318 research outputs found

    Development, Implementation and Pre-clinical Evaluation of Medical Image Computing Tools in Support of Computer-aided Diagnosis: Respiratory, Orthopedic and Cardiac Applications

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    Over the last decade, image processing tools have become crucial components of all clinical and research efforts involving medical imaging and associated applications. The imaging data available to the radiologists continue to increase their workload, raising the need for efficient identification and visualization of the required image data necessary for clinical assessment. Computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) in medical imaging has evolved in response to the need for techniques that can assist the radiologists to increase throughput while reducing human error and bias without compromising the outcome of the screening, diagnosis or disease assessment. More intelligent, but simple, consistent and less time-consuming methods will become more widespread, reducing user variability, while also revealing information in a more clear, visual way. Several routine image processing approaches, including localization, segmentation, registration, and fusion, are critical for enhancing and enabling the development of CAD techniques. However, changes in clinical workflow require significant adjustments and re-training and, despite the efforts of the academic research community to develop state-of-the-art algorithms and high-performance techniques, their footprint often hampers their clinical use. Currently, the main challenge seems to not be the lack of tools and techniques for medical image processing, analysis, and computing, but rather the lack of clinically feasible solutions that leverage the already developed and existing tools and techniques, as well as a demonstration of the potential clinical impact of such tools. Recently, more and more efforts have been dedicated to devising new algorithms for localization, segmentation or registration, while their potential and much intended clinical use and their actual utility is dwarfed by the scientific, algorithmic and developmental novelty that only result in incremental improvements over already algorithms. In this thesis, we propose and demonstrate the implementation and evaluation of several different methodological guidelines that ensure the development of image processing tools --- localization, segmentation and registration --- and illustrate their use across several medical imaging modalities --- X-ray, computed tomography, ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging --- and several clinical applications: Lung CT image registration in support for assessment of pulmonary nodule growth rate and disease progression from thoracic CT images. Automated reconstruction of standing X-ray panoramas from multi-sector X-ray images for assessment of long limb mechanical axis and knee misalignment. Left and right ventricle localization, segmentation, reconstruction, ejection fraction measurement from cine cardiac MRI or multi-plane trans-esophageal ultrasound images for cardiac function assessment. When devising and evaluating our developed tools, we use clinical patient data to illustrate the inherent clinical challenges associated with highly variable imaging data that need to be addressed before potential pre-clinical validation and implementation. In an effort to provide plausible solutions to the selected applications, the proposed methodological guidelines ensure the development of image processing tools that help achieve sufficiently reliable solutions that not only have the potential to address the clinical needs, but are sufficiently streamlined to be potentially translated into eventual clinical tools provided proper implementation. G1: Reducing the number of degrees of freedom (DOF) of the designed tool, with a plausible example being avoiding the use of inefficient non-rigid image registration methods. This guideline addresses the risk of artificial deformation during registration and it clearly aims at reducing complexity and the number of degrees of freedom. G2: The use of shape-based features to most efficiently represent the image content, either by using edges instead of or in addition to intensities and motion, where useful. Edges capture the most useful information in the image and can be used to identify the most important image features. As a result, this guideline ensures a more robust performance when key image information is missing. G3: Efficient method of implementation. This guideline focuses on efficiency in terms of the minimum number of steps required and avoiding the recalculation of terms that only need to be calculated once in an iterative process. An efficient implementation leads to reduced computational effort and improved performance. G4: Commence the workflow by establishing an optimized initialization and gradually converge toward the final acceptable result. This guideline aims to ensure reasonable outcomes in consistent ways and it avoids convergence to local minima, while gradually ensuring convergence to the global minimum solution. These guidelines lead to the development of interactive, semi-automated or fully-automated approaches that still enable the clinicians to perform final refinements, while they reduce the overall inter- and intra-observer variability, reduce ambiguity, increase accuracy and precision, and have the potential to yield mechanisms that will aid with providing an overall more consistent diagnosis in a timely fashion

    Automatic image analysis of C-arm Computed Tomography images for ankle joint surgeries

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    Open reduction and internal fixation is a standard procedure in ankle surgery for treating a fractured fibula. Since fibula fractures are often accompanied by an injury of the syndesmosis complex, it is essential to restore the correct relative pose of the fibula relative to the adjoining tibia for the ligaments to heal. Otherwise, the patient might experience instability of the ankle leading to arthritis and ankle pain and ultimately revision surgery. Incorrect positioning referred to as malreduction of the fibula is assumed to be one of the major causes of unsuccessful ankle surgery. 3D C-arm imaging is the current standard procedure for revealing malreduction of fractures in the operating room. However, intra-operative visual inspection of the reduction result is complicated due to high inter-individual variation of the ankle anatomy and rather based on the subjective experience of the surgeon. A contralateral side comparison with the patient’s uninjured ankle is recommended but has not been integrated into clinical routine due to the high level of radiation exposure it incurs. This thesis presents the first approach towards a computer-assisted intra-operative contralateral side comparison of the ankle joint. The focus of this thesis was the design, development and validation of a software-based prototype for a fully automatic intra-operative assistance system for orthopedic surgeons. The implementation does not require an additional 3D C-arm scan of the uninjured ankle, thus reducing time consumption and cumulative radiation dose. A 3D statistical shape model (SSM) is used to reconstruct a 3D surface model from three 2D fluoroscopic projections representing the uninjured ankle. To this end, a 3D SSM segmentation is performed on the 3D image of the injured ankle to gain prior knowledge of the ankle. A 3D convolutional neural network (CNN) based initialization method was developed and its outcome was incorporated into the SSM adaption step. Segmentation quality was shown to be improved in terms of accuracy and robustness compared to the pure intensity-based SSM. This allows us to overcome the limitations of the previously proposed methods, namely inaccuracy due to metal artifacts and the lack of device-to-patient orientation of the C-arm. A 2D-CNN is employed to extract semantic knowledge from all fluoroscopic projection images. This step of the pipeline both creates features for the subsequent reconstruction and also helps to pre-initialize the 3D-SSM without user interaction. A 2D-3D multi-bone reconstruction method has been developed which uses distance maps of the 2D features for fast and accurate correspondence optimization and SSM adaption. This is the central and most crucial component of the workflow. This is the first time that a bone reconstruction method has been applied to the complex ankle joint and the first reconstruction method using CNN based segmentations as features. The reconstructed 3D-SSM of the uninjured ankle can be back-projected and visualized in a workflow-oriented manner to procure clear visualization of the region of interest, which is essential for the evaluation of the reduction result. The surgeon can thus directly compare an overlay of the contralateral ankle with the injured ankle. The developed methods were evaluated individually using data sets acquired during a cadaver study and representative clinical data acquired during fibular reduction. A hierarchical evaluation was designed to assess the inaccuracies of the system on different levels and to identify major sources of error. The overall evaluation performed on eleven challenging clinical datasets acquired for manual contralateral side comparison showed that the system is capable of accurately reconstructing 3D surface models of the uninjured ankle solely using three projection images. A mean Hausdorff distance of 1.72 mm was measured when comparing the reconstruction result to the ground truth segmentation and almost achieved the high required clinical accuracy of 1-2 mm. The overall error of the pipeline was mainly attributed to inaccuracies in the 2D-CNN segmentation. The consistency of these results requires further validation on a larger dataset. The workflow proposed in this thesis establishes the first approach to enable automatic computer-assisted contralateral side comparison in ankle surgery. The feasibility of the proposed approach was proven on a limited amount of clinical cases and has already yielded good results. The next important step is to alleviate the identified bottlenecks in the approach by providing more training data in order to further improve the accuracy. In conclusion, the new approach presented gives the chance to guide the surgeon during the reduction process, improve the surgical outcome while avoiding additional radiation exposure and reduce the number of revision surgeries in the long term

    Biomechanical analysis of the diabetic foot: an integrated approach using movement analysis and finite element simulation

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    Objective:High plantar pressures have been associated with foot ulceration in patients with diabetes. Treatment usually includes an in-shoe intervention designed to reduce plantar pressure under the heel by using insoles. Finite element (FE) analysis provides an efficient computational framework to investigate the performance of different insoles for optimal pressure reduction [Goeske et al. 2005]. The aim of this study is to design a patient specific, 2-dimensional (2D) FE model of diabetic hindfoot and to apply on it patient-specific forces.Method: A 2D FE model of the hindfoot was developed from reconstruction of magnetic resonance images (Simpleware ScanIP-ScanFE, v.5.0 and Rhinoceros v.4.0). FE software ABAQUS was used to perform the numerical stress analyses. A diabetic subject (age, 72 years, BMI, 25.1 kg/m2) and a healthy subject (age 28 years, BMI 20.2 kg/m2) were acquired. The foot biomechanics analysis was carried out as in [Sawacha et al. 2012]. Vertical ground reaction forces (Bertec), taken from the various phases of the gait, were applied to the FE model. Validation of the pressure state was achieved by comparing model predictions of contact pressure distribution with experimental plantar pressure measures Result: A nonlinear 2D FE hindfoot model was developed and meshed with quadratic elements. The measured and model predicted peak plantar pressures of the diabetic subject was respectively 682.32 KPa and 602.82 KPa. The values for the healthy subject were 483.63 KPa for the measured peak plantar pressure and 428.63 KPa for the simulated one. The model predicted structural response of the heel pad was in agreement with experimental results unless 10% of error. Conclusion: The proposed model will be useful to simulate the different insole material and their contribution in decreasing the plantar pressure

    A total hip replacement toolbox : from CT-scan to patient-specific FE analysis

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    Novel Approaches to the Representation and Analysis of 3D Segmented Anatomical Districts

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    Nowadays, image processing and 3D shape analysis are an integral part of clinical practice and have the potentiality to support clinicians with advanced analysis and visualization techniques. Both approaches provide visual and quantitative information to medical practitioners, even if from different points of view. Indeed, shape analysis is aimed at studying the morphology of anatomical structures, while image processing is focused more on the tissue or functional information provided by the pixels/voxels intensities levels. Despite the progress obtained by research in both fields, a junction between these two complementary worlds is missing. When working with 3D models analyzing shape features, the information of the volume surrounding the structure is lost, since a segmentation process is needed to obtain the 3D shape model; however, the 3D nature of the anatomical structure is represented explicitly. With volume images, instead, the tissue information related to the imaged volume is the core of the analysis, while the shape and morphology of the structure are just implicitly represented, thus not clear enough. The aim of this Thesis work is the integration of these two approaches in order to increase the amount of information available for physicians, allowing a more accurate analysis of each patient. An augmented visualization tool able to provide information on both the anatomical structure shape and the surrounding volume through a hybrid representation, could reduce the gap between the two approaches and provide a more complete anatomical rendering of the subject. To this end, given a segmented anatomical district, we propose a novel mapping of volumetric data onto the segmented surface. The grey-levels of the image voxels are mapped through a volume-surface correspondence map, which defines a grey-level texture on the segmented surface. The resulting texture mapping is coherent to the local morphology of the segmented anatomical structure and provides an enhanced visual representation of the anatomical district. The integration of volume-based and surface-based information in a unique 3D representation also supports the identification and characterization of morphological landmarks and pathology evaluations. The main research contributions of the Ph.D. activities and Thesis are: \u2022 the development of a novel integration algorithm that combines surface-based (segmented 3D anatomical structure meshes) and volume-based (MRI volumes) information. The integration supports different criteria for the grey-levels mapping onto the segmented surface; \u2022 the development of methodological approaches for using the grey-levels mapping together with morphological analysis. The final goal is to solve problems in real clinical tasks, such as the identification of (patient-specific) ligament insertion sites on bones from segmented MR images, the characterization of the local morphology of bones/tissues, the early diagnosis, classification, and monitoring of muscle-skeletal pathologies; \u2022 the analysis of segmentation procedures, with a focus on the tissue classification process, in order to reduce operator dependency and to overcome the absence of a real gold standard for the evaluation of automatic segmentations; \u2022 the evaluation and comparison of (unsupervised) segmentation methods, finalized to define a novel segmentation method for low-field MR images, and for the local correction/improvement of a given segmentation. The proposed method is simple but effectively integrates information derived from medical image analysis and 3D shape analysis. Moreover, the algorithm is general enough to be applied to different anatomical districts independently of the segmentation method, imaging techniques (such as CT), or image resolution. The volume information can be integrated easily in different shape analysis applications, taking into consideration not only the morphology of the input shape but also the real context in which it is inserted, to solve clinical tasks. The results obtained by this combined analysis have been evaluated through statistical analysis


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    Robot-assisted surgery offers improved accuracy, precision, safety, and workflow for a variety of surgical procedures spanning different surgical contexts (e.g., neurosurgery, pulmonary interventions, orthopaedics). These systems can assist with implant placement, drilling, bone resection, and biopsy while reducing human errors (e.g., hand tremors and limited dexterity) and easing the workflow of such tasks. Furthermore, such systems can reduce radiation dose to the clinician in fluoroscopically-guided procedures since many robots can perform their task in the imaging field-of-view (FOV) without the surgeon. Robot-assisted surgery requires (1) a preoperative plan defined relative to the patient that instructs the robot to perform a task, (2) intraoperative registration of the patient to transform the planning data into the intraoperative space, and (3) intraoperative registration of the robot to the patient to guide the robot to execute the plan. However, despite the operational improvements achieved using robot-assisted surgery, there are geometric inaccuracies and significant challenges to workflow associated with (1-3) that impact widespread adoption. This thesis aims to address these challenges by using image registration to plan and guide robot- assisted surgical (RAS) systems to encourage greater adoption of robotic-assistance across surgical contexts (in this work, spinal neurosurgery, pulmonary interventions, and orthopaedic trauma). The proposed methods will also be compatible with diverse imaging and robotic platforms (including low-cost systems) to improve the accessibility of RAS systems for a wide range of hospital and use settings. This dissertation advances important components of image-guided, robot-assisted surgery, including: (1) automatic target planning using statistical models and surgeon-specific atlases for application in spinal neurosurgery; (2) intraoperative registration and guidance of a robot to the planning data using 3D-2D image registration (i.e., an “image-guided robot”) for assisting pelvic orthopaedic trauma; (3) advanced methods for intraoperative registration of planning data in deformable anatomy for guiding pulmonary interventions; and (4) extension of image-guided robotics in a piecewise rigid, multi-body context in which the robot directly manipulates anatomy for assisting ankle orthopaedic trauma

    Automated Vascular Smooth Muscle Segmentation, Reconstruction, Classification and Simulation on Whole-Slide Histology

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    Histology of the microvasculature depicts detailed characteristics relevant to tissue perfusion. One important histologic feature is the smooth muscle component of the microvessel wall, which is responsible for controlling vessel caliber. Abnormalities can cause disease and organ failure, as seen in hypertensive retinopathy, diabetic ischemia, Alzheimer’s disease and improper cardiovascular development. However, assessments of smooth muscle cell content are conventionally performed on selected fields of view on 2D sections, which may lead to measurement bias. We have developed a software platform for automated (1) 3D vascular reconstruction, (2) detection and segmentation of muscularized microvessels, (3) classification of vascular subtypes, and (4) simulation of function through blood flow modeling. Vessels were stained for α-actin using 3,3\u27-Diaminobenzidine, assessing both normal (n=9 mice) and regenerated vasculature (n=5 at day 14, n=4 at day 28). 2D locally adaptive segmentation involved vessel detection, skeletonization, and fragment connection. 3D reconstruction was performed using our novel nucleus landmark-based registration. Arterioles and venules were categorized using supervised machine learning based on texture and morphometry. Simulation of blood flow for the normal and regenerated vasculature was performed at baseline and during demand based on the structural measures obtained from the above tools. Vessel medial area and vessel wall thickness were found to be greater in the normal vasculature as compared to the regenerated vasculature (p\u3c0.001) and a higher density of arterioles was found in the regenerated tissue (p\u3c0.05). Validation showed: a Dice coefficient of 0.88 (compared to manual) for the segmentations, a 3D reconstruction target registration error of 4 μm, and area under the receiver operator curve of 0.89 for vessel classification. We found 89% and 67% decreases in the blood flow through the network for the regenerated vasculature during increased oxygen demand as compared to the normal vasculature, respectively for 14 and 28 days post-ischemia. We developed a software platform for automated vasculature histology analysis involving 3D reconstruction, segmentation, and arteriole vs. venule classification. This advanced the knowledge of conventional histology sampling compared to whole slide analysis, the morphological and density differences in the regenerated vasculature, and the effect of the differences on blood flow and function

    Contemporary Robotics

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    This book book is a collection of 18 chapters written by internationally recognized experts and well-known professionals of the field. Chapters contribute to diverse facets of contemporary robotics and autonomous systems. The volume is organized in four thematic parts according to the main subjects, regarding the recent advances in the contemporary robotics. The first thematic topics of the book are devoted to the theoretical issues. This includes development of algorithms for automatic trajectory generation using redudancy resolution scheme, intelligent algorithms for robotic grasping, modelling approach for reactive mode handling of flexible manufacturing and design of an advanced controller for robot manipulators. The second part of the book deals with different aspects of robot calibration and sensing. This includes a geometric and treshold calibration of a multiple robotic line-vision system, robot-based inline 2D/3D quality monitoring using picture-giving and laser triangulation, and a study on prospective polymer composite materials for flexible tactile sensors. The third part addresses issues of mobile robots and multi-agent systems, including SLAM of mobile robots based on fusion of odometry and visual data, configuration of a localization system by a team of mobile robots, development of generic real-time motion controller for differential mobile robots, control of fuel cells of mobile robots, modelling of omni-directional wheeled-based robots, building of hunter- hybrid tracking environment, as well as design of a cooperative control in distributed population-based multi-agent approach. The fourth part presents recent approaches and results in humanoid and bioinspirative robotics. It deals with design of adaptive control of anthropomorphic biped gait, building of dynamic-based simulation for humanoid robot walking, building controller for perceptual motor control dynamics of humans and biomimetic approach to control mechatronic structure using smart materials

    Automated Distinct Bone Segmentation from Computed Tomography Images using Deep Learning

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    Large-scale CT scans are frequently performed for forensic and diagnostic purposes, to plan and direct surgical procedures, and to track the development of bone-related diseases. This often involves radiologists who have to annotate bones manually or in a semi-automatic way, which is a time consuming task. Their annotation workload can be reduced by automated segmentation and detection of individual bones. This automation of distinct bone segmentation not only has the potential to accelerate current workflows but also opens up new possibilities for processing and presenting medical data for planning, navigation, and education. In this thesis, we explored the use of deep learning for automating the segmentation of all individual bones within an upper-body CT scan. To do so, we had to find a network architec- ture that provides a good trade-off between the problem’s high computational demands and the results’ accuracy. After finding a baseline method and having enlarged the dataset, we set out to eliminate the most prevalent types of error. To do so, we introduced an novel method called binary-prediction-enhanced multi-class (BEM) inference, separating the task into two: Distin- guishing bone from non-bone is conducted separately from identifying the individual bones. Both predictions are then merged, which leads to superior results. Another type of error is tack- led by our developed architecture, the Sneaky-Net, which receives additional inputs with larger fields of view but at a smaller resolution. We can thus sneak more extensive areas of the input into the network while keeping the growth of additional pixels in check. Overall, we present a deep-learning-based method that reliably segments most of the over one hundred distinct bones present in upper-body CT scans in an end-to-end trained matter quickly enough to be used in interactive software. Our algorithm has been included in our groups virtual reality medical image visualisation software SpectoVR with the plan to be used as one of the puzzle piece in surgical planning and navigation, as well as in the education of future doctors

    The Effect of Loading, Plantar Ligament Disruption and Surgical Repair on Canine Tarsal Bone Kinematics

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    Our desire to describe the complex kinematic patterns found in nature often exceeds our ability to record, quantify and characterise them. Constantly faced with technological limitations, investigators may attempt to develop new techniques or reduce the complex motions to more simplified models. Perhaps due to technical limitations, the canine pes is commonly considered as a rigid structure, when in reality, this limb segment is comprised of multiple bones and ligaments and motion can readily be demonstrated during palpation. Despite the potentially important role that tarsal bone kinematics may play in energy conservation mechanisms and pathogenesis of injury or disease, there are no descriptions of normal canine tarsal kinematics during locomotion. A radiolucent cadaveric limb loading device was developed and used in conjunction with a computed tomography based kinematic measurement technique to produce the first description of canine tarsal bone kinematics in three dimensions. Tarsal bones were shown to undergo a complex, yet coordinated patterns of motion that facilitate dorsiflexion of the pes in the normal animal. The same technique was applied to specimens following sequential transection of the plantar ligament and revealed the roles of the various components of this ligament. Complete luxation of the proximal intertarsal joint occurred only after transection of the entire ligament, resulting in an inability to transmit force through this limb segment. The final chapter of this thesis, evaluated the ability of a laterally applied bone plate to re-establish force transmission through this limb segment, providing important information that may help to resolve the open question of what the most appropriate surgical repair technique is in these clinical cases