208,780 research outputs found

    What is Othello’s Secret?

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    Explicitly written from the perspective of a second-generation British Cypriot, this article examines the relevance of Shakespeare’s Othello to the modern troubles of Cyprus. Drawing on the recurrent imperialist and nationalist struggles to control Cyprus, in Shakespeare’s day and our own, the article explains how the author’s upcoming book, Othello’s Secret: The Cyprus Problem, radically reinterprets the domestic and military tensions of Othello as precursors to the island’s more recent wars and divisions. Insight into the way an English writer in the early modern period understood Cyprus can contribute to the way scholars in the British academy understand the bard both in his context and in ours. Consequently, the article challenges the conventional Anglophone scholarly focus on Venice, highlighting a surprising academic blindspot given Britain’s historical and ongoing colonial presence on Cyprus. In so doing, it reframes Othello as a play about Cyprus, offering a more personal account of how research on Shakespeare can purposefully contribute to geopolitical debates


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    The North Cyprus Conference Sector: Establishing a Competitive Advantage

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    North Cyprus had recently positioned itself as a conference destination. Given external and internal factors such as political isolation and the over dependency on casino tourism, policymakers have recognised the importance of the conference sector in creating sustainable growth for North Cyprus’s tourism driven economy. Increasingly, Turkish conference organisers are choosing North Cyprus as a destination to host conferences. As such, Turkish conference organisers were questioned via an internet based questionnaire to determine attributes considered important within the conference destination selection process. An Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) was performed, the findings identified that North Cyprus was perceived as a high performer with reference to; ease of accessibility, distance of destination, conference venue and accommodation price, safety and security, climate, hospitality, quality, quantity and availability of hotel rooms. However, in relation to North Cyprus, a unique application of IPA identified macro- and micro-destination attributes that North Cyprus should improve on; transportation within destination, availability of technological resources, the range of conference venues, conference staff training, destinations marketing activities and quality of local restaurants. The findings provided implications for destination managers in terms of branding, as well as conference venue and accommodation providers in terms of targeting conference organisers more effectively and promoting North Cyprus to conference sector stakeholders

    "Re-engineering Cyprus" : information technologies and transformation processes in the Republic of Cyprus

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    By most Western Europeans Cyprus is probably perceived as a tourist resort rather than a technologically highly developed country. Interested German visitors are informed by the travel brochure published by the Republic of Cyprus' tourist office that "in the villages old customs and traditions still exist" (Zypern. 9000 Jahre Geschichte und Kultur 1997, 11). Pictures of places of antiquity, churches, monasteries, fortresses, archaic villages and of people engaged in agricultural work and crafts convey the image of a traditional Mediterranean society. However, the Republic of Cyprus is a rapidly modernising country. It has developed recently "from a poor agrarian into a high-income service economy" (Christodoulou 1995, 11) and "radical transformation processes" are observed (cf. ibid., 18). The forthcoming accession to the European Union additionally accelerates the pace of these transformation processes. Due to its position on the extreme rim of Europe in the Eastern Mediterranean region at the crossroads of three continents, the island is perceived both as marginal (cf. Pace 1999) and as a link between Europe and the Asian and African continents (cf. Kasoulides 1999). Cyprus is conceptualised for the future as a centre and intersection: as regional hub of the modern capital market, as communications and trade centre in the Eastern Mediterranean, as "telecommunications hub for the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East region", as "international services centre". The Republic of Cyprus has a highly developed telecommunications infrastructure, which is the basic prerequisite for the conversion into such a centre and is one of the most important factors for the economic competitiveness of Cyprus. The global nature of communication platforms today, especially the Internet, is regarded as the key to the integration of Cyprus into the world economy. By implementing information technologies and promoting necessary expertise, economic progress and modernisation of the country as well as its global competitiveness is assumed to be guaranteed. Investments in the information technology infrastructure are regarded as essential for the development of Cyprus, fostering the implementation of the information society. This aim and the necessary implementation measures feature increasingly on the agendas of scientific and economic conferences and symposia in Cyprus

    Canine tick-borne pathogens in Cyprus and a unique canine case of multiple co-infections

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    Canine tick-borne pathogens such as Ehrlichia canis and Hepatozoon canis are widespread in the Mediterranean basin but have never been reported or investigated in Cyprus. We describe herein the presence of canine tick-borne pathogens in three dogs with clinical signs compatible with vector-borne diseases from Paphos area of Cyprus. Molecular and phylogenetic analysis revealed the presence of E. canis, Anaplasma platys, H. canis, Babesia vogeli and Mycoplasma haemocanis in Cyprus. One dog co-infected with E. canis, H. canis, B. vogeli and M. haemocanis is, to the best of our knowledge, the first report of this multiple co-infection in dogs. The tick-borne pathogens reported in the current study should be considered in the differential diagnoses in dogs exposed to ticks in Cyprus

    Pragmatism in John Henry Cardinal Newman

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    Approved, A.K. Rogers, J.W. HudsonTypescriptM.A. University of Missouri 1913The purpose of this essay is to discuss the pragmatic implications of Newman's Philosophy. We propose to deal first with the point of antagonism found for Newman and the Pragmatists in 'Rationalism'; second, to analyze the grounds for the revolt; third, to discuss Newman's relation to the Pragmatic test of truth, using his 'Development of Doctrine' as the basis for our comparison; fourth, to discuss Newman's theory of belief and the Pragmatic 'Will to believe'; fifth, to analyze and define this faith relation and discuss the identity of the two doctrines; sixth, we shall give a general discussion, dealing with the 'Illative Sense' and the relation of Newman and James in their doctrines of 'certitude'.Includes bibliographical reference

    The European Union and the Cyprus problem: a story of limited impetus

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    This article discusses the role of the European Union (EU) in the Cyprus problem before and after accession in 2004. It is argued that, before 2004, Brussels provided limited incentives to the Greek Cypriots to contribute to resolution but, on the other hand, triggered a pro-solution/ EU trend amongst the Turkish Cypriots. On the contrary, in the post-accession era, the EU’s aptitude to contribute to a solution has further decreased: Greek Cypriots remain with inadequate EU-induced motivation to pursue resolution, while the pro-solution/ EU feelings of the Turkish Cypriots have receded, also due to Brussels’ failure to fulfill their expectations. While most of the literature on Cyprus has focused on the pre-accession period, the article offers a much needed insight into the EU’s role before and after Cyprus’ EU entry. The article draws on a variety of data, including a series of elite interviews conducted in Belgium and Cyprus

    Cyprus-EU Relations: Possible Scenarios For The Future

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    Cyprus Problem is being discussed from a different perspective since the application of South Cyprus for full membership to the European Union. Today the problem came to a turning point where the efforts for solving the problem would end up at a point where the division of the island becomes permanent. The study first evaluates the relations between Cyprus and the Union. Then it examines the application of GCA to the EU, the reasons for application, Turkish Cypriot’s response to the application and possible future scenarios that are likely to take place. It is concluded that the acceptance of Cyprus to the Union in its current state is a highly possible scenario and this would lead to the permanent division of the island.Cyprus problem; EU; Turkish Cyprus; GCA

    Incipient Continent-Continent Collision between the Eratosthenes Seamount and Cyprus / Eastern Mediterranean

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    Earth processes related to incipient continent-continent collision have been studied via the example of Cyprus and the Eratosthenes Seamount in the eastern Mediterranean. Subduction of the African plate beneath the Cyprus-Anatolian plate continued until the seamount, and perhaps a predecessor, the Hecataeus Rise, approached the Cyprus arc trench. The following transition from subduction to collision triggered a series of synchronous deformations across the collision zone between Africa-Sinai-Arabia and Eurasia-Anatolia, including the entire eastern Mediterranean region. This fundamental Earth process has been studied during research cruise MSM14/3 with RV Maria S. Merian in spring 2010. 39 MCS-profiles of more than 2300 km entire length, more than 3000 km magnetic and sediment echosounder data, and about 4000 km of gravity data have been recorded. Four wide-angle reflection/refraction profiles across the seamount were measured with up to 34 OBS deployments along each profile. 10 ocean-bottommagnetotelluric stations were deployed along one of these profiles that connects the seamount with the Hecataeus Rise. One 650 km long amphibian refraction profile strikes across the seamount, Cyprus and southern Turkey. Of the 250 land stations, 200 were deployed in southern Turkey and 50 in Cyprus. A first analysis of the collected data led to the following hypothesis about the interrelation of observed processes: Continent-continent collision caused a compressional regime in the crustal lithosphere, which resulted in the flexure (of the Eratosthenes Seamount), uplift (of Cyprus and Turkey) and accordingly an increased tilt of the facing slopes. The collision reactivated Mesozoic fault lineaments in the Levantine Basin like the Baltim-Hecataeus-Line and created the Hecataeus Rise. Shortening in the non-consolidated Messinian to Holocene sediment succession between the seamount and Cyprus resulted in faulting, folding and compressional salt diapirism. The increase in pore pressure causes fluid migration and mud volcanism. Slope tilt and faulting triggered mass wasting. All of these processes are still shaping the seafloor morphology and interact with the bottom current circulation, which is reflected by sediment drift deposition, sediment remobilisation and erosion, which facilitates again mass wasting

    Cyprus as the Lighthouse of the East Mediterranean: Shaping EU Accession and Reunification Together. CEPS Paperback. April 2002

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    For over a quarter of a century, Cyprus has been a divided island, with Europe’s last remaining ‘Berlin Wall’ separating its Greek and Turkish Cypriot communities. This stalemate between the regions, however, is finally beginning to dissolve. Negotiations are currently underway to resolve the Cyprus conflict, re-unify the island and secure the accession of the whole of Cyprus to the EU in the near future. This CEPS report explores the ways in which these developments might come about. The authors argue that simultaneous action could transform the political structures and interests that have up until now made it impossible to resolve the division of the island