124 research outputs found

    Graduate Catalog, 1999-2002, New Jersey Institute of Technology

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    Third International Symposium on Magnetic Suspension Technology

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    In order to examine the state of technology of all areas of magnetic suspension and to review recent developments in sensors, controls, superconducting magnet technology, and design/implementation practices, the Third International Symposium on Magnetic Suspension Technology was held at the Holiday Inn Capital Plaza in Tallahassee, Florida on 13-15 Dec. 1995. The symposium included 19 sessions in which a total of 55 papers were presented. The technical sessions covered the areas of bearings, superconductivity, vibration isolation, maglev, controls, space applications, general applications, bearing/actuator design, modeling, precision applications, electromagnetic launch and hypersonic maglev, applications of superconductivity, and sensors

    NASA Tech Briefs, May 1990

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    Topics: New Product Ideas; NASA TU Services; Electronic Components and Circuits; Electronic Systems; Physical Sciences; Materials; Computer Programs; Mechanics; Machinery; Fabrication Technology; Mathematics and Information Sciences; Life Sciences

    NASA Tech Briefs, April 1990

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    Topics: New Product Ideas; NASA TU Services; Electronic Components and Circuits; Electronic Systems; Physical Sciences; Materials; Computer Programs; Mechanics; Machinery; Fabrication Technology; Mathematics and Information Sciences

    Human Machine Interfaces for Teleoperators and Virtual Environments

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    In Mar. 1990, a meeting organized around the general theme of teleoperation research into virtual environment display technology was conducted. This is a collection of conference-related fragments that will give a glimpse of the potential of the following fields and how they interplay: sensorimotor performance; human-machine interfaces; teleoperation; virtual environments; performance measurement and evaluation methods; and design principles and predictive models

    An investigation on the vibroacoustic behavior of systems in similitude

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    Similitude theory allows engineers to establish the necessary conditions to design a scaled - up or down - model of a full-scale prototype structure. In recent years, the research on similitude methods, which allow to design the models and establish similitude conditions and scaling laws, has grown so that many obstacles associated with full-scale testing, such as cost and setup, may be overcome. This thesis aims at, on the one hand, expanding the possibilities of similitude methods by means of their application to new structural configurations; on the other hand, at the investigation of new approaches. Therefore, similitude conditions and scaling laws of thin aluminium plates with clamped-free-clamped-free boundary conditions, first, and aluminium foam sandwich plates with simply supported and free-free boundary conditions, then, are derived. Particularly, two sets of conditions are derived for the sandwich plates: the first by expliciting all the geometrical and material properties, the second by combining some parameters into just one with physical meaning, that is, the bending stiffness. These conditions and laws are successively validated by means of dynamic experimental tests, in which reconstructions of the natural frequencies and the velocity response of the prototype are attempted. Also the prediction of the radiated acoustic power is performed for the sandwich plates. All the tests highlight that these laws do not work fine when the models are distorted, i.e., when the similitude conditions are not satisfied. Therefore, the potentialities of machine learning are investigated and used to establish degrees of correlation between similar systems, without invoking governing equations and/or solution schemes. In particular, artificial neural networks are used in order to predict the dynamic characteristics, first, and the scaling parameters, then, of beams, as test (since they do not exhibit distorted models), and plates. In the latter case, the predictions of the artificial neural networks are validated by the results provided by the experimental tests. The networks prove to be robust to noise, very helpful in predicting the response characteristics, and identifying the model type. Finally, the similitude methods are used as a tool for supporting, and eventually validating, noisy experimental measurements, not for predicting the prototype behavior. In this way, they can help to understand if a set of measurements is reliable or not. Therefore, the sandwich plates are analysed with digital image correlation cameras. Then, with the help of an algorithm for blind source separation, the force spectra and velocity responses are reconstructed. It is demonstrated that the similitude results are coherent with the quality of the experimental measurements, since the curves overlap when the spatial patterns are recognizable. Instead, when the displacement field is too polluted by noise, the reconstruction exhibits discrepancies. This proves that the application of similitude methods should not be underestimated, especially in the light of the expanding range of approaches which can extract important information from noisy observations

    Modeling the Seasonal Sea Ice Cycle in the Ross Sea, Antarctica

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    A mesoscale resolution (5 km) regional ocean model (ROMS), coupled thermodynamically/dynamically to a sea ice model (CICE) and thermodynamically to an ice shelf is used to investigate Ross Sea seasonal sea ice cycle, polynya dynamics, distribution and transformations of continental shelf water masses, and bottom water formation. Daily atmospheric forcing is from the ECMWF ERA-40 dataset, and for a separate simulation, wind forcing for Terra Nova Bay is substituted from daily automatic weather station (AWS) data. Simulated Ross Sea sea ice concentration reproduces the winter lead opening events observed in the SSM/I signal; however, it underestimates open water area (rmsd ∼20%). Timing and advance of the Ross Sea spring-summer polynya are well captured. No local melting takes place during winter and over two years of simulation, heat loss at the ocean surface is offset 90% by lateral oceanic heat flux. Terra Nova Bay cumulatively produces more than twice the sea ice when forced with AWS winds. Forcing the Terra Nova Bay polynya with weaker winds result in continuous erosion of the High Salinity Shelf Water (HSSW) layer over the western Ross Sea continental shelf. Enhanced sea ice production and export driven by realistic winds are required to maintain the northward transport of dense shelf water. High Salinity Shelf Water (HSSW) is formed in and exported from Terra Nova Bay and Ross Sea polynya areas at 0.14 and 0.64 Sv over two years of simulation. The larger area including the coastal polynya regions in the western Ross Sea provides a 1 Sv HSSW source while the Ross Ice Shelf (RIS) is a sink for about 0.4 Sv. Low Salinity Shelf Water (LSSW) outflow from beneath RIS cavity is 0.60 Sv. Modified Shelf Water (MSW)/Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) is abundant over the entire continental shelf, forming the anticyclonic cell over the western Ross Sea. MSW/AABW net off-shelf transport and Modified Circumpolar Deep Water (MCDW)/Lower Circumpolar Deep Water (LCDW) net onshelf transport are 2.23 and 0.7 Sv, respectively. Replacing AWS winds with ECMWF ERA-40 winds over the Terra Nova Bay results in larger scale dilution of HSSW in the depressions of the western Ross Sea shelf, diminishes HSSW circulation and transport northward along Victoria Land Coast, disrupts the western gyre, and causes an overall decrease in vertically averaged transport over the western Ross Sea shelf

    NASA Tech Briefs, October 2001

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    Topics include: special coverage section on composites and plastics, electronic components and systems, software, mechanics, physical sciences, information sciences, book and reports, and a special sections of Photonics Tech Briefs and Motion Control Tech Briefs
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