1,492 research outputs found

    Federation of Cyber Ranges

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    Küberkaitse võimekuse aluselemendiks on kõrgete oskustega ja kokku treeninud spetsialistid. Tehnikute, operaatorite ja otsustajate teadlikkust ja oskusi saab treenida läbi rahvusvaheliste õppuste. On mõeldamatu, et kaitse ja rünnakute harjutamiseks kasutatakse toimivat reaalajalist organisatsiooni IT-süsteemi. Päriseluliste süsteemide simuleerimiseks on võimalik kasutada küberharjutusväljakuid.NATO ja Euroopa Liidu liikmesriikides on mitmed juba toimivad ja käimasolevad arendusprojektid uute küberharjutusväljakute loomiseks. Et olemasolevast ressurssi täies mahus kasutada, tuleks kõik sellised harjutusväljakud rahvusvaheliste õppuste tarbeks ühendada. Ühenduvus on võimalik saavutada alles pärast kokkuleppeid, tehnoloogiate ja erinevate harjutusväljakute kitsenduste arvestamist.Antud lõputöö vaatleb kahte küberharjutusväljakut ja uurib võimalusi, kuidas on võimalik rahvuslike harjutusväljakute ressursse jagada ja luua ühendatud testide ja õppuste keskkond rahvusvahelisteks küberkaitseõppusteks. Lõputöö annab soovitusi informatsiooni voogudest, testkontseptsioonidest ja eeldustest, kuidas saavutada ühendused ressursside jagamise võimekusega. Vaadeldakse erinevaid tehnoloogiad ja operatsioonilisi aspekte ning hinnatakse nende mõju.Et paremini mõista harjutusväljakute ühendamist, on üles seatud testkeskkond Eesti ja Tšehhi laborite infrastruktuuride vahel. Testiti erinevaid võrguparameetreid, operatsioone virtuaalmasinatega, virtualiseerimise tehnoloogiad ning keskkonna haldust avatud lähtekoodiga tööriistadega. Testide tulemused olid üllatavad ja positiivsed, muutes ühendatud küberharjutusväljakute kontseptsiooni saavutamise oodatust lihtsamaks.Magistritöö on kirjutatud inglise keeles ja sisaldab teksti 42 leheküljel, 7 peatükki, 12 joonist ja 4 tabelit.Võtmesõnad:Küberharjutusväljak, NATO, ühendamine, virtualiseerimine, rahvusvahelised küberkaitse õppusedAn essential element of the cyber defence capability is highly skilled and well-trained personnel. Enhancing awareness and education of technicians, operators and decision makers can be done through multinational exercises. It is unthinkable to use an operational production environment to train attack and defence of the IT system. For simulating a life like environment, a cyber range can be used. There are many emerging and operational cyber ranges in the EU and NATO. To benefit more from available resources, a federated cyber range environment for multinational cyber defence exercises can be built upon the current facilities. Federation can be achieved after agreements between nations and understanding of the technologies and limitations of different national ranges.This study compares two cyber ranges and looks into possibilities of pooling and sharing of national facilities and to the establishment of a logical federation of interconnected cyber ranges. The thesis gives recommendations on information flow, proof of concept, guide-lines and prerequisites to achieve an initial interconnection with pooling and sharing capabilities. Different technologies and operational aspects are discussed and their impact is analysed. To better understand concepts and assumptions of federation, a test environment with Estonian and Czech national cyber ranges was created. Different aspects of network parameters, virtual machine manipulations, virtualization technologies and open source administration tools were tested. Some surprising and positive outcomes were in the result of the tests, making logical federation technologically easier and more achievable than expected.The thesis is in English and contains 42 pages of text, 7 chapters, 12 figures and 4 tables.Keywords:Cyber Range, NATO, federation, virtualization, multinational cyber defence exercise

    Towards multi-national capability development in cyber defence

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    Este artigo apresenta uma abordagem de desenvolvimento de uma capacidade multinacional de ciberdefesa que tem sido discutida entre vários países da NATO e a NATO Communications and Information Agency inserida no contexto da NATO Smart Defence. Existem ganhos potenciais se se alavancarem requisitos e recursos comuns, quando as capacidades existentes entre os vários países são variáveis e o financiamento destinado os desenvolvimento das mesmas é escasso, sendo que se apontam alguns dos fundamentos justificativos para esta cooperação multinacional.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Distributed attack prevention using Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence

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    This paper details a robust collaborative intrusion detection methodology for detecting attacks within a Cloud federation. It is a proactive model and the responsibility for managing the elements of the Cloud is distributed among several monitoring nodes. Since there are a wide range of elements to manage, complexity grows proportionally with the size of the Cloud, so a suitable communication and monitoring hierarchy is adopted. Our architecture consists of four major entities: the Cloud Broker, the monitoring nodes, the local coordinator (Super Nodes), and the global coordinator (Command and Control server - C2). Utilising monitoring nodes into our architecture enhances the performance and response time, yet achieves higher accuracy and a broader spectrum of protection. For collaborative intrusion detection, we use the Dempster Shafer theory of evidence via the role of the Cloud Broker. Dempster Shafer executes as a main fusion node, with the role to collect and fuse the information provided by the monitors, taking the final decision regarding a possible attack

    Federated blockchain-based tracking and liability attribution framework for employees and cyber-physical objects in a smart workplace

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    The systematic integration of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) into the supply chain to increase operational efficiency and quality has also introduced new complexities to the threat landscape. The myriad of sensors could increase data collection capabilities for businesses to facilitate process automation aided by Artificial Intelligence (AI) but without adopting an appropriate Security-by-Design framework, threat detection and response are destined to fail. The emerging concept of Smart Workplace incorporates many CPS (e.g. Robots and Drones) to execute tasks alongside Employees both of which can be exploited as Insider Threats. We introduce and discuss forensic-readiness, liability attribution and the ability to track moving Smart SPS Objects to support modern Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR) within a defence-in-depth strategy. We present a framework to facilitate the tracking of object behaviour within Smart Controlled Business Environments (SCBE) to support resilience by enabling proactive insider threat detection. Several components of the framework were piloted in a company to discuss a real-life case study and demonstrate anomaly detection and the emerging of behavioural patterns according to objects' movement with relation to their job role, workspace position and nearest entry or exit. The empirical data was collected from a Bluetooth-based Proximity Monitoring Solution. Furthermore, a key strength of the framework is a federated Blockchain (BC) model to achieve forensic-readiness by establishing a digital Chain-of-Custody (CoC) and a collaborative environment for CPS to qualify as Digital Witnesses (DW) to support post-incident investigations

    ELECTRON: An Architectural Framework for Securing the Smart Electrical Grid with Federated Detection, Dynamic Risk Assessment and Self-Healing

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    The electrical grid has significantly evolved over the years, thus creating a smart paradigm, which is well known as the smart electrical grid. However, this evolution creates critical cybersecurity risks due to the vulnerable nature of the industrial systems and the involvement of new technologies. Therefore, in this paper, the ELECTRON architecture is presented as an integrated platform to detect, mitigate and prevent potential cyberthreats timely. ELECTRON combines both cybersecurity and energy defence mechanisms in a collaborative way. The key aspects of ELECTRON are (a) dynamic risk assessment, (b) asset certification, (c) federated intrusion detection and correlation, (d) Software Defined Networking (SDN) mitigation, (e) proactive islanding and (f) cybersecurity training and certification

    Collaborative Intrusion Detection in Federated Cloud Environments

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    Moving services to the Cloud is a trend that has steadily gained popularity over recent years, with a constant increase in sophistication and complexity of such services. Today, critical infrastructure operators are considering moving their services and data to the Cloud. Infrastructure vendors will inevitably take advantage of the benefits Cloud Computing has to offer. As Cloud Computing grows in popularity, new models are deployed to exploit even further its full capacity, one of which is the deployment of Cloud federations. A Cloud federation is an association among different Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) with the goal of sharing resources and data. In providing a larger-scale and higher performance infrastructure, federation enables on-demand provisioning of complex services. In this paper we convey our contribution to this area by outlining our proposed methodology that develops a robust collaborative intrusion detection methodology in a federated Cloud environment. For collaborative intrusion detection we use the Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence to fuse the beliefs provided by the monitoring entities, taking the final decision regarding a possible attack. Protecting the federated Cloud against cyber attacks is a vital concern, due to the potential for significant economic consequences

    Wearable Computing for Defence Automation : Opportunities and Challenges in 5G Network

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