125 research outputs found

    FedVCP: A Federated-Learning-Based Cooperative Positioning Scheme for Social Internet of Vehicles

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    Intelligent vehicle applications, such as autonomous driving and collision avoidance, put forward a higher demand for precise positioning of vehicles. The current widely used global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) cannot meet the precision requirements of the submeter level. Due to the development of sensing techniques and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communications, some vehicles can interact with surrounding landmarks to achieve precise positioning. Existing work aims to realize the positioning correction of common vehicles by sharing the positioning data of sensor-rich vehicles. However, the privacy of trajectory data makes it difficult to collect and train data centrally. Moreover, uploading vehicle location data wastes network resources. To fill these gaps, this article proposes a vehicle cooperative positioning (CP) system based on federated learning (FedVCP), which makes full use of the potential of social Internet of Things (IoT) and collaborative edge computing (CEC) to provide high-precision positioning correction while ensuring user privacy. To the best of our knowledge, this article is the first attempt to solve the privacy of CP from a perspective of federated learning. In addition, we take the advantages of local cooperation through vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications in data augmentation. For individual differences in vehicle positioning, we utilize transfer learning to eliminate the impact of such differences. Extensive experiments on real data demonstrate that our proposed model is superior to the baseline method in terms of effectiveness and convergence speed

    A Survey on Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Energy-efficient routing protocols in heterogeneous wireless sensor networks

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    Sensor networks feature low-cost sensor devices with wireless network capability, limited transmit power, resource constraints and limited battery energy. The usage of cheap and tiny wireless sensors will allow very large networks to be deployed at a feasible cost to provide a bridge between information systems and the physical world. Such large-scale deployments will require routing protocols that scale to large network sizes in an energy-efficient way. This thesis addresses the design of such network routing methods. A classification of existing routing protocols and the key factors in their design (i.e., hardware, topology, applications) provides the motivation for the new three-tier architecture for heterogeneous networks built upon a generic software framework (GSF). A range of new routing algorithms have hence been developed with the design goals of scalability and energy-efficient performance of network protocols. They are respectively TinyReg - a routing algorithm based on regular-graph theory, TSEP - topological stable election protocol, and GAAC - an evolutionary algorithm based on genetic algorithms and ant colony algorithms. The design principle of our routing algorithms is that shortening the distance between the cluster-heads and the sink in the network, will minimise energy consumption in order to extend the network lifetime, will achieve energy efficiency. Their performance has been evaluated by simulation in an extensive range of scenarios, and compared to existing algorithms. It is shown that the newly proposed algorithms allow long-term continuous data collection in large networks, offering greater network longevity than existing solutions. These results confirm the validity of the GSF as an architectural approach to the deployment of large wireless sensor networks

    Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for Enantiomer Separations and Biomolecular Sensors

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    Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIPs) encompass a wide range of applications by changing the different components, e.g. the template, crosslinker or functional monomers. Of interest among these different applications are separations and sensors. Separations by MIPs traditionally use a chiral pure template but in some cases that chiral pure template may not be available for imprinting. Using chiral (N-α-bismethacyloyl-L-alanine) and achiral (N,O-bisacrylamide ethanolamine) crosslinkers we investigated imprinting of scalemic and racemic template mixtures of Boc-tyrosine enantiomers. The achiral and chiral crosslinkers yielded similar results for the partial separation of enantiomers by scalemic imprinted polymers because separation and recognition are not dependent on diastereomeric interactions here. The racemic imprinted polymers, however, required the chiral crosslinker for chiral differentiation. Surprisingly, variable D or L bias was observed in the L-NALA racemic imprints with equal probability over multiple replicates of polymer synthesis. The binding of the template to the polymer was evaluated in both batch rebinding and chromatographic modes, and the results will be discussed in detail. Another important area of MIPs is their applicability in sensor devices, especially for biological targets. A proven method of development of a sensor by molecular imprinting is by incorporating MIPs in a stimuli-responsive hydrogel. An imprinted hydrogel was developed to detect a DNA mir21 mimic using complementary aptamers in both a capillary hydrogel format and thin film hydrogel diffraction grating. The hydrogels imprinted for the DNA mir21 target were responsive to the re-introduction of the target sequence and selective among similar nucleotide sequences. It was also shown that an imprinted system was required; the pre-polymer complex of both the aptamers with the DNA mir21 mimic was necessary to achieve maximum stimuli response detected by shrinking of the hydrogel sensor

    Development of Energy-efficient Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Contributions based on cross-layer design for quality-of-service provisioning over DVB-S2/RCS broadband satellite system

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    Contributions based on cross-layer design for Quality-of-Service provisioning over DVB-S2/RCS Broadband Satellite Systems Nowadays, geostationary (GEO) satellite infrastructure plays a crucial role for the provisioning of IP services. Such infrastructure can provide ubiquity and broadband access, being feasible to reach disperse populations located worldwide within remote areas where terrestrial infrastructure can not be deployed. Nevertheless, due to the expansion of the World Wide Web (WWW), new IP applications such as Voice over IP (VoIP) and multimedia services requires considering different levels of individual packet treatment through the satellite network. This differentiation must include not only the Quality of Service (QoS) parameters to specify packet transmission priorities across the network nodes, but also the required amount of bandwidth assignment to guarantee its transport. In this context, the provisioning of QoS guarantees over GEO satellite systems becomes one of the main research areas of organizations such as the European Space Agency (ESA). Mainly because, their current infrastructures require continuous exploitation, as launching a new communication satellite is associated with excessive costs. Therefore, the support of IP services with QoS guarantees must be developed on the terrestrial segment to enable using the current assets. In this PhD thesis several contributions to improve the QoS provisioning over DVB-S2/RCS Broadband Satellite Systems have been developed. The contributions are based on cross-layer design, following the layered model standardized in the ETSI TR 102 157 and 462. The proposals take into account the drawbacks posed by GEO satellite systems such as delay, losses and bandwidth variations. The first contribution proposes QoSatArt, an architecture defined to improve QoS provisioning among services classes considering the physical layer variations due to the presence of rain events. The design is developed inside the gateway, including the specification of the main functional blocks to provide QoS guarantees and mechanisms to minimize de delay and jitter values experienced at the application layer. Here, a cross-layer design between the physical and the network layer has been proposed, to enforce the QoS specifications based on the available bandwidth. The proposed QoSatArt architecture is evaluated using the NS-2 simulation tool. In addition, the performance analysis of several standard Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) variants is also performed. This is carry out to find the most suitable TCP variant that enhances TCP transmission over a QoS architecture such as the QoSatArt. The second contribution proposes XPLIT, an architecture developed to enhance TCP transmission with QoS for DVB-S2/RCS satellite systems. Complementary to QoSatArt, XPLIT introduces Performance Enhanced Proxies (PEPs), which breaks the end-to-end semantic of TCP connections. However, it considers a cross-layer design between the network layer and the transport layer to enhance TCP transmission while providing them with QoS guarantees. Here, a modified TCP variant called XPLIT-TCP is proposed to send data through the forward and the return channel. XPLIT-TCP uses two control loops (the buffer occupancy and the service rate to provide optimized congestion control functions. The proposed XPLIT architecture is evaluated using the NS-2 simulation tool. Finally, the third contribution of this thesis consists on the development of a unified architecture to provide QoS guarantees based on cross-layer design over broadband satellite systems. It adopts the enhancements proposed by the QoSatArt architecture working at the network layer, in combination with the enhancements proposed by the XPLIT architecture working at the transport layer.Actualmente, los satélites Geoestacionarios (GEO) juegan un papel muy importante en la provisión de servicios IP. Esta infraestructura permite proveer ubicuidad y acceso de banda ancha, haciendo posible alcanzar poblaciones dispersas en zonas remotas donde la infraestructura terrestre es inexistente. Sin embargo, en la provisión de aplicaciones como Voz sobre IP (VoIP) y servicios multimedia, es importante considerar el tratamiento diferenciado de paquetes a través de la red satelital. Esta diferenciación debe considerar no solo los requerimientos de Calidad de Servicio (QoS) que especifican las prioridades de los paquetes a través de los nodos de red, si no también el ancho de banda asignado para garantizar su transporte. En este contexto, la provisión de garantías de QoS sobre satélites GEO es una de las Principales áreas de investigación de organizaciones como la Agencia Espacial Europea (ESA) persiguen. Esto se debe principalmente ya que dichas organizaciones requieren la explotación continua de sus activos, dado que lanzar un nuevo satélite al espacio representa costos excesivos. Como resultado, el soporte de servicios IP con calidad de servicio sobre la infraestructura satelital actual es de vital importancia. En esta tesis doctoral se presentan varias contribuciones para el soporte a la Calidad de Servicio en redes DVB-S2/RCS satelitales de banda ancha. Las contribuciones propuestas se basan principalmente en el diseño ”cross-layer” siguiendo el modelo de capas definido y estandarizado en las especificaciones ETSI TR 102 157 [ETS03] y 462 [10205]. Las contribuciones propuestas consideran las limitaciones presentes de los sistemas satelitales GEO como lo son el retardo de propagación, la perdida de paquetes y las variaciones de ancho de banda causados por eventos atmosféricos. La primera contribución propone QoSatArt, una arquitectura definida para mejorar el soporte a la QoS. Esta arquitectura considera las variaciones en la capa física debido a la presencia de eventos de lluvia para priorizar los niveles de QoS. El diseño se desarrolla en el gateway e incluye las especificaciones de los principales elementos funcionales y mecanismos para garantizar la QoS y minimizar el retardo presente en la capa de aplicación. Aquí, se propone un diseño ”cross-layer” entre la capa física y la capa de red, con el objetivo de reforzar las especificaciones de QoS considerando el ancho de banda disponible. La arquitectura QoSatArt es simulada y evaluada empleando la herramienta de simulación NS-2. Adicionalmente, un análisis de desempeño de diversas variantes de TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) es realizado con el objetivo de encontrar la variante de TCP más adecuada para trabajar en un ambiente con QoS como QoSatArt. La segunda contribución propone XPLIT, una arquitectura desarrollada para mejorar las transmisiones TCP con QoS en un sistema satelital DVB-S2/RCS. Complementario a QoSatArt, XPLIT emplea PEPs (Performance Enhanced Proxies), afectando la semántica end-to-end de las conexiones TCP. Sin embargo, XPLIT considera un diseño ”cross-layer” entre la capa de red y la capa de transporte con el objetivo de mejorar las transmisiones TCP considerando los parámetros de QoS como la ocupación de la cola y la tasa de transmisión (_i, _i). Aquí, se propone el uso de una nueva variante de TCP es propuesta llamada XPLIT-TCP, que usa dos bucles para proveer funciones mejoradas en el control de congestión. La arquitectura XPLIT es simulada y evaluada empleando la herramienta de simulación NS-2. Finalmente, la tercera contribución de esta tesis consiste en el desarrollo de un arquitectura unificada para el soporte a la QoS en redes satelitales de banda ancha basada en técnicas ”cross-layer”. Esta arquitectura adopta las mejoras propuestas por QoSatArt en la capa de red en combinación con las mejoras propuestas por XPLIT en la capa de transporte

    Hemipiperazines - Novel Photochromic Cyclic Dipeptides for Bioactivity Photomodulation

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    Nach Angaben der Internationalen Agentur für Krebsforschung, einer Einrichtung der Weltgesundheitsorganisation, wurden im Jahr 2020 schätzungsweise 19,3 Millionen Menschen Krebs diagnostiziert, von denen 9,96 Millionen den Kampf gegen diese Krankheit verlieren werden. Krebstherapien werden häufig durch schwere Nebenwirkungen beeinträchtigt, die die anwendbare Dosis einschränken und die Lebensqualität der Patienten stark einschränken können. Die Entwicklung neuer, effizienter Therapeutika, die selektiv wirken und weniger Nebenwirkungen haben, ist daher von großer Bedeutung. Die Photopharmakologie stellt ein vielversprechendes Forschungsgebiet dar, um diesen Anforderungen gerecht zu werden, indem neue Medikamente entwickelt werden, die lokal und bioorthogonal mit Licht aktiviert werden können. In dieser Arbeit stelle ich die Identifizierung und Charakterisierung von 3-Aryliden-2,5-diketopiperazinen (Hemipiperazine, HPIs) als eine neue Klasse von molekularen Photoschaltern vor. Ein HPI ist in Plinabulin enthalten, einem zytotoxischen Wirkstoff, der auf Mikrotubuli abzielt und sich derzeit in einer Phase-III-Studie zur Krebsbehandlung befindet. Es wurde entdeckt, dass die Bioaktivität von Plinabulin mit sichtbarem Licht moduliert werden kann, was eine biorthogonale Aktivierung dieses Medikaments mit räumlicher und zeitlicher Präzision ermöglichen kann. Außerdem wurden Derivate mit verbesserten photophysikalischen und pharmakologischen Eigenschaften identifiziert. Das photochrome Kernfragment von Plinabulin enthält ein zyklisches Dipeptid (2,5-Diketopiperazin, DKP), welches selbst ein wichtiges Pharmakophor darstellt und auch in zahlreichen biokompatiblen intelligenten Materialien zu finden ist. Der Photochromismus von HPIs und der Einfluss von elektronenziehenden und -schiebenden Gruppen auf die photophysikalischen Eigenschaften wurde systematisch untersucht. Darüber hinaus wurde gezeigt, dass HPI-Photoschalter in andere molekulare Gerüste eingebaut werden können und eine reversible Photomodulation der Fluoreszenzintensität ermöglichen. Es wurde festgestellt, dass fluoreszierende Derivate von Zellen aufgenommen und mittels konfokaler Mikroskopie innerhalb dieser Zellen sichtbar gemacht werden können. Diese Ergebnisse könnten die Grundlage für die Entwicklung neuartiger photoschaltbarer Fluoreszenzmarker bilden

    A multi-objective particle swarm optimized fuzzy logic congestion detection and dual explicit notification mechanism for IP networks.

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    Thesis (M.Sc.Eng.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2006.The Internet has experienced a tremendous growth over the past two decades and with that growth have come severe congestion problems. Research efforts to alleviate the congestion problem can broadly be classified into three groups: Cl) Router based congestion detection; (2) Generation and transmission of congestion notification signal to the traffic sources; (3) End-to-end algorithms which control the flow of traffic between the end hosts. This dissertation has largely addressed the first two groups which are basically router initiated. Router based congestion detection mechanisms, commonly known as Active Queue Management (AQM), can be classified into two groups: conventional mathematical analytical techniques and fuzzy logic based techniques. Research has shown that fuzzy logic techniques are more effective and robust compared to the conventional techniques because they do not rely on the availability of a precise mathematical model of Internet. They use linguistic knowledge and are, therefore, better placed to handle the complexities associated with the non-linearity and dynamics of the Internet. In spite of all these developments, there still exists ample room for improvement because, practically, there has been a slow deployment of AQM mechanisms. In the first part of this dissertation, we study the major AQM schemes in both the conventional and the fuzzy logic domain in order to uncover the problems that have hampered their deployment in practical implementations. Based on the findings from this study, we model the Internet congestion problem as a multi-objective problem. We propose a Fuzzy Logic Congestion Detection (FLCD) which synergistically combines the good characteristics of the fuzzy approaches with those of the conventional approaches. We design the membership functions (MFs) of the FLCD algorithm automatically by using Multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization (MOPSO), a population based stochastic optimization algorithm. This enables the FLCD algorithm to achieve optimal performance on all the major objectives of Internet congestion control. The FLCD algorithm is compared with the basic Fuzzy Logic AQM and the Random Explicit Marking (REM) algorithms on a best effort network. Simulation results show that the FLCD algorithm provides high link utilization whilst maintaining lower jitter and packet loss. It also exhibits higher fairness and stability compared to its basic variant and REM. We extend this concept to Proportional Differentiated Services network environment where the FLCD algorithm outperforms the traditional Weighted RED algorithm. We also propose self learning and organization structures which enable the FLCD algorithm to achieve a more stable queue, lower packet losses and UDP traffic delay in dynamic traffic environments on both wired and wireless networks. In the second part of this dissertation, we present the congestion notification mechanisms which have been proposed for wired and satellite networks. We propose an FLCD based dual explicit congestion notification algorithm which combines the merits of the Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) and the Backward Explicit Congestion Notification (BECN) mechanisms. In this proposal, the ECN mechanism is invoked based on the packet marking probability while the BECN mechanism is invoked based on the BECN parameter which helps to ensure that BECN is invoked only when congestion is severe. Motivated by the fact that TCP reacts to tbe congestion notification signal only once during a round trip time (RTT), we propose an RTT based BECN decay function. This reduces the invocation of the BECN mechanism and resultantly the generation of reverse traffic during an RTT. Compared to the traditional explicit notification mechanisms, simulation results show that the new approach exhibits lower packet loss rates and higher queue stability on wired networks. It also exhibits lower packet loss rates, higher good-put and link utilization on satellite networks. We also observe that the BECN decay function reduces reverse traffic significantly on both wired and satellite networks while ensuring that performance remains virtually the same as in the algorithm without BECN traffic reduction.Print copy complete; page numbering of 105-108 incorrect