thesis we present methods for answering two central questions: What is the molecular formula of the measured ion and what is its molecular structure? SIRIUS is a combinatorial optimization method for annotating a spectrum and identifying the ion's molecular formula by computing hypothetical fragmentation trees. We present a new scoring for computing fragmentation trees, transforming the combinatorial optimization into a maximum a posteriori estimator. This allows us to learn parameters and hyperparameters of the scoring directly from data. We demonstrate that the statistical model, which was fitted on a small dataset, generalises well across many different datasets and mass spectrometry instruments. In addition to tandem mass spectra, isotope pattern can be used for identifying the molecular formula of the precursor ion. We present a novel scoring for comparing isotope patterns based on maximum likelihood. We describe how to integrate the isotope pattern analysis into the fragmentation tree optimisation problem to analyse data were fragment peaks and isotope peaks occur within the same spectrum. We demonstrate that the new scorings significantly improves on the task of molecular formula assignment. We evaluate SIRIUS on several datasets and show that it outperforms all other methods for molecular formula annotation by a large margin. We also present CSI:FingerID, a method for predicting a molecular fingerprint from a tandem mass spectrum using kernel support vector machines. The predicted fingerprint can be searched in a structure database to identify the molecular structure. CSI:FingerID is based on FingerID, that uses probability product kernels on mass spectra for this task. We describe several novel kernels for comparing fragmentation trees instead of spectra. These kernels are combined using multiple kernel learning. We present a new scoring based on posterior probabilities and extend the method to use additional molecular fingerprints. We demonstrate on several datasets that CSI:FingerID identifies more molecules than its predecessor FingerID and outperforms all other methods for this task. We analyse how each of the methodological improvements of CSI:FingerID contributes to its identification performance and make suggestions for future improvements of the method. Both methods, SIRIUS and CSI:FingerID, are available as commandline tool and as user interface. The molecular fingerprint prediction is implemented as web service and receives over one million requests per month.Die Identifizierung kleiner Moleküle ist eine zentrale Fragestellung der analytischen Chemie, insbesondere in der Naturwirkstoffforschung, der Metabolomik, der Ökologie und Umweltforschung sowie in der Entwicklung neuer Diagnoseverfahren mittels Biomarker. Massenspektrometrie ist die vorherrschende Technik für Hochdurchsatzanalysen kleiner Moleküle. Aber sie liefert nur Informationen über die Masse der gemessenen Moleküle und, mittels Tandem-Massenspektrometrie, über die Massen der gemessenen Fragmente. Die automatisierte Auswertung von Massenspektren beschränkt sich oft auf die Suche in Spektrendatenbanken, so dass nur Moleküle derepliziert werden können, die bereits in einer solchen Datenbank gemessen wurden. In dieser Dissertation präsentieren wir zwei Methoden zur Beantwortung zweier zentraler Fragen: Was ist die Molekülformel eines gemessenen Ions? Und was ist seine Molekülstruktur? SIRIUS ist eine Methode der kombinatorischen Optimierung für die Annotation von Massenspektren und der Identifikation der Molekülformel. Dazu berechnet sie hypothetische Fragmentierungsbäume. Wir stellen ein neues Scoring Modell für die Berechnung von Fragmentierungsbäumen vor, welches die kombinatorische Optimierung als einen Maximum-a-posteriori-Schätzer auffasst. Dieses Modell ermöglicht es uns, Parameter und Hyperparameter des Scorings direkt aus den Daten abzuschätzen. Wir zeigen, dass dieses statistische Modell, dessen (Hyper)Parameter auf einem kleinen Datensatz geschätzt wurden, allgemeingültig für viele Datensätze und sogar für verschiedene Massenspektrometriegeräte ist. Neben Tandem-Massenspektren lassen sich auch Isotopenmuster zur Molekülformelidentifizierung des Ions verwenden. Wir stellen ein neuartiges Scoring für den Vergleich von Isotopenmustern vor, welches auf Maximum Likelihood basiert. Wir beschreiben, wie die Isotopenmusteranalyse in das Optimierungsproblem für Fragmentierungsbäume integriert werden kann, so dass sich auch Daten analysieren lassen, in denen Fragmente und Isotopenmuster im selben Massenspektrum gemessen werden. Wir zeigen, dass das neue Scoring die korrekte Zuweisung der Molekülformeln signifikant verbessert. Wir evaluieren SIRIUS auf einer Vielzahl von Datensätzen und zeigen, dass die Methode deutlich besser funktioniert als alle anderen Methoden für die Identifikation von Molekülformeln. Wir stellen außerdem CSI:FingerID vor, eine Methode, die Kernel Support Vector Maschinen zur Vorhersage von molekularen Fingerabdrücken aus Tandem-Massenspektren nutzt. Vorhergesagte molekulare Fingerabdrücke können in Strukturdatenbanken gesucht werden, um die genaue Molekülstruktur aufzuklären. CSI:FingerID basiert auf FingerID, welches Wahrscheinlichkeitsprodukt-Kernels für diese Aufgabe benutzt. Wir beschreiben etliche neue Kernels, zum Vergleich von Fragmentierungsbäumen anstelle von Massenspektren. Diese Kernels werden mittels Multiple Kernel Learning zu einem Kernel kombiniert. Wir stellen ein neues Scoring vor, welches auf A-posteriori-Wahrscheinlichkeiten basiert. Außerdem erweitern wir die Methode, so dass sie zusätzliche molekulare Fingerabdrücke verwendet. Wir zeigen auf verschiedenen Testdatensätzen, dass CSI:FingerID mehr Molekülstrukturen identifizieren kann als der Vorgänger FingerID, und damit auch alle anderen Methoden für diese Anwendung übertrifft. Wir werten aus, wie die verschiedenen methodischen Erweiterung zur Identifikationsrate von CSI:FingerID beitragen und machen Vorschläge für künftige Verbesserungen der Methode. Beide Methoden, SIRIUS und CSI:FingerID, sind als Kommandozeilenprogramm und als Benutzeroberfläche verfügbar. Die Vorhersage molekularer Fingerabdrücke ist als Webservice implementiert, der über eine Millionen Anfragen pro Monat erhält