23 research outputs found

    Cyberbullying for Chinese Indonesian Youth: The Impacts and The Coping Strategies

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    This study examined the cyberbullying impact on young people, as well as coping strategies to deal with it. The significance of this study was to find appropriate strategies to minimize the adverse effects of cyberbullying related to personal lives, studies, and work. Additionally, this study tried to prevent someone from becoming an unexpected cyberbully by describing the types of cyberbullying that might be done. The approach used was a qualitative method using thematic analysis to analyze the data. This study involved 15 Chinese Indonesian participants with religion Christian and Catholic, from aged 19 to 22 years old, who were studying at Petra Christian University, Surabaya, Indonesia in 2022. To summarize, increasing socialization about the forms of cyberbullying, how victims deal with it, what to do when witnessing cyberbullying, and how to decrease the tendency to be cyberbullies should be done to significantly reduce the bad effects of cyberbullying


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh empathy terhadap perilaku cyberbullying pada mahasiswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan uji analisis regresi sederhana. Sampel penelitian ini berjumlah 208 responden. Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah teknik accidental sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah adaptasi dari Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) oleh Davis (1980) dan adaptasi alat ukur dari Husna, Tentama, dan Purwadi (2020) berdasarkan teori Willard (2005). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh negatif pada empathy terhadap perilaku cyberbullying pada mahasiswa. ***** This study aims to determine the influence of empathy on cyberbullying behavior on college students. This research uses quantitative research method with simple regression analysis test. The sample of this study amounted to 208 respondents. Sampling technique is accidental sampling technique. The instrument used in this study are the adaptation of Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) by Davis (1980) and adaptation from Husna, Tentama, and Purwadi (2020) based on Willard theory (2005). The results show that there is a negative influence between empathy and cyberbullying behavior on college students

    Social Media Literacy as an IEP Intervention for Social and Emotional Learning

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    Media literacy and special education communities have largely ignored the impact of digital media useonspecial education students with Autism spectrum disorder and Emotional and Behavioral Disorder. This paper investigates the possibility of using social media literacy education as part of an individualized education plan (IEP) intervention for improving the social and emotional learning outcomes of students with disabilities. Using the example of a “provocative selfie” as a form of media production and consumption, this paper provides a framework for using the NAMLE key questions to teach specific CASEL Social and Emotional (SEL) competencies and address IEP goals and objectives of students with social and emotional deficits. By using the key questions of media literacy to teach the CASEL competencies, educators can provide special education students with strategies for analyzing, evaluating, creating, and acting responsibly in the digital world whileremediatingpoor social and emotional skills commonly associated with many social, emotional, and behavioral disorders

    Perpetrators, victims, bystanders and up standers: cyber bullying in a special school context.

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    This study offers a multi-dimensional analysis of ‘real world’ cyberbullying between members of a special school community. The purpose of this article is to analyse the social and educational contexts within which interactions of this nature are embedded.The interview both illuminated a number of themes pertinent to the current literature and extended those related to the call for further analysis of the contextual determinants of cyberbullying.The influence of the conditions experienced by the children involved (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC)) is discussed and demonstrated. This use of natural observation provides a current and ‘real world’ illustration of teacher perceptions of the complex behaviours and interactions occurring in cyberspace, which hold potential for grave consequences. A hopeful tone is maintained as the potential for selfless upstander behaviour and resolution via the involvement of supportive and knowledgeable pastoral staff is realised in the article’s conclusion.<br/

    Anxiety and Depression in Cyberbullied College Students: A Retrospective Study

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    Cyberbullying is a worldwide phenomenon and its effects can be severe. To better understand the personal and situational factors in cyberbullying, we approach it from the perspective of the general aggression model. More specifically, we analyze the medium and long-term impact of past experiences of cyberbullying on university students. We also compare their psychological adjustment with peers who have not been cyberbullied by examining the recall of cyberbullying while attending secondary school of 1,593 university students. Participants from a Spanish University (N = 680) and a Bolivian University (N = 913) were invited to participate by filling in an online survey. It included the School Violence Questionnaire-Revised, CUVE-R, to assess school and classroom climate in relation to bullying and cyberbullying, the Beck Depression Inventory, and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Results show that among the participants, 5.1% reported having suffered cyberbullying and 19.3% reported having been a bystander of cyberbullying, with similar percentages between universities. Canonical correlation suggests that variables related to school climate best explain the variability among participants who have and have not been cyberbullied. Those who have been cyberbullied scored significantly higher on anxiety and depression symptoms as well. Being a bystander of cyberbullying was not associated to significant differences on psychological adjustment (i.e., anxiety and depression). Results indicated that experiencing cyberbullying in secondary school is associated to lower psychological adjustment years later as university students. School climate variables contribute more strongly to identifying victims of cyberbullying. These results support the need for psychosocial interventions from a broader perspective, addressing the different dimensions of this phenomenon and its impact on victim

    Beyond Cyberbullying: Investigating When and How Cybervictimization Predicts Suicidal Ideation.

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    Copyright de los autoresCybervictimization is a public health concern in adolescence. Victims of cyberbullying may present with important short- and long-term sequelae. Specifically, past research has demonstrated positive associations between being cybervictimized and risk of suicide among adolescents. Nonetheless, the underlying mechanisms that may mediate or moderate this relationship remain unclear. The present research examined perceived stress as a mediator and forgiveness as a moderator to explore the relationship between cybervictimization and suicidal ideation. Specifically, vengeance, avoidance, and benevolence motivations, as a means of measuring forgiveness experienced, were analyzed as moderators in the relations between cybervictimization and suicidal ideation. The sample included 1,821 adolescents (954 girls) who ranged in age from 12 to 17 years from nine centers. Adolescents’ self-reported perceived stress levels, cybervictimization, and forgiveness were collected. A mediation and a moderated mediation analyses were used to explore the aim of the present study. Results suggest that, after controlling for sex and age, perceived stress partially mediates the association between cybervictimization and suicidal ideation. Furthermore, the mediation effects of perceived stress were independently moderated by vengeance and avoidance. Thus, revenge and avoidance might intensify the adverse impact of perceived stress on suicidal ideation. These results highlight how and when cybervictimization is related to suicidal ideation. We discuss the results in relation to previous research and consider their practical implications. These findings suggest that adolescents’ perceived stress, together with vengeance and avoidance motivations, may be key targets for prevention and intervention programs dealing with cybervictimization. This highlights the need to implement treatment and prevention programs focused on decreasing such motivations.Universidad de Málaga (PPIT.UMA.B1.2017/23). Grupo PAIDI Applied Positive Lab CTS-1048 (Junta de Andalucía

    Cyberbullying among adults with intellectual disabilities: Some preliminary data

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    [EN]Background. Recent studies show that youth with disabilities are at risk of experiencing cyberbullying. Nevertheless, the nature of this phenomenon among adults with intellectual disabilities has not been investigated. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze the frequency and characteristics of cyberbullying and its correlates in individuals with intellectual disabilities attending training centers for adults with intellectual disabilities. Methods and Procedures. A convenience sample of 269 participants (54.3% men and 35.7% women), aged 18 to 40 years was recruited from Chile (14.1%), Mexico (32%), and Spain (53.9%). Results. The findings showed that 15.2% have been cyberbullied and 8.6% are currently being cyberbullied. Being different was the main reason (97.7%) for being cyberbullied. The behaviors happen in educational settings (46.67%), leisure/free time activities (31.11%), and associations for people with disabilities (15.56%). Verbal aggressions (74.53%) were the most common cyberbullying behaviors. Those who were cyberbullied reported more inadequate use of mobile phone and Internet, as well as more unhealthy behaviors and depressive mood. Conclusions and implications. These findings support the need for further studies on adults with intellectual disabilities, as well as the need for implementing primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention programs

    Estudio de las consecuencias del Bullying en personas con discapacidad

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    En este estudio, se ha realizado una revisiĂłn bibliogrĂĄfica con el objetivo de esclarecer el estado actual de la investigaciĂłn en cuanto a las consecuencias provocadas por el Bullying en personas con discapacidad

    Unethical internet behaviour among students in high education institutions: a systematic literature review

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    The modern internet era has several advantages and disadvantages, including the advent of immoral Internet conduct in addition to better, quicker, and increased working capacity in less time. Even though the area of study on unethical Internet activity has advanced, systematic literature reviews from a comprehensive perspective on unethical Internet behaviour among university students are still lacking. As a result, this systematic literature will provide theoretical foundation that address the following research questions: RQ1-How are unethical Internet behaviours among university students classified; RQ2-What are the various theoretical lenses that are used in unethical Internet behaviour research; RQ3-What demographic and risk factors are involved in unethical Internet behaviour research; and RQ4-What are the challenges and research opportunities for unethical Internet behaviour research within university settings? To respond to a formulated set of research questions, a total of 64 publications that were published between 2010 and 2020 underwent a systematic review. The study illustrates how university students’ unethical Internet activity is categorised. This study offers a comprehensive grasp of the factors that affect unethical Internet behaviour and an overview of the theories that have been utilised to explain and forecast unethical Internet behaviours in this sector. This study discusses literature gaps for future research to contribute to human ethical behavioural studies