1,468 research outputs found

    Comparison of Proximal and Remote Sensing for the Diagnosis of Crop Status in Site-Specific Crop Management

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    The presented paper deals with the issue of selecting a suitable system for monitoring the winter wheat crop in order to determine its condition as a basis for variable applications of nitrogen fertilizers. In a four-year (2017-2020) field experiment, 1400 ha of winter wheat crop were monitored using the ISARIA on-the-go system and remote sensing using Sentinel-2 multispectral satellite images. The results of spectral measurements of ISARIA vegetation indices (IRMI, IBI) were statistically compared with the values of selected vegetation indices obtained from Sentinel-2 (EVI, GNDVI, NDMI, NDRE, NDVI and NRERI) in order to determine potential hips. Positive correlations were found between the vegetation indices determined by the ISARIA system and indices obtained by multispectral images from Sentinel-2 satellites. The correlations were medium to strong (r = 0.51-0.89). Therefore, it can be stated that both technologies were able to capture a similar trend in the development of vegetation. Furthermore, the influence of climatic conditions on the vegetation indices was analyzed in individual years of the experiment. The values of vegetation indices show significant differences between the individual years. The results of vegetation indices obtained by the analysis of spectral images from Sentinel-2 satellites varied the most. The values of winter wheat yield varied between the individual years. Yield was the highest in 2017 (7.83 t/ha), while the lowest was recorded in 2020 (6.96 t/ha). There was no statistically significant difference between 2018 (7.27 t/ha) and 2019 (7.44 t/ha).O

    Estimating wheat grain yield using Sentinel-2 imagery and exploring topographic features and rainfall effects on wheat performance in Navarre, Spain

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    Reliable methods for estimating wheat grain yield before harvest could help improve farm management and, if applied on a regional level, also help identify spatial factors that influence yield. Regional grain yield can be estimated using conventional methods, but the typical process is complex and labor-intensive. Here we describe the development of a streamlined approach using publicly accessible agricultural data, field-level yield, and remote sensing data from Sentinel-2 satellite to estimate regional wheat grain yield. We validated our method on wheat croplands in Navarre in northern Spain, which features heterogeneous topography and rainfall. First, this study developed stepwise multilinear equations to estimate grain yield based on various vegetation indices, which were measured at various phenological stages in order to determine the optimal timings. Second, the most suitable model was used to estimate grain yield in wheat parcels mapped from Sentinel-2 satellite images. We used a supervised pixel-based random forest classification and the estimates were compared to government-published post-harvest yield statistics. When tested, the model achieved an R2 of 0.83 in predicting grain yield at field level. The wheat parcels were mapped with an accuracy close to 86% for both overall accuracy and compared to offcial statistics. Third, the validated model was used to explore potential relationships of the mapped per-parcel grain yield estimation with topographic features and rainfall by using geographically weighted regressions. Topographic features and rainfall together accounted for an average for 11 to 20% of the observed spatial variation in grain yield in Navarre. These results highlight the ability of our method for estimating wheat grain yield before harvest and determining spatial factors that influence yield at the regional scale

    Seasonal mapping of irrigated winter wheat traits in Argentina with a hybrid retrieval workflow using sentinel-2 imagery

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    Earth observation offers an unprecedented opportunity to monitor intensively cultivated areas providing key support to assess fertilizer needs and crop water uptake. Routinely, vegetation traits mapping can help farmers to monitor plant development along the crop’s phenological cycle, which is particularly relevant for irrigated agricultural areas. The high spatial and temporal resolution of the Sentinel-2 (S2) multispectral instrument leverages the possibility to estimate leaf area index (LAI), canopy chlorophyll content (CCC), and vegetation water content (VWC) from space. Therefore, our study presents a hybrid retrieval workflow combining a physically-based strategy with a machine learning regression algorithm, i.e., Gaussian processes regression, and an active learning technique to estimate LAI, CCC and VWC of irrigated winter wheat. The established hybrid models of the three traits were validated against in-situ data of a wheat campaign in the Bonaerense valley, South of the Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, in the year 2020. We obtained good to highly accurate validation results with LAI: R2 = 0.92, RMSE = 0.43 m2 m−2, CCC: R2 = 0.80, RMSE = 0.27 g m−2 and VWC: R2 = 0.75, RMSE = 416 g m−2. The retrieval models were also applied to a series of S2 images, producing time series along the seasonal cycle, which reflected the effects of fertilizer and irrigation on crop growth. The associated uncertainties along with the obtained maps underlined the robustness of the hybrid retrieval workflow. We conclude that processing S2 imagery with optimised hybrid models allows accurate space-based crop traits mapping over large irrigated areas and thus can support agricultural management decisions.Fil: Caballero, Gabriel. Technological University of Uruguay (UTEC). Agri-Environmental Engineering; Uruguay. University of Valencia. Image Processing Laboratory (IPL); EspañaFil: Pezzola, Alejandro. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Hilario Ascasubi; ArgentinaFil: Winschel, Cristina Ines. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Hilario Ascasubi; ArgentinaFil: Casella, Alejandra. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Clima y Agua; ArgentinaFil: Sanchez Angonova, Paolo Andres. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Hilario Ascasubi; ArgentinaFil: Rivera Caicedo, Juan Pablo. CONACYT-UAN. Secretary of Research and Graduate Studies; MéxicoFil: Berger, Katja. University of Valencia. Image Processing Laboratory (IPL); España. Mantle Labs GmbH; AustriaFil: Verrelst, Jochem. University of Valencia. Image Processing Laboratory (IPL); EspañaFil: Delegido, Jesús. Universidad de Valencia. Image Processing Laboratory (IPL); Españ

    Plot-level field monitoring with Sentinel-2 and PlanetScope data for examination of sewage sludge disposal impact

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    Agricultural use of sewage sludge is one of the means of sustainable environmental management. In order to monitor the short-term effects of sludge disposal a multi-year, high-resolution data collection was planned on arable land in south-eastern Hungary. Data acquisition was applied at the highest temporal and spatial resolution using Sentinel-2 and PlanetScope satellite imagery observing the vegetation period based on vegetation indices (EVI, NDVI) from 2016 to 2021. There were statistical differences in the case of sunflower and maize biomass productions but the spatial and statistical deviations between the affected and non-affected areas of sludge disposal were generally not significant. The sensitivity of EVI in the dense vegetation period and its applicability might be emphasized in a comparative analysis

    Comparative geospatial approach for agricultural crops identification in interfluvial plain - A case study of Sahiwal district, Pakistan

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    Agricultural crop cover identification is a major issue and time-consuming effort to verify the crop type through surveys of the individual field or using prehistoric methods. To establish the scenario of crop identification, the stage of crop provides diverse spatial information about the variety of crops due to its spectral changes. The main aim of this study was to the identify the crop types and their behavior using remote sensing and geographical information system-based approach. Moreover, two main methods were applied to the Sentinel-2 satellite data in which one is random forest based supervised classification and another was Normalize Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) density estimation method through the google earth engine to procure the data in time-efficient way. This study also established the comparison between classified and vegetation index based seasonal compositional datasets for wheat, cotton, maize, and fodder crops. Study discussed the best fit technique for crops identification in the light of observed methods. Furthermore, the vegetation index ranges by the zonal statistics of the field samples were established according to crop precision. Results showed that -22.94, -43.72, 20.61, and 32.49 % dissimilarities existed in wheat, fodder, cotton, and maize results respectively, after comparison of both techniques. Although, the accuracy assessment was performed on the classified dataset for validation of results by confusion matrix accuracy assessment process using field sample data. Moreover, the vegetation index was used to evaluate crop land surface temperature to estimate the crop growth stage valuation that revealed noticeably enthralling outcomes. The results determined that the classified accuracies of wheat, cotton, maize and fodder were 84, 80, 81 and 71 % respectively. This study also revealed that the random forest classifier has used more features and information potentially during the classifier trainings but vegetation index just implies the limited number of features such as crop growing status

    Predicting grain protein concentration in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) based on unpiloted aerial vehicle multispectral optical remote sensing

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    Prediction models for crude protein concentration (CP) in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) based on multispectral reflectance data from field trials in 2019 and 2020 in southern Sweden were developed and evaluated for independent trial sites. Reflectance data were collected using an unpiloted aerial vehicle (UAV)-borne camera with nine spectral bands having similar specification to nine bands of Sentinel-2 satellite data. Models were tested for application on near-real time Sentinel-2 imagery, on the prospect that CP prediction models can be made available in satellite-based decision support systems (DSS) for precision agriculture. Two different prediction methods were tested: linear regression and multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS). Linear regression based on the best-performing vegetation index (the chlorophyll index) was found to be approximately as accurate as the best performing MARS model with multiple predictor variables in leave-one-trial-out cross-validation (R-2 = 0.71, R-2 = 0.70 and mean absolute error 0.64%, 0.60% CP respectively). Models applied on satellite data explained to a small degree between-field variations in CP (R-2 = 0.36), however did not reproduce within-field variation accurately. The results of the different methods presented here show the differences between methods used and their potential for application in a DSS

    Remote Sensing in Agriculture: State-of-the-Art

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    The Special Issue on “Remote Sensing in Agriculture: State-of-the-Art” gives an exhaustive overview of the ongoing remote sensing technology transfer into the agricultural sector. It consists of 10 high-quality papers focusing on a wide range of remote sensing models and techniques to forecast crop production and yield, to map agricultural landscape and to evaluate plant and soil biophysical features. Satellite, RPAS, and SAR data were involved. This preface describes shortly each contribution published in such Special Issue

    Cartografía de alta resolución de la cubierta del suelo y clasificación de los cultivos en la cuenca del Loukkos (norte de Marruecos): Un enfoque que utiliza las series temporales de SAR Sentinel-1

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    [EN] Remote  sensing  has  become  more  and  more  a  reliable  tool  for  mapping  land  cover  and  monitoring  cropland. Much of the work done in this field uses optical remote sensing data. In Morocco, active remote sensing data remain under-exploited despite their importance in monitoring spatial and temporal dynamics of land cover and crops even during cloudy weather. This study aims to explore the potential of C-band Sentinel-1 data in the production of a high-resolution land cover mapping and crop classification within the irrigated Loukkos watershed agricultural landscape in northern Morocco. The work was achieved by using 33 dual-polarized images in vertical-vertical  (VV)  and  vertical-horizontal  (VH)  polarizations.  The  images  were  acquired  in  ascending  orbits  between  April 16 and October 25, 2020, with the purpose to track the backscattering behavior of the main crops and other land  cover  classes  in  the  study  area.  The  results  showed  that  the  backscatter  increased  with  the  phenological  development  of  the  monitored  crops  (rice,  watermelon,  peanuts,  and  winter  crops),  strongly  for  the  VH  and  VV  bands, and slightly for the VH/VV ratio. The other classes (water, built-up, forest, fruit trees, permanent vegetation, greenhouses, and bare lands) did not show significant variation during this period. Based on the backscattering analysis and the field data, a supervised classification was carried out, using the Random Forest Classifier (RF) algorithm.  Results  showed  that  radiometric  characteristics  and  6  days  time  resolution  covered  by  Sentinel-1  constellation gave a high classification accuracy by dual-polarization with Radar Ratio (VH/VV) or Radar Vegetation Index and textural features (between 74.07% and 75.19%). Accordingly, this study proves that the Sentinel-1 data provide useful information and a high potential for multi-temporal analyses of crop monitoring, and reliable land cover mapping which could be a practical source of information for various purposes in order to undertake food security issues.[ES] La teledetección se ha convertido en una herramienta cada vez más fiable para cartografiar la cubierta vegetal y controlar las tierras de cultivo. Gran parte de los trabajos realizados en este campo utilizan datos ópticos de teledetección. Además, en Marruecos, los datos de teledetección activa siguen estando infrautilizados, a pesar de su importancia para el seguimiento de la dinámica espacial y temporal de la cubierta vegetal y de los cultivos, incluso con tiempo nublado. Este estudio tiene como objetivo explorar el potencial de los datos de la banda C de Sentinel-1 en la producción de una cartografía de alta resolución de la cubierta del suelo y la clasificación de los cultivos dentro del paisaje agrícola de la cuenca del Loukkos de regadío en el norte de Marruecos. Este trabajo se ha realizado utilizando 33 imágenes de doble polarización vertical-vertical (VV) y vertical-horizontal (VH). Las imágenes fueron adquiridas en órbitas ascendentes entre el 16 de abril y el 25 de octubre de 2020, con el propósito de rastrear el comportamiento de retrodispersión de los principales cultivos y otras clases de cobertura del suelo en el área de estudio. Los gráficos obtenidos muestran que la retrodispersión aumenta con el desarrollo fenológico de los tres cultivos monitorizados (arroz, sandía, cacahuetes, cultivos de invierno), fuertemente para las bandas VH y VV, y ligeramente para el ratio VH/VV. Las otras clases (agua, edificado, bosque, árboles frutales, vegetación permanente, invernaderos y tierras desnudas) no muestran una variación significativa durante este periodo. A partir del análisis de retrodispersión y de los datos de campo, se llevó a cabo una clasificación supervisada, utilizando el  algoritmo  Random Forest Classifier (RF). Los resultados muestran que las características radiométricas y la resolución temporal para los 6 días cubiertos por la constelación Sentinel-1 dan una alta precisión de clasificación por polarización dual con Ratio de Radar (VH/VV) o Índice de Vegetación de Radar y características de la textura (entre  74,07%  y  75,17%).  En  consecuencia,  este  estudio  demuestra  que  los  datos  de  Sentinel-1  proporcionan  información útil y un alto potencial para los análisis multitemporales de seguimiento de los cultivos, así como una cartografía fiable de la cubierta terrestre que debería ser una fuente de información práctica para para varios propósitos a fin de acometer cuestiones de seguridad alimentaria.Nizar, EM.; Wahbi, M.; Ait Kazzi, M.; Yazidi Alaoui, O.; Boulaassal, H.; Maatouk, M.; Zaghloul, MN.... (2022). High Resolution Land Cover Mapping and Crop Classification in the Loukkos Watershed (Northern Morocco): An Approach Using SAR Sentinel-1 Time Series. Revista de Teledetección. (60):47-69. https://doi.org/10.4995/raet.2022.17426OJS47696