86 research outputs found

    Morphometric parameters of thyroid gland, liver, and kidney on administration of thyroxine followed by Bauhinia Purpurea and Withania somnifera in female albino rats

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    Background: The use of herbs in traditional medicine is to support thyroid health and their major importance can benefit both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. Objective: to study the morphometric parameters of the thyroid, liver, and kidney on administration of thyroxine followed by Bauhinia purpurea and Withania somnifera in animals. Materials and Methods: Thirty adult female Albino rats weighing 150-230 grams were used for the present study. The study protocol was approved by the Institutional Animal Ethical Committee (No.878/ac/05/CPCSEA/10/22) from Raghavendra Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research (RIPER), Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh. The animals were divided into 5 groups and each group consisted of 6 animals. The body weight of the animals and the weight of the organs like the thyroid, liver and kidney were recorded. Results: We observed significant body weight reduction (170.32 + 8.45) in animals treated with thyroxine (0.5 mg/kg b.w) alone group than control group animals (191.36+17.32) in the present study. The body weight was significantly increased (187.72+7.026) in rats treated with thyroxine (0.5 mg/kg b.w) followed by Bauhinia purpurea (150mg) and Withania somnifera (1000mg) when compared with thyroxine alone group (170.32 + 8.45) was noted. The weight of the thyroid gland was significantly reduced(18.13 + 1.12) in rats treated with thyroxine alone (0.5 mg/kg b.w) treated animals than the control group (23.96 + 1.41) in our study. We also noted that, there was a significant increase in the weight of the kidney and weight of the liver in thyroxine alone (0.5 mg/kg b.w) treated group (2.79+ 0.03; 9.14 + 0.13) than control group (2.01+ 0.07; 7.41+ 0.81) in the present study. Conclusion: The thyroxine-alone treated animals showed a significant reduction in the body weight of the animal and thyroid gland compared to other experimental and control groups, whereas liver and kidney weight was significantly increased in thyroxine-alone treated animals than in control and other experimental groups


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    Background. The use of mathematical methods to study the morpho-functional features of follicular thyrocytes ultrastructures of the thyroid gland, in particular the transport direction of its activity, is due to the importance of the thyroid gland for the body. Impairment of synthesis, transporting, deiodinizing, thyroid hormones metabolism lead to clinical and subclinical disorders of the thyroid gland. The share of thyroid pathology in the overall structure of endocrine morbidity is significant and is characterized by a tendency to increase. The most common cause of thyroid disorders is alimentary iodine deficiency and related health disorders; a good reason is the impairment of thyroid homeostasis by various harmful effects of chemical or physical nature. Prevention of iodine deficiency disorders and correction of their manifestations is carried out with iodine-containing substances. Organic compounds are increasingly used, among which seaweed is considered to be a particularly promising source of organic iodine. The purpose of the study was to elucidate the relationship between the follicular thyrocytes ultrastructures in the transport direction of their activity when taking organic iodine under conditions of potentiation of iodine deficiency in the diet with antithyroid drugs. Material and methods. The study was performed on 50 white nonlinear male rats with initial weight of 140-160 g, of which 10 animals consumed common digestible food, 40 - iodine-deficient starch-casein diet. Potentiation of alimentary iodine deficiency was performed with mercazolyl (Thiamazole) at the dose of 3 mg per kg body weight. Correction during 30 days of potentiated alimentary iodine deficiency was performed by histologically determined small (initial - 21 |jg iodine per kg body weight), moderate (50 jg iodine per kg body weight) and large (100 jg iodine per kg body weight) doses of organic iodine of iodine-protein components from the Black Sea red alga Phyllophora nervosa (DC.) Grev. The tasks were solved by electron microscopy, method of semi-quantitative analysis of electronograms, method on specifying the profiles of special capabilities of hormone-poietic cells, correlation analysis with determining the strength of connections on the Chaddock scale and designing of correlation portraits; interpretation of the obtained results was performed from the standpoint of cytophysiology. Results and discussion. Analysis of correlation portraits revealed that in the conditions of uncorrected potentiated alimentary iodine deficiency, despite the impairment of the microcapillary bed, there is a certain resource for transportation of the produced hormonal product. Intake of organic iodine improves intraorgan hemocirculation. Features of exposure to small doses of organic iodine are such mechanisms of adaptation to the transport of thyroid hormones in adverse conditions as the presence of stasis and microthrombosis in the microcapillary bed, increased folding of follicular thyrocytes' basal cytoplasmic membranes, endothelial hypertrophy, increasing the number of endothelial cells and their pseudopodia. Taking moderate and large doses of organic iodine in the discussed conditions brings closer to the characteristics of intact animals such components of the transport profile as folding of the basal cytoplasmic membranes of follicular thyrocytes, the state of endothelial cells and their pseudopodia, the state of the microcapillary bed. The main difference between the effects of moderate and large doses of organic iodine is the peculiarities of the pericapillary space, which when taking a moderate dose is characterized by the absence of inclusions, and when taking a large dose by its moderate (normal) width. Thus, when correcting the potentiated alimentary iodine deficiency with organic iodine, the dependence is established of the components of follicular thyrocyte transport capability profile's characteristics and the relationships between them on the fact of iodine-containing compound. An important result of the effect is the improvement of the morpho-functional state of the follicular thyrocytes' basal cytoplasmic membranes and optimization of connections between the constituent elements of the profile. The direction and depth of changes depend on the dose of iodine consumed: the condition of the profile elements and the relationships between them improved with increasing iodine intake. Conclusions. The study of the effects of biological substances that can both potentiate and "mitigate" the phenomena of iodine deficiency, requires the joint efforts of scientists in various specialties, in particular, using appropriate mathematical approaches. Correlation portraits are an informative tool for studying the transport direction of follicular thyrocytes of the thyroid gland. Under conditions of uncorrected potentiated alimentary iodine deficiency, there is a certain resource for transportation of the produced hormonal product by the microcapillary bed of the thyroid gland. Intake of organic iodine against the background of potentiated alimentary iodine deficiency improves the condition of the microcapillary bed of the thyroid gland. Improvement of the hemocirculation of the microcapillary bed in the thyroid gland when taking different doses of iodine under conditions of alimentary iodine deficiency potentiation is provided by various ultrastructural components of the follicular thyrocytes' transport capability profile. The intake of moderate and large doses of organic iodine by rats under the conditions of alimentary iodine deficiency potentiation brings the state of the microcapillary bed in their thyroid glands closer to the characteristics of intact animals.Використання математичних методів для вивчення морфофункціональних особливостей ультраструктур фолікулярних тироцитів щитоподібної залози, зокрема транспортувального напряму її діяльності, при коригуванні органічним йодом потенційованого аліментарного йододефіциту є актуальним завданням цитофізіології. Метою мультидисциплінарного дослідження було дослідити особливості взаємозв'язків між ультраструктурами транспортувального напряму діяльності фолікулярних тироцитів (базальної цитоплазматичної мембрани, перикапілярного простору, мікрокапілярного русла, ендотеліоцитів) при прийманні різних доз органічного йоду в умовах потенціювання антитиреоїдним засобом мерказоліл (Thiamazol) дефіциту йоду в раціоні. Об'єкт дослідження: електронограми щитоподібних залоз білих нелінійних щурів-самців, яким дефіцит йоду в раціоні 30 днів коригували органічним йодом у гістологічно визначених малій (мінімально діючій), помірній і великій дозах. У дослідженні використано такі методи: електронномікроскопічне вивчення ультратонких зрізів щитоподібної залози, напівкількісний аналіз електронограм, визначення профілів спеціальних можливостей гормонопоетичних клітин, кореляційний аналіз із побудовою кореляційних портретів. Установлено, що вивчення особливостей впливу біологічних речовин, здатних як потенціювати, так і "пом'якшувати" явища йодного дефіциту, потребує спільних зусиль учених різних спеціальностей, зокрема із застосуванням відповідних математичних підходів, тоді як кореляційні портрети транспортувального напряму діяльності фолікулярних тироцитів є інформативним засобом дослідження механізмів функціонування щитоподібної залози. При аналізі кореляційних портретів установлено, що в умовах некоригованого потенційованого аліментарного йододефіциту попри порушення морфофункціонального стану мікрокапілярного русла існує певний ресурс для транспортування виробленого гормонального продукту. Приймання органічного йоду поліпшує інтра-органну гемоциркуляцію; при цьому особливості її поліпшення зумовлені спожитою дозою, оскільки коригування відбувається за участі різних ультраструктурних елементів профілю транспортувальної можливості фолікулярних тироцитів. Особливості впливу малої дози органічного йоду полягають у таких механізмах пристосування до транспортування тиреоїдних гормонів у несприятливих умовах як наявність у мікрокапілярному руслі явищ стазу та мі-кротромбозу, збільшення складчастості базальних мембран фолікулярних тироцитів, гіпертрофія ендотеліоцитів, збільшення кількості їхніх псевдоподій. Приймання помірної і великої доз органічного йоду в обговорюваних умовах наближає до характеристик інтактних тварин такі складові елементи досліджуваного профілю як складчастість базальних цитоплазматичних мембран фолікулярних тироцитів, стан ендотеліоцитів та їхніх псевдоподій, стан мікрокапілярного русла. Основна відмінність між впливом помірної і великої доз органічного йоду полягає в особливостях стану перикапілярного простору, що при прийманні помірної дози характеризується відсутністю в ньому включень, а при прийманні великої дози - його помірною (нормальною) шириною. Зроблено висновок, що кореляційні портрети є зручним засобом дослідження транспортувального напряму діяльності фолікулярних тироцитів щитоподібної залози

    Toxicological profile for iodine

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    prepared by Syracuse Research Corporation under contract no. 205-1999-00024 ; prepared for U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry."April 2004.""A Toxicological Profile for Iodine, Draft for Public Comment was released in September 2001. This edition supercedes any previously released draft or final profile."--P. iii.Chemical manager(s)/author(s): John Rishe ... [et al.].Also available via the World Wide Web.Includes bibliographical references (p. 325-495)

    Draft toxicological profile for iodine

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    Draft for public comment.Comment period ends: February 22, 2002.Prepared by: Syracuse Research Corporation under contract no. 205-1999-00024; prepared for: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry205-1999-0002

    Features of the processes of formation of indicators of emotional burnout of students in the dynamics of learning in modern institutions of higher medical education.

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    The purpose of the work is to establish features of the processes of formation of indicators of emotional burnout of students in the dynamics of learning in modern institutions of higher medical education. Research was conducted on the basis of National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, 307 students of the 1st, 3d, and 6th courses were surveyed. To assess the level of development of the characteristics of emotional burnout Boyko’s personal questionnaire was used. It was established that a high level of severity of the leading manifestations of emotional burnout among students which determines their pronounced emotional instability and a tendency to develop various disorders in terms of the characteristics of psychophysiological adaptation and of the mental sphere was observed among young women, and, first of all, among third-year and first-year young women. Considering the structural distribution of the studied indicators, it should be noted that in all comparison groups the leading components of emotional burnout were either at the formation stage (young men, of the 1st and 3d courses, and young women of the 1st and 6th courses), or were already formed (young men of the 6th course, and young women of the 3rd course). During the analysis of the features of formation of the main phases of emotional burnout, it should be noted that the highest degree of their development during period of learning was inherent of the resistance phase, followed by indicators of individual manifestations of the exhaustion phase and, lastly, tension phase. In the structure of the characteristics of the phase of tension mostly pronounced both in young men and young women, it is necessary to consider indicators of anxiety, depression and experiences of traumatic circumstances, in the structure of the leading characteristics of the phase of resistance – indicators of inadequate selective emotional response and reduction of professionally-oriented educational duties, in the structure of the leading characteristics of the phase of exhaustion – indicators of the severity of psychosomatic and psychovegetative shifts, personal detachment and emotional deficit

    Effects of Iodine Intake on Human Health

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    Iodine, a key component of thyroid hormones, is considered an essential micronutrient for proper health at all life stages. Indeed, an inadequate dietary intake of iodine is responsible for several functional and developmental abnormalities. The most serious consequences of iodine deficiency include hypothyroidism, early abortion, low birth weight, preterm delivery, neurocognitive impairment, and mental retardation. On the other hand, the consequences of mild-to-moderate iodine deficiency, such as goiter, are less well understood but represent an important priority for research and public health practice. Over the last several decades, many countries across the globe have introduced mandatory salt iodization programs, which have dramatically reduced the number of iodine-deficient countries. However, despite substantial progress worldwide, mild-to-moderate deficiency is still prevalent even in many developed countries. Thus, the ongoing monitoring of the population iodine status remains crucially important, and attention may need to be paid to vulnerable life stage groups

    A Study on Penn Maladu

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    The aim of the study is to evaluate the efficacy of the Siddha drugs ‘Maladu Neenga Thailam and Saaravalli Mathirai’ for the treatment of Penn Maladu. The drugs are prepared as per the literature. 20 patients are selected for the trial, based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Before treatment, consent is obtained from the patients. With the help of routine blood and urine examination biochemical parameters, clinical markers and ultrasound, diagnosis is made. At least two markers should be positive. They are given trial drugs for 7 days and are instructed to come for next clinical visit after 7 days. Also they are asked to bring back the unconsumed drug during their next visit and return the same. The assessment form is noted in every clinical visit. At the end of treatment the clinical symptoms are reduced in majority of patients and ovulation occured in 75% patients. Of them 40% patients even conceived. There is failure of ovulation in 25% patients. After treatment no adverse-effect is noted. CONCLUSION: Clinical trial revealed that the trial drugs "Maladu Neenga Thailam and Saaravalli Mathirai" produce ovulation in 75% of cases and failure of ovulation in 25% of cases. There is no adverse effects observed during the course of treatment. It is concluded that these Drugs are effective in the treatment of Penn Maladu. Because of the encouraging results clinically, the study may be undertaken with the same drugs for a prolonged period of time in more number of cases and it may throw new lights for the treatment of Penn Maladu

    Development of an in vitro laboratory manual for nuclear medicine technology students

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    This study evaluated existing In Vitro educational materials in qualitative and quantitative parameters that currently exist to educate potential clinicians of nationally accredited Nuclear Medicine programs; A review of over 300 articles, texts, and manuals pertaining to In Vitro Nuclear Medicine procedures clearly demonstrated that no In Vitro laboratory manual for undergraduate students presently existed; Every Nuclear Medicine program director in the United States was surveyed. They were asked for their overall philosophy in terms of developing an In Vitro manual and requested to evaluate the significance of 22 general principles/concepts and 34 specific laboratory testing procedures; From the responses to the survey, an In Vitro Nuclear Medicine manual was created and appended to the study. The manual consists of lecture and study material, chapter reviews, and laboratory assignments and exercises

    Clinical Biochemistry

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    A quantitative risk assessment of exposure to nitrates in drinking water and thyroid disorders in East Anglia, United Kingdom

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    Review of animal and epidemiological studies suggest that exposure to nitrates in drinking water is associated with thyroid disorders, including mild - to - moderate iodine deficiency; hyperthyroidism; hypothyroidism; thyroid hypertrophy (goitre) and thyroid cancer. However, the weight of evidence following a meta – analysis is strongest for goitre; weak for subclinical hypothyroidism and weakest for clinical hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism (clinical and subclinical). The effect estimate for goitre is, OR = 3.13 (95%Cl: 2.35-4.16); I2 = 24.9%, p = 0.28. Although causality was not firmly established between nitrates in drinking water and goitre, the risk assessment framework was used to estimate lifetime excess risk of thyroid cancer in East Anglia given widespread nitrate contamination of drinking water sources in the region. Thyroid cancer was used as a proxy for goitre given that malignancy can result from goitre which is usually benign and there is no register for goitre and/or benign thyroid tumours in the UK. Risk estimates suggests that 20 cases or 13 per cent of the 154 thyroid cancer cases calculated in a population of 2,849,918 in East Anglia in 2014, can be attributable to nitrates in drinking water and this would have been eliminated from the population if there was no nitrates in drinking water. The lifetime excess risk of thyroid cancer at nitrate levels below and equal to the drinking water standard of 50mg/l, is 0.02 – 0.28. This is above the range (1x10-6 to 1x10-5) considered negligible and suggests that the current drinking water standard for nitrates, originally set to protect against infantile methaemoglobinemia is unlikely to protect against thyroid cancer and warrants a review. The review should include a consideration of lowering the drinking water standard; reduction of nitrates in drinking water sources and/-or introducing iodine prophylaxis in the UK given that the effect of nitrates on the thyroid gland is dependent on the amount of dietary iodine intake. Although there were a lot of uncertainties and assumptions in the risk assessment process, the recommendation is based on the precautionary principle