783 research outputs found

    Review and Analysis of Failure Detection and Prevention Techniques in IT Infrastructure Monitoring

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    Maintaining the health of IT infrastructure components for improved reliability and availability is a research and innovation topic for many years. Identification and handling of failures are crucial and challenging due to the complexity of IT infrastructure. System logs are the primary source of information to diagnose and fix failures. In this work, we address three essential research dimensions about failures, such as the need for failure handling in IT infrastructure, understanding the contribution of system-generated log in failure detection and reactive & proactive approaches used to deal with failure situations. This study performs a comprehensive analysis of existing literature by considering three prominent aspects as log preprocessing, anomaly & failure detection, and failure prevention. With this coherent review, we (1) presume the need for IT infrastructure monitoring to avoid downtime, (2) examine the three types of approaches for anomaly and failure detection such as a rule-based, correlation method and classification, and (3) fabricate the recommendations for researchers on further research guidelines. As far as the authors\u27 knowledge, this is the first comprehensive literature review on IT infrastructure monitoring techniques. The review has been conducted with the help of meta-analysis and comparative study of machine learning and deep learning techniques. This work aims to outline significant research gaps in the area of IT infrastructure failure detection. This work will help future researchers understand the advantages and limitations of current methods and select an adequate approach to their problem

    Applications of Machine Learning to Threat Intelligence, Intrusion Detection and Malware

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are emerging technologies with applications to many fields. This paper is a survey of use cases of ML for threat intelligence, intrusion detection, and malware analysis and detection. Threat intelligence, especially attack attribution, can benefit from the use of ML classification. False positives from rule-based intrusion detection systems can be reduced with the use of ML models. Malware analysis and classification can be made easier by developing ML frameworks to distill similarities between the malicious programs. Adversarial machine learning will also be discussed, because while ML can be used to solve problems or reduce analyst workload, it also introduces new attack surfaces

    Log-based Anomaly Detection of Enterprise Software: An Empirical Study

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    Most enterprise applications use logging as a mechanism to diagnose anomalies, which could help with reducing system downtime. Anomaly detection using software execution logs has been explored in several prior studies, using both classical and deep neural network-based machine learning models. In recent years, the research has largely focused in using variations of sequence-based deep neural networks (e.g., Long-Short Term Memory and Transformer-based models) for log-based anomaly detection on open-source data. However, they have not been applied in industrial datasets, as often. In addition, the studied open-source datasets are typically very large in size with logging statements that do not change much over time, which may not be the case with a dataset from an industrial service that is relatively new. In this paper, we evaluate several state-of-the-art anomaly detection models on an industrial dataset from our research partner, which is much smaller and loosely structured than most large scale open-source benchmark datasets. Results show that while all models are capable of detecting anomalies, certain models are better suited for less-structured datasets. We also see that model effectiveness changes when a common data leak associated with a random train-test split in some prior work is removed. A qualitative study of the defects' characteristics identified by the developers on the industrial dataset further shows strengths and weaknesses of the models in detecting different types of anomalies. Finally, we explore the effect of limited training data by gradually increasing the training set size, to evaluate if the model effectiveness does depend on the training set size.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figures. Submitted to QRS 2023 - 23rd IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Securit

    Real-time big data processing for anomaly detection : a survey

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    The advent of connected devices and omnipresence of Internet have paved way for intruders to attack networks, which leads to cyber-attack, financial loss, information theft in healthcare, and cyber war. Hence, network security analytics has become an important area of concern and has gained intensive attention among researchers, off late, specifically in the domain of anomaly detection in network, which is considered crucial for network security. However, preliminary investigations have revealed that the existing approaches to detect anomalies in network are not effective enough, particularly to detect them in real time. The reason for the inefficacy of current approaches is mainly due the amassment of massive volumes of data though the connected devices. Therefore, it is crucial to propose a framework that effectively handles real time big data processing and detect anomalies in networks. In this regard, this paper attempts to address the issue of detecting anomalies in real time. Respectively, this paper has surveyed the state-of-the-art real-time big data processing technologies related to anomaly detection and the vital characteristics of associated machine learning algorithms. This paper begins with the explanation of essential contexts and taxonomy of real-time big data processing, anomalous detection, and machine learning algorithms, followed by the review of big data processing technologies. Finally, the identified research challenges of real-time big data processing in anomaly detection are discussed. © 2018 Elsevier Lt

    Cluster analysis on radio product integration testing faults

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    Abstract. Nowadays, when the different software systems keep getting larger and more complex, integration testing is necessary to ensure that the different components of the system work together correctly. With the large and complex systems the analysis of the test faults can be difficult, as there are so many components that can cause the failure. Also with the increased usage of automated tests, the faults can often be caused by test environment or test automation issues. Testing data and logs collected during the test executions are usually the main source of information that are used for test fault analysis. With the usage of text mining, natural language processing and machine learning methods, the fault analysis process is possible to be automated using the data and logs collected from the tests, as multiple studies have shown in the recent years. In this thesis, an exploratory data study is done on data collected from radio product integration tests done at Nokia. Cluster analysis is used to find the different fault types that can be found from each of the collected file types. Different feature extraction methods are used and evaluated in terms of how well they separate the data for fault analysis. The study done on this thesis paves the way for automated fault analysis in the future. The introduced methods can be applied for classifying the faults and the results and findings can be used to determine what are the next steps that can be taken to enable future implementations for automated fault analysis applications.Radiotuotteiden integraatiotestauksen vikojen klusterianalyysi. Tiivistelmä. Nykypäivänä, kun erilaiset ohjelmistojärjestelmät jatkavat kasvamista ja muuttuvat monimutkaisimmaksi, integraatiotestaus on välttämätöntä, jotta voidaan varmistua siitä, että järjestelmän eri komponentit toimivat yhdessä oikein. Suurien ja monimutkaisten järjestelmien testivikojen analysointi voi olla vaikeaa, koska järjestelmissä on mukana niin monta komponenttia, jotka voivat aiheuttaa testien epäonnistumisen. Testien automatisoinnin lisääntymisen myötä testit voivat usein epäonnistua myös johtuen testiympäristön tai testiautomaation ongelmista. Testien aikana kerätty testidata ja testilogit ovat yleensä tärkein tiedonlähde testivikojen analyysissä. Hyödyntämällä tekstinlouhinnan, luonnollisen kielen käsittelyn sekä koneoppimisen menetelmiä, testivikojen analyysiprosessi on mahdollista automatisoida käyttämällä testien aikana kerättyä testidataa ja testilogeja, kuten monet tutkimukset ovat viime vuosina osoittaneet. Tässä tutkielmassa tehdään eksploratiivinen tutkimus Nokian radiotuotteiden integraatiotesteistä kerätyllä datalla. Erilaiset vikatyypit, jotka voidaan löytää kustakin kerätystä tiedostotyypistä, löydetään käyttämällä klusterianalyysiä. Ominaisuusvektorien laskentaan käytetään eri menetelmiä ja näiden menetelmien kykyä erotella dataa vika-analyysin näkökulmasta arvioidaan. Tutkielmassa tehty tutkimus avaa tietä vika-analyysien automatisoinnille tulevaisuudessa. Esitettyjä menetelmiä voidaan käyttää vikojen luokittelussa ja tuloksien perusteella voidaan määritellä, mitkä ovat seuraavia askelia, jotta vika-analyysiprosessia voidaan automatisoida tulevaisuudessa

    A Lightweight Anomaly Detection Approach in Large Logs Using Generalizable Automata

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    In this thesis, we focus on the problem of detecting anomalies in large log data. Logs are generated at runtime and contain a wealth of information, useful for various software engineering tasks, including debugging, performance analysis, and fault diagnosis. Our anomaly detection approach is based on the multiresolution abnormal trace detection algorithm proposed in the literature. The algorithm exploits the causal relationship of events in large execution traces to build a model that represents the normal behaviour of a system using varying length n-grams and a generalizable automaton. The resulting model is later used to detect deviations from normalcy. In this thesis, we investigate the application of this algorithm in detecting anomalies in log data. Logs and execution traces are different. Unlike traces, logs do not exhibit a causal relationship among their events, raising questions as to the effectiveness of automata to model log data for anomaly detection. Logs are unstructured data and hence require the use of parsing and abstraction techniques. We propose a process, called LogAutomata, which uses the multiresolution abnormal trace detection algorithm as its primary mechanism. When applying LogAutomata to a large log file generated from the execution of Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), we show that the multiresolution algorithm can be a very effective way to detect anomalies in log data

    Developing a log file analysis tool:a machine learning approach for anomaly detection

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    Abstract. Log files, which record information about all events during the execution of a software, are important in troubleshooting tasks. However, modern software systems produce large quantities of complex logs, and their manual inspection is laborious and time-consuming. Therefore, technologies such as machine learning have been used to automate log file analysis. Anomaly detection is an especially popular approach, since anomalies in the log files are typically caused by erroneous behaviour of the software. In this study, open source data mining and machine learning solutions are utilized to process log files collected from devices running embedded Linux. Following the Design Science Research methodology, a Python program called sgologs is developed. The tool uses components from logparser and loglizer toolkits to pre-process the input log file, train an unsupervised machine learning model, and detect anomalies on the input file. The loglizer tools have not been used with Linux logs in previous research, possibly because they are rather difficult for automated processing. This finding is verified in this study as well, as the measured anomaly detection accuracy scores are quite modest. Nevertheless, sgologs is able to detect anomalies in the log files, with swift processing times, at least when certain things are taken into consideration. If the user is aware of these factors, sgologs can definitely point towards real anomalies in the Linux log files. Thus, the tool could be used in real-life settings to simplify debugging tasks, whenever logs are used as a source of information

    On the Effectiveness of Log Representation for Log-based Anomaly Detection

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    Logs are an essential source of information for people to understand the running status of a software system. Due to the evolving modern software architecture and maintenance methods, more research efforts have been devoted to automated log analysis. In particular, machine learning (ML) has been widely used in log analysis tasks. In ML-based log analysis tasks, converting textual log data into numerical feature vectors is a critical and indispensable step. However, the impact of using different log representation techniques on the performance of the downstream models is not clear, which limits researchers and practitioners' opportunities of choosing the optimal log representation techniques in their automated log analysis workflows. Therefore, this work investigates and compares the commonly adopted log representation techniques from previous log analysis research. Particularly, we select six log representation techniques and evaluate them with seven ML models and four public log datasets (i.e., HDFS, BGL, Spirit and Thunderbird) in the context of log-based anomaly detection. We also examine the impacts of the log parsing process and the different feature aggregation approaches when they are employed with log representation techniques. From the experiments, we provide some heuristic guidelines for future researchers and developers to follow when designing an automated log analysis workflow. We believe our comprehensive comparison of log representation techniques can help researchers and practitioners better understand the characteristics of different log representation techniques and provide them with guidance for selecting the most suitable ones for their ML-based log analysis workflow.Comment: Accepted by Journal of Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE