9 research outputs found

    Perancangan Basis Data Peseni, Pesilat dan Pendakwah di Kabupaten Bandung untuk Integrasi dengan Aktivitas KBRI Bangkok

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    Kegiatan Budaya di KBRI Bangkok yang mementaskan seni budaya Indonesia merupakan kegiatan terjadwal setiap tahunnya yang perlu untuk dikoordinasikan agar sesuai dengan hari-hari penting di Thailand. Aktivitas kegiatan termasuk pekerjaan non migran adalah para peseni, pesilat dan pendakwah yang berada di bawah tanggung jawab atase pendidikan dna kebudayaan. Perancangan data base ini menekankan pada kemudahan pencarian data dan verifikasi data untuk kegiatan rutin mempergunakan platform web. Hasil perancangan ini diusulkan sebagai kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat mandiri yang dikelola oleh universita

    Benefits of an Electronic Medical Records System in Rural Nepal

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    Introduction: Electronic medical records systems may improve the efficiency and quality of health services in developing countries. However the supporting evidence is limited as there are a number of barriers to their implementation, including lack of infrastructure, resources and skills. The objective of this study was to evaluate the introduction and assess the potential benefits of an Electronic Medical Records System in Rural at an NGO-supported health post in rural Nepal. Methods: Original research in the form of a case report was carried out using participant observation of health clinics, semi-structured interviews with health workers and recording of time spent on clinic activities at the pilot and a control site. Results: This evaluation found that the Electronic Medical Records System was well used and easy to learn. Health workers thought it improved continuity of care and found decision-support tools useful. Monthly report creation was faster but the system was difficult to integrate with government services, which limited the reduction in paperwork. Other problems identified included minor software issues, a lack of back-up, continuity of power supply and inadequate technical support. There was no significant impact on consultation length or time spent interacting with patients. Conclusions: The introduction of the Electronic Medical Records System was largely successful. With adequate technical support and training, Electronic Medical Records System could provide a relatively low-cost means of improving patient care and health worker efficiency in developing countries. However they must be designed to fit their intended environment. Keywords: computerized; electronic health records; medical records; medical records systems.

    Implementasi Rekam Medis Elektronik Berkontribusi pada Peningkatan Biaya Operasional di RSUP Surakarta

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    Latar belakang: Rumah Sakit termotivasi mengimplementasikan RME karena adanya harapan manfaat yang didapatkan termasuk RSUP Surakarta yang mulai menerapkan RME di Unit Rawat Jalan sejak April 2022. Implementasi RME memerlukan analisis mendalam berkaitan dengan dampak positif maupun negatif yang mengiringinya, dalam hal ini terkait dengan biaya operasional yang dikeluarkan sebagai sarana evaluasi dan pembelajaran yang bermanfaat untuk bahan pengambilan keputusan strategis.Metode: Jenis penelitian bersifat deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif, peneliti menggambarkan biaya operasional sebelum dan sesudah implementasi RME, kemudian memperkaya analisis dengan data kualitatif. Penelitian dilaksanakan di RSUP Surakarta, dengan waktu pelaksanaan April - September 2022. Cara pengumpulan data melalui telaah dokumen dan wawancara. Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah data besaran biaya yang dianggarkan pada unit rekam medis dan unit rawat jalan untuk rencana belanja tahunan. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah para pemangku kepentingan serta para pengguna yang terkait implementasi RME.Hasil: Implementasi RME berkontribusi pada peningkatan biaya operasional di RSUP Surakarta dengan total sebesar 56%. Narasumber menganggap bahwa implementasi RME dapat menghemat penggunaan kertas. Temuan yang kontradiktif menunjukkan adanya lag-effect, yang dapat diartikan sebagai jeda waktu kemanfaatan implementasi teknologi dapat dirasakan. Strategi RSUP Surakarta dalam implementasi RME meliputi penggunaan OSS untuk penghematan biaya. Selain itu perencanaan pengembangan RME menjadi bagian tak terpisahkan dari Renstra Rumah Sakit, yang disusun dengan timeline waktu, sesuai kompleksitas rumah sakit. Kesimpulan: RSUP Surakarta belum menginisiasi penghitungan cost-effectiveness analysis. Peneliti merekomendasikan RS melaksanakan penghitungan dengan metode yang paling memungkinkan, untuk mengetahui efektivitas biaya dalam implementasi RME, sehingga dapat digunakan untuk bahan perencanaan pengembangan RME kedepan. Kata kunci: Rekam Medis Elektronik, Biaya Operasional, Analisis Efektivitas Biay

    Not Perfect, but Better: Primary Care Providers’ Experiences with Electronic Referrals in a Safety Net Health System

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    BackgroundElectronic referrals can improve access to subspecialty care in safety net settings. In January 2007, San Francisco General Hospital (SFGH) launched an electronic referral portal that incorporated subspecialist triage, iterative communication with referring providers, and existing electronic health record data to improve access to subspecialty care.ObjectiveWe surveyed primary care providers (PCPs) to assess the impact of electronic referrals on workflow and clinical care.DesignWe administered an 18-item, web-based questionnaire to all 368 PCPs who had the option of referring to SFGH.MeasurementsWe asked participants to rate time spent submitting a referral, guidance of workup, wait times, and change in overall clinical care compared to prior referral methods using 5-point Likert scales. We used multivariate logistic regression to identify variables associated with perceived improvement in overall clinical care.ResultsTwo hundred ninety-eight PCPs (81.0%) from 24 clinics participated. Over half (55.4%) worked at hospital-based clinics, 27.9% at county-funded community clinics, and 17.1% at non-county-funded community clinics. Most (71.9%) reported that electronic referrals had improved overall clinical care. Providers from non-county-funded clinics (AOR 0.40, 95% CI 0.14-0.79) and those who spent > or =6 min submitting an electronic referral (AOR 0.33, 95%CI 0.18-0.61) were significantly less likely than other participants to report that electronic referrals had improved clinical care.ConclusionsPCPs felt electronic referrals improved health-care access and quality; those who reported a negative impact on workflow were less likely to agree. While electronic referrals hold promise as a tool to improve clinical care, their impact on workflow should be considered

    Users’ perception on factors contributing to electronic medical records systems use: a focus group discussion study in healthcare facilities setting in Kenya

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    Background Electronic medical records systems (EMRs) adoption in healthcare to facilitate work processes have become common in many countries. Although EMRs are associated with quality patient care, patient safety, and cost reduction, their adoption rates are comparatively low. Understanding factors associated with the use of the implemented EMRs are critical for advancing successful implementations and scale-up sustainable initiatives. The aim of this study was to explore end users’ perceptions and experiences on factors facilitating and hindering EMRs use in healthcare facilities in Kenya, a low- and middle-income country. Methods Two focus group discussions were conducted with EMRs users (n = 20) each representing a healthcare facility determined by the performance of the EMRs implementation. Content analysis was performed on the transcribed data and relevant themes derived. Results Six thematic categories for both facilitators and barriers emerged, and these related to (1) system functionalities; (2) training; (3) technical support; (4) human factors; (5) infrastructure, and (6) EMRs operation mode. The identified facilitators included: easiness of use and learning of the system complemented by EMRs upgrades, efficiency of EMRs in patient data management, responsive information technology (IT) and collegial support, and user training. The identified barriers included: frequent power blackouts, inadequate computers, retrospective data entry EMRs operation mode, lack of continuous training on system upgrades, and delayed IT support. Conclusions Users generally believed that the EMRs improved the work process, with multiple factors identified as facilitators and barriers to their use. Most users perceived system functionalities and training as motivators to EMRs use, while infrastructural issues posed as the greatest barrier. No specific EMRs use facilitators and/or barriers could be attributed to facility performance levels. Continuous evaluations are necessary to assess improvements of the identified factors as well as determine emerging issues.publishedVersio

    Engineering an EMR System in the Developing WorldNecessity is the Mother of Invention

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    While Electronic Medical Record (EMR) systems continue to improve the efficacy of healthcare delivery in the West, they have yet to be widely deployed in the developing world, where more than 90% of the global disease burden exists. The benefits afforded by an EMR notwithstanding, there is some skepticism regarding the feasibility of operationalizing an EMR system in a low-resource setting. This dissertation challenges these preconceptions and advances the understanding of the problems faced when implementing EMR systems to support healthcare delivery in a developing-world setting.Our methodology relies primarily on eight years of in-field experimentation and study. To facilitate a better understanding of the needs and challenges, we created a pilot system in a large government central hospital in Malawi, Africa. Learning from the pilot we developed and operationalized a point-of-care EMR system for managing the care and treatment of patients receiving antiretroviral therapy, which we put forth as a demonstration of feasibility in a developing-world setting.The pilot identified many unique challenges of healthcare delivery in the developing world, and reinforced the need to engineer solutions from scratch rather than blindly transplant systems developed in and for the West. Three novel technologies were developed over the course of our study, the most significant of which is the touchscreen clinical workstation appliance. Each of the novel technologies and their contribution towards successful implementation are described in the context of both an engineering and a risk management framework. A small comparative study to address data quality concerns associated with a point-of-care approach concluded that there was no significant difference in the accuracy of data collected through the use of a prototype point-of-care system compared to that of data entered retrospectively from paper records. We conclude by noting that while feasibility has been demonstrated the greatest challenge to sustainability is the lack of financial resources to monitor and support EMR systems once in place

    How does Open Source Software contribute to socio-economic development? An investigation of Open Source Software as an alternative approach to technology diffusion, adoption and adaptation for health information systems development and socio-economic impact in Mozambique

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    Abstract Developing countries are net importers of intellectual property products and open source software (OSS) production is one way in which local socio-economic development can take place. The public goods characteristics of OSS are contested and this study investigates whether in a developing country context OSS is a pure public good that can be locally appropriated and not exclude any users or producers from doing so. This case study of an OSS public good finds that it does not have all the characteristics of a pure good, that there is a role for a sponsor, and in particular the importance of copyright protection of derivatives in order to ensure that the source code does not fall out of fashion and use. Having explored that, however, there is further evidence that OSS collaborative learning is both publically and personally beneficial for developing country computer programmers. Furthermore, the state benefits from the improved benefits of health information systems made possible through the appropriation of this model of learning

    An evidence-based public health approach to establish an antiretroviral treatment program in a resource-limited setting

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    Contains fulltext : 109136.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Open Access)Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, 25 juni 2012Promotores : Ven, A.J.A.M. van der, Essex, M