1,000 research outputs found

    Explotación de nuevas oportunidades científicas de los sistemas de posicionamiento global por satélite (GNSS) desde una perspectiva intensiva en datos

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    [EN] With the current GNSS infrastructure development plans, over 120 GNSS satellites (including European Galileo satellites)will provide, already this decade, continuous data, in several frequencies, without interruption and on a permanent basis.This global and permanent GNSS infrastructure constitutes a major opportunity for GNSS science applications. In themeantime, recent advances in technology have contributed "de-facto" to the deployment of a large GNSS receiver arraybased on Internet of Things (IoT), affordable smart devices easy to find in everybody’s pockets. These devices – evolvingfast at each new generation – feature an increasing number of capabilities and sensors able to collect a variety ofmeasurements, improving GNSS performance. Among these capabilities, Galileo dual band smartphones receivers andAndroid’s support for raw GNSS data recording represent major steps forward for Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT)data processing improvements. Information gathering from these devices, commonly referred as crowdsourcing, opensthe door to new data-intensive analysis techniques in many science domains. At this point, collaboration between variousresearch groups is essential to harness the potential hidden behind the large volumes of data generated by thiscyberinfrastructure. Cloud Computing technologies extend traditional computational boundaries, enabling execution ofprocessing components close to the data. This paradigm shift offers seamless execution of interactive algorithms andanalytics, skipping lengthy downloads and setups. The resulting scenario, defined by a GNSS Big Data repository with colocatedprocessing capabilities, sets an excellent basis for the application of Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning (ML)technologies in the context of GNSS. This unique opportunity for science has been recognized by the European SpaceAgency (ESA) with the creation of the Navigation Scientific Office, which leverages on GNSS infrastructure to deliverinnovative solutions across multiple scientific domains.[ES] Con los planes actuales de desarrollo de la infraestructura GNSS, más de 120 satélites GNSS (incluidos los satélites europeos Galileo) proporcionarán, ya en esta década, datos continuos, en varias frecuencias, sin interrupciones y de forma permanente. Esta infraestructura GNSS global y permanente constituye una gran oportunidad para las aplicaciones científicas de GNSS. Mientras tanto, avances recientes han contribuido al despliegue de una red GNSS paralela basada en la Internet de las Cosas (IoT), asequibles dispositivos inteligentes fáciles de encontrar en todos los bolsillos. Estos dispositivos, que evolucionan rápidamente con cada nueva generación, acumulan un número creciente de funcionalidades y sensores capaces de recopilar una gran variedad de mediciones. Entre estas funcionalidades, los receptores de teléfonos inteligentes de banda dual Galileo y el soporte Android para la grabación de datos GNSS sin procesar representan pasos especialmente relevantes. La recopilación de información mediante estos dispositivos, comúnmente conocida como crowdsourcing, abre la puerta a nuevas técnicas de análisis de datos en múltiples dominios científicos. Llegados a este punto, la colaboración entre diversos grupos de investigación resulta esencial para aprovechar el potencial que se esconde en los grandes volúmenes de datos generados por esta ciberinfraestructura. Las tecnologías de Cloud Computing extienden los límites computacionales tradicionales permitiendo la ejecución de componentes de procesamiento cerca de los datos. Este cambio de paradigma ofrece una rápida ejecución de algoritmos y análisis interactivos, omitiendo largas descargas y configuraciones. El escenario resultante, definido por un repositorio GNSS Big Data con capacidades de procesamiento acopladas, establece una base excelente para la aplicación de tecnologías de Inteligencia Artificial / Aprendizaje Automático (ML). Esta oportunidad única para la ciencia ha sido reconocida por la Agencia Espacial Europea (ESA) con la creación de la Oficina Científica de Navegación, que aprovecha la infraestructura GNSS para ofrecer soluciones innovadoras en múltiples dominios científicos.This work was supported by the European Space Agency as part of Research and Development Programmes under Science and Navigation Directorates. The authors would like to thank the GNSS Science Advisory Committee and ESA Navigation Support Office for their support and suggestions. We also thank our Industrial partners, involved in science use cases assessment and implementation. Thanks also to the Science and Operations technical IT Unit at ESAC supporting the deployment of the GSSC Thematic Exploitation Platform. We would like to thank all data collection providers, with special thanks to IGS, ILRS, CDDIS, BKG and IGN for their sustained and remarkable support making possible the creation of the GSSC Repository at the core of this work.Navarro, V.; Ventura-Traveset, J. (2021). A data-intensive approach to exploit new GNSS science opportunities. En Proceedings 3rd Congress in Geomatics Engineering. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 43-53. https://doi.org/10.4995/CiGeo2021.2021.12740OCS435

    Real-Time Urban Weather Observations for Urban Air Mobility

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    Cities of the future will have to overcome congestion, air pollution and increasing infrastructure cost while moving more people and goods smoothly, efficiently and in an eco-friendly manner. Urban air mobility (UAM) is expected to be an integral component of achieving this new type of city. This is a new environment for sustained aviation operations. The heterogeneity of the urban fabric and the roughness elements within it create a unique environment where flight conditions can change frequently across very short distances. UAM vehicles with their lower mass, more limited thrust and slower speeds are especially sensitive to these conditions. Since traditional aviation weather products for observations and forecasts at an airport on the outskirts of a metropolitan area do not translate well to the urban environment, weather data for low-altitude urban airspace is needed and will be particularly critical for unlocking the full potential of UAM. To help address this need, crowdsourced weather data from sources prevalent in urban areas offer the opportunity to create dense meteorological observation networks in support of UAM. This paper considers a variety of potential observational sources and proposes a cyber-physical system architecture, including an incentive-based crowdsensing application, which empowers UAM weather forecasting and operations

    A review of the internet of floods : near real-time detection of a flood event and its impact

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    Worldwide, flood events frequently have a dramatic impact on urban societies. Time is key during a flood event in order to evacuate vulnerable people at risk, minimize the socio-economic, ecologic and cultural impact of the event and restore a society from this hazard as quickly as possible. Therefore, detecting a flood in near real-time and assessing the risks relating to these flood events on the fly is of great importance. Therefore, there is a need to search for the optimal way to collect data in order to detect floods in real time. Internet of Things (IoT) is the ideal method to bring together data of sensing equipment or identifying tools with networking and processing capabilities, allow them to communicate with one another and with other devices and services over the Internet to accomplish the detection of floods in near real-time. The main objective of this paper is to report on the current state of research on the IoT in the domain of flood detection. Current trends in IoT are identified, and academic literature is examined. The integration of IoT would greatly enhance disaster management and, therefore, will be of greater importance into the future

    Ca(r)veat Emptor: Crowdsourcing Data to Challenge the Testimony of In-Car Technology

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    This Article addresses the situation in which a car acts as a witness against its human driver in a court of law. This possibility has become a reality due to technology embedded in modern-day vehicles that captures data prior to a crash event. The authors contend that it is becoming increasingly difficult for drivers to defend themselves in a meaningful way against the testimony of cars and suggest that crowdsourcing data could be a viable option for assessing the trustworthiness of such evidence. The Article further explores whether crowdsourced data could be used as an additional source of information in the fact-finding process and if such data could provide a counterbalance to the prevailing tendency to fault human drivers rather than their vehicles or the manufactures of their vehicles. The practical importance of this issue in the age of driving automation is highlighted, and lawyers, judges, and lawmakers are urged to remain open-minded regarding the use of this new strategy

    QoE-Aware Resource Allocation For Crowdsourced Live Streaming: A Machine Learning Approach

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    In the last decade, empowered by the technological advancements of mobile devices and the revolution of wireless mobile network access, the world has witnessed an explosion in crowdsourced live streaming. Ensuring a stable high-quality playback experience is compulsory to maximize the viewers’ Quality of Experience and the content providers’ profits. This can be achieved by advocating a geo-distributed cloud infrastructure to allocate the multimedia resources as close as possible to viewers, in order to minimize the access delay and video stalls. Additionally, because of the instability of network condition and the heterogeneity of the end-users capabilities, transcoding the original video into multiple bitrates is required. Video transcoding is a computationally expensive process, where generally a single cloud instance needs to be reserved to produce one single video bitrate representation. On demand renting of resources or inadequate resources reservation may cause delay of the video playback or serving the viewers with a lower quality. On the other hand, if resources provisioning is much higher than the required, the extra resources will be wasted. In this thesis, we introduce a prediction-driven resource allocation framework, to maximize the QoE of viewers and minimize the resources allocation cost. First, by exploiting the viewers’ locations available in our unique dataset, we implement a machine learning model to predict the viewers’ number near each geo-distributed cloud site. Second, based on the predicted results that showed to be close to the actual values, we formulate an optimization problem to proactively allocate resources at the viewers’ proximity. Additionally, we will present a trade-off between the video access delay and the cost of resource allocation. Considering the complexity and infeasibility of our offline optimization to respond to the volume of viewing requests in real-time, we further extend our work, by introducing a resources forecasting and reservation framework for geo-distributed cloud sites. First, we formulate an offline optimization problem to allocate transcoding resources at the viewers’ proximity, while creating a tradeoff between the network cost and viewers QoE. Second, based on the optimizer resource allocation decisions on historical live videos, we create our time series datasets containing historical records of the optimal resources needed at each geo-distributed cloud site. Finally, we adopt machine learning to build our distributed time series forecasting models to proactively forecast the exact needed transcoding resources ahead of time at each geo-distributed cloud site. The results showed that the predicted number of transcoding resources needed in each cloud site is close to the optimal number of transcoding resources
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