549 research outputs found

    Predictive Modelling Approach to Data-Driven Computational Preventive Medicine

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    This thesis contributes novel predictive modelling approaches to data-driven computational preventive medicine and offers an alternative framework to statistical analysis in preventive medicine research. In the early parts of this research, this thesis presents research by proposing a synergy of machine learning methods for detecting patterns and developing inexpensive predictive models from healthcare data to classify the potential occurrence of adverse health events. In particular, the data-driven methodology is founded upon a heuristic-systematic assessment of several machine-learning methods, data preprocessing techniques, models’ training estimation and optimisation, and performance evaluation, yielding a novel computational data-driven framework, Octopus. Midway through this research, this thesis advances research in preventive medicine and data mining by proposing several new extensions in data preparation and preprocessing. It offers new recommendations for data quality assessment checks, a novel multimethod imputation (MMI) process for missing data mitigation, a novel imbalanced resampling approach, and minority pattern reconstruction (MPR) led by information theory. This thesis also extends the area of model performance evaluation with a novel classification performance ranking metric called XDistance. In particular, the experimental results show that building predictive models with the methods guided by our new framework (Octopus) yields domain experts' approval of the new reliable models’ performance. Also, performing the data quality checks and applying the MMI process led healthcare practitioners to outweigh predictive reliability over interpretability. The application of MPR and its hybrid resampling strategies led to better performances in line with experts' success criteria than the traditional imbalanced data resampling techniques. Finally, the use of the XDistance performance ranking metric was found to be more effective in ranking several classifiers' performances while offering an indication of class bias, unlike existing performance metrics The overall contributions of this thesis can be summarised as follow. First, several data mining techniques were thoroughly assessed to formulate the new Octopus framework to produce new reliable classifiers. In addition, we offer a further understanding of the impact of newly engineered features, the physical activity index (PAI) and biological effective dose (BED). Second, the newly developed methods within the new framework. Finally, the newly accepted developed predictive models help detect adverse health events, namely, visceral fat-associated diseases and advanced breast cancer radiotherapy toxicity side effects. These contributions could be used to guide future theories, experiments and healthcare interventions in preventive medicine and data mining

    Improving predictive behavior under distributional shift

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    L'hypothèse fondamentale guidant la pratique de l'apprentissage automatique est qu’en phase de test, les données sont \emph{indépendantes et identiquement distribuées} à la distribution d'apprentissage. En pratique, les ensembles d'entraînement sont souvent assez petits pour favoriser le recours à des biais trompeurs. De plus, lorsqu'il est déployé dans le monde réel, un modèle est susceptible de rencontrer des données nouvelles ou anormales. Lorsque cela se produit, nous aimerions que nos modèles communiquent une confiance prédictive réduite. De telles situations, résultant de différentes formes de changement de distribution, sont incluses dans ce que l'on appelle actuellement les situations \emph{hors distribution} (OOD). Dans cette thèse par article, nous discutons des aspects de performance OOD relativement à des changement de distribution sémantique et non sémantique -- ceux-ci correspondent à des instances de détection OOD et à des problèmes de généralisation OOD. Dans le premier article, nous évaluons de manière critique le problème de la détection OOD, en se concentrant sur l’analyse comparative et l'évaluation. Tout en soutenant que la détection OOD est trop vague pour être significative, nous suggérons plutôt de détecter les anomalies sémantiques. Nous montrons que les classificateurs entraînés sur des objectifs auxiliaires auto-supervisés peuvent améliorer la sémanticité dans les représentations de caractéristiques, comme l’indiquent notre meilleure détection des anomalies sémantiques ainsi que notre meilleure généralisation. Dans le deuxième article, nous développons davantage notre discussion sur le double objectif de robustesse au changement de distribution non sémantique et de sensibilité au changement sémantique. Adoptant une perspective de compositionnalité, nous décomposons le changement non sémantique en composants systématiques et non systématiques, la généralisation en distribution et la détection d'anomalies sémantiques formant les tâches correspondant à des compositions complémentaires. Nous montrons au moyen d'évaluations empiriques sur des tâches synthétiques qu'il est possible d'améliorer simultanément les performances sur tous ces aspects de robustesse et d'incertitude. Nous proposons également une méthode simple qui améliore les approches existantes sur nos tâches synthétiques. Dans le troisième et dernier article, nous considérons un scénario de boîte noire en ligne dans lequel non seulement la distribution des données d'entrée conditionnées sur les étiquettes change de l’entraînement au test, mais aussi la distribution marginale des étiquettes. Nous montrons que sous de telles contraintes pratiques, de simples estimations probabilistes en ligne du changement d'étiquette peuvent quand même être une piste prometteuse. Nous terminons par une brève discussion sur les pistes possibles.The fundamental assumption guiding practice in machine learning has been that test-time data is \emph{independent and identically distributed} to the training distribution. In practical use, training sets are often small enough to encourage reliance upon misleading biases. Additionally, when deployed in the real-world, a model is likely to encounter novel or anomalous data. When this happens, we would like our models to communicate reduced predictive confidence. Such situations, arising as a result of different forms of distributional shift, comprise what are currently termed \emph{out-of-distribution} (OOD) settings. In this thesis-by-article, we discuss aspects of OOD performance with regards to semantic and non-semantic distributional shift — these correspond to instances of OOD detection and OOD generalization problems. In the first article, we critically appraise the problem of OOD detection, with regard to benchmarking and evaluation. Arguing that OOD detection is too broad to be meaningful, we suggest detecting semantic anomalies instead. We show that classifiers trained with auxiliary self-supervised objectives can improve semanticity in feature representations, as indicated by improved semantic anomaly detection as well as improved generalization. In the second article, we further develop our discussion of the twin goals of robustness to non-semantic distributional shift and sensitivity to semantic shift. Adopting a perspective of compositionality, we decompose non-semantic shift into systematic and non-systematic components, along with in-distribution generalization and semantic anomaly detection forming the complementary tasks. We show by means of empirical evaluations on synthetic setups that it is possible to improve performance at all these aspects of robustness and uncertainty simultaneously. We also propose a simple method that improves upon existing approaches on our synthetic benchmarks. In the third and final article, we consider an online, black-box scenario in which both the distribution of input data conditioned on labels changes from training to testing, as well as the marginal distribution of labels. We show that under such practical constraints, simple online probabilistic estimates of label-shift can nevertheless be a promising approach. We close with a brief discussion of possible avenues forward

    Classification algorithms on the cell processor

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    The rapid advancement in the capacity and reliability of data storage technology has allowed for the retention of virtually limitless quantity and detail of digital information. Massive information databases are becoming more and more widespread among governmental, educational, scientific, and commercial organizations. By segregating this data into carefully defined input (e.g.: images) and output (e.g.: classification labels) sets, a classification algorithm can be used develop an internal expert model of the data by employing a specialized training algorithm. A properly trained classifier is capable of predicting the output for future input data from the same input domain that it was trained on. Two popular classifiers are Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines. Both, as with most accurate classifiers, require massive computational resources to carry out the training step and can take months to complete when dealing with extremely large data sets. In most cases, utilizing larger training improves the final accuracy of the trained classifier. However, access to the kinds of computational resources required to do so is expensive and out of reach of private or under funded institutions. The Cell Broadband Engine (CBE), introduced by Sony, Toshiba, and IBM has recently been introduced into the market. The current most inexpensive iteration is available in the Sony Playstation 3 ® computer entertainment system. The CBE is a novel multi-core architecture which features many hardware enhancements designed to accelerate the processing of massive amounts of data. These characteristics and the cheap and widespread availability of this technology make the Cell a prime candidate for the task of training classifiers. In this work, the feasibility of the Cell processor in the use of training Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines was explored. In the Neural Network family of classifiers, the fully connected Multilayer Perceptron and Convolution Network were implemented. In the Support Vector Machine family, a Working Set technique known as the Gradient Projection-based Decomposition Technique, as well as the Cascade SVM were implemented

    Casual and trustworthy machine learning: methods and applications

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    This work focuses on the intersection of machine learning and causal inference and the way in which the two fields can enhance each other by sharing ideas: utilizing machine learning techniques for the computation of causal quantities, the use of ideas from causal inference for invariant predictions under unseen treatment regimes, and the exploration of topics in trustworthy machine learning, including interpretability and fairness, with a causal lens. In each one of the presented works, we grappled with the strength of assumptions needed to utilize causal inference techniques and relax portions of them when possible. In Chapter 1, we introduce the motivation behind the works and the challenges that sparked this plan of study. Chapter 2 provides a foundation on basic topics in causal machine learning and trustworthy machine learning. In Chapter 3, we introduce a causal effect estimation method under partial causal graph knowledge. In Chapter 4, we look at causal effect estimation in complex data settings, such as images, text, and gene expression networks, and propose an invariant estimation approach utilizing crude interventions. In Chapter 5, we provide a causal perspective on explainable machine learning, unifying existing works and providing a sound and complete algorithm involving the concepts of sufficiency and necessity. Finally, in Chapters 6 and 7, we introduce methods and investigations in fair machine learning

    Time-Series Embedded Feature Selection Using Deep Learning: Data Mining Electronic Health Records for Novel Biomarkers

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    As health information technologies continue to advance, routine collection and digitisation of patient health records in the form of electronic health records present as an ideal opportunity for data-mining and exploratory analysis of biomarkers and risk factors indicative of a potentially diverse domain of patient outcomes. Patient records have continually become more widely available through various initiatives enabling open access whilst maintaining critical patient privacy. In spite of such progress, health records remain not widely adopted within the current clinical statistical analysis domain due to challenging issues derived from such “big data”.Deep learning based temporal modelling approaches present an ideal solution to health record challenges through automated self-optimisation of representation learning, able to man-ageably compose the high-dimensional domain of patient records into data representations able to model complex data associations. Such representations can serve to condense and reduce dimensionality to emphasise feature sparsity and importance through novel embedded feature selection approaches. Accordingly, application towards patient records enable complex mod-elling and analysis of the full domain of clinical features to select biomarkers of predictive relevance.Firstly, we propose a novel entropy regularised neural network ensemble able to highlight risk factors associated with hospitalisation risk of individuals with dementia. The application of which, was able to reduce a large domain of unique medical events to a small set of relevant risk factors able to maintain hospitalisation discrimination.Following on, we continue our work on ensemble architecture approaches with a novel cas-cading LSTM ensembles to predict severe sepsis onset within critical patients in an ICU critical care centre. We demonstrate state-of-the-art performance capabilities able to outperform that of current related literature.Finally, we propose a novel embedded feature selection application dubbed 1D convolu-tion feature selection using sparsity regularisation. Said methodology was evaluated on both domains of dementia and sepsis prediction objectives to highlight model capability and generalisability. We further report a selection of potential biomarkers for the aforementioned case study objectives highlighting clinical relevance and potential novelty value for future clinical analysis.Accordingly, we demonstrate the effective capability of embedded feature selection ap-proaches through the application of temporal based deep learning architectures in the discovery of effective biomarkers across a variety of challenging clinical applications

    Data Science for Finance: Targeted Learning from (Big) Data to Economic Stability and Financial Risk Management

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in Information Management, specialization in Statistics and EconometricsThe modelling, measurement, and management of systemic financial stability remains a critical issue in most countries. Policymakers, regulators, and managers depend on complex models for financial stability and risk management. The models are compelled to be robust, realistic, and consistent with all relevant available data. This requires great data disclosure, which is deemed to have the highest quality standards. However, stressed situations, financial crises, and pandemics are the source of many new risks with new requirements such as new data sources and different models. This dissertation aims to show the data quality challenges of high-risk situations such as pandemics or economic crisis and it try to theorize the new machine learning models for predictive and longitudes time series models. In the first study (Chapter Two) we analyzed and compared the quality of official datasets available for COVID-19 as a best practice for a recent high-risk situation with dramatic effects on financial stability. We used comparative statistical analysis to evaluate the accuracy of data collection by a national (Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention) and two international (World Health Organization; European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control) organizations based on the value of systematic measurement errors. We combined excel files, text mining techniques, and manual data entries to extract the COVID-19 data from official reports and to generate an accurate profile for comparisons. The findings show noticeable and increasing measurement errors in the three datasets as the pandemic outbreak expanded and more countries contributed data for the official repositories, raising data comparability concerns and pointing to the need for better coordination and harmonized statistical methods. The study offers a COVID-19 combined dataset and dashboard with minimum systematic measurement errors and valuable insights into the potential problems in using databanks without carefully examining the metadata and additional documentation that describe the overall context of data. In the second study (Chapter Three) we discussed credit risk as the most significant source of risk in banking as one of the most important sectors of financial institutions. We proposed a new machine learning approach for online credit scoring which is enough conservative and robust for unstable and high-risk situations. This Chapter is aimed at the case of credit scoring in risk management and presents a novel method to be used for the default prediction of high-risk branches or customers. This study uses the Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric statistic to form a conservative credit-scoring model and to study its impact on modeling performance on the benefit of the credit provider. The findings show that the new credit scoring methodology represents a reasonable coefficient of determination and a very low false-negative rate. It is computationally less expensive with high accuracy with around 18% improvement in Recall/Sensitivity. Because of the recent perspective of continued credit/behavior scoring, our study suggests using this credit score for non-traditional data sources for online loan providers to allow them to study and reveal changes in client behavior over time and choose the reliable unbanked customers, based on their application data. This is the first study that develops an online non-parametric credit scoring system, which can reselect effective features automatically for continued credit evaluation and weigh them out by their level of contribution with a good diagnostic ability. In the third study (Chapter Four) we focus on the financial stability challenges faced by insurance companies and pension schemes when managing systematic (undiversifiable) mortality and longevity risk. For this purpose, we first developed a new ensemble learning strategy for panel time-series forecasting and studied its applications to tracking respiratory disease excess mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic. The layered learning approach is a solution related to ensemble learning to address a given predictive task by different predictive models when direct mapping from inputs to outputs is not accurate. We adopt a layered learning approach to an ensemble learning strategy to solve the predictive tasks with improved predictive performance and take advantage of multiple learning processes into an ensemble model. In this proposed strategy, the appropriate holdout for each model is specified individually. Additionally, the models in the ensemble are selected by a proposed selection approach to be combined dynamically based on their predictive performance. It provides a high-performance ensemble model to automatically cope with the different kinds of time series for each panel member. For the experimental section, we studied more than twelve thousand observations in a portfolio of 61-time series (countries) of reported respiratory disease deaths with monthly sampling frequency to show the amount of improvement in predictive performance. We then compare each country’s forecasts of respiratory disease deaths generated by our model with the corresponding COVID-19 deaths in 2020. The results of this large set of experiments show that the accuracy of the ensemble model is improved noticeably by using different holdouts for different contributed time series methods based on the proposed model selection method. These improved time series models provide us proper forecasting of respiratory disease deaths for each country, exhibiting high correlation (0.94) with Covid-19 deaths in 2020. In the fourth study (Chapter Five) we used the new ensemble learning approach for time series modeling, discussed in the previous Chapter, accompany by K-means clustering for forecasting life tables in COVID-19 times. Stochastic mortality modeling plays a critical role in public pension design, population and public health projections, and in the design, pricing, and risk management of life insurance contracts and longevity-linked securities. There is no general method to forecast the mortality rate applicable to all situations especially for unusual years such as the COVID-19 pandemic. In this Chapter, we investigate the feasibility of using an ensemble of traditional and machine learning time series methods to empower forecasts of age-specific mortality rates for groups of countries that share common longevity trends. We use Generalized Age-Period-Cohort stochastic mortality models to capture age and period effects, apply K-means clustering to time series to group countries following common longevity trends, and use ensemble learning to forecast life expectancy and annuity prices by age and sex. To calibrate models, we use data for 14 European countries from 1960 to 2018. The results show that the ensemble method presents the best robust results overall with minimum RMSE in the presence of structural changes in the shape of time series at the time of COVID-19. In this dissertation’s conclusions (Chapter Six), we provide more detailed insights about the overall contributions of this dissertation on the financial stability and risk management by data science, opportunities, limitations, and avenues for future research about the application of data science in finance and economy

    Concepção e realização de um framework para sistemas embarcados baseados em FPGA aplicado a um classificador Floresta de Caminhos Ótimos

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    Orientadores: Eurípedes Guilherme de Oliveira Nóbrega, Isabelle Fantoni-Coichot, Vincent FrémontTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecânica, Université de Technologie de CompiègneResumo: Muitas aplicações modernas dependem de métodos de Inteligência Artificial, tais como classificação automática. Entretanto, o alto custo computacional associado a essas técnicas limita seu uso em plataformas embarcadas com recursos restritos. Grandes quantidades de dados podem superar o poder computacional disponível em tais ambientes, o que torna o processo de projetá-los uma tarefa desafiadora. As condutas de processamento mais comuns usam muitas funções de custo computacional elevadas, o que traz a necessidade de combinar alta capacidade computacional com eficiência energética. Uma possível estratégia para superar essas limitações e prover poder computacional suficiente aliado ao baixo consumo de energia é o uso de hardware especializado como, por exemplo, FPGA. Esta classe de dispositivos é amplamente conhecida por sua boa relação desempenho/consumo, sendo uma alternativa interessante para a construção de sistemas embarcados eficazes e eficientes. Esta tese propõe um framework baseado em FPGA para a aceleração de desempenho de um algoritmo de classificação a ser implementado em um sistema embarcado. A aceleração do desempenho foi atingida usando o esquema de paralelização SIMD, aproveitando as características de paralelismo de grão fino dos FPGA. O sistema proposto foi implementado e testado em hardware FPGA real. Para a validação da arquitetura, um classificador baseado em Teoria dos Grafos, o OPF, foi avaliado em uma proposta de aplicação e posteriormente implementado na arquitetura proposta. O estudo do OPF levou à proposição de um novo algoritmo de aprendizagem para o mesmo, usando conceitos de Computação Evolutiva, visando a redução do tempo de processamento de classificação, que, combinada à implementação em hardware, oferece uma aceleração de desempenho suficiente para ser aplicada em uma variedade de sistemas embarcadosAbstract: Many modern applications rely on Artificial Intelligence methods such as automatic classification. However, the computational cost associated with these techniques limit their use in resource constrained embedded platforms. A high amount of data may overcome the computational power available in such embedded environments while turning the process of designing them a challenging task. Common processing pipelines use many high computational cost functions, which brings the necessity of combining high computational capacity with energy efficiency. One of the strategies to overcome this limitation and provide sufficient computational power allied with low energy consumption is the use of specialized hardware such as FPGA. This class of devices is widely known for their performance to consumption ratio, being an interesting alternative to building capable embedded systems. This thesis proposes an FPGA-based framework for performance acceleration of a classification algorithm to be implemented in an embedded system. Acceleration is achieved using SIMD-based parallelization scheme, taking advantage of FPGA characteristics of fine-grain parallelism. The proposed system is implemented and tested in actual FPGA hardware. For the architecture validation, a graph-based classifier, the OPF, is evaluated in an application proposition and afterward applied to the proposed architecture. The OPF study led to a proposition of a new learning algorithm using evolutionary computation concepts, aiming at classification processing time reduction, which combined to the hardware implementation offers sufficient performance acceleration to be applied in a variety of embedded systemsDoutoradoMecanica dos Sólidos e Projeto MecanicoDoutor em Engenharia Mecânica3077/2013-09CAPE

    Vision-based neural network classifiers and their applications

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    A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of University of LutonVisual inspection of defects is an important part of quality assurance in many fields of production. It plays a very useful role in industrial applications in order to relieve human inspectors and improve the inspection accuracy and hence increasing productivity. Research has previously been done in defect classification of wood veneers using techniques such as neural networks, and a certain degree of success has been achieved. However, to improve results in tenus of both classification accuracy and running time are necessary if the techniques are to be widely adopted in industry, which has motivated this research. This research presents a method using rough sets based neural network with fuzzy input (RNNFI). Variable precision rough set (VPRS) method is proposed to remove redundant features utilising the characteristics of VPRS for data analysis and processing. The reduced data is fuzzified to represent the feature data in a more suitable foml for input to an improved BP neural network classifier. The improved BP neural network classifier is improved in three aspects: additional momentum, self-adaptive learning rates and dynamic error segmenting. Finally, to further consummate the classifier, a uniform design CUD) approach is introduced to optimise the key parameters because UD can generate a minimal set of uniform and representative design points scattered within the experiment domain. Optimal factor settings are achieved using a response surface (RSM) model and the nonlinear quadratic programming algorithm (NLPQL). Experiments have shown that the hybrid method is capable of classifying the defects of wood veneers with a fast convergence speed and high classification accuracy, comparing with other methods such as a neural network with fuzzy input and a rough sets based neural network. The research has demonstrated a methodology for visual inspection of defects, especially for situations where there is a large amount of data and a fast running speed is required. It is expected that this method can be applied to automatic visual inspection for production lines of other products such as ceramic tiles and strip steel

    Genetic algorithm-neural network: feature extraction for bioinformatics data.

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    With the advance of gene expression data in the bioinformatics field, the questions which frequently arise, for both computer and medical scientists, are which genes are significantly involved in discriminating cancer classes and which genes are significant with respect to a specific cancer pathology. Numerous computational analysis models have been developed to identify informative genes from the microarray data, however, the integrity of the reported genes is still uncertain. This is mainly due to the misconception of the objectives of microarray study. Furthermore, the application of various preprocessing techniques in the microarray data has jeopardised the quality of the microarray data. As a result, the integrity of the findings has been compromised by the improper use of techniques and the ill-conceived objectives of the study. This research proposes an innovative hybridised model based on genetic algorithms (GAs) and artificial neural networks (ANNs), to extract the highly differentially expressed genes for a specific cancer pathology. The proposed method can efficiently extract the informative genes from the original data set and this has reduced the gene variability errors incurred by the preprocessing techniques. The novelty of the research comes from two perspectives. Firstly, the research emphasises on extracting informative features from a high dimensional and highly complex data set, rather than to improve classification results. Secondly, the use of ANN to compute the fitness function of GA which is rare in the context of feature extraction. Two benchmark microarray data have been taken to research the prominent genes expressed in the tumour development and the results show that the genes respond to different stages of tumourigenesis (i.e. different fitness precision levels) which may be useful for early malignancy detection. The extraction ability of the proposed model is validated based on the expected results in the synthetic data sets. In addition, two bioassay data have been used to examine the efficiency of the proposed model to extract significant features from the large, imbalanced and multiple data representation bioassay data