1,554 research outputs found

    Ambient Multimodality: an Asset for Developing Universal Access to the Information Society

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    International audienceThe paper tries to point out the benefits that can be derived from research advances in the implementation of concepts such as ambient intelligence (AmI) and ubiquitous or pervasive computing for promoting Universal Access (UA) to the Information Society, that is, for contributing to enable everybody, especially Physically Disabled (PD) people, to have easy access to all computing resources and information services that the coming worldwide Information Society will soon make available to the general public. Following definitions of basic concepts relating to multimodal interaction, the significant contribution of multimodality to developing UA is briefly argued. Then, a short state of the art in AmI research is presented. In the last section we bring out the potential contribution of advances in AmI research and technology to the improvement of computer access for PD people. This claim is supported by the following observations: (i) most projects aiming at implementing AmI focus on the design of new interaction modalities and flexible multimodal user interfaces which may facilitate PD users' computer access ; (ii) targeted applications will support users in a wide range of daily activities which will be performed simultaneously with supporting computing tasks; therefore, users will be placed in contexts where they will be confronted with similar difficulties to those encountered by PD users; (iii) AmI applications being intended for the general public, a wide range of new interaction devices and flexible processing software will be available, making it possible to provide PD users with human-computer facilities tailored to their specific needs at reasonable expense.

    Ambient Communication Experience (ACE)

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    Ambient Information Systems (AIS), permit a mode of expression that can easily exist at the level of subconscious realisation. Principles of cognition are usually aggregated under the main auditory, visual and often innovative tactile sensory impetus. AIS are designed principally for the aesthetic communication of non-critical information. This research focuses on the development of an Ambient Communication Experience (ACE) system. ACE is a synchronisation framework to provide co-ordinated connectivity across various environmentally distributed devices via sensor data mapping. The intention is to facilitate location-independent and application-responsive screening for the user, leading to the concept of technologically integrated spaces. Technologically integrated spaces have the potential to change our perception of information and our behavioural interactions associated with its provision. The aim is to deliver contextual information without the need for direct user manipulation, and engagement at the level of peripheral perception.</p

    Assessing the Performance of Modal Interchange for Ensuring Seamless and Sustainable Mobility in European Cities

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    In the European Union, more than 70% of the population lives in urban areas. Achieving more efficient and low-carbon mobility is crucial to ensuring urban systems are sustainable and tackling important challenges, such as reduction of CO2 emissions, air and noise pollution, and traffic congestion. Identifying effective strategies and design solutions that boost multimodal mobility and effective interchange among different sustainable means of transport can be a significant contribution in this area. This paper presents an easy-to-use methodology to assess the performance of policy measures and design solutions-oriented to foster modal interchange, with special regard to the configuration of the interchange hubs. The methodology is based on identifying key factors necessary to ensure an efficient multimodal interchange and the different types of interchanges that are frequently present in the urban realm. By grouping the key factors into nine different domains, and by weighing the key factors in relation to their importance, the methodology creates a decision support system to assess the performance of the current interchange, as well as of different planning and design scenarios. This methodology has been developed in the framework of the Interreg Europe MATCH-UP project and is conceived to support both designers and decision-makers whenever they have to reorganise existing transport hubs and policies, or design and plan new ones

    The Writing is the Wall: Expanding the Means of Communication with Multimodal Approaches to Teaching Composition

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    As the paradigm of communication shifts into the digital realm, it seems only logical that instructors’ pedagogical approaches to teaching writing should shift as well. Though there is still much merit to teaching tradition approaches to composition, are there more modern methods that could be employed to teach communication in a contemporary setting? This thesis shall examine the role that new media can play in a multimodal composition course, as new media seems to be the most effective way to teach rhetorical communication skills in a modern setting. By looking at new media elements, such as podcasts, wikis, and images, this thesis shall attempt to understand how these media come into rhetorical meaning, and examine how instructors can effectively integrate new media into their curriculum for their composition courses. The research of this thesis suggest that while implementing multimodal approaches can be an effective way to teach communication strategies, instructors must careful craft their pedagogies to ensure that these multimodal approaches are fully understood by students

    Towards a framework for investigating tangible environments for learning

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    External representations have been shown to play a key role in mediating cognition. Tangible environments offer the opportunity for novel representational formats and combinations, potentially increasing representational power for supporting learning. However, we currently know little about the specific learning benefits of tangible environments, and have no established framework within which to analyse the ways that external representations work in tangible environments to support learning. Taking external representation as the central focus, this paper proposes a framework for investigating the effect of tangible technologies on interaction and cognition. Key artefact-action-representation relationships are identified, and classified to form a structure for investigating the differential cognitive effects of these features. An example scenario from our current research is presented to illustrate how the framework can be used as a method for investigating the effectiveness of differential designs for supporting science learning

    Observation multimodale de la découverte de technologies par des seniors

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    International audienceThis article presents a multimodal observation method of older people discovering the use of a smart house and tactile and spoken interaction modes inside a Living Lab. Our observation is based on ethnographic and numerical methods. We highlight the impact of presentation of the different technologies on the change of mind, the preference for voice interaction and some brakes considered as far as the adoption of new technologies is concerned.Cet article présente une méthode d’observation multimodale de personnes seniors découvrant l’utilisation d’un environnement domotisé et les techniques d’interaction tactile et vocale en Living Lab. L’observation repose sur des méthodes ethnographiques et numériques. Nous soulignons en particulier l’impact de la présentation des technologies sur le changement de regard que peuvent porter les participants de l’étude, la préférence de l’interaction vocale et quelques freins considérés comme très importants dans l’adoption des nouvelles technologies par les seniors

    Improving elderly access to audiovisual and social media, using a multimodal human-computer interface

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    With the growth of Internet and especially, the proliferation of social media services, an opportunity has emerged for greater social and technological integration of the elderly. However, the adoption of new technologies by this segment of the population is not always straightforward mainly due to the physical and cognitive difficulties that are typically associated with ageing. Thus, for elderly to take advantage of new technologies and services that can help improve their quality of life, barriers must be broken by designing solutions with those needs in mind from the start. The aim of this work is to verify whether Multimodal Human-Computer Interaction (MHCI) systems designed with Universal Accessibility principles, taking into account elderly specific requirements, facilitate the adoption and access to popular Social Media Services (SMSs) and Audiovisual Communication Services, thus potentially contributing to the elderly social and technological integration. A user study was initially conducted in order to learn about the limitations and requirements of elderly people with existing HCI, concerning particularly SMSs and Audiovisual Communication Services, such as Facebook or Windows Live Messenger (WLM). The results of the study, basically a set of new MHCI requirements, were used to inform further development and enhancement of a multimodal prototype previously proposed for mobility-impaired individuals, now targeting the elderly. The prototype allows connecting users with their social networks through a text, audio and video communication service and integrates with SMSs, using natural interaction modalities, like speech, touch and gesture. After the development stage a usability evaluation study was conducted. The study reveals that such multimodal solution could simplify accessibility to the supported services, through the provision of simpler to use interfaces, by adopting natural interaction modalities and by being more satisfying to use by the elderly population, than most of the current graphical user interfaces for those same services, such as Facebook.Com o crescimento da Internet e, especialmente, das redes sociais surge a oportunidade para uma maior integração social e tecnolĂłgica dos idosos. No entanto, a adoção de novas tecnologias por essa população nem sempre Ă© simples, principalmente devido Ă s dificuldades fĂ­sicas e cognitivas que estĂŁo associadas com o envelhecimento. Assim, e para que os idosos possam tirar proveito das novas tecnologias e serviços que podem ajudar a melhorar sua qualidade de vida, essas barreiras devem ser ultrapassadas desenhando soluçÔes de raiz com essas necessidades em mente. O objetivo deste trabalho Ă© verificar se interfaces humano-computador multimodais desenhadas com base em princĂ­pios de Acessibilidade Universal, tendo em conta requisitos especĂ­ficos da população idosa, proporcionam um acesso simplificado a serviços de mĂ©dia social e serviços de comunicação audiovisuais, potencialmente contribuindo para a integração social e tecnolĂłgica desta população. Um estudo com utilizadores foi inicialmente conduzido a fim de apurar as necessidades especiais desses utilizadores com soluçÔes de software, mais especificamente serviços de mĂ©dia social e serviços de conferĂȘncia, como o Facebook ou o Windows Live Messenger. Os resultados do estudo foram utilizados para planear o desenvolvimento de um protĂłtipo multimodal proposto anteriormente para utilizadores com mobilidade reduzida. Este permite ligar utilizadores Ă s suas redes sociais atravĂ©s de um serviço de conferĂȘncia por texto, ĂĄudio e vĂ­deo, e um serviço integrado de mĂ©dia social, usando modalidades de interação natural, como o toque, fala e gestos. ApĂłs a fase de desenvolvimento foi realizado um estudo de usabilidade. Esse estudo revelou que este tipo de soluçÔes pode simplificar a acessibilidade aos serviços considerados, dado ter interfaces mais simples, por adotar modalidades de interação mais naturais e por ser mais gratificante do que a maioria das interfaces grĂĄficas atuais para os mesmos serviços, como por exemplo o Facebook

    Sounding Out the Progymnasmata

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    This article positions the progymnasmata, an ancient sequence of rhetorical exercises, as a rich resource for contemporary scholarship on rhetoric and sound. Drawing on work at the intersection of rhetoric and sound studies as well as scholarship that repurposes ancient rhetorical concepts to study digital media, I argue that refiguring the progymnasmata can significantly expand rhetorical studies of digital sound. I ground my argument in podcasts, a popular sonic medium that has garnered attention in rhetoric and writing scholarship, ending with a series of six exercises designed to help students learn to make podcasts
