2,692 research outputs found

    Privacy-preserving efficient searchable encryption

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    Data storage and computation outsourcing to third-party managed data centers, in environments such as Cloud Computing, is increasingly being adopted by individuals, organizations, and governments. However, as cloud-based outsourcing models expand to society-critical data and services, the lack of effective and independent control over security and privacy conditions in such settings presents significant challenges. An interesting solution to these issues is to perform computations on encrypted data, directly in the outsourcing servers. Such an approach benefits from not requiring major data transfers and decryptions, increasing performance and scalability of operations. Searching operations, an important application case when cloud-backed repositories increase in number and size, are good examples where security, efficiency, and precision are relevant requisites. Yet existing proposals for searching encrypted data are still limited from multiple perspectives, including usability, query expressiveness, and client-side performance and scalability. This thesis focuses on the design and evaluation of mechanisms for searching encrypted data with improved efficiency, scalability, and usability. There are two particular concerns addressed in the thesis: on one hand, the thesis aims at supporting multiple media formats, especially text, images, and multimodal data (i.e. data with multiple media formats simultaneously); on the other hand the thesis addresses client-side overhead, and how it can be minimized in order to support client applications executing in both high-performance desktop devices and resource-constrained mobile devices. From the research performed to address these issues, three core contributions were developed and are presented in the thesis: (i) CloudCryptoSearch, a middleware system for storing and searching text documents with privacy guarantees, while supporting multiple modes of deployment (user device, local proxy, or computational cloud) and exploring different tradeoffs between security, usability, and performance; (ii) a novel framework for efficiently searching encrypted images based on IES-CBIR, an Image Encryption Scheme with Content-Based Image Retrieval properties that we also propose and evaluate; (iii) MIE, a Multimodal Indexable Encryption distributed middleware that allows storing, sharing, and searching encrypted multimodal data while minimizing client-side overhead and supporting both desktop and mobile devices

    EARS-DM: Efficient Auto Correction Retrieval Scheme for Data Management in Edge Computing

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    Edge computing is an extension of cloud computing that enables messages to be acquired and processed at low cost. Many terminal devices are being deployed in the edge network to sense and deal with the massive data. By migrating part of the computing tasks from the original cloud computing model to the edge device, the message is running on computing resources close to the data source. The edge computing model can effectively reduce the pressure on the cloud computing center and lower the network bandwidth consumption. However, the security and privacy issues in edge computing are worth noting. In this paper, we propose an efficient auto-correction retrieval scheme for data management in edge computing, named EARS-DM. With automatic error correction for the query keywords instead of similar words extension, EARS-DM can tolerate spelling mistakes and reduce the complexity of index storage space. By the combination of TF-IDF value of keywords and the syntactic weight of query keywords, keywords who are more important will obtain higher relevance scores. We construct an R-tree index building with the encrypted keywords and the children nodes of which are the encrypted identifier FID and Bloom filter BF of files who contain this keyword. The secure index will be uploaded to the edge computing and the search phrase will be performed by the edge computing which is close to the data source. Then EDs sort the matching encrypted file identifier FID by relevance scores and upload them to the cloud server (CS). Performance analysis with actual data indicated that our scheme is efficient and accurate

    The usability of semantic search tools: a review

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    The goal of semantic search is to improve on traditional search methods by exploiting the semantic metadata. In this paper, we argue that supporting iterative and exploratory search modes is important to the usability of all search systems. We also identify the types of semantic queries the users need to make, the issues concerning the search environment and the problems that are intrinsic to semantic search in particular. We then review the four modes of user interaction in existing semantic search systems, namely keyword-based, form-based, view-based and natural language-based systems. Future development should focus on multimodal search systems, which exploit the advantages of more than one mode of interaction, and on developing the search systems that can search heterogeneous semantic metadata on the open semantic Web


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    Visual analytics promises to supply analysts with the means necessary to ana- lyze complex datasets and make effective decisions in a timely manner. Although significant progress has been made towards effective data exploration in existing vi- sual analytics systems, few of them provide systematic solutions for managing the vast amounts of discoveries generated in data exploration processes. Analysts have to use off line tools to manually annotate, browse, retrieve, organize, and connect their discoveries. In addition, they have no convenient access to the important discoveries captured by collaborators. As a consequence, the lack of effective discovery manage- ment approaches severely hinders the analysts from utilizing the discoveries to make effective decisions. In response to this challenge, this dissertation aims to support effective discov- ery management in visual analytics. It contributes a general discovery manage- ment framework which achieves its effectiveness surrounding the concept of patterns, namely the results of users’ low-level analytic tasks. Patterns permit construction of discoveries together with users’ mental models and evaluation. Different from the mental models, the categories of patterns that can be discovered from data are pre- dictable and application-independent. In addition, the same set of information is often used to annotate patterns in the same category. Therefore, visual analytics sys- tems can semi-automatically annotate patterns in a formalized format by predicting what should be recorded for patterns in popular categories. Using the formalized an- notations, the framework also enhances the automation and efficiency of a variety of discovery management activities such as discovery browsing, retrieval, organization, association, and sharing. The framework seamlessly integrates them with the visual interactive explorations to support effective decision making. Guided by the discovery management framework, our second contribution lies in proposing a variety of novel discovery management techniques for facilitating the discovery management activities. The proposed techniques and framework are im- plemented in a prototype system, ManyInsights, to facilitate discovery management in multidimensional data exploration. To evaluate the prototype system, two long- term case studies are presented. They investigated how the discovery management techniques worked together to benefit exploratory data analysis and collaborative analysis. The studies allowed us to understand the advantages, the limitations, and design implications of ManyInsights and its underlying framework

    MEGATRON-CNTRL: Controllable Story Generation with External Knowledge Using Large-Scale Language Models

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    Existing pre-trained large language models have shown unparalleled generative capabilities. However, they are not controllable. In this paper, we propose MEGATRON-CNTRL, a novel framework that uses large-scale language models and adds control to text generation by incorporating an external knowledge base. Our framework consists of a keyword predictor, a knowledge retriever, a contextual knowledge ranker, and a conditional text generator. As we do not have access to ground-truth supervision for the knowledge ranker, we make use of weak supervision from sentence embedding. The empirical results show that our model generates more fluent, consistent, and coherent stories with less repetition and higher diversity compared to prior work on the ROC story dataset. We showcase the controllability of our model by replacing the keywords used to generate stories and re-running the generation process. Human evaluation results show that 77.5% of these stories are successfully controlled by the new keywords. Furthermore, by scaling our model from 124 million to 8.3 billion parameters we demonstrate that larger models improve both the quality of generation (from 74.5% to 93.0% for consistency) and controllability (from 77.5% to 91.5%)

    MAPLE: A Metadata-Hiding Policy-Controllable Encrypted Search Platform with Minimal Trust

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    Commodity encrypted storage platforms (e.g., IceDrive, pCloud) permit data store and sharing across multiple users while preserving data confidentiality. However, end-to-end encryption may not be sufficient since it only offers confidentiality when the data is at rest or in transit. Meanwhile, sensitive information can be leaked from metadata representing activities during data operations (e.g., query, processing). Recent encrypted search platforms such as DORY (OSDI’20) or DURASIFT (WPES’19) permit multi-user data query functionalities, while protecting metadata privacy. However, they either incur a high processing overhead or offer limited secu- rity/functionality, and require strong trust assumptions. We propose MAPLE, a new metadata-hiding encrypted search platform that offers query functionalities (search, update) on the shared data across multiple users with complex policy controls. MAPLE protects metadata privacy all the time during query processing, while achieving significantly (asymptotically) lower processing overhead than state-of-the-art platforms. The core technique of MAPLE is the design of oblivious data structures for search index and access control coupled with secure computation techniques to enable efficient query processing with a minimal trust. We fully implemented MAPLE and evaluated its performance on commodity cloud (Amazon EC2) under real settings. Experimental results showed that MAPLE achieved a concrete performance comparable with its counterparts, while offering provably stronger security guarantees and more diverse functionalities
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