265 research outputs found

    Creating and Maintaining Consistent Documents with Elucidative Development

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    Software systems usually consist of multiple artefacts, such as requirements, class diagrams, or source code. Documents, such as specifications and documentation, can also be viewed as artefacts. In practice, however, writing and updating documents is often neglected because it is expensive and brings no immediate benefit. Consequently, documents are often outdated and communicate wrong information about the software. The price is paid later when a software system must be maintained and much implicit knowledge that existed at the time of the original development has been lost. A simple way to keep documents up to date is generation. However, not all documents can be fully generated. Usually, at least some content must be written by a human author. This handwritten content is lost if the documents must be regenerated. In this thesis, Elucidative Development is introduced. It is an approach to create documents by partial generation. Partial generation means that some parts of the document are generated whereas others are handwritten. Elucidative Development retains manually written content when the document is regenerated. An integral part of Elucidative Development is a guidance system, which informs the author about changes in the generated content and helps him update the handwritten content.:1 Introduction 1.1 Contributions 1.2 Scope of the Thesis 1.3 Organisation 2 Problem Analysis and Solution Outline 2.1 Redundancy and Inconsistency 2.2 Improving Consistency with Partial Generation 2.3 Conclusion 3 Background 3.1 Grammar-Based Modularisation 3.2 Model-Driven Software Development 3.3 Round-Trip Engineering 3.4 Conclusion 4 Elucidative Development 4.1 General Idea and Running Example 4.2 Requirements of Elucidative Development 4.3 Structure and Basic Concepts of Elucidative Documents 4.4 Presentation Layer 4.5 Guidance 4.6 Conclusion 5 Model-Driven Elucidative Development 5.1 General Idea and Running Example 5.2 Requirements of Model-Driven Elucidative Development 5.3 Structure and Basic Concepts of Elucidative Documents in Model-Driven Elucidative Development 5.4 Guidance 5.5 Conclusion 6 Extensions of Elucidative Development 6.1 Validating XML-based Elucidative Documents 6.2 Backpropagation-Based Round-Trip Engineering for Computed Text Document Fragments 6.3 Conclusion 7 Tool Support for an Elucidative Development Environment 7.1 Managing Active References 7.2 Inserting Computed Document Fragments 7.3 Caching the Computed Document Fragments 7.4 Elucidative Document Validation with Schemas 7.5 Conclusion 8 Related Work 8.1 Related Documentation Approaches 8.2 Consistency Approaches 8.3 Compound Documents 8.4 Conclusion 9 Evaluation 9.1 Creating and Maintaining the Cool Component Specification 9.2 Creating and Maintaining the UML Specification 9.3 Feasibility Studies 9.4 Conclusion 10 ConclusionSoftwaresysteme setzen sich üblicherweise aus vielen verschiedenen Artefakten zusammen, zum Beispiel Anforderungen, Klassendiagrammen oder Quellcode. Dokumente, wie zum Beispiel Spezifikationen oder Dokumentation, können auch als Artefakte betrachtet werden. In der Praxis wird aber das Schreiben und Aktualisieren von Dokumenten oft vernachlässigt, weil es zum einen teuer ist und zum anderen keinen unmittelbaren Vorteil bringt. Dokumente sind darum häufig veraltet und vermitteln falsche Informationen über die Software. Den Preis muss man später zahlen, wenn die Software gepflegt wird, weil viel von dem impliziten Wissen, das zur Zeit der Entwicklung existierte, verloren ist. Eine einfache Möglichkeit, Dokumente aktuell zu halten, ist Generierung. Allerdings können nicht alle Dokumente generiert werden. Meist muss wenigstens ein Teil von einem Menschen geschrieben werden. Dieser handgeschriebene Inhalt geht verloren, wenn das Dokument neu generiert werden muss. In dieser Arbeit wird das Elucidative Development vorgestellt. Dabei handelt es sich um einen Ansatz zur Dokumenterzeugung mittels partieller Generierung. Das bedeutet, dass Teile eines Dokuments generiert werden und der Rest von Hand ergänzt wird. Beim Elucidative Development bleibt der handgeschriebene Inhalt bestehen, wenn das restliche Dokument neu generiert wird. Ein integraler Bestandteil von Elucidative Development ist darüber hinaus ein Hilfesystem, das den Autor über Änderungen an generiertem Inhalt informiert und ihm hilft, den handgeschriebenen Inhalt zu aktualisieren.:1 Introduction 1.1 Contributions 1.2 Scope of the Thesis 1.3 Organisation 2 Problem Analysis and Solution Outline 2.1 Redundancy and Inconsistency 2.2 Improving Consistency with Partial Generation 2.3 Conclusion 3 Background 3.1 Grammar-Based Modularisation 3.2 Model-Driven Software Development 3.3 Round-Trip Engineering 3.4 Conclusion 4 Elucidative Development 4.1 General Idea and Running Example 4.2 Requirements of Elucidative Development 4.3 Structure and Basic Concepts of Elucidative Documents 4.4 Presentation Layer 4.5 Guidance 4.6 Conclusion 5 Model-Driven Elucidative Development 5.1 General Idea and Running Example 5.2 Requirements of Model-Driven Elucidative Development 5.3 Structure and Basic Concepts of Elucidative Documents in Model-Driven Elucidative Development 5.4 Guidance 5.5 Conclusion 6 Extensions of Elucidative Development 6.1 Validating XML-based Elucidative Documents 6.2 Backpropagation-Based Round-Trip Engineering for Computed Text Document Fragments 6.3 Conclusion 7 Tool Support for an Elucidative Development Environment 7.1 Managing Active References 7.2 Inserting Computed Document Fragments 7.3 Caching the Computed Document Fragments 7.4 Elucidative Document Validation with Schemas 7.5 Conclusion 8 Related Work 8.1 Related Documentation Approaches 8.2 Consistency Approaches 8.3 Compound Documents 8.4 Conclusion 9 Evaluation 9.1 Creating and Maintaining the Cool Component Specification 9.2 Creating and Maintaining the UML Specification 9.3 Feasibility Studies 9.4 Conclusion 10 Conclusio

    Extended Version of Elucidative Development for Model-Based Documentation and Language Specification

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    Documentation is an essential activity in software development, for source code as well as modelling artefacts. Typically, documentation is created and maintained manually which leads to inconsistencies as documented artefacts like source code or models evolve during development. Existing approaches like literate/elucidative programming or literate modelling address these problems by deriving documentation from software development artefacts or vice versa. However, these approaches restrict themselves to a certain kind of artefact and to a certain phase of the software development life-cycle. In this paper, we propose elucidative development as a generalisation of these approaches supporting heterogeneous kinds of artefacts as well as the analysis, design and implementation phases of the software development life-cycle. Elucidative development allows for linking source code and model artefacts into documentation and thus, maintains and updates their presentation semi-automatically. We present DEFT as an integrated development environment for elucidative development. We show, how DEFT can be applied to language specifications like the UML specification and help to avoid inconsistencies caused by maintenance and evolution of such a specification

    Epistemological Character of Sustainability

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    Epistemology has as its function, among others, to define what provides conditions for examining relations between facts and theories. The question is what does conceptual aspect contribute to awareness and improvement to the relation of capital, labor, and society? Apply the Theory U as argumentation in this relation. The general and main objective of this experiment is to deal with the epistemological aspect of sustainability against the capital, labor, and society based on the Theory U; the specific objectives are collecting the sustainability theoretical-conceptual character to explain its epistemological core (1); identify the relation of capital, labor, and society (2); and identify the conceptual innovation required from the contextualized indoctrinated constitution. Apply the Content Analysis Method and procedures such as cleavage, categorization, and criticism. As result, the conceptual aspect contributes to awareness and improvement of the relation of capital, labor, and society considering the discourses treated; in fragile environments in the western Amazon, there is a latent concern related to solid waste, deserving a conceptual highlight in which the origin of sustainability becomes the emergency; the mechanisms created by capital with domination over human labor, make the worker passive in the society marked by capitalist hegemony; lead structural changes is an epistemological question witch happen pragmatically, increasing the fragile aspect of perception and awareness resulting in innovations to sustained development, motivating learning where leaders promote changes in complex systems. This article interests researchers and others people involved in theoretical issues to delineate researches in the axis of applied social sciences

    Consequences of stock option expensing with FAS 123R in the US high-tech industry

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    With significant equity incentives in its compensation structure, stock option expensing approval affects the compensation structure in the US high-tech industry. A large sample analysis shows that in response to FAS 123R in 2005, the proportion of options offered to CEOs and Top 5 Executives at high-tech firms has decreased, with significance. This in turn does not seem to change, significantly, risk-taking incentives, measured by vega, of CEOs and Top 5 Executives in this industry. Following the same tendency, a small sample of 10 US high-tech companies presents that non-named executives and employees have suffered a decrease in options offerings from 2002 to 2006 accompanied by the introduction of restricted stock units (RSUs) and the introduction (in some cases) of a binomial option-pricing model. Contradicting this tendency non-employee directors have seen an increase in the level of options granted in the light of FAS 123R

    Creating shared value : the case of Nestlé

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    In the past years, a lot has been said about the role business develops in society. There are opposite views about the position that both business and society should take. In fact, it is a theme that is increasingly popular and there is an increasing discussion around it in the business academic arena. However, one thing is clear: companies have to address societal issues in a proactive way in order to satisfy the increasing demands of their stakeholders. They really have to do good or, at least, appear to. This is the reason why many companies have been pursuing Social Responsibility strategies in order to rebrand its image, trying to create a competitive advantage in an evolving market. The main idea of the present dissertation is to study why and how companies should engage in Social Responsibility strategies in order to create both economic and societal value. The problem statement relies on understanding how a strategic focus on social issues may create a sustainable, long-term view where both economic and social values are created. The present dissertation, written in the form of a case study, aims to present the successful case of Nestlé when developing and implementing its Creating Shared Value strategy. All the steps that Nestlé took since 2006 are analysed to explain why and how did Nestlé successfully change the image of the company while increasing the total pool of value created, which is divided in both economic and social value along its entire value chain


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    The study aimed to understand the importance of the Social Worker work management process in Education Policy, more specifically in the Coordination of Social Work Course. It was questioned whether the theoretical and methodological principles of management apply in the federal public sector, where the work to be carried out already obeys a previously planned and orchestrated agenda by the federal sphere, as it obeys plans and goals established by the managing bodies of policies public. Then, it was asked whether it would be possible to build the theoretical-practical process of management and how to carry it out in the field of professional practice, where the overvaluation of bureaucratic work directly interferes with professional action, a process that contributes to the construction of a practice emptied and uncritical professional. Also in this questioning guideline, it was also asked, what are the theoretical and practical principles of management that the social worker could appropriate as a work tool in his performance in the public sector, where the professional routinely runs into institutional limits and power relations established in the state apparatus. The documentary and bibliographic study was characterized by its exploratory character and qualitative approach. It was considered that the process of valuing bureaucratic work has been gradually encouraging the bureaucratization of practice and the professional void, a fact that conditions professional practice to bureaucratic and routine tasks. Work management and the ability to plan and organize professional action on a purposeful basis become instruments of great importance in the formulation of proposals to face the challenges posed to Social Service professionals. KEYWORDS: Management; Planning; Education; Social Work; Work.  El estudio tuvo como objetivo comprender la importancia del proceso de gestión del trabajo del trabajador social en la Política Educativa, más específicamente en el Curso de Coordinación del Trabajo Social. Se cuestionó si los principios teóricos y metodológicos de gestión se aplican en el sector público federal, donde el trabajo a realizar ya obedece a una agenda previamente planificada y orquestada por la esfera federal, ya que obedece a los planes y objetivos establecidos por los órganos directivos de Políticas públicas. Luego, se preguntó si sería posible construir el proceso teórico-práctico de gestión y cómo llevarlo a cabo en el campo de la práctica profesional, donde la sobrevaloración del trabajo burocrático interfiere directamente con la acción profesional, un proceso que contribuye a construcción de una práctica profesional vacía y no crítica. También en esta guía de preguntas, también se preguntó cuáles son los principios teóricos y prácticos de gestión que el trabajador social podría apropiarse como herramienta de trabajo en su desempeño en el sector público, donde el profesional se topa habitualmente con límites institucionales y relaciones de poder establecidas. en el aparato del estado. El estudio documental y bibliográfico se caracterizó por su carácter exploratorio y enfoque cualitativo. Se consideró que el proceso de valoración del trabajo burocrático ha estado alentando gradualmente la burocratización de la práctica y el vacío profesional, un hecho que condiciona la práctica profesional a las tareas burocráticas y rutinarias. La gestión del trabajo y la capacidad de planificar y organizar la acción profesional con un propósito determinado se convierten en instrumentos de gran importancia en la formulación de propuestas para enfrentar los desafíos planteados a los profesionales del Trabajo Social. PALABRAS-CLAVES: Gestión; Planificación; Educación; Trabajo Social; Trabajo.The study aimed to understand the importance of the Social Worker work management process in Education Policy, more specifically in the Coordination of Social Work Course. It was questioned whether the theoretical and methodological principles of management apply in the federal public sector, where the work to be carried out already obeys a previously planned and orchestrated agenda by the federal sphere, as it obeys plans and goals established by the managing bodies of policies public. Then, it was asked whether it would be possible to build the theoretical-practical process of management and how to carry it out in the field of professional practice, where the overvaluation of bureaucratic work directly interferes with professional action, a process that contributes to the construction of a practice emptied and uncritical professional. Also in this questioning guideline, it was also asked, what are the theoretical and practical principles of management that the social worker could appropriate as a work tool in his performance in the public sector, where the professional routinely runs into institutional limits and power relations established in the state apparatus. The documentary and bibliographic study was characterized by its exploratory character and qualitative approach. It was considered that the process of valuing bureaucratic work has been gradually encouraging the bureaucratization of practice and the professional void, a fact that conditions professional practice to bureaucratic and routine tasks. Work management and the ability to plan and organize professional action on a purposeful basis become instruments of great importance in the formulation of proposals to face the challenges posed to Social Service professionals. KEYWORDS: Management; Planning; Education; Social Work; Work

    Regulating states cyber-behaviour : obstacles for a consensus

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    Os sistemas e serviços baseados no espaço exterior têm ganhado destaque ao revolucionarem diferentes áreas e representarem fator multiplicador do poder militar. Não à toa, algumas forças armadas não só incorporaram ativos espaciais em suas estratégias, como também criaram organizações e doutrinas militares voltadas exclusivamente para esse domínio. Nesse sentido, o objetivo do presente artigo consiste em debater a importância do espaço para o poder militar em específico para o Brasil, e a consequente necessidade de proteção dos ativos espaciais. O recorte temporal se delimita de 1991 até 2022, compreendendo a chamada Segunda Era Espacial. O marco teórico parte dos conceitos de Paradigmas Estruturais, de Colin Gray, e Comando do Espaço, de Everett Dolman e John Klein, e na teoria dos Cinco Anéis, de John Warden. São trazidos exemplos que ilustram como grandes potências têm utilizado seu poder espacial para atingir objetivos políticos, em que pese a atuação de Estados Unidos e China nessa seara. Ao final, sugerem-se, à luz das análises conceituais e da casuística, algumas iniciativas para a defesa espacial brasileira, visando à garantia do Comando do Espaço.O artigo analisa as vantagens estratégicas que o ciberespaço oferece aos Estados para projeção de poder no cenário internacional. Com intuito de demonstrar como este novo domínio é capaz de ampliar a assimetria de poder entre adversários regionais, verifica seu emprego durante o conflito desencadeado entre a República Popular da China e a Índia (2020-21). Intentamos correlacionar a mudança institucional pela qual passaram as instituições responsáveis pela defesa da China à complexidade das operações e sofisticação tática do uso de armas cibernéticas por agentes a serviço deste Estado. Buscamos identificar se as condições que sustentam a projeção do poder nacional resultam do funcionamento do mecanismo de ação tática coordenada interagencias, fator que reflete o processo de emprego do ciberespaço em disputas regionais. Para tanto, utilizamos a abordagem qualitativa, aplicando o rastreamento de processos, para responder ao seguinte questionamento: Como a China utiliza o ciberespaço para conquistar seus objetivos estratégicos?Desde a primeira conceituação de Guerra Híbrida em 2007, o termo tem sido usado por políticos e acadêmicos para se referir a um novo conceito de estratégia de guerra. Portanto, o uso e definição do termo é importante, considerando a crescente literatura no campo acadêmico após 2014, com a anexação da Crimeia pela Rússia. Este artigo tem como objetivo demonstrar as perspectivas político-estratégicas da República Tcheca sobre a questão da Guerra Híbrida, demonstrando a tendência de securitizar ameaças híbridas. Uma análise mais longa sobre a guerra de informação é feita devido à relevância da dimensão cibernética e à importância da desinformação como ameaça híbrida no ambiente de segurança da República Tcheca. Conclui-se que as respostas estratégicas centradas apenas no Estado podem ser insuficientes, sendo necessário um esforço conjunto com a sociedade para atingir o objetivo da “Sociedade Checa Resiliente 4.0”O objetivo do artigo é compreender o sistema de defesa cibernética do Brasil a partir da análise da dinâmica civil-militar existente neste setor. Portanto, a pergunta que norteia o desenvolvimento deste estudo é: como caracterizar a dinâmica civil-militar no sistema de defesa cibernética brasileiro? Acreditamos que, com um processo de securitização do ciberespaço em curso no Brasil, a dinâmica civil-militar permanece muito semelhante a tradicional, isto é, com baixa participação e controle civil das Forças Armadas e dificuldades em estabelecer um diálogo efetivo entre civis e militares. Isso traz implicações em termos democráticos para o país e para efetividade da defesa nacional. Ainda assim, os documentos oficiais destacam a necessidade de estabelecer relações mais eficientes e a preocupação com a formação e capacitação de especialistas civis e militares na áreaQuais os principais obstáculos para um consenso sobre normas internacionais que regulem as ciberofensas patrocinadas por Estados? Esse tipo de operação cresce rapidamente, enquanto questões relacionadas ao direito internacional passam despercebidas, são mal compreendidas ou manipuladas, ofuscando o debate sobre normas internacionais de conduta no ciberespaço. Este artigo analisa os principais óbices para essa regulação. Argumenta que as principais dificuldades dizem respeito ao estadismo e incremento do poder estatal, e não à novidade ou à velocidade da inovação, questões ideológicas ou tecnológicas, como comumente se afirma. A análise engloba a aplicabilidade das regras atuais de conflitos armados ao contexto cibernético, as perspectivas e posições relativas às convenções multilaterais, a opção por acordos bilaterais ou regionais e a normalização de algumas ciberatividades como meio de influenciar o direito consuetudinário. Mostra-se que algumas nações defendem a manutenção do status quo que as favorece, enquanto outras insistem na necessidade de regulamentações específicas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    "I Know . . . Through My Eyes and Ears": Charles Dickens's Artistic Vision in Bleak House

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    Despite using two different narrative voices to construct the story in Bleak House, Charles Dickens nevertheless ensures unity within the novel by creating a self-contained narrative painting. The various linguistic and visual details that Dickens includes in Bleak House work conjointly to advance his narrative goal as he employs recurring images and symbolic motifs in both his textual narrative and the accompanying illustrations to form a thread that connects different parts of the story. These details often compel readers to engage more intimately with the story that he tells by allowing them to visualize and participate in the rhythm of his narrative. Through his artistic creation, Dickens exercises his narrative authority over readers by subtly shaping their perception throughout the novel.Englis