26 research outputs found

    Toward a Maturity Model for DSS Development Processes

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    Despite recent progress with Decision support systems (DSS) development methodologies, a gap still exist in terms of theability to assess the maturity of an organization with respect to its DSS development process. A need exist to be able todescribe DSS development processes at a meta-level. Equally important is the ability to provide organization withprescriptions to increase the maturity of their DSS development processes.In this paper, we propose a Decision Support System Maturity Model (DSS-MM). The model draws on extant literaturerelated to DSS development methodologies, practices and processes to identify pertinent DSS development practices anddefine maturity models for these practices. From a theoretical perspective, this research presents the first maturity modelspecifically targeting DSS development. From a practical perspective, the model provides a framework for organizations toassess their DSS development maturity level and devise process improvement initiatives to address any limitations withexisting practices

    Applying Software Quality Criteria to Blockchain Applications: A Criteria Catalog

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    The selection of the suitable blockchain software ecosystem has become very complex, given the growing market. More and more products with different functionality (mainly consensus algorithms and smart contracts) are available on the market. To identify the correct blockchain system for the respective application, a catalog of criteria with a focus on software quality is developed in this work. This catalog supports the selection of the right application and can be individually weighted

    Structural elements of coordination mechanisms in collaborative planning processes and their assessment through maturity models: Application to a ceramic tile company

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    Maturity is defined as a measure to evaluate the capabilities of an organization in regards to a certain discipline. The Collaborative Planning Process is a very complex process and Coordination mechanisms are especially relevant in this field to align the plans of the supply chain members. The objective of this paper is to develop a maturity model and a methodology to perform assessment for the Structural Elements of Coordination Mechanisms in the Collaborative Planning Process. Structural elements are specified in order to characterize coordination mechanisms in a collaborative planning context and they have been defined as key areas to be assessed by the maturity model. The identified structural elements are: number of decision-makers, collaboration level, interdependence relationships nature, interdepen-dence relationships type, number of coordination mechanisms, information exchanged, information processing, decision sequence characteristics and stopping criteria. Structural elements are assessed using the scheme of five levels: Initial, Repeatable, Defined, Managed and Optimized. This proposal has been applied to a ceramic tile company and the results are also reported.Cuenca, L.; Boza Garcia, A.; Alemany Díaz, MDM.; Trienekens, JJ. (2013). Structural elements of coordination mechanisms in collaborative planning processes and their assessment through maturity models: Application to a ceramic tile company. Computers in Industry. 64(8):898-911. doi:10.1016/j.compind.2013.06.019S89891164

    The Impact of SAP on the Utilisation of Business Process Management (BPM) Maturity Models in ERP projects

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    The SAP Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is a leading software solution for corporate business functions and processes. Business Process Management (BPM) is a management approach designed to create and manage organizations’ business processes. Both promise an improvement of business processes in companies and can be used together in organizations. In conjunction with the SAP ERP system and BPM approach, BPM maturity models can be used as diagnostic tools that allow an organization to assess and monitor the maturity of its business processes. This research analyses the complex relationships between SAP, BPM and BPM maturity models. The aim is to investigate and analyse the interaction between the use of the SAP ERP software package and the deployment of BPM maturity models. The research adopts a multiple case study approach, based on semi-structured expert interviews, and provides an in-depth insight into how a small number of organizations use SAP, BPM and BPM maturity models

    IT Service Management Maturity Model

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    Yrityksien tietohallinto on toiminnaltaan muuttunut vuosien saatossa vahvasti palveluntuottajan asemaan tarkoituksena tuottaa arvoa yrityksen liiketoimintaan, kuunnellen liiketoiminnan tarpeita. Tämän myötä IT-palveluiden tehokkaista prosesseista, jatkuvasta kehittämisestä ja asiakaslähtöisestä toiminnasta on tullut entistä tärkeämpää IT organisaatiolle. Tähän IT-palveluhallinnan konseptin tukemiseen on aikojen saatossa luotu erilaisia IT-palveluhallintamalleja, joista ITIL on yksi käytetyimmistä menetelmistä. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on luoda IT-palveluhallinnan tason mittaamiseen sopiva mittaristo suunnittelutiedettä hyödyntäen. Pohjana mittariston luomisessa käytetään vuonna 2019 päivitettyä ITIL versio 4 mallia sekä olemassa olevaa tutkimusmateriaalia IT-palveluhallinnan mittareista. Mittariston tavoitteena on ilmentää yritykselle, miten voidaan IT palveluprosesseja arvioida ITIL versio 4 mukanaan tuomat arvoa tuottavan toiminnan näkökulmat huomioiden. Kirjallisuuskatsaus kattaa IT palveluhallinnan, ITIL mallin kuvauksen, IT- palveluhallinnan kypsyysmittarit sekä katsauksen käytettyyn suunnittelutiede tutkimusmenetelmään. Suunnittelutiedettä mallintaen ITIL versio 4 kanssa yhteensopiva maturiteettimalli luotiin. Pohjana käytettiin kirjallisuuskatsauksen tieteellisiä artikkeleita ja ITIL 4 kirjallisuutta. Tämän kyseisen artefaktin testaamisessa käytettiin kahta eri ITIL 4 palvelunhallintamenetelmää joita testattiin muutaman eri IS palvelun yhteydessä arviointilomakkeen ja haastatteluiden avulla. Tätä kautta kerättiin tuloksia mallin toimivuudesta IT palveluhallinnan mittaamiseen. Tutkimuksen tuotoksena on IT-palveluhallinnan mittaamiseen sopiva maturiteettimalli, kun halutaan käyttää näkökulmana ITIL versio 4 IT palveluhallintamallia. Koska aikaisempia ITIL versio 4 malliin luotuja, tai sitä vasten tehtyjä maturiteettimalleja, saati tutkimuksia ei löytynyt, kerättiin palautetta mallin toimivuudesta ennen kaikkea edellä mainituiden käytännön testaamisten kautta. Malli koettiin toimivaksi ja ennen kaikkea johdon tuki osoittautui tärkeäksi painopisteeksi onnistuneen IT palveluhallinnan arvioinnin mahdollistamisessa. Tutkimuksessa kerättiinkin myös yhteen suosituksia huomioon otettavista asioista ennen kuin IT-palveluhallinnan mittaamista lähdetään toteuttamaan

    Software Development and CSCW:Standardization and Flexibility in Large-Scale Agile Development

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    Identifying which agile methods and processes are most effective depends on the goals and aims of an organisation. Agile development promotes an environment of continuous improvement and trust within self-organising teams. Therefore, it is important to allow teams to have the flexibility to customize and tailor their chosen methods. However, in a large-scale agile deployment, there needs to be a degree of process standardization across the organisation; otherwise, different teams will not be able to effectively share knowledge and best practices. This paper addresses this classic CSCW issue of the tensions that arise between process standardization and flexibility in a large-scale agile deployment at the BBC

    Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming

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    This open access book constitutes the proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Agile Software Development, XP 2021, which was held virtually during June 14-18, 2021. XP is the premier agile software development conference combining research and practice. It is a unique forum where agile researchers, practitioners, thought leaders, coaches, and trainers get together to present and discuss their most recent innovations, research results, experiences, concerns, challenges, and trends.  XP conferences provide an informal environment to learn and trigger discussions and welcome both people new to agile and seasoned agile practitioners. This year’s conference was held with the theme “Agile Turns Twenty While the World Goes Online”. The 11 full and 2 short papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 38 submissions. They were organized in topical sections named: agile practices; process assessment; large-scale agile; and short contributions