979 research outputs found

    Computer-Driven Instructional Design with INTUITEL

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    INTUITEL is a research project that was co-financed by the European Commission with the aim to advance state-of-the-art e-learning systems via addition of guidance and feedback for learners. Through a combination of pedagogical knowledge, measured learning progress and a broad range of environmental and background data, INTUITEL systems will provide guidance towards an optimal learning pathway. This allows INTUITEL-enabled learning management systems to offer learners automated, personalised learning support so far only provided by human tutors INTUITEL is - in the first place - a design pattern for the creation of adaptive e-learning systems. It focuses on the reusability of existing learning material and especially the annotation with semantic meta data. INTUITEL introduces a novel approach that describes learning material as well as didactic and pedagogical meta knowledge by the use of ontologies. Learning recommendations are inferred from these ontologies during runtime. This way INTUITEL solves a common problem in the field of adaptive systems: it is not restricted to a certain field. Any content from any domain can be annotated. The INTUITEL research team also developed a prototype system. Both the theoretical foundations and how to implement your own INTUITEL system are discussed in this book

    Computer-Driven Instructional Design with INTUITEL

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    INTUITEL is a research project that was co-financed by the European Commission with the aim to advance state-of-the-art e-learning systems via addition of guidance and feedback for learners. Through a combination of pedagogical knowledge, measured learning progress and a broad range of environmental and background data, INTUITEL systems will provide guidance towards an optimal learning pathway. This allows INTUITEL-enabled learning management systems to offer learners automated, personalised learning support so far only provided by human tutors INTUITEL is - in the first place - a design pattern for the creation of adaptive e-learning systems. It focuses on the reusability of existing learning material and especially the annotation with semantic meta data. INTUITEL introduces a novel approach that describes learning material as well as didactic and pedagogical meta knowledge by the use of ontologies. Learning recommendations are inferred from these ontologies during runtime. This way INTUITEL solves a common problem in the field of adaptive systems: it is not restricted to a certain field. Any content from any domain can be annotated. The INTUITEL research team also developed a prototype system. Both the theoretical foundations and how to implement your own INTUITEL system are discussed in this book

    Learning Pathway Recommendation based on a Pedagogical Ontology and its Implementation in Moodle

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    When learners may select among different alternatives, or are guided to do so by an adaptive learning environment (ALE), it is generally meaningful to discuss the concept of different learning pathways. Pedagogically, these learning pathways may either be defined macroscopically, e.g. in terms of desired learning outcomes or competencies, or microscopically in terms of a didactical model for individual knowledge objects. In this contribution we consider such learning pathways from a pedagogical point of view and then establish a mathematical model for their traversal by a learner and for the analysis of his behavior. This model is implemented in a novel ALE provided by the EU FP7 project INTUITEL, introduced in its Moodle version as concrete example

    SWA-KMDLS: An Enhanced e-Learning Management System Using Semantic Web and Knowledge Management Technology

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    In this era of knowledge economy in which knowledge have become the most precious resource, surveys have shown that e-Learning has been on the increasing trend in various organizations including, among others, education and corporate. The use of e-Learning is not only aim to acquire knowledge but also to maintain competitiveness and advantages for individuals or organizations. However, the early promise of e-Learning has yet to be fully realized, as it has been no more than a handout being published online, coupled with simple multiple-choice quizzes. The emerging of e-Learning 2.0 that is empowered by Web 2.0 technology still hardly overcome common problem such as information overload and poor content aggregation in a highly increasing number of learning objects in an e-Learning Management System (LMS) environment. The aim of this research study is to exploit the Semantic Web (SW) and Knowledge Management (KM) technology; the two emerging and promising technology to enhance the existing LMS. The proposed system is named as Semantic Web Aware-Knowledge Management Driven e-Learning System (SWA-KMDLS). An Ontology approach that is the backbone of SW and KM is introduced for managing knowledge especially from learning object and developing automated question answering system (Aquas) with expert locator in SWA-KMDLS. The METHONTOLOGY methodology is selected to develop the Ontology in this research work. The potential of SW and KM technology is identified in this research finding which will benefit e-Learning developer to develop e-Learning system especially with social constructivist pedagogical approach from the point of view of KM framework and SW environment. The (semi-) automatic ontological knowledge base construction system (SAOKBCS) has contributed to knowledge extraction from learning object semiautomatically whilst the Aquas with expert locator has facilitated knowledge retrieval that encourages knowledge sharing in e-Learning environment. The experiment conducted has shown that the SAOKBCS can extract concept that is the main component of Ontology from text learning object with precision of 86.67%, thus saving the expert time and effort to build Ontology manually. Additionally the experiment on Aquas has shown that more than 80% of users are satisfied with answers provided by the system. The expert locator framework can also improve the performance of Aquas in the future usage. Keywords: semantic web aware – knowledge e-Learning Management System (SWAKMDLS), semi-automatic ontological knowledge base construction system (SAOKBCS), automated question answering system (Aquas), Ontology, expert locator

    A Literature Review on Intelligent Services Applied to Distance Learning

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    Distance learning has assumed a relevant role in the educational scenario. The use of Virtual Learning Environments contributes to obtaining a substantial amount of educational data. In this sense, the analyzed data generate knowledge used by institutions to assist managers and professors in strategic planning and teaching. The discovery of students’ behaviors enables a wide variety of intelligent services for assisting in the learning process. This article presents a literature review in order to identify the intelligent services applied in distance learning. The research covers the period from January 2010 to May 2021. The initial search found 1316 articles, among which 51 were selected for further studies. Considering the selected articles, 33% (17/51) focus on learning systems, 35% (18/51) propose recommendation systems, 26% (13/51) approach predictive systems or models, and 6% (3/51) use assessment tools. This review allowed for the observation that the principal services offered are recommendation systems and learning systems. In these services, the analysis of student profiles stands out to identify patterns of behavior, detect low performance, and identify probabilities of dropouts from courses.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Predicting student performance in higher education using multi-regression models

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    Supporting the goal of higher education to produce graduation who will be a professional leader is a crucial. Most of universities implement intelligent information system (IIS) to support in achieving their vision and mission. One of the features of IIS is student performance prediction. By implementing data mining model in IIS, this feature could precisely predict the student’ grade for their enrolled subjects. Moreover, it can recognize at-risk students and allow top educational management to take educative interventions in order to succeed academically. In this research, multi-regression model was proposed to build model for every student. In our model, learning management system (LMS) activity logs were computed. Based on the testing result on big students datasets, courses, and activities indicates that these models could improve the accuracy of prediction model by over 15%

    Oppimisanalytiikan käynnistäminen, Tapaus: Aalto Online Learning

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    The digital transformation of learning brings forth data having unprecedented granularity and coverage of learning activity. The research area of Learning Analytics (LA) uses this data to understand and improve learning. The practice of LA is a cyclic process where learning data is collected from different sources and analytics is developed according to stakeholder objectives. Finally, current results are delivered that lead into action which improves learning and produces new data. The goal of this thesis is to bootstrap LA in multiple courses that implement different weekly online learning activities. The term bootstrap underlines the aim to support continuity, further development, and expansion of LA. The research questions were: what learning data the courses currently instrument, and what LA objectives the course staff find most important. This thesis conducts software engineering to construct an LA solution for the research case. Requirements are defined via examination of the case and interviews of the course staff. The developed solution enables real time access to learning data and possibility to integrate data from both Moodle and A-plus learning environments for joined analysis. Novel interactive visualizations are developed according to the user requirements. The work in bootstrapping LA at course level lead to two general findings. First, the integration of learning data from multitude of sources is a common challenge that requires design. Second, teachers' initial LA objectives include aims to monitor expected progress, improve allocation of learning material, identify problematic areas in learning material, and improve interaction with learners.Opetuksen digitaalinen murros synnyttaää ennennäkemättömän tarkkaa ja kattavaa tietoa oppimisaktiviteeteista. Oppimisanalytiikan (OA) tutkimusalue käyttää tätä aineistoa oppimisen ymmärtämiseen ja parantamiseen. OA:n soveltaminen käytäntöön on toistuva prosessi, jossa oppimisaineistoa kerätään erilaisista lähteistä ja analytiikkaa kehitetään omistajiensa tavoitteiden mukaisesti. Lopuksi tuotetaan ajantasaisia tuloksia, jotka johtavat toimintaan, joka parantaa oppimista ja tuottaa uutta aineistoa. Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena on käynnistää OA usealla kurssilla, jotka toteuttavat erilaisia viikoittaisia verkko-oppimisen ratkaisuja. Käynnistäminen pyrkii elinvoimaiseen, kehittyvään ja laajenevaan analytiikkaan. Tutkimuskysymykset olivat, mitä dataa kurssit tällä hetkellä keräävät ja mitkä OA–tavoitteet ovat kurssihenkilökunnalle tärkeimpiä. Työssä rakennetaan ohjelmistotuotannon keinoin OA–ratkaisu tutkittavalle tapaukselle. Ratkaisun vaatimukset määritellään tarkastelemalla tapausta ja haastattelemalla kurssien henkilökuntaa. Kehitetyn ratkaisun avulla aineisto on saatavilla reaaliaikaisesti. Lisäksi ratkaisu mahdollistaa aineiston yhdistämisen Moodle ja A-plus oppimisympäristöistä yhteistä analyysiä varten. Työssä suunnitellaan uusia interaktiivisia tiedon visualisointeja käyttäjävaatimusten mukaisesti. Tutkimus OA:n käynnistämiseksi kurssitasolla tuotti kaksi yleistä tulosta. Ensiksi aineiston yhdistäminen eri lähteistä on tyypillinen haaste, joka vaatii suunnittelua. Toiseksi opettajien tavoitteita OA:ta aloittaessa ovat valvoa odotettua edistymistä, parantaa oppimateriaalin mitoitusta, tunnistaa ongelmakohtia oppimateriaalissa ja parantaa vuorovaikutusta opiskelijoiden kanssa

    Share and reuse of context metadata resulting from interactions between users and heterogeneous web-based learning environments

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    L'intérêt pour l'observation, l'instrumentation et l'évaluation des systèmes éducatifs en ligne est devenu de plus en plus important ces dernières années au sein de la communauté des Environnements Informatique pour l'Apprentissage Humain (EIAH). La conception et le développement d'environnements d'apprentissage en ligne adaptatifs (AdWLE - Adaptive Web-based Learning Environments) représentent une préoccupation majeure aujourd'hui, et visent divers objectifs tels que l'aide au processus de réingénierie, la compréhension du comportement des utilisateurs, ou le soutient à la création de systèmes tutoriels intelligents. Ces systèmes gèrent leur processus d'adaptation sur la base d'informations détaillées reflétant le contexte dans lequel les étudiants évoluent pendant l'apprentissage : les ressour-ces consultées, les clics de souris, les messages postés dans les logiciels de messagerie instantanée ou les forums de discussion, les réponses aux questionnaires, etc. Les travaux présentés dans ce document sont destinés à surmonter certaines lacunes des systèmes actuels en fournissant un cadre dédié à la collecte, au partage et à la réutilisation du contexte représenté selon deux niveaux d'abstraction : le contexte brut (résultant des interactions directes entre utilisateurs et applications) et le contexte inféré (calculé à partir des données du contexte brut). Ce cadre de travail qui respecte la vie privée des usagers est fondé sur un standard ouvert dédié à la gestion des systèmes, réseaux et applications. Le contexte spécifique aux outils hétérogènes constituant les EIAHs est représenté par une structure unifiée et extensible, et stocké dans un référentiel central. Pour faciliter l'accès à ce référentiel, nous avons introduit une couche intermédiaire composée d'un ensemble d'outils. Certains d'entre eux permettent aux utilisateurs et applications de définir, collecter, partager et rechercher les données de contexte qui les intéressent, tandis que d'autres sont dédiés à la conception, au calcul et à la délivrance des données de contexte inférées. Pour valider notre approche, une mise en œuvre du cadre de travail proposé intègre des données contextuelles issues de trois systèmes différents : deux plates-formes d'apprentissage Moodle (celle de l'Université Paul Sabatier de Toulouse, et une autre déployée dans le cadre du projet CONTINT financé par l'Agence Nationale de la Recherche) et une instanciation locale du moteur de recherche de la fondation Ariadne. A partir des contextes collectés, des indicateurs pertinents ont été calculés pour chacun de ces environnements. En outre, deux applications qui exploitent cet ensemble de données ont été développées : un système de recommandation personnalisé d'objets pédagogiques ainsi qu'une application de visualisation fondée sur les technologies tactiles pour faciliter la navigation au sein de ces données de contexte.An interest for the observation, instrumentation, and evaluation of online educational systems has become more and more important within the Technology Enhanced Learning community in the last few years. Conception and development of Adaptive Web-based Learning Environments (AdWLE) in order to facilitate the process of re-engineering, to help understand users' behavior, or to support the creation of Intelligent Tutoring Systems represent a major concern today. These systems handle their adaptation process on the basis of detailed information reflecting the context in which students evolve while learning: consulted resources, mouse clicks, chat messages, forum discussions, visited URLs, quizzes selections, and so on. The works presented in this document are intended to overcome some issues of the actual systems by providing a privacy-enabled framework dedicated to the collect, share and reuse of context represented at two abstraction levels: raw context (resulting from direct interactions between users and applications) and inferred context (calculated on the basis of raw context). The framework is based on an open standard dedicated to system, network and application management, where the context specific to heterogeneous tools is represented as a unified and extensible structure and stored into a central repository. To facilitate access to this context repository, we introduced a middleware layer composed of a set of tools. Some of them allow users and applications to define, collect, share and search for the context data they are interested in, while others are dedicated to the design, calculation and delivery of inferred context. To validate our approach, an implementation of the suggested framework manages context data provided by three systems: two Moodle servers (one running at the Paul Sabatier University of Toulouse, and the other one hosting the CONTINT project funded by the French National Research Agency) and a local instantiation of the Ariadne Finder. Based on the collected context, relevant indicators have been calculated for each one of these environments. Furthermore, two applications which reuse the encapsulated context have been developed on top of the framework: a personalized system for recommending learning objects to students, and a visualization application which uses multi-touch technologies to facilitate the navigation among collected context entities

    Extensión de la especificación IMS Learning Design desde la adaptación e integración de unidades de aprendizaje

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    IMS Learning Design (IMS-LD) representa una corriente actual en aprendizaje online y blended que se caracteriza porque: a) Es una especificación que pretende estandarizar procesos de aprendizaje, así como reutilizarlos en diversos contextos b) Posee una expresividad pedagógica más elaborada que desarrollos anteriores o en proceso c) Mantiene una relación cordial y prometedora con Learning Management Systems (LMSs), herramientas de autoría y de ejecución d) Existe una amplia variedad de grupos de investigación y proyectos europeos trabajando sobre ella, lo que augura una sostenibilidad, al menos académica Aun así, IMS Learning Design es un producto inicial (se encuentra en su primera versión, de 2003) y mejorable en diversos aspectos, como son la expresividad pedagógica y la interoperabilidad. En concreto, en esta tesis nos centramos en el aprendizaje adaptativo o personalizado y en la integración de Unidades de Aprendizaje, como dos de los pilares que definen la especificación, y que al mismo tiempo la potencian considerablemente. El primero (aprendizaje adaptativo) hace que se puedan abordar itinerarios individuales personalizados de estudio, tanto en flujo de aprendizaje como en contenido o interfaz; el segundo (integración) permite romper el aislamiento de los paquetes de información o cursos (Unidades de Aprendizaje, UoL) y establecer un diálogo con otros sistemas (LMSs), modelos y estándares, así como una reutilización de dichas UoLs en diversos contextos. En esta tesis realizamos un estudio de la especificación desde la base, analizando su modelo de información y cómo se construyen Unidades de Aprendizaje. Desde el Nivel A al Nivel C analizamos y criticamos la estructura de la especificación basándonos en un estudio teórico y una investigación práctica fruto del modelado de Unidades de Aprendizaje reales y ejecutables que nos proporcionan una información muy útil de base, y que mayormente adjuntamos en los anexos, para no interferir en el flujo de lectura del cuerpo principal. A partir de este estudio, analizamos la integración de Unidades de Aprendizaje con otros sistemas y especificaciones, abarcando desde la integración mínima mediante un enlace directo hasta la compartición de variables y estados que permiten una comunicación en tiempo real de ambas partes. Exponemos aquí también las conclusiones de diversos casos de estudio basados en adaptación que se anexan al final de la tesis y que se vuelven un instrumento imprescindible para lograr una solución real y aplicable. Como segundo pilar de la tesis complementario a la integración de Unidades de Aprendizaje, estudiamos el aprendizaje adaptativo: Los tipos, los avances y los enfoques y restricciones de modelado dentro de IMS-LD. Por último, y como complemento de la investigación teórica, a través de diversos casos prácticos estudiamos la manera en que IMS-LD modela la perzonalización del aprendizaje y hasta qué punto. Este primer bloque de análisis (general, integración y aprendizaje adaptativo) nos permite realizar una crítica estructural de IMS-LD en dos grandes apartados: Modelado y Arquitectura. Modelado apunta cuestiones que necesitan mejora, modificación, extensión o incorporación de elementos de modelado dentro de IMS-LD, como son procesos, componentes y recursos de programación. Arquitectura engloba otras cuestiones centradas en la comunicación que realiza IMS-LD con el exterior y que apuntan directamente a capas estructurales de la especificación, más allá del modelado. Aunque se encuentra fuera del núcleo de esta tesis, también se ha realizado una revisión de aspectos relacionados con Herramientas de autoría, por ser este un aspecto que condiciona el alcance del modelado y la penetración de la especificación en los distintos públicos objetivo. Sobre Herramientas, no obstante, no realizamos ninguna propuesta de mejora. La solución desarrollada, se centra en las diversas cuestiones sobre Modelado y Arquitectura encontradas en el análisis. Esta solución se compone de un conjunto de propuestas de estructuras, nuevas o ya existentes y modificadas, a través de las que se refuerza la capacidad expresiva de la especificación y la capacidad de interacción con un entorno de trabajo ajeno. Esta investigación de tres años ha sido llevada a cabo entre 2004 y 2007, principalmente con colegas de The Open University of The Netherlands, The University of Bolton, Universitat Pompeu Fabra y del departamento Research & Innovation de ATOS Origin, y ha sido desarrollada parcialmente dentro de proyectos europeos como UNFOLD, EU4ALL y ProLearn. La conclusión principal que se extrae de esta investigación es que IMS-LD necesita una reestructuración y modificación de ciertos elementos, así como la incorporación de otros nuevos, para mejorar una expresividad pedagógica y una capacidad de integración con otros sistemas de aprendizaje y estándares eLearning, si se pretenden alcanzar dos de los objetivos principales establecidos de base en la definición de esta especificación: La personalización del proceso de aprendizaje y la interoperabilidad real. Aun así, es cierto que la implantación de la especificación se vería claramente mejorada si existieran unas herramientas de más alto nivel (preferiblemente con planteamiento visual) que permitieran un modelado sencillo por parte de los usuarios finales reales de este tipo de especificaciones, como son los profesores, los creadores de contenido y los pedagogos-didactas que diseñan la experienicia de aprendizaje. Este punto, no obstante, es ajeno a la especificación y afecta a la interpretación que de la misma realizan los grupos de investigación y compañías que desarrollan soluciones de autoría. _____________________________________________IMS Learning Design (IMS-LD) is a current asset in eLearning and blended learning, due to several reasons: a) It is a specification that points to standardization and modeling of learning processes, and not just content; at the same time, it is focused on the re-use of the information packages in several contexts; b) It shows a deeper pedagogical expressiveness than other specifications, already delivered or in due process c) It is integrated at different levels into well-known Learning Management Systems (LMSs) d) There are a huge amount of European research projects and groups working with it, which aims at sustainability (in academia, at least) Nevertheless, IMS-LD is roughly an initial outcome (be aware that we are still working with the same release, dated on 2003). Therefore, it can and must be improved in several aspects, i.e., pedagogical expressiveness and interoperability. In this thesis, we concentrate on Adaptive Learning (or Personalised Learning) and on the Integration of Units of Learning (UoLs). They both are core aspects which the specification is built upon. They also can improve it significantly. Adaptation makes personalised learning itineraries, adapted to every role, to every user involved in the process, and focus on several aspects, i.e., flow, content and interface. Integration fosters the re-use of IMS-LD information packages in different contexts and connects both-ways UoLs with other specifications, models and LMSs. In order to achive these goals we carry out a threephase analysis. First, analysis of IMS-LD in several steps: foundations, information model, construction of UoLs. From Level A to Level C, we analyse and review the specification structure. We lean on a theoretical frameword, along with a practical approach, coming from the actual modeling of real UoLs which give an important report back. Out of this analysis we get a report on the general structure of IMS-LD. Second, analysis and review of the integration of UoLs with several LMSs, models and specifications: we analyse three different types of integration: a) minimal integration, with a simple link between parts; b) embedded integration, with a marriage of both parts in a single information package; and d) full integration, sharing variables and states between parts. In this step, we also show different case studies and report our partial conclusions. And third, analysis and review of how IMS-LD models adaptive learning: we define, classify and explain several types of adaptation and we approach them with the specificacion. A key part of this step is the actual modeling of UoLs showing adaptive learning processes. We highlight pros and cons and stress drawbacks and weak points that could be improved in IMS-LD to support adaptation, but also general learning processes Out of this three-step analysis carried out so far (namely general, integration, adaptation) we focus our review of the IMS-LD structure and information model on two blocks: Modeling and Architecture. Modeling is focused on process, components and programming resources of IMS-LD. Architecture is focused on the communication that IMS-LD establishes outside, both ways, and it deals with upper layers of the specification, beyong modeling issues. Modeling and Architecture issues need to be addressed in order to improve the pedagogical expressiveness and the integration of IMS-LD. Furthermore, we provide an orchestrated solution which meets these goals. We develop a structured and organized group of modifications and extensions of IMS-LD, which match the different reported problems issues. We suggest modifications, extensions and addition of different elements, aiming at the strength of the specification on adaptation and integration, along with general interest issues. The main conclusion out of this research is that IMS-LD needs a re-structure and a modification of some elements. It also needs to incorporate new ones. Both actions (modification and extension) are the key to improve the pedagogical expressiveness and the integration with other specifications and eLearning systems. Both actions aim at two clear objectives in the definition of IMS-LD: the personalisation of learning processes, and a real interoperability. It is fair to highlight the welcome help of high-level visual authoring tools. They can support a smoother modeling process that could focus on pedagogical issues and not on technical ones, so that a broad target group made of teachers, learning designers, content creators and pedagogues could make use of the specification in a simpler way. However, this criticism is outside the specification, so outside the core of this thesis too. This three-year research (2004-2007) has been carried out along with colleagues from The Open University of The Netherlands, The University of Bolton, Universitat Pompeu Fabra and from the Department of Research & Innovation of ATOS Origin. In addition, a few European projects, like UNFOLD, EU4ALL and ProLearn, have partially supported it