21 research outputs found

    Deep Convolutional Neural Networks-Based Plants Diseases Detection Using Hybrid Features

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    With advances in information technology, various ways have been developed to detect diseases in plants, one of which is by using Machine Learning. In machine learning, the choice of features affect the performance significantly. However, most features have limitations for plant diseases detection. For that reason, we propose the use of hybrid features for plant diseases detection in this paper. We append local descriptor and texture features, i.e. linear binary pattern (LBP) to color features. The hybrid features are then used as inputs for deep convolutional neural networks (DCNN) Support and VGG16 classifiers. Our evaluation on Based on our experiments, our proposed features achieved better performances than those of using color features only. Our results also suggest fast convergence of the proposed features as the good performance is achieved at low number of epoch

    Automated border control systems: biometric challenges and research trends

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    Automated Border Control (ABC) systems automatically verify the travelers\u2019 identity using their biometric information, without the need of a manual check, by comparing the data stored in the electronic document (e.g., the e-Passport) with a live sample captured during the crossing of the border. In this paper, the hardware and software components of the biometric systems used in ABC systems are described, along with the latest challenges and research trends

    Interoperability of Contact and Contactless Fingerprints Across Multiple Fingerprint Sensors

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    Contactless fingerprinting devices have grown in popularity in recent years due to speed and convenience of capture. Also, due to the global COID-19 pandemic, the need for safe and hygienic options for fingerprint capture are more pressing than ever. However, contactless systems face challenges in the areas of interoperability and matching performance as shown in other works. In this paper, we present a contactless vs. contact interoperability assessment of several contactless devices, including cellphone fingerphoto capture. During the interoperability assessment, the quality of the fingerprints was considered using the NBIS NFIQ software with the contact-based fingerprint performing the best overall as expected. In addition to evaluating the match performance of each contactless sensor, this paper presents an analysis of the impact of finger size and skin melanin content on contactless match performance. AUC results indicate that contactless match performance of the newest contactless devices is reaching that of contact fingerprints. In addition, match scores indicate that, while not as sensitive to melanin content, contactless fingerprint matching may be impacted by finger size

    Estimation of cylinder quality measures from quality maps for Minutia-Cylinder Code based latent fingerprint matching

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    Poor quality of fingerprint data is one of the major problems concerning latent fingerprint matching in forensic applications. Local quality of fingerprint plays a very important role in this application field to ensure high recognition performance. Al- though big progress has been made in matching of fingerprints using local minutiae descriptors, in particular Minutia Cylinder- Code (MCC), automatic latent fingerprint matching continues to be a challenge. Previously we proposed a matching algo- rithm that uses minutiae information encoded by MCC with in- tegrated local quality measures associated to each MCC called cylinder quality measures. In our previous work, cylinder qual- ity measures for latent case have been proposed by combining the subjective qualities of individual minutiae involved. In this paper, we propose an alternative method to estimate the cylin- der quality measures directly from fingerprint quality maps, in particular ridge clarity maps, by taking into account the num- ber of involving minutiae as well. Integration of MCC with the proposed cylinder quality measures was evaluated through ex- periments on the latent fingerprint database NIST SD27, which show clear improvements in the identification performance of latent fingerprints of ugly quality

    Investigation of new feature descriptors for image search and classification

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    Content-based image search, classification and retrieval is an active and important research area due to its broad applications as well as the complexity of the problem. Understanding the semantics and contents of images for recognition remains one of the most difficult and prevailing problems in the machine intelligence and computer vision community. With large variations in size, pose, illumination and occlusions, image classification is a very challenging task. A good classification framework should address the key issues of discriminatory feature extraction as well as efficient and accurate classification. Towards that end, this dissertation focuses on exploring new image descriptors by incorporating cues from the human visual system, and integrating local, texture, shape as well as color information to construct robust and effective feature representations for advancing content-based image search and classification. Based on the Gabor wavelet transformation, whose kernels are similar to the 2D receptive field profiles of the mammalian cortical simple cells, a series of new image descriptors is developed. Specifically, first, a new color Gabor-HOG (GHOG) descriptor is introduced by concatenating the Histograms of Oriented Gradients (HOG) of the component images produced by applying Gabor filters in multiple scales and orientations to encode shape information. Second, the GHOG descriptor is analyzed in six different color spaces and grayscale to propose different color GHOG descriptors, which are further combined to present a new Fused Color GHOG (FC-GHOG) descriptor. Third, a novel GaborPHOG (GPHOG) descriptor is proposed which improves upon the Pyramid Histograms of Oriented Gradients (PHOG) descriptor, and subsequently a new FC-GPHOG descriptor is constructed by combining the multiple color GPHOG descriptors and employing the Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Next, the Gabor-LBP (GLBP) is derived by accumulating the Local Binary Patterns (LBP) histograms of the local Gabor filtered images to encode texture and local information of an image. Furthermore, a novel Gabor-LBPPHOG (GLP) image descriptor is proposed which integrates the GLBP and the GPHOG descriptors as a feature set and an innovative Fused Color Gabor-LBP-PHOG (FC-GLP) is constructed by fusing the GLP from multiple color spaces. Subsequently, The GLBP and the GHOG descriptors are then combined to produce the Gabor-LBP-HOG (GLH) feature vector which performs well on different object and scene image categories. The six color GLH vectors are further concatenated to form the Fused Color GLH (FC-GLH) descriptor. Finally, the Wigner based Local Binary Patterns (WLBP) descriptor is proposed that combines multi-neighborhood LBP, Pseudo-Wigner distribution of images and the popular bag of words model to effectively classify scene images. To assess the feasibility of the proposed new image descriptors, two classification methods are used: one method applies the PCA and the Enhanced Fisher Model (EFM) for feature extraction and the nearest neighbor rule for classification, while the other method employs the Support Vector Machine (SVM). The classification performance of the proposed descriptors is tested on several publicly available popular image datasets. The experimental results show that the proposed new image descriptors achieve image search and classification results better than or at par with other popular image descriptors, such as the Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT), the Pyramid Histograms of visual Words (PHOW), the Pyramid Histograms of Oriented Gradients (PHOG), the Spatial Envelope (SE), the Color SIFT four Concentric Circles (C4CC), the Object Bank (OB), the Context Aware Topic Model (CA-TM), the Hierarchical Matching Pursuit (HMP), the Kernel Spatial Pyramid Matching (KSPM), the SIFT Sparse-coded Spatial Pyramid Matching (Sc-SPM), the Kernel Codebook (KC) and the LBP

    Novel color and local image descriptors for content-based image search

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    Content-based image classification, search and retrieval is a rapidly-expanding research area. With the advent of inexpensive digital cameras, cheap data storage, fast computing speeds and ever-increasing data transfer rates, millions of images are stored and shared over the Internet every day. This necessitates the development of systems that can classify these images into various categories without human intervention and on being presented a query image, can identify its contents in order to retrieve similar images. Towards that end, this dissertation focuses on investigating novel image descriptors based on texture, shape, color, and local information for advancing content-based image search. Specifically, first, a new color multi-mask Local Binary Patterns (mLBP) descriptor is presented to improve upon the traditional Local Binary Patterns (LBP) texture descriptor for better image classification performance. Second, the mLBP descriptors from different color spaces are fused to form the Color LBP Fusion (CLF) and Color Grayscale LBP Fusion (CGLF) descriptors that further improve image classification performance. Third, a new HaarHOG descriptor, which integrates the Haar wavelet transform and the Histograms of Oriented Gradients (HOG), is presented for extracting both shape and local information for image classification. Next, a novel three Dimensional Local Binary Patterns (3D-LBP) descriptor is proposed for color images by encoding both color and texture information for image search. Furthermore, the novel 3DLH and 3DLH-fusion descriptors are proposed, which combine the HaarHOG and the 3D-LBP descriptors by means of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and are able to improve upon the individual HaarHOG and 3D-LBP descriptors for image search. Subsequently, the innovative H-descriptor, and the H-fusion descriptor are presented that improve upon the 3DLH descriptor. Finally, the innovative Bag of Words-LBP (BoWL) descriptor is introduced that combines the idea of LBP with a bag-of-words representation to further improve image classification performance. To assess the feasibility of the proposed new image descriptors, two classification frameworks are used. In one, the PCA and the Enhanced Fisher Model (EFM) are applied for feature extraction and the nearest neighbor classification rule for classification. In the other, a Support Vector Machine (SVM) is used for classification. The classification performance is tested on several widely used and publicly available image datasets. The experimental results show that the proposed new image descriptors achieve an image classification performance better than or comparable to other popular image descriptors, such as the Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT), the Pyramid Histograms of visual Words (PHOW), the Pyramid Histograms of Oriented Gradients (PHOG), the Spatial Envelope (SE), the Color SIFT four Concentric Circles (C4CC), the Object Bank (OB), the Hierarchical Matching Pursuit (HMP), the Kernel Spatial Pyramid Matching (KSPM), the SIFT Sparse-coded Spatial Pyramid Matching (ScSPM), the Kernel Codebook (KC) and the LBP

    Tratamiento de datos personales sensibles en Per煤 en el contexto de Covid-19

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    La 煤ltima d茅cada se caracteriza por el uso generalizado de tecnolog铆as de informaci贸n que son capaces de recopilar, almacenar, procesar, relacionar y transmitir gran cantidad informaci贸n. Este contexto puso en evidencia riesgos derivados del tratamiento indiscriminado de informaci贸n personal tales como el uso de informaci贸n para finalidades no autorizadas por el titular de los datos personales; suplantaci贸n de identidad, elaboraci贸n de perfiles en el contexto de la toma de decisiones automatizadas; predicci贸n del comportamiento o preferencias en una situaci贸n espec铆fica; entre otros. Por ello, el presente trabajo de investigaci贸n tiene como objetivo dar cuenta del desarrollo normativo y los aportes de la Autoridad Nacional de Protecci贸n de Datos Personales (en adelante, ANPDP) para la protecci贸n de datos personales de car谩cter sensible en Per煤 en el contexto de Covid-19. Para conseguir ello, se analiza el desarrollo doctrinario y jurisprudencial, as铆 como la normativa comparada aplicable a los datos sensibles. Lo anterior permite arribar a las siguientes conclusiones: i) la Ley de Protecci贸n de Datos Personales (en adelante, LPDP) no contiene una definici贸n acertada de datos biom茅tricos como datos sensibles; ii) los datos relativos a salud de las personas son datos sensibles, cuyo tratamiento de encuentra exceptuado del consentimiento personal cuando tiene como finalidad la prevenci贸n, diagn贸stico y tratamiento de una enfermedad o razones inter茅s p煤blico o salud p煤blica, no obstante, se deben observar los dem谩s principios recogidos en la LPDP y adoptar medidas legales, t茅cnicas y organizativas; y, iii) los aportes de la ANPDP no representan un avance significativo para la protecci贸n de datos sensibles.Trabajo acad茅mic

    Innovative local texture descriptors with application to eye detection

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    Local Binary Patterns (LBP), which is one of the well-known texture descriptors, has broad applications in pattern recognition and computer vision. The attractive properties of LBP are its tolerance to illumination variations and its computational simplicity. However, LBP only compares a pixel with those in its own neighborhood and encodes little information about the relationship of the local texture with the features. This dissertation introduces a new Feature Local Binary Patterns (FLBP) texture descriptor that can compare a pixel with those in its own neighborhood as well as in other neighborhoods and encodes the information of both local texture and features. The features encoded in FLBP are broadly defined, such as edges, Gabor wavelet features, and color features. Specifically, a binary image is first derived by extracting feature pixels from a given image, and then a distance vector field is obtained by computing the distance vector between each pixel and its nearest feature pixel defined in the binary image. Based on the distance vector field and the FLBP parameters, the FLBP representation of the given image is derived. The feasibility of the proposed FLBP is demonstrated on eye detection using the BioID and the FERET databases. Experimental results show that the FLBP method significantly improves upon the LBP method in terms of both the eye detection rate and the eye center localization accuracy. As LBP is sensitive to noise especially in near-uniform image regions, Local Ternary Patterns (LTP) was proposed to address this problem by extending LBP to three-valued codes. However, further research reveals that both LTP and LBP achieve similar results for face and facial expression recognition, while LTP has a higher computational cost than LBP. To improve upon LTP, this dissertation introduces another new local texture descriptor: Local Quaternary Patterns (LQP) and its extension, Feature Local Quaternary Patterns (FLQP). LQP encodes four relationships of local texture, and therefore, it includes more information of local texture than the LBP and the LTP. FLQP, which encodes both local and feature information, is expected to perform even better than LQP for texture description and pattern analysis. The LQP and FLQP are applied to eye detection on the BioID database. Experimental results show that both FLQP and LQP achieve better eye detection performance than FLTP, LTP, FLBP and LBP. The FLQP method achieves the highest eye detection rate

    Eye detection using discriminatory features and an efficient support vector machine

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    Accurate and efficient eye detection has broad applications in computer vision, machine learning, and pattern recognition. This dissertation presents a number of accurate and efficient eye detection methods using various discriminatory features and a new efficient Support Vector Machine (eSVM). This dissertation first introduces five popular image representation methods - the gray-scale image representation, the color image representation, the 2D Haar wavelet image representation, the Histograms of Oriented Gradients (HOG) image representation, and the Local Binary Patterns (LBP) image representation - and then applies these methods to derive five types of discriminatory features. Comparative assessments are then presented to evaluate the performance of these discriminatory features on the problem of eye detection. This dissertation further proposes two discriminatory feature extraction (DFE) methods for eye detection. The first DFE method, discriminant component analysis (DCA), improves upon the popular principal component analysis (PCA) method. The PCA method can derive the optimal features for data representation but not for classification. In contrast, the DCA method, which applies a new criterion vector that is defined on two novel measure vectors, derives the optimal discriminatory features in the whitened PCA space for two-class classification problems. The second DFE method, clustering-based discriminant analysis (CDA), improves upon the popular Fisher linear discriminant (FLD) method. A major disadvantage of the FLD is that it may not be able to extract adequate features in order to achieve satisfactory performance, especially for two-class problems. To address this problem, three CDA models (CDA-1, -2, and -3) are proposed by taking advantage of the clustering technique. For every CDA model anew between-cluster scatter matrix is defined. The CDA method thus can derive adequate features to achieve satisfactory performance for eye detection. Furthermore, the clustering nature of the three CDA models and the nonparametric nature of the CDA-2 and -3 models can further improve the detection performance upon the conventional FLD method. This dissertation finally presents a new efficient Support Vector Machine (eSVM) for eye detection that improves the computational efficiency of the conventional Support Vector Machine (SVM). The eSVM first defines a 螛 set that consists of the training samples on the wrong side of their margin derived from the conventional soft-margin SVM. The 螛 set plays an important role in controlling the generalization performance of the eSVM. The eSVM then introduces only a single slack variable for all the training samples in the 螛 set, and as a result, only a very small number of those samples in the 螛 set become support vectors. The eSVM hence significantly reduces the number of support vectors and improves the computational efficiency without sacrificing the generalization performance. A modified Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO) algorithm is then presented to solve the large Quadratic Programming (QP) problem defined in the optimization of the eSVM. Three large-scale face databases, the Face Recognition Grand challenge (FRGC) version 2 database, the BioID database, and the FERET database, are applied to evaluate the proposed eye detection methods. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed methods that improve upon some state-of-the-art eye detection methods