83,586 research outputs found

    Аналіз структури квазіоптимальної стратегії оптимізації аналогових кіл

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    Application of optimal control theory allowed generalizing methodology of analog circuit optimization. The problem of search of minimum at times strategy of circuit optimization is formulated as a classic problem of optimization of functional of optimal control theory. A basic instrument here is a vector of control functions, allowing redistributing the expenses of processor time between the task of circuit analysis and procedure of parametric optimization. Introduced before special function, being the normalized Lyapunov function of designing process, allows finding the optimum or quasioptimum structure of vector of control functions for minimization of circuit optimization process time.Применение теории оптимального управления позволило обобщить методологию оптимизации аналоговых цепей. Задача поиска минимальной по времени стратегии оптимизации цепи сформулирована как классическая задача оптимизации функционала теории оптимального управления. Основным инструментом при этом является вектор управляющих функций, позволяющий перераспределять затраты процессорного времени между задачей анализа цепи и процедурой параметрической оптимизации. Введенная ранее специальная функция, являющаяся нормализованной функцией Ляпунова процесса проектирования, позволяет найти оптимальную или квазиоптимальную структуру вектора управляющих функций для минимизации времени процесса оптимизации цепи.Застосування теорії оптимального управління дозволило узагальнити методологію оптимізації аналогових кіл. Завдання пошуку мінімальної за часом стратегії оптимізації кола сформульоване як класичне завдання оптимізації функціонала теорії оптимального управління. Основним інструментом при цьому є вектор керуючих функцій, що дозволяє перерозподіляти витрати процесорного часу між завданням аналізу кола і процедурою параметричної оптимізації. Введена раніше спеціальна функція, що є нормалізованою функцією Ляпунова процесу проектування, дозволяє знайти оптимальну або квазіоптимальну структуру вектора керуючих функцій для мінімізації часу процесу оптимізації кол

    To develop an efficient variable speed compressor motor system

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    This research presents a proposed new method of improving the energy efficiency of a Variable Speed Drive (VSD) for induction motors. The principles of VSD are reviewed with emphasis on the efficiency and power losses associated with the operation of the variable speed compressor motor drive, particularly at low speed operation.The efficiency of induction motor when operated at rated speed and load torque is high. However at low load operation, application of the induction motor at rated flux will cause the iron losses to increase excessively, hence its efficiency will reduce dramatically. To improve this efficiency, it is essential to obtain the flux level that minimizes the total motor losses. This technique is known as an efficiency or energy optimization control method. In practice, typical of the compressor load does not require high dynamic response, therefore improvement of the efficiency optimization control that is proposed in this research is based on scalar control model.In this research, development of a new neural network controller for efficiency optimization control is proposed. The controller is designed to generate both voltage and frequency reference signals imultaneously. To achieve a robust controller from variation of motor parameters, a real-time or on-line learning algorithm based on a second order optimization Levenberg-Marquardt is employed. The simulation of the proposed controller for variable speed compressor is presented. The results obtained clearly show that the efficiency at low speed is significant increased. Besides that the speed of the motor can be maintained. Furthermore, the controller is also robust to the motor parameters variation. The simulation results are also verified by experiment

    Multicriteria global optimization for biocircuit design

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    One of the challenges in Synthetic Biology is to design circuits with increasing levels of complexity. While circuits in Biology are complex and subject to natural tradeoffs, most synthetic circuits are simple in terms of the number of regulatory regions, and have been designed to meet a single design criterion. In this contribution we introduce a multiobjective formulation for the design of biocircuits. We set up the basis for an advanced optimization tool for the modular and systematic design of biocircuits capable of handling high levels of complexity and multiple design criteria. Our methodology combines the efficiency of global Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming solvers with multiobjective optimization techniques. Through a number of examples we show the capability of the method to generate non intuitive designs with a desired functionality setting up a priori the desired level of complexity. The presence of more than one competing objective provides a realistic design setting where every design solution represents a trade-off between different criteria. The tool can be useful to explore and identify different design principles for synthetic gene circuits

    Gradient and Passive Circuit Structure in a Class of Non-linear Dynamics on a Graph

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    We consider a class of non-linear dynamics on a graph that contains and generalizes various models from network systems and control and study convergence to uniform agreement states using gradient methods. In particular, under the assumption of detailed balance, we provide a method to formulate the governing ODE system in gradient descent form of sum-separable energy functions, which thus represent a class of Lyapunov functions; this class coincides with Csisz\'{a}r's information divergences. Our approach bases on a transformation of the original problem to a mass-preserving transport problem and it reflects a little-noticed general structure result for passive network synthesis obtained by B.D.O. Anderson and P.J. Moylan in 1975. The proposed gradient formulation extends known gradient results in dynamical systems obtained recently by M. Erbar and J. Maas in the context of porous medium equations. Furthermore, we exhibit a novel relationship between inhomogeneous Markov chains and passive non-linear circuits through gradient systems, and show that passivity of resistor elements is equivalent to strict convexity of sum-separable stored energy. Eventually, we discuss our results at the intersection of Markov chains and network systems under sinusoidal coupling

    UTHM water quality classification based on sub index

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    River or stream at their source is unpolluted, but as water flow downstream, the river or lake is receiving point and non-point pollutant source. Ammoniacal nitrogen (NH3- N) and suspended solids (SS) strongly influences the dynamics of the dissolved oxygen in the water. Studies on monitoring this parameter were conducted for a river or lake but limited to the small man-made lake. This study is initiate to determine the changes in water quality of UTHM watershed as the water flows from upstream to downstream. The monitoring of NH3-N and TSS were monitored at two sampling schemes, 1) at the two-week interval and, 2) at a daily basis followed by the determination of the water quality sub-index particularly SIAN and SISS. The results showed that the two lakes in UTHM watershed were classified as polluted. In conclusion, the remedial action should be implemented to improve the water quality to meet the requirements at least to meet the recreational purpose