120 research outputs found

    Custom versus Cell-Based ASIC Design for Many-Channel Correlators

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    While ASICs are efficient in terms of area utilization, performance, and power dissipation, ASIC design requires significant development resources. We compare two approaches to implementing ASIC correlators for interferometric imagers and spectrometers: The first approach, custom design, gives very high performance and area utilization, but is complex and time consuming. The second approach, cell-based design, reduces design time, but leads to lower performance and area utilization. In our evaluation, we consider two different correlator architectures: Autocorrelators for spectrometry, and cross-correlators for synthetic aperture imaging. Based on both 65-nm CMOS and 28-nm FD-SOI process technologies, our results show that for implementations for a limited number of channels, the cell-based approach may prove useful since it offers relatively short development time while still providing acceptable area utilization and performance. For larger designs, however, the area overhead of cell-based design becomes a major concern, especially for autocorrelator architectures

    Reconfiguration of field programmable logic in embedded systems

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    The First Billion Years

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    Spectral measurements of atomic and molecular lines embedded in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) have the potential to open entirely new probes of the early Universe. Two avenues are of great interest: 1) Spectral line deviations from the CMB blackbody spectrum will enable the study of hydrogen and helium recombination physics during and before the time of the surface of last scattering, and could provide the potential for game-changing discoveries by testing dark matter annihilation in the redshift range 6000> z > 1000, by allowing a test of the time-dependence of the fine-structure constant at a critical epoch, and by testing inflation models using an independent method. 2) Extension of CMB anisotropy measurements to detect unresolved spectral line emission from starforming galaxies during reionization (6 < z < 10) would directly delineate the large-scale structure of the galaxies responsible for reionizing the Universe and provide the only foreseeable measurements on scales sufficiently large to compare with upcoming observations of reionization by way of the redshifted hydrogen 21 cm line. CO, [C II], and Ly-a lines were investigated as promising targets. CO and [C II] line transitions emerged as particularly compelling. The two science objectives identified in the Program share some common core technological requirements based on the shared need for approximately 1000-element feed arrays followed by broadband, highresolution spectral correlators. The technical requirements lead to a roadmap for development of large feed arrays beginning with applications in a ground-based CO mapping instrument and leading to a spaceborne recombination-line all-sky spectrometer. The key technical issues include compact and light-weight integrated spectral dual-polarization inexpensive receiver modules, large high-resolution spectral correlators (analog and/or digital), and light-weight feeds. In parallel we recommend long-term investigations into high precision calibrators and calibration techniques that will be required for the recombination line instrument. A second roadmap addresses technical developments required for a 2-D spectroscopic instrument for [C II] mapping

    Optimization of DSSS Receivers Using Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulations

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    Over the years, there has been significant interest in defining a hardware abstraction layer to facilitate code reuse in software defined radio (SDR) applications. Designers are looking for a way to enable application software to specify a waveform, configure the platform, and control digital signal processing (DSP) functions in a hardware platform in a way that insulates it from the details of realization. This thesis presents a tool-based methodolgy for developing and optimizing a Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) transceiver deployed in custom hardware like Field Programmble Gate Arrays (FPGAs). The system model consists of a tranmitter which employs a quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) modulation scheme, an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel, and a receiver whose main parts consist of an analog-to-digital converter (ADC), digital down converter (DDC), image rejection low-pass filter (LPF), carrier phase locked loop (PLL), tracking locked loop, down-sampler, spread spectrum correlators, and rectangular-to-polar converter. The design methodology is based on a new programming model for FPGAs developed in the industry by Xilinx Inc. The Xilinx System Generator for DSP software tool provides design portability and streamlines system development by enabling engineers to create and validate a system model in Xilinx FPGAs. By providing hierarchical modeling and automatic HDL code generation for programmable devices, designs can be easily verified through hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulations. HIL provides a significant increase in simulation speed which allows optimization of the receiver design with respect to the datapath size for different functional parts of the receiver. The parameterized datapath points used in the simulation are ADC resolution, DDC datapath size, LPF datapath size, correlator height, correlator datapath size, and rectangular-to-polar datapath size. These parameters are changed in the software enviornment and tested for bit error rate (BER) performance through real-time hardware simualtions. The final result presents a system design with minimum harware area occupancy relative to an acceptable BER degradation

    VLSI smart sensor-processor for fingerprint comparison

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    Applications for FPGA's on Nanosatellites

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    This thesis examines the feasibility of using a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) based design on-board a CubeSat-sized nanosatellite. FPGAs are programmable logic devices that allow for the implementation of custom digital hardware on a single Integrated Circuit (IC). By using these FPGAs in spacecraft, more efficient processing can be done by moving the design onto hardware. A variety of different FPGA-based designs are looked at, including a Watchdog Timer (WDT), a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver, and a camera interface

    NASA Space Engineering Research Center for VLSI systems design

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    This annual review reports the center's activities and findings on very large scale integration (VLSI) systems design for 1990, including project status, financial support, publications, the NASA Space Engineering Research Center (SERC) Symposium on VLSI Design, research results, and outreach programs. Processor chips completed or under development are listed. Research results summarized include a design technique to harden complementary metal oxide semiconductors (CMOS) memory circuits against single event upset (SEU); improved circuit design procedures; and advances in computer aided design (CAD), communications, computer architectures, and reliability design. Also described is a high school teacher program that exposes teachers to the fundamentals of digital logic design

    Exascale computer system design : the square kilometre array

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    A wave pipeline-based WCDMA multipath searcher for a high speed operation

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    The multiplexing technique of the Wideband-Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA) is widely applied in the third generation (3G) of cellular systems. The WCDMA uses scrambling codes to differentiate the mobile terminals. In a channel, multipaths may occur when the transmitted signal is reflected from objects in the receiver's environment, so that multiple copies of the signal arrive at the antenna at different moments. Thus, a wideband signal may suffer frequency selective fading due to the multipath propagations. A Rake receiver is often used to combine the energies received on different paths, and a multipath searcher is needed to identify the multipath components and their associated delays. Correlating some shifted versions of the scrambling code with an incoming signal results in energy peaks at the multipath locations, when the locally generated scrambling sequence is aligned with the scrambling sequence of the incoming signal. A path acquisition in such a process requires a speed of millions of Multiply-Accumulate (MAC) cycles per second. The performances of the multipath searcher are mainly determined by the resolution and the acquisition time, which are often limited by the operation speed of the hardware resources. This thesis presents the design of a multipath searcher with a high resolution and a short acquisition time. The design consists of two aspects. The first aspect is of the searching algorithm. It is based on a double-dwell algorithm and a verification stage is introduced to lower the rate of false alarms. The second aspect in the design is the circuit of the searcher. This circuit is expected to operate at the chip rate of 3.84 MHz and the search period is chosen to be equal to the time interval of 5 slots, which requires a high operation speed of the computation units employed in the circuit. Moreover, in order to reduce the circuit complexity, only one Complex Multiplier-Accumulator (CMAC), instead of several ones in many existing searcher circuits, is employed to perform all the computation tasks without extending the search period, which make the computation time in the circuit more critical. Aiming at this challenge of the high speed requirement, a structure of the CMAC cell is designed with the technique of the wave pipeline, which permits the signal propagation through the circuit stages without constraints of clocks. For a good use of this technique, the circuit blocks are made to have equalized delay, by means of pass transistor logic cells, and by keeping such a delay short, the total computation time of the CMAC can be made within the required time limit of the searching. A complete circuit of the CMAC has been developed. It has two versions, with the Normal Process Complementary Pass Logic (NPCPL) and the Complementary Pass-Logic Transmission-Gates (CPL-TG), respectively. The structures of the arithmetic units have been chosen carefully so that the fan-in/fan-out constraints of the NPCPL and the CPL-TG logics are taken into consideration. The results of the simulation with a 0.18 om models have shown that this wave pipelined CMAC can process four inputs of 8 bits at a rate of 830 Mb/s. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the searching algorithm, a Matlab simulation of the searcher circuit has been conducted. It has been observed that the proposed multipath searcher can lead to low probabilities of misdetection and false alarm for the test cases recommended by the 3 rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) standard. A test chip of the CMAC circuit has been fabricated in a CMOS 0.18 om technology process. The circuit is currently under test

    Design and Silicon Area Optimization of Time-Domain GNSS Receiver Baseband Architectures

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    The use of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSSs) in a wide range of portable devices has exploded in the recent years. Demands for a lower cost while expecting longer battery life and better performance are constantly increasing. The general GNSS receiver operation and algorithms are already well studied in the literature, but the hardware architectures and designs have not been discussed in detail.This thesis introduces a high level gate count estimation method that provides good accuracy without requiring the hardware being fully specified. It is based on developing hierarchical models, which are parameterizable, while requiring minimal amount of information about the silicon technology used for the implementation. The average accuracy has been shown to be 4%.Three time-domain, real-time GNSS receiver baseband architectures are described with a discussion about various optimization methods for efficient implementation: the correlator, the matched filter, and the group correlator, which is a new architecture combining some of the features of the two first ones.Four use cases are defined for different GNSS operating modes: Acquisition, tracking, assisted GNSS, and the combination of the first three modes. A comparison is made for receiver basebands including all necessary blocks for full functionality to find out which of the three architectures provides the most silicon area efficient implementation.It is shown that the correlator offers good flexibility, but yields the highest silicon area for acquisition use cases. The matched filter is best suited for the acquisition, but has large overhead when it comes to tracking the signals. The group correlator offers a reasonably good flexibility and area efficiency in all use cases.The main contributions of the thesis are: Development of domain specific optimizations for GNSS receivers and an accurate gate count estimation method, which are applied for a quantitative comparison of different GNSS receiver architectures. The results show that no single architecture excels in all cases, and the best choice depends on the actual use case