43,112 research outputs found

    Best-Sellers in Portugal: the case of Bridget Jones

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    Portugal continua a consumir em grande quantidade ficção traduzida. Em 2001, um dos maiores êxitos foi O Diário de Bridget Jones, de Helen Fielding, obra que fez rir milhares de pessoas mesmo antes do filme, que saiu no mesmo ano. Contudo, o humor desta obra é culturalmente muito específico, baseado numa rede semiótica que só pode ser apreciada por quem vive dentro da cultura de origem. Qual foi a política da tradutora relativa a estes elementos tão dificilmente traduzíveis? Conseguiu transmitir as complexidades da sociedade contemporânea britânica? Ou será que houve outro motivo menos definido por detrás desta apropriação e que teria a ver com o modo de representar o Outro neste vasto mundo globalizado

    Species of Macrochiridothea Ohlin, 1901 (Isopoda, Valvifera) from southern Brazil, with notes on remaining species of the genus

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    This paper reports the species of Macrochiridothea occurring up to now on the continental shelf of southern Brazil. Two species are new to science: M. marcusi sp. n. and M. lilianae sp. n.. M. stebbingi Ohlin, 1901, is the third species reported for the area. The genus now comprises 8 species. A diagnosis for the genus, as well as for alI the species is given, together with comprehensive illustrations to permit prompt recognition of the species. Secondary sexual dimorphism is reported for the first time in the genus. A elassification key based on adults is furnished, and remarks or eomments for eaeh speeies are made. The geographie range for the genus has been considerably extended to the north, to about Lat. 23º07'S. General ecological and zoogeographieal remarks are made.Três espécies do gênero Macrochiridothea (Crustacea, Isopoda, Valvifera), são registradas na plataforma continental centro-sul do Brasil. Duas espécies são novas para a ciência: M. marcusi sp. n. e Af. lilianae sp. n.; Af. stebbingi Ohlin, 1901, e ocorrência nova para o Brasil. O limite N de distribuição do gênero é consideravelmente ampliado. São fornecidas diagnoses para o gênero e para todas as espécies que atualmente o compõem, juntamente com ilustrações que possibilitam seu pronto reconhecimento. Dimorfismo sexual secundário e relatado pela primeira vez no gênero. É dada uma chave de identificação para todas as espécies do gênero. Considerações ecológicas e zoogeográficas gerais completam o trabalho

    Why did modern trade fairs appear?

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    According to our interpretation, modern trade fairs started in Europe during the First World War and in its immediate aftermath. With the closing of trade movements during the war, many cities had to resort to the old medieval tradition of providing especial permits to traders to guarantee them personal protection during their trade meetings. During the tough post war crisis many more cities –typically industrial districts- discovered in the creation of trade fairs a powerful competitive tool to attract market transactions. We compare these developments with the remote origins of fairs, as, in both cases, trade fair development is a reaction to the closing of free markets under the pressure of political violence.Trade fairs, modern trade fairs, markets, industrial districts, international trade, First World War

    Payday Lenders Evade Regulations: A Summary of Findings from Surveying Payday Lending Establishments

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    The payday lending industry has grown exponentially from a few hundred locations in the early 1990s to nearly 25,000 locations nationwide. There are now more payday lending establishments than there are McDonald's and Starbucks locations combined. Nationwide, the Industry earns 6billioninrevenue.InCalifornia,thereare2,501PaydayLendingLicenseesandCaliforniansspendmorethan6 billion in revenue. In California, there are 2,501 Payday Lending Licensees and Californians spend more than 757 million annually on payday loan fees.With such a massive small-dollar lending industry operating where an estimated 1.5 million California households use a payday lender 11 times annually, it would be reasonable to assume that California would have strict regulations to ensure compliance with the law, as well as robust protections for consumers against predatory payday lending. However, California has extremely lenient laws governing payday lenders.The reporting requirements of payday lenders to their regulatory agency, the California Department of Corporations, are minimal. This laissez-faire nature that "regulates" the payday industry pushed many financially-struggling consumers to turn to consumer advocacy groups to find small-dollar loan alternatives, as well as advocacy for greater restrictions for the payday industry

    Nuevos datos sobre murciélagos raros en cuevas españolas

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    Maria Edgeworth and children's literature: the translation of "The parent's assistant" (1796) into Spanish

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    Maria Edgeworth (1768-1849) became one of the most popular and prolific women writers in nineteenth-century Great Britain. After the publication of her ground-breaking Castle Rackrent (1800), Edgeworth’s oeuvre was soon admired and translated all around Europe. Nevertheless, many aspects of her works remain unexplored, and within the field of the so-called Edgeworth Studies, the continental reception of the Anglo-Irish authoress is not a favourite topic. Similarly, Edgeworth’s productions for children have been also been traditionally neglected. This article is part of a larger project and analyzes the nineteenth-century versions into Spanish of three stories from the collection The Parent’s Assistant or Stories for Children (1796): “Lazy Lawrence”, “The False Key” and “Forgive and Forget”. We will focus on the most remarkable features of the translations taking into account the source text and adopting translemic studies and Itamar Even-Zohar’s theory of literary polysystems as the theoretical framework for our analysis. The contributions of other scholars will be taken into account as well.Maria Edgeworth (1768-1849) se convirtió en una de las escritoras más populares y prolíficas en Gran Bretaña durante el siglo diecinueve. Iras la publicación del innovador relato Castle Rackrent (1800), la obra de Edgeworth fue pronto admirada y traducida por toda Europa. Sin embargo, muchos aspectos de su obra permanecen sin explorar y dentro de los llamados Edgeworth Studies, la recepción continental de la autora angloirlandesa no es uno de los temas más tratados. Igualmente, la obra infantil de Edgeworth se ha desatendido. Este artículo forma parte de un proyecto más amplio y analiza las versiones decimonónicas de tres historias de la colección The Parent’s Assistant or Stories for Children (1796): “Lazy Lawrence”, “The False Key” y “Forgive and Forget”. Nos centraremos en los rasgos más importantes de las traducciones teniendo en cuenta el texto original. Se adoptarán los estudios translémicos y la teoría de los polisistemas literarios de Itamar Even-Zohar como marco para nuestro análisis, así como las contribuciones de otros estudiosos de la traducción


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    Atmospheric causes of two extreme floods in the Rambla de Nogalte (Segura basin)

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    La Rambla de Nogalte solo supera su condición endorreica cuando, con motivo de aguaceros copiosos e intensos, experimenta fuertes crecidas; bifurcardas sus aguas, acaban por llegar parcialmente, a través de ramblas intermedias, a los ríos-ramblas Guadalentín y Almanzora. Con su cuenca de recepción en el macizo bético de la Sierra de las Estancias y superficie vertiente total de 139 km2, posee un funcionamiento torrencial acabado y prototípico. Dicha rambla ha registrado en menos de medio siglo, período de retorno muy inferior al estadísticamente esperado, dos monstruosas y casi inconcebibles avenidas, los días 19 de octubre de 1973 y 28 de septiembre de 2012, con puntas estimadas, a la altura de Puerto Lumbreras, en 1.974 y 2.489 m3/s respectivamente; las mayores de que hay noticia histórica para este tipo de cursos en la cuenca del Segura. Una y otra tuvieron por causa desencadenante y básica dos diluvios vinculados a «gotas de aire frío» acompañadas de situaciones en superficie excepcionalmente idóneas para propiciar focalizaciones de precipitaciones muy cuantiosas y de elevada concentración horaria.The Rambla de Nogalte only deviates from its endorheic nature when torrential rain causes severe floods; then, its waters split and some flows along intermediate watercourses to eventually reach the Guadalentín and Almanzora rivers. With a catchment area located in the Baetic massif of the Sierra de las Estancias and covering a total surface area of 139 km2, the Nogalte fundamentally operates as prototypical flood drainage. In less than half a century, a much lower return period than statistically expected, this watercourse has registered two enormous and almost unimaginable floods, on October 19, 1973, and September 28, 2012, with estimated peak flows at Puerto Lumbreras of 1,974 and 2,489 m3/s respectively; the highest ever recorded for this type of watercourse in the Segura Basin. Both events were triggered by torrential rain associated with a sudden drop in temperature accompanied by surface conditions that were exceptionally conducive to creating very heavy local rainfall with a high hourly concentration