8 research outputs found

    Interactive Educational TV Applications Based on the Multimedia Home Platform (MHP)

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    This paper presents the use of interactive television (TV) for learning purposes. Due to the increasing international support for the Multimedia Home Platform (MHP) as open standard for interactive, digital TV the development of interactive TV applications is gaining momentum. However, there are only very few educational interactive TV applications so far. In order to support the development of educational interactive TV applications it is investigated, how the technological possibilities of MHP can be used to develop educational applications. The research described focuses on an application developed for a public broadcaster in Germany. The integration of interactive functionalities into a traditional educational TV programme are demonstrated. In the case study special attention has been given to a user-centered development process as well as to the usability of the application to support end-user acceptance of this future technology for learning

    The Effect of Domain and Technical Expertise on the Training Outcomes for Case Management Systems in High Domain Expertise Fields

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    The successful implementation of an enterprise system requires training and end users in the new systems and procedures. There has been no research reporting a relationship between Domain Expertise (DE) and the successful implementation of an enterprise system. This study sought to begin filling this knowledge gap by exploring the relationship between DE, technical proficiency, training outcomes, and perceived training effectiveness for a new enterprise system, specifically a Case Management System (CMS) in a small and medium enterprise (SME). The research examines different subjects of technical expertise including skills, abilities, and knowledge to increase professional acceptance in the high domain of expertise field. In order to understand the complex nature of expertise and the significant impact, an exploratory approach is undertaken. Purposive sampling was utilized to select the 88 respondents to participate in the research, in which the role of domain expertise and technical expertise is explored. Based upon analysis, research showed the relevance of domain expertise and technical expertise in the deployment of successful case management systems. The results contributed to literature by showing that how training influences soft skills such as tacit knowledge on organizational culture and potential clients, deliver best solutions to the project management. Meanwhile, the outcomes provided significant traits on perceived training effectiveness, which drive increase in knowledge, practical implication, and quality of project delivered, presentation skills, communication and problem-solving abilities. The study also contributed to the literature in terms of defining how technical and domain expertise not only effect the outcomes of case management systems but also develop greater coordination for dealing the intricacies, project difficulties, and task-related complexities

    Reflections on e-learning: pedagogy and practice in the corporate sector

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    The majority of the articles on e-learning inform organisations on its perceived benefits of flexibility, cost and breadth of coverage. The disadvantages are largely ignored. The pedagogical debate on e-learning concentrates on the delivery of elearning within a traditional educational forum and does not examine trends within a corporate environment. This study reflects on the directions and experiences of organisations in the FTSE 250 that are implementing e-learning. It concludes that the advantages of an online pedagogy are not fully exploited due to limitations in technology and other strategic priorities. In addition, a number of lessons have been learned by the pioneers of corporate e-learning, including the evolutionary nature of the programmes and the need to create ‘organisational readiness’. Further research is essential to consider all stakeholders’ experiences of e-learning, and the learner’s voice is significant by its absence in the debate

    Framework's design for the implementation of eLearning in a business context

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    A proliferação das novas tecnologias de informação e os constantes avanços tecnológicos aliados, à rápida propagação de informação, fazem com que a implementação do eLearning em contexto empresarial ganhe cada vez mais preponderância. Empresas sediadas nos mais diversos locais do mundo já empregam esta modalidade de aprendizagem, contudo, é facilmente percetível a carência de conhecimento sobre a temática, assim como de matérias que permitam ultrapassar algumas das complexidades de implementação existentes. Numa sociedade em constante transformação considera-se relevante disponibilizar orientações globais que vão ao encontro do que é desejável para as organizações. Neste contexto, este estudo de investigação visa identificar modelos de referência existentes e ações que favoreçam a implementação do eLearning. Foram procurados espaços de ação e recolhida informação pertinente sobre a temática em causa, através de um estudo teórico suportado por uma revisão sistemática da literatura. O artigo presente surge da realização de uma dissertação de mestrado; o objetivo final compreende a apresentação de um framework que diligencie a implementação do eLearning em contexto empresarial.With the proliferation of new information technologies and the constant technological advances, combined with the rapid spread of information, implementing eLearning in a business context gaining more and more importance. Companies based in the most diverse places in the world already employ this learning modality, however, it is easily noticeable the lack of knowledge on the subject, as well as of materials that allow overcoming some of the existing implementation complexities. In a society in constant transformation, it is considered relevant to provide global guidelines that meet what is desirable for organizations. In this context, this research study aims to identify existing reference models and actions that help the implementation of eLearning. Spaces for action will be sought and pertinent information on the topic in question will be collected through a theoretical study supported by a systematic literature review.The present article arises from a master's thesis, the final objective comprises the presentation of a framework that diligences the implementation of eLearning in a business context.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    E-learning Paradigms and The Development of E-learning Strategy

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    The e-learning area is characterized by a magnitude of different products, systems and approaches. The variations can also be observed in differences in the views and notions of e-learning among business people, researchers and journalists. This article attempts to disentangle the area by using economic and sociological theories, the theories of marketing management and strategy as well as practical experience gained by the author while working with leading edge suppliers of e-learning. On this basis, a distinction between knowledge creation e-learning and knowledge transfer e-learning is outlined. In so doing, the existence of a huge gap between the practice and ideas of leading edge suppliers and several mainstream notions in business and academia is identified. The various views are divided into four different ideal-typical paradigms, each with its own characteristics and limitations. The selection of which paradigm to use in the development of an e-learning strategy may prove crucial for success. Implications for the development of an e-learning strategy in businesses and learning institutions are outlined

    Mlearning: la aceptación tecnológica como factor crítico del desarrollo de modelos de negocio de formación online.

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    Actualment les organitzacions i institucions han adoptat noves formes de capacitació i desenvolupament. Les tecnologies mòbils, xarxes de comunicació i les aplicacions basades en web 2.0 estableix un nou desenvolupament de negocis i la formació. Gestió del coneixement en tota institució i organització, promou el desenvolupament de l'aprenentatge, la innovació i la millora contínua dels seus processos. En aquesta tesi es presenta un nou concepte d'aprenentatge electrònic va ser construït, basat en un context global definit per les diferents estratègies d'aprenentatge (bLearning / mLearning). En aquesta tesi també s'exposen els principals models d'acceptació de tecnologia. L'objectiu d'aquest tema és explicar l'acceptació de les tecnologies mòbils en l'educació, com a pas previ abans de prendre la decisió d'invertir-hi. També té com a objectiu presentar una visió general de l'aprenentatge electrònic com un negoci. Arribem a la conclusió que l'acceptació d'una tecnologia dependrà significativament d'acord a l'activitat que realitza.Actualmente las organizaciones e instituciones han adoptado nuevas formas de capacitación y desarrollo. Las tecnologías móviles, las redes de comunicación y las aplicaciones basadas en la WEB 2.0 establecen una nueva era para el desarrollo de negocios y de la formación. La gestión del conocimiento en cualquier institución u organización, impulsa el desarrollo del aprendizaje, la innovación y a la mejora continua de sus procesos. En esta Tesis se construye un nuevo concepto de eLearning que abarque un contexto global delimitado por las diversas estrategias de aprendizaje (blearning/mLearning). Además se exponen los principales modelos de aceptación de tecnología los cuales permitirán explicar la aceptación de tecnologías móviles en la educación como un escalón previo antes de tomar la decisión de invertir en ellas. Además pretende exponer una visión general del eLearning como negocio. Se concluye que la aceptación de las tecnologías dependerá significativamente de acuerdo a la actividad a realizar.Currently organizations and institutions have adopted new forms of training and development. Mobile technologies, communication networks and software (applications) based on Web 2.0 establishes a new business development and training. Knowledge management in any institution and organization, promotes the development of learning, innovation and continuous improvement of its processes. In this thesis a new concept of eLearning was built, based in a global context defined by the various learning strategies (bLearning / mLearning). In this thesis also the main technology acceptance models are exposed. The aim in this topic is to explain the acceptance of mobile technologies in education as a preliminary step before making the decision to invest in them. It also aims to present an overview of eLearning as a business. We conclude that the acceptance of a technology will depend significantly according to the activity performed

    Corporate E-learning Strategy

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    Not the least factor, when launching the corporate training, is strategy determination. On the one hand, an educational institution has to follow the market and be able to satisfy the demands of corporate clients and companies. It is a so called market adaptation. However, this approach implies a number of shortcomings. An excessive interest in market adaptation may lead to lop-sided development of training process: the educational institution turns into the mirror reflecting the corporation opinion and moulds its vision of the future only due to demands of the corporation. In contrast to that, there is an approach when the educational institution searches appropriate development directions independently, thereby taking the lead over corporationsâ?? demands and competitors. Such educational institution tends to excel in changes, which happen in the market, and to make the strategy satisfy future interests and demands of the corporation. Traditional training is grounded on the disciplinary approach to training. However, today business faces complex problems which solution can be found at the joints of disciplines and activities. Companies need multidisciplinary approaches to training. It is very important to keep the balance between conditional training with the disciplinary approach and training in partnership for multidisciplinary programs. This paper describes the example of corporate e-learning course for managers and top managers from a major telecommunication company. Each module is dedicated to a concrete interdisciplinary topic developed by a group of several teachers. Practical part of the module consists of concrete problems, which employees have to solve while training