756 research outputs found

    Linked Data for the Natural Sciences. Two Use Cases in Chemistry and Biology

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    Wiljes C, Cimiano P. Linked Data for the Natural Sciences. Two Use Cases in Chemistry and Biology. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on the Semantic Publishing (SePublica 2012). 2012: 48-59.The Web was designed to improve the way people work together. The Semantic Web extends the Web with a layer of Linked Data that offers new paths for scientific publishing and co-operation. Experimental raw data, released as Linked Data, could be discovered automatically, fostering its reuse and validation by scientists in different contexts and across the boundaries of disciplines. However, the technological barrier for scientists who want to publish and share their research data as Linked Data remains rather high. We present two real-life use cases in the fields of chemistry and biology and outline a general methodology for transforming research data into Linked Data. A key element of our methodology is the role of a scientific data curator, who is proficient in Linked Data technologies and works in close co-operation with the scientist

    Ontology-based Information Extraction with SOBA

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    In this paper we describe SOBA, a sub-component of the SmartWeb multi-modal dialog system. SOBA is a component for ontologybased information extraction from soccer web pages for automatic population of a knowledge base that can be used for domainspecific question answering. SOBA realizes a tight connection between the ontology, knowledge base and the information extraction component. The originality of SOBA is in the fact that it extracts information from heterogeneous sources such as tabular structures, text and image captions in a semantically integrated way. In particular, it stores extracted information in a knowledge base, and in turn uses the knowledge base to interpret and link newly extracted information with respect to already existing entities

    L’ús del GPS en activitats desenvolupades a la natura

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    Aquest article tracta de mostrar-nos el funcionament del GPS (recepció per satèl·lit). GPS són les sigles de Global Positioning System, o en català, Sistema de Posicionament Terrestre; és un mètode d’orientació basat en els senyals que reflecteixen una sèrie de satèl·lits del Departament de Defensa dels Estats Units. El GPS dóna accés, en qualsevol moment i des de qualsevol punt de la Terra, a la informació simultània d’entre 6 i 11 satèl·lits. A partir de l’obtenció de la posició, el GPS opera com un ordinador que processa i transmet tota la informació necessària per seguir una ruta: rumbs o azimuts, diferències de nivell, velocitat de marxa i temps estimat d’arribada, creació de rutes a base de diferents trams, altitud i orientació, etc. Un cop descarregada la informació de la ruta o dels punts a l’ordinador, aquesta es pot retocar. Segons el programa es poden canviar les icones, els colors, noms, línies, escales, etc. L’ús que cadascú donarà al seu GPS és, evidentment, una qüestió estrictament personal (alpinisme, excursionisme, esquí o snowboard fora pistes, travesses, caça, pesca, buscar bolets...), per això es complementa l’article amb la comparació entre dos dels GPS més utilitzats

    El uso del GPS en actividades desarrolladas en la naturaleza

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    El presente artículo trata de mostrarnos el funcionamiento del GPS (recepción por satélite), GPS son las siglas de Global Positioning System, o en castellano, Sistema de Posicionamiento Terrestre, es un método de orientación basado en las señales que reflejan una serie de satélites del Departamento de Defensa de los Estados Unidos. El GPS da acceso, en cualquier momento y desde cualquier punto de la Tierra, a la información simultánea de entre 6 y 11 satélites. A partir de la obtención de la posición el GPS opera como un ordenador que procesa y transmite toda la información necesaria para seguir una ruta: rumbos o azimuts, diferencias de nivel, velocidad de marcha y tiempo estimado de llegada, creación de rutas a base de distintos tramos, altitud y orientación, etc. Una vez descargada la información de la ruta o de los puntos en el ordenador, se puede retocar la misma. Dependiendo del programa se pueden cambiar los iconos, los colores, nombres, líneas, escalas, etc. El uso que cada uno le va a dar a su GPS es, evidentemente, una cuestión estrictamente personal (Alpinismo, excursionismo, esquí o snowboard fuera pistas, travesías, caza, pesca, búsqueda de setas ...), por ello se complementa el artículo con la comparación entre dos de los GPS más utilizados

    Learning a semantic parser from spoken utterances

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    Gaspers J, Cimiano P. Learning a semantic parser from spoken utterances. In: IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. 2014

    Explicit versus Latent Concept Models for Cross-Language Information Retrieval

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    Cimiano P, Schultz A, Sizov S, Sorg P, Staab S. Explicit versus Latent Concept Models for Cross-Language Information Retrieval. In: Boutilier C, ed. IJCAI 2009, Proceedings of the 21st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Menlo Park, CA: AAAI Press; 2009: 1513-1518

    A Systematic Investigation of Blocking Strategies for Real-time Classification of Social Media Content into Events

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    Reuter T, Cimiano P. A Systematic Investigation of Blocking Strategies for Real-time Classification of Social Media Content into Events. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM) - Workshop on Real-Time Analysis and Mining of Social Streams (RAMSS). Palo Alto, California: AAAI Press; 2012.Events play a prominent role in our lives, such that many social media documents describe or are related to some event. Organizing social media documents with respect to events thus seems a promising approach to better manage and organize the ever-increasing amount of user-generated content in social media applications. It would support the navigation of data by events or allow one to get notified about new postings related to the events one is interested in, just to name two applications. A challenge is to automatize this process so that incoming documents can be assigned to their corresponding event without any user intervention. We present a system that is able to classify a stream of social media data into a growing and evolving set of events. In order to scale up to the data sizes and data rates in social media applications, the use of a candidate retrieval or blocking step is crucial to reduce the number of events that are considered as potential candidates to which the incoming data point could belong to. In this paper we present and experimentally compare different blocking strategies along their cost vs. effectiveness tradeoff. We show that using a blocking strategy that selects the 60 closest events with respect to upload time, we reach FMeasures of about 85.1% while being able to process the incoming documents within 32ms on average. We thus provide a principled approach supporting to scale up classification of social media documents into events and to process the incoming stream of documents in real time