184 research outputs found

    Agrégation et routage efficace de données dans les réseaux de capteurs sans fils

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have gained much attention in a large range of technical fields such as industrial, military, environmental monitoring etc. Sensors are powered by batteries, which are not easy to replace in harsh environments. The energy stored by each sensor is the greatest impediment for increasing WSN lifetime. Since data transmission consumes more energy, our major concern is how to efficiently transmit the data from all sensors towards a sink. We suggest three tree-based data aggregation algorithms: Depth-First Search Aggregation (DFSA), Flooding Aggregation (FA) and Well-Connected Dominating Set Aggregation (WCDSA) to reduce the number of transmissions from each sensor towards the sink. Tree-based data aggregation suffers from increased data delivery time because the parents must wait for the data from their leaves. Some parents might have many leaves, making it very expensive for a parent to store all incoming data in its buffer. We need to determine the aggregation time each parent in the tree has to spend in aggregating and processing the data from its leaves. We propose an Efficient Tree-based Aggregation and Processing Time (ETAPT) algorithm using Appropriate Data Aggregation and Processing Time (ADAPT) metric. Given the maximum acceptable latency, ETAPT's algorithm takes into account the position of parents, their number of leaves and the depth of the tree, in order to compute an optimal ADAPT time. At any time, the amount of data aggregated by parents may become greater than the amount of data that can be forwarded. We propose the introduction into the network of many data aggregators called Mini-Sinks (MSs). MSs are mobile and move according to a random mobility model inside the sensor field to maintain the fully-connected network in order to aggregate the data based on the controlled Multipath Energy Conserving Routing Protocol (MECRP). Sensors may use many radio interfaces sharing a single wireless channel, which they may use to communicate with several neighbours. Two sensors operating on the same wireless channel may interfere with each other during the transmission of data. We need to know which channel to use in the presence of multiple channels for a given transmission. We propose a distributed Well-Connected Dominating Set Channel Assignment (WCDS-CA) approach, in which the number of channels that are needed over all sensor nodes in the network in such a way that adjacent sensor nodes are assigned to distinct channels.Les Réseaux de Capteurs Sans Fils (RCSFs) ont pris beaucoup d'importance dans plusieurs domaines tels que l'industrie, l'armée, la pollution atmosphérique etc. Les capteurs sont alimentés par des batteries qui ne sont pas faciles à remplacer surtout dans les environnements peu accessibles. L'énergie de chaque capteur est considérée comme la source première d'augmentation de la durée de vie des RCSFs. Puisque la transmission de données est plus coûteuse en consommation d'énergie, notre préoccupation première est de proposer une technique efficace de transmission des données de tous les capteurs vers le sink tout en réduisant la consommation en énergie. Nous suggérons trois trois algorithmes d'agrégation de données basé sur la construction d'arbres : Depth-First Search Aggregation (DFSA), Flooding Aggregation (FA) et Well-Connected Dominating Set Aggregation (WCDSA) qui permettront de réduire le nombre de transmissions de chaque capteur vers le sink. L'agrégation des données basée sur la construction d'arbres souffre du délai de délivrance de données parce que les parents doivent attendre de recevoir les données de leurs feuilles. Certains parents pourraient avoir beaucoup de feuilles, et il serait alors assez coûteux pour un parent de stocker toutes les données entrantes dans sa mémoire. Ainsi, nous devons déterminer le temps que chaque parent doit mettre pour agréger et traiter les données de ses feuilles. Nous proposons un algorithme, Efficient Tree-based Aggregation and Processing Time (ETAPT) qui utilise la métrique Appropriate Data Aggregation and Processing Time (ADAPT). Etant donné la durée maximale acceptable, l'algorithme ETAPT prend en compte la position des parents, le nombre de feuilles et la profondeur de l'arbre pour calculer l'ADAPT optimal. A n'importe quel moment pendant l'agrégation des données par les parents, il peut arriver que la quantité de données collectées soit très grande et dépasse la quantité de stockage maximale de données que peut contenir leurs mémoires. Nous proposons l'introduction dans le réseau de plusieurs collecteurs de données appelés Mini-Sinks (MSs). Ces MSs sont mobiles et se déplacent selon un modèle de mobilité aléatoire dans le réseau pour maintenir la connexité afin d'assurer la collecte contrôlée des données basée sur le protocole de routage Mulipath Energy Conserving Routing Protocol (MECRP). Les capteurs peuvent être équipés de plusieurs interfaces radios partageant un seul canal sans fil avec lequel ils peuvent communiquer avec plusieurs voisins. La transmission des données à travers une liaison de communication entre deux parents peut interférer avec les transmissions d'autres liaisons si elles transmettent à travers le même canal. Nous avons besoin de savoir quel canal utiliser en présence de plusieurs canaux pour une transmission donnée. Nous proposons une méthode distribuée appelée: Well Connected Dominating Set Channel Assignement (WCDS-CA), pour calculer le nombre de canaux qui seront alloués à tous les capteurs de telle sorte que les capteurs adjacents se voient attribués des canaux différent

    Performance optimization of wireless sensor networks for remote monitoring

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have gained worldwide attention in recent years because of their great potential for a variety of applications such as hazardous environment exploration, military surveillance, habitat monitoring, seismic sensing, and so on. In this thesis we study the use of WSNs for remote monitoring, where a wireless sensor network is deployed in a remote region for sensing phenomena of interest while its data monitoring center is located in a metropolitan area that is geographically distant from the monitored region. This application scenario poses great challenges since such kind of monitoring is typically large scale and expected to be operational for a prolonged period without human involvement. Also, the long distance between the monitored region and the data monitoring center requires that the sensed data must be transferred by the employment of a third-party communication service, which incurs service costs. Existing methodologies for performance optimization of WSNs base on that both the sensor network and its data monitoring center are co-located, and therefore are no longer applicable to the remote monitoring scenario. Thus, developing new techniques and approaches for severely resource-constrained WSNs is desperately needed to maintain sustainable, unattended remote monitoring with low cost. Specifically, this thesis addresses the key issues and tackles problems in the deployment of WSNs for remote monitoring from the following aspects. To maximize the lifetime of large-scale monitoring, we deal with the energy consumption imbalance issue by exploring multiple sinks. We develop scalable algorithms which determine the optimal number of sinks needed and their locations, thereby dynamically identifying the energy bottlenecks and balancing the data relay workload throughout the network. We conduct experiments and the experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithms significantly prolong the network lifetime. To eliminate imbalance of energy consumption among sensor nodes, a complementary strategy is to introduce a mobile sink for data gathering. However, the limited communication time between the mobile sink and nodes results in that only part of sensed data will be collected and the rest will be lost, for which we propose the concept of monitoring quality with the exploration of sensed data correlation among nodes. We devise a heuristic for monitoring quality maximization, which schedules the sink to collect data from selected nodes, and uses the collected data to recover the missing ones. We study the performance of the proposed heuristic and validate its effectiveness in improving the monitoring quality. To strive for the fine trade-off between two performance metrics: throughput and cost, we investigate novel problems of minimizing cost with guaranteed throughput, and maximizing throughput with minimal cost. We develop approximation algorithms which find reliable data routing in the WSN and strategically balance workload on the sinks. We prove that the delivered solutions are fractional of the optimum. We finally conclude our work and discuss potential research topics which derive from the studies of this thesis

    Markov Decision Processes with Applications in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) consist of autonomous and resource-limited devices. The devices cooperate to monitor one or more physical phenomena within an area of interest. WSNs operate as stochastic systems because of randomness in the monitored environments. For long service time and low maintenance cost, WSNs require adaptive and robust methods to address data exchange, topology formulation, resource and power optimization, sensing coverage and object detection, and security challenges. In these problems, sensor nodes are to make optimized decisions from a set of accessible strategies to achieve design goals. This survey reviews numerous applications of the Markov decision process (MDP) framework, a powerful decision-making tool to develop adaptive algorithms and protocols for WSNs. Furthermore, various solution methods are discussed and compared to serve as a guide for using MDPs in WSNs

    Data collection of mobile sensor networks by drones

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    Data collection by autonomous mobile sensor arrays can be coupled with the use of drones which provide a low-cost, easily deployable backhauling solution. These means of collection can be used to organize temporary events (sporting or cultural) or to carry out operations in difficult or hostile terrain. The aim of this thesis is to propose effective solutions for communication between both mobile sensors on the ground and on the edge-to-ground link. For this purpose, we are interested in scheduling communications, routing and access control on the sensor / drone link, the mobile collector. We propose an architecture that meets the constraints of the network. The main ones are the intermittence of the links and therefore the lack of connectivity for which solutions adapted to the networks tolerant to the deadlines are adopted. Given the limited opportunities for communication with the drone and the significant variation in the physical data rate, we proposed scheduling solutions that take account of both the contact time and the physical flow rate. Opportunistic routing is also based on these two criteria both for the selection of relay nodes and for the management of queues. We wanted to limit the overhead and propose efficient and fair solutions between mobile sensors on the ground. The proposed solutions have proved superior to conventional scheduling and routing solutions. Finally, we proposed a method of access combining a random access with contention as well as an access with reservation taking into account the aforementioned criteria. This flexible solution allows a network of dense mobile sensors to get closer to the performance obtained in an oracle mode. The proposed solutions can be implemented and applied in different application contexts for which the ground nodes are mobile or easily adapted to the case where the nodes are static

    Balanced Transmissions Based Trajectories of Mobile Sink in Homogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Mobile Sink (MS) based routing strategies have been widely investigated to prolong the lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). In this paper, we propose two schemes for data gathering in WSNs: (i) MS moves on random paths in the network (RMS) and (ii) the trajectory of MS is defined (DMS). In both the schemes, the network field is logically divided into small squares. The center point of each partitioned area is the sojourn location of the MS. We present three linear programming based models: (i) to maximize network lifetime, (ii) to minimize path loss, and (iii) to minimize end to end delay. Moreover, a geometric model is proposed to avoid redundancy while collecting information from the network nodes. Simulation results show that our proposed schemes perform better than the selected existing schemes in terms of the selected performance metrics

    Socio-economic aware data forwarding in mobile sensing networks and systems

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    The vision for smart sustainable cities is one whereby urban sensing is core to optimising city operation which in turn improves citizen contentment. Wireless Sensor Networks are envisioned to become pervasive form of data collection and analysis for smart cities but deployment of millions of inter-connected sensors in a city can be cost-prohibitive. Given the ubiquity and ever-increasing capabilities of sensor-rich mobile devices, Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Phones (WSN-MP) provide a highly flexible and ready-made wireless infrastructure for future smart cities. In a WSN-MP, mobile phones not only generate the sensing data but also relay the data using cellular communication or short range opportunistic communication. The largest challenge here is the efficient transmission of potentially huge volumes of sensor data over sometimes meagre or faulty communications networks in a cost-effective way. This thesis investigates distributed data forwarding schemes in three types of WSN-MP: WSN with mobile sinks (WSN-MS), WSN with mobile relays (WSN-HR) and Mobile Phone Sensing Systems (MPSS). For these dynamic WSN-MP, realistic models are established and distributed algorithms are developed for efficient network performance including data routing and forwarding, sensing rate control and and pricing. This thesis also considered realistic urban sensing issues such as economic incentivisation and demonstrates how social network and mobility awareness improves data transmission. Through simulations and real testbed experiments, it is shown that proposed algorithms perform better than state-of-the-art schemes.Open Acces

    Activity-Aware Sensor Networks for Smart Environments

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    The efficient designs of Wireless Sensor Network protocols and intelligent Machine Learning algorithms, together have led to the advancements of various systems and applications for Smart Environments. By definition, Smart Environments are the typical physical worlds used in human daily life, those are seamlessly embedded with smart tiny devices equipped with sensors, actuators and computational elements. Since human user is a key component in Smart Environments, human motion activity patterns have key importance in building sensor network systems and applications for Smart Environments. Motivated by this, in this thesis my work is focused on human motion activity-aware sensor networks for Smart Environments. The main contributions of this thesis are in two important aspects: (i) Designing event activity context-aware sensor networks for efficient performance optimization as well as resource usage; and (ii) Using binary motion sensing sensor networks\u27 collective data for device-free real-time tracking of multiple users. Firstly, I describe the design of our proposed event activity context-aware sensor network protocols and system design for Smart Environments. The main motivation behind this work is as follows. A sensor network, unlike a traditional communication network, provides high degree of visibility into the environmental physical processes. Therefore its operation is driven by the activities in the environment. In long-term operations, these activities usually show certain patterns which can be learned and effectively utilized to optimize network design. In this thesis I have designed several novel protocols: (i) ActSee for activity-aware radio duty-cycling, (ii) EAR for activity-aware and energy balanced routing, and (iii) ActiSen complete working system with protocol suites for activity-aware sensing/ duty-cycling/ routing. Secondly, I have proposed and designed FindingHuMo (Finding Human Motion), a Machine Learning based real-time user tracking algorithm for Smart Environments using Sensor Networks. This work has been motivated by increasing adoption of sensor network enabled Ubiquitous Computing in key Smart Environment applications, like Smart Healthcare. Our proposed FindingHuMo protocol and system can perform device-free tracking of multiple (unknown and variable number of) users in the hallway environments, just from non-invasive and anonymous binary motion sensor data

    Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The aim of this book is to present few important issues of WSNs, from the application, design and technology points of view. The book highlights power efficient design issues related to wireless sensor networks, the existing WSN applications, and discusses the research efforts being undertaken in this field which put the reader in good pace to be able to understand more advanced research and make a contribution in this field for themselves. It is believed that this book serves as a comprehensive reference for graduate and undergraduate senior students who seek to learn latest development in wireless sensor networks

    A survey of network lifetime maximization techniques in wireless sensor networks

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    Emerging technologies, such as the Internet of things, smart applications, smart grids and machine-to-machine networks stimulate the deployment of autonomous, selfconfiguring, large-scale wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Efficient energy utilization is crucially important in order to maintain a fully operational network for the longest period of time possible. Therefore, network lifetime (NL) maximization techniques have attracted a lot of research attention owing to their importance in terms of extending the flawless operation of battery-constrained WSNs. In this paper, we review the recent developments in WSNs, including their applications, design constraints and lifetime estimation models. Commencing with the portrayal of rich variety definitions of NL design objective used for WSNs, the family of NL maximization techniques is introduced and some design guidelines with examples are provided to show the potential improvements of the different design criteri
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