463 research outputs found

    Clean Energy Federalism

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    Legal scholarship tends to approach the law and policy of clean energy from an environmental law perspective. As hydraulic fracturing, renewable energy integration, nuclear reactor (re)licensing, transport biofuel mandates, and other energy issues have pushed to the forefront of the environmental law debate, clean energy law has begun to emancipate itself. The emerging literature on clean energy federalism is a symptom of this emancipation. This Article adds to that literature by offering two case studies, a novel model for policy integration, and theoretical insights to elucidate the relationship between environmental federalism and clean energy federalism. Renewable portfolio standards and feed-in tariffs both seek to mitigate global climate change by promoting low-carbon, renewable energy. Despite their shared objective, subtle differences in the design characteristics and regulatory requirements of both policies point to different policy innovation pathways, recommending renewable portfolio standards for implementation at the federal level and feed-in tariffs for implementation at the state level. Contrary to the literature\u27s traditional view that renewable portfolio standards and feed-in tariffs are mutually exclusive policy alternatives, this Article proposes a model for closely integrating both policies toward a better, more efficient allocation of investor and regulatory risk. Properly integrated, such a joint policy regime could harness the competitive market forces inherent in portfolio standards and redirect them to optimize overall risk allocation. With aggregate risk mitigation greater than the sum of its parts, an integrated policy regime could leverage higher private-sector investment in renewables while requiring lower returns than necessary under less coordinated current policy approaches. From a theoretical perspective, this Article illustrates how clean energy federalism both draws on and advances the theories shaping today\u27s environmental federalism discourse. Specifically, this Article calls for a more nuanced, multidimensional application of environmental federalism\u27s matching principle, offers support for a more open-ended, institutionally agnostic public choice narrative, and operationalizes dynamic federalism theory in the clean energy arena

    Clean Energy Federalism

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    Legal scholarship tends to approach the law and policy of clean energy from an environmental law perspective. As hydraulic fracturing, renewable energy integration, nuclear reactor (re)licensing, transport biofuel mandates, and other energy issues have pushed to the forefront of the environmental law debate, clean energy law has begun to emancipate itself. The emerging literature on clean energy federalism is a symptom of this emancipation. This Article adds to that literature by offering two case studies, a novel model for policy integration, and theoretical insights to elucidate the relationship between environmental federalism and clean energy federalism.Renewable portfolio standards and feed-in tariffs both seek to mitigate global climate change by promoting low-carbon, renewable energy. Despite their shared objective, subtle differences in the design characteristics and regulatory requirements of both policies point to different policy innovation pathways, recommending renewable portfolio standards for implementation at the federal level and feed-in tariffs for implementation at the state level.Contrary to the literature’s traditional view that renewable portfolio standards and feed-in tariffs are mutually exclusive policy alternatives, this Article proposes a model for closely integrating both policies toward a better, more efficient allocation of investor and regulatory risk. Properly integrated, such a joint policy regime could harness the competitive market forces inherent in portfolio standards and redirect them to optimize overall risk allocation. With aggregate risk mitigation greater than the sum of its parts, an integrated policy regime could leverage higher private-sector investment in renewables while requiring lower returns than necessary under less coordinated current policy approaches.From a theoretical perspective, this Article illustrates how clean energy federalism both draws on and advances the theories shaping today’s environmental federalism discourse. Specifically, this Article calls for a more nuanced, multidimensional application of environmental federalism’s matching principle, offers support for a more open-ended, institutionally agnostic public choice narrative, and operationalizes dynamic federalism theory in the clean energy arena

    Clean Energy Federalism

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    Legal scholarship tends to approach the law and policy of clean energy from an environmental law perspective. As hydraulic fracturing, renewable energy integration, nuclear reactor (re)licensing, transport biofuel mandates, and other energy issues have pushed to the forefront of the environmental law debate, clean energy law has begun to emancipate itself. The emerging literature on clean energy federalism is a symptom of this emancipation. This Article adds to that literature by offering two case studies, a novel model for policy integration, and theoretical insights to elucidate the relationship between environmental federalism and clean energy federalism. Renewable portfolio standards and feed-in tariffs both seek to mitigate global climate change by promoting low-carbon, renewable energy. Despite their shared objective, subtle differences in the design characteristics and regulatory requirements of both policies point to different policy innovation pathways, recommending renewable portfolio standards for implementation at the federal level and feed-in tariffs for implementation at the state level. Contrary to the literature\u27s traditional view that renewable portfolio standards and feed-in tariffs are mutually exclusive policy alternatives, this Article proposes a model for closely integrating both policies toward a better, more efficient allocation of investor and regulatory risk. Properly integrated, such a joint policy regime could harness the competitive market forces inherent in portfolio standards and redirect them to optimize overall risk allocation. With aggregate risk mitigation greater than the sum of its parts, an integrated policy regime could leverage higher private-sector investment in renewables while requiring lower returns than necessary under less coordinated current policy approaches. From a theoretical perspective, this Article illustrates how clean energy federalism both draws on and advances the theories shaping *1622 today\u27s environmental federalism discourse. Specifically, this Article calls for a more nuanced, multidimensional application of environmental federalism\u27s matching principle, offers support for a more open-ended, institutionally agnostic public choice narrative, and operationalizes dynamic federalism theory in the clean energy arena

    Clean Energy Federalism

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    Legal scholarship tends to approach the law and policy of clean energy from an environmental law perspective. As hydraulic fracturing, renewable energy integration, nuclear reactor (re)licensing, transport biofuel mandates, and other energy issues have pushed to the forefront of the environmental law debate, clean energy law has begun to emancipate itself. The emerging literature on clean energy federalism is a symptom of this emancipation. This Article adds to that literature by offering two case studies, a novel model for policy integration, and theoretical insights to elucidate the relationship between environmental federalism and clean energy federalism. Renewable portfolio standards and feed-in tariffs both seek to mitigate global climate change by promoting low-carbon, renewable energy. Despite their shared objective, subtle differences in the design characteristics and regulatory requirements of both policies point to different policy innovation pathways, recommending renewable portfolio standards for implementation at the federal level and feed-in tariffs for implementation at the state level. Contrary to the literature\u27s traditional view that renewable portfolio standards and feed-in tariffs are mutually exclusive policy alternatives, this Article proposes a model for closely integrating both policies toward a better, more efficient allocation of investor and regulatory risk. Properly integrated, such a joint policy regime could harness the competitive market forces inherent in portfolio standards and redirect them to optimize overall risk allocation. With aggregate risk mitigation greater than the sum of its parts, an integrated policy regime could leverage higher private-sector investment in renewables while requiring lower returns than necessary under less coordinated current policy approaches. From a theoretical perspective, this Article illustrates how clean energy federalism both draws on and advances the theories shaping today\u27s environmental federalism discourse. Specifically, this Article calls for a more nuanced, multidimensional application of environmental federalism\u27s matching principle, offers support for a more open-ended, institutionally agnostic public choice narrative, and operationalizes dynamic federalism theory in the clean energy arena

    Analyzing Electricity Markets with Increasing Penetration of Large-Scale Renewable Power Generation

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    Global electricity markets are undergoing a rapid transformation in their energy mix to meet commitments towards sustainable electric grids. This change in energy mix engenders significant challenges, specifically concerning the management of non-dispatchable energy resources. System and market operators are required to meet power system security and reliability requirements whilst providing electricity at competitive prices. An overview of electricity markets is provided in this paper with a critical appraisal of each market’s ability to manage the large-scale energy mix transition. This paper provides a commentary on the distinct features of electricity market models implemented around the world and highlights the barriers within these market models that are hindering the energy mix transition. Various researchers and policymakers are proposing solutions and market reforms for the smooth transitioning of the energy mix. This paper presents a systematic review of the proposed solutions in the literature and critiques the effectiveness and ease of implementation of the reviewed solutions. Research gaps and future research directions are indicated to promote further exploration towards the effective integration of large-scale renewable energy technologies

    Risk Hedging Strategies in New Energy Markets

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    In recent years, two typical developments have been witnessed in the energy market. On the one hand, the penetration of renewable generations has gradually replaced parts of the traditional ways to generate energy. The intermittent nature of renewable generation can lead to energy supply uncertainty, which might exacerbate the imbalance between energy supply and demand. As a result, the problem of energy price risks might occur. On the other hand, with the introduction of distributed energy resources (DERs), new categories of markets besides traditional wholesale and retail markets are emerging. The main benefits of the penetration of DERs are threefold. First, DERs can increase power system reliability. Second, the cost of transmission can be reduced. Third, end users can directly participate in some of these new types of markets according to their energy demand, excess energy, and cost function without third-party intervention. However, energy market participants might encounter various types of uncertainties. Therefore, it is necessary to develop proper risk-hedging strategies for different energy market participants in emerging new markets. Thus, we propose risk-hedging strategies that can be used to guide various market participants to hedge risks and enhance utilities in the new energy market. These participants can be categorized into the supply side and demand side. Regarding the wide range of hedging tools analyzed in this thesis, four main types of hedging strategies are developed, including the application of ESS, financial tools, DR management, and pricing strategy. Several benchmark test systems have been applied to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed risk-hedging strategies. Comparative studies of existing risk hedging approaches in the literature, where applicable, have also been conducted. The real applicability of the proposed approach has been verified by simulation results

    Discussion on drivers and proposition of approaches to support the transition of traditional electricity consumers to prosumers

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    In recent years, traditional power systems have undergone a significant transition, mainly related to the massive penetration of Renewable Energy Sources (RES). More specifically, the transformation of residential consumers into prosumers has been challenging to the traditional operation of electricity markets. This transition brings new challenges and opportunities to the power system, leading to new Business Model (BM). One widely discussed change is related to a consumer-centric or prosumer-driven approach, promoting increased participation of small consumers in power systems. The present thesis aims at discussing the recent BMs as enablers of the increasing prosumers’ role in the energy market and power system worldwide, deepening the discussion with a holistic view of the Brazilian context. To do so, it defines the main features of prosumers and their general related regulation as well as possible market designs within power systems. Moreover, the work intends to contribute to the knowledge, identification and understanding of the main regulatory barriers and enablers for the development of those BMs in the Brazilian energy market. In addition, it discusses enabling technologies to properly create the conditions that sustain new prosumer-driven markets. Then, it presents a comprehensive review of existing and innovative BMs and a discussion on their future roles in modern power systems and, in the Brazilian regulatory framework seeking to guide the decisions for the country to develop its political and regulatory environment in the future. Moreover, a set of recommendations for promoting these BMs in the power system worldwide is provided along with policy recommendations to promote prosumers aggregation in the Brazilian energy sector. An important conclusion is that, even though economically possible, not all innovative BMs can spread around the world due to regulatory issues. Seeking to further explore one of the prosumer-driven approaches presented and the challenges imposed by this innovative BM, a study of energy and reserve markets based on the Peer-to-Peer (P2P) structure is carried out. This structure is very promising for the prosumers’ promotion but presents some challenges for the network operation. A critical challenge is to ensure that network constraints are not violated due to energy trades between peers and neither due to the use of reserve capacity. Therefore, two methodologies are proposed. First, is proposed a three-step approach (P2PTDF), using Topological Distribution Factors (TDF) to penalize peers responsible for violations that may occur in the network constraints, ensuring a feasible solution. Second, it is proposed a new integrated prosumers-DSO approach applied in P2P energy and reserve tradings that also ensures the feasibility of both energy and reserve transactions under network constraints. The proposed approach includes the estimation of reserve requirements based on the RES uncertain behavior from historical generation data, which allows identifying RES patterns. The proposed models are assessed through a case study that uses a 14-bus system, under the technical and economic criteria. The results show that the approaches can ensure a feasible network operation.Nos últimos anos, os sistemas tradicionais de energia passaram por uma transição significativa, principalmente relacionada à penetração massiva de fontes de energia renováveis (do inglês, Renewable energy sources-RES). Mais especificamente, a transformação de consumidores residenciais em prosumidores tem desafiado a atual operação do mercado de energia elétrica. Essa transição traz novos desafios e oportunidades para o sistema elétrico, levando a novos modelos de negócios (do inglês, Business Models-BM). Uma mudança amplamente discutida está relacionada a uma abordagem centrada no consumidor ou direcionada ao prossumidor, promovendo maior participação de pequenos consumidores nos sistemas de energia. A presente tese tem como objetivo discutir os recentes BMs como facilitadores do crescente papel dos prosumidores no mercado de energia e no sistema elétrico mundial, aprofundando a discussão com uma visão holística do contexto brasileiro. Para tanto, define as principais características dos prosumidores e sua regulamentação geral relacionada, bem como possíveis designs de mercado dentro dos sistemas de energia. Além disso, o trabalho pretende contribuir para o conhecimento, identificação e compreensão das principais barreiras regulatórias e facilitadoras para o desenvolvimento desses BMs no mercado brasileiro de energia. Assim como, discutir as tecnologias importantes para criar adequadamente as condições que sustentam novos mercados orientados ao consumidor final. Em seguida, apresenta uma revisão abrangente dos BMs existentes e inovadores e uma discussão sobre seus papéis futuros nos sistemas de energia modernos e, no quadro regulatório brasileiro, buscando orientar as decisões para que o país desenvolva seu ambiente político e regulatório no futuro. Além disso, um conjunto de recomendações para promover esses BMs no sistema de energia em todo o mundo é fornecido juntamente com recomendações de políticas para promover a agregação de prosumidores no setor de energia brasileiro. Uma conclusão importante é que, mesmo sendo economicamente possível, nem todos os BMs inovadores podem se espalhar pelo mundo devido a obstáculos regulatórias. Buscando explorar ainda mais uma das abordagens orientadas ao prosumidor apresentadas e os desafios impostos por este BM inovador, é realizado um estudo dos mercados de energia e de reserva com base na estrutura ponto a ponto (do inglês, peer-to-peer-P2P). Esta estrutura é muito promissora para a promoção dos prosumidores mas apresenta alguns desafios para o funcionamento da rede. Um desafio crítico é garantir que as restrições da rede não sejam violadas devido a negociações de energia entre pares e nem devido ao uso da capacidade de reserva. Portanto, duas metodologias são propostas. Primeiramente, é proposta uma abordagem em três passos (P2PTDF), utilizando Fatores de Distribuição Topológica (do inglês, Topological Distribution Factors-TDF ) para penalizar os peers responsáveis por violações que possam ocorrer nas restrições da rede, garantindo uma solução viável. Em segundo lugar, é proposta uma nova abordagem integrada de prosumidores-DSO aplicada em transações P2P de energia e reserva que também garante a viabilidade de transações de energia e reserva sob restrições de rede. A abordagem proposta inclui a estimativa dos requisitos de reserva com base no comportamento incerto da RES a partir de dados históricos de geração, o que permite identificar padrões de RES. Os modelos propostos são avaliados através de um estudo de caso que utiliza um sistema de 14 barras, sob os critérios técnico e econômico. Os resultados mostram que as abordagens podem garantir uma operação de rede viável abrangendo energia e mercados de reserva

    Low-carbon Energy Transition and Planning for Smart Grids

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    With the growing concerns of climate change and energy crisis, the energy transition from fossil-based systems to a low-carbon society is an inevitable trend. Power system planning plays an essential role in the energy transition of the power sector to accommodate the integration of renewable energy and meet the goal of decreasing carbon emissions while maintaining the economical, secure, and reliable operations of power systems. In this thesis, a low-carbon energy transition framework and strategies are proposed for the future smart grid, which comprehensively consider the planning and operation of the electricity networks, the emission control strategies with the carbon response of the end-users, and carbon-related trading mechanisms. The planning approach considers the collaborative planning of different types of networks under the smart grid context. Transportation electrification is considered as a key segment in the energy transition of power systems, so the planning of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles (EVs) and hydrogen refueling infrastructure for fuel cell electric vehicles is jointly solved with the electricity network expansion. The vulnerability assessment tools are proposed to evaluate the coupled networks towards extreme events. Based on the carbon footprint tracking technologies, emission control can be realized from both the generation side and the demand side. The operation of the low-carbon oriented power system is modeled in a combined energy and carbon market, which fully considers the carbon emission right trading and renewable energy certificates trading of the market participants. Several benchmark systems have been used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed planning approach. Comparative studies to existing approaches in the literature, where applicable, have also been conducted. The simulation results verify the practical applicability of this method