992 research outputs found

    Adaptive Algorithms for Automated Processing of Document Images

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    Large scale document digitization projects continue to motivate interesting document understanding technologies such as script and language identification, page classification, segmentation and enhancement. Typically, however, solutions are still limited to narrow domains or regular formats such as books, forms, articles or letters and operate best on clean documents scanned in a controlled environment. More general collections of heterogeneous documents challenge the basic assumptions of state-of-the-art technology regarding quality, script, content and layout. Our work explores the use of adaptive algorithms for the automated analysis of noisy and complex document collections. We first propose, implement and evaluate an adaptive clutter detection and removal technique for complex binary documents. Our distance transform based technique aims to remove irregular and independent unwanted foreground content while leaving text content untouched. The novelty of this approach is in its determination of best approximation to clutter-content boundary with text like structures. Second, we describe a page segmentation technique called Voronoi++ for complex layouts which builds upon the state-of-the-art method proposed by Kise [Kise1999]. Our approach does not assume structured text zones and is designed to handle multi-lingual text in both handwritten and printed form. Voronoi++ is a dynamically adaptive and contextually aware approach that considers components' separation features combined with Docstrum [O'Gorman1993] based angular and neighborhood features to form provisional zone hypotheses. These provisional zones are then verified based on the context built from local separation and high-level content features. Finally, our research proposes a generic model to segment and to recognize characters for any complex syllabic or non-syllabic script, using font-models. This concept is based on the fact that font files contain all the information necessary to render text and thus a model for how to decompose them. Instead of script-specific routines, this work is a step towards a generic character and recognition scheme for both Latin and non-Latin scripts

    Fourteenth Biennial Status Report: März 2017 - February 2019

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    Histopathological image analysis : a review

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    Over the past decade, dramatic increases in computational power and improvement in image analysis algorithms have allowed the development of powerful computer-assisted analytical approaches to radiological data. With the recent advent of whole slide digital scanners, tissue histopathology slides can now be digitized and stored in digital image form. Consequently, digitized tissue histopathology has now become amenable to the application of computerized image analysis and machine learning techniques. Analogous to the role of computer-assisted diagnosis (CAD) algorithms in medical imaging to complement the opinion of a radiologist, CAD algorithms have begun to be developed for disease detection, diagnosis, and prognosis prediction to complement the opinion of the pathologist. In this paper, we review the recent state of the art CAD technology for digitized histopathology. This paper also briefly describes the development and application of novel image analysis technology for a few specific histopathology related problems being pursued in the United States and Europe

    Optical flow estimation via steered-L1 norm

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    Global variational methods for estimating optical flow are among the best performing methods due to the subpixel accuracy and the ‘fill-in’ effect they provide. The fill-in effect allows optical flow displacements to be estimated even in low and untextured areas of the image. The estimation of such displacements are induced by the smoothness term. The L1 norm provides a robust regularisation term for the optical flow energy function with a very good performance for edge-preserving. However this norm suffers from several issues, among these is the isotropic nature of this norm which reduces the fill-in effect and eventually the accuracy of estimation in areas near motion boundaries. In this paper we propose an enhancement to the L1 norm that improves the fill-in effect for this smoothness term. In order to do this we analyse the structure tensor matrix and use its eigenvectors to steer the smoothness term into components that are ‘orthogonal to’ and ‘aligned with’ image structures. This is done in primal-dual formulation. Results show a reduced end-point error and improved accuracy compared to the conventional L1 norm

    Optical flow estimation via steered-L1 norm

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    Global variational methods for estimating optical flow are among the best performing methods due to the subpixel accuracy and the ‘fill-in’ effect they provide. The fill-in effect allows optical flow displacements to be estimated even in low and untextured areas of the image. The estimation of such displacements are induced by the smoothness term. The L1 norm provides a robust regularisation term for the optical flow energy function with a very good performance for edge-preserving. However this norm suffers from several issues, among these is the isotropic nature of this norm which reduces the fill-in effect and eventually the accuracy of estimation in areas near motion boundaries. In this paper we propose an enhancement to the L1 norm that improves the fill-in effect for this smoothness term. In order to do this we analyse the structure tensor matrix and use its eigenvectors to steer the smoothness term into components that are ‘orthogonal to’ and ‘aligned with’ image structures. This is done in primal-dual formulation. Results show a reduced end-point error and improved accuracy compared to the conventional L1 norm

    ACDC: Automated Cell Detection and Counting for Time-Lapse Fluorescence Microscopy.

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    Advances in microscopy imaging technologies have enabled the visualization of live-cell dynamic processes using time-lapse microscopy imaging. However, modern methods exhibit several limitations related to the training phases and to time constraints, hindering their application in the laboratory practice. In this work, we present a novel method, named Automated Cell Detection and Counting (ACDC), designed for activity detection of fluorescent labeled cell nuclei in time-lapse microscopy. ACDC overcomes the limitations of the literature methods, by first applying bilateral filtering on the original image to smooth the input cell images while preserving edge sharpness, and then by exploiting the watershed transform and morphological filtering. Moreover, ACDC represents a feasible solution for the laboratory practice, as it can leverage multi-core architectures in computer clusters to efficiently handle large-scale imaging datasets. Indeed, our Parent-Workers implementation of ACDC allows to obtain up to a 3.7× speed-up compared to the sequential counterpart. ACDC was tested on two distinct cell imaging datasets to assess its accuracy and effectiveness on images with different characteristics. We achieved an accurate cell-count and nuclei segmentation without relying on large-scale annotated datasets, a result confirmed by the average Dice Similarity Coefficients of 76.84 and 88.64 and the Pearson coefficients of 0.99 and 0.96, calculated against the manual cell counting, on the two tested datasets

    Retargeting of Heterogeneous Document to Improve Reading Experience

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    人们越来越多的依赖于移动终端设备阅读各种数字内容。这些设备在屏幕分辨率、长宽比等参数上的差异对数字内容的处理提出了新的挑战,图像适配成了近年的研; 究热点。各种内容敏感的方法被提出以解决如何在图像缩放时减少重要物体的严重扭曲。然而,对于以图像形式存在的、包含不同元素的异构文档,由于其分辨率一; 般比较高,在小尺寸的移动设备上只能部分显示以保证可读性,用户不得不频繁地进行缩放、平移以阅读整个文档,极大的影响了阅读效率。为此提出了一种针对异; 构文档的适配方法,通过对文档布局的局部分析,自动抽取得到用户拟阅读的矩形区域,并适配到屏幕上,避免了繁琐的缩放、平移操作,极大地提高了阅读的效率; 。People rely more and more on mobile devices to read various digital; contents. The variation on parameters such as screen resolution, aspect; ratio of these devices presents new challenges on digital content; processing. Image retargeting has become popular in the past decade.; Various content-aware methods are presented to reduce the distortion of; important object when the image is scaled. However, for those bitmap; represented heterogeneous documents which contains various elements, due; to the high resolution, it can only be partially displayed on devices; with small screen region. Frequently switch between scale and translate; are required to read the whole document, which obviously affect user's; reading experience. We propose a retargeting method for heterogeneous; document. We firstly analysis the layout of document in a local manner,; and then extract the appropriate rectangular reading area and resize it; to match the screen. Our method avoids the tedious scale and translation; operations, and thus improves the reading experience greatly.国家自然科学基金项目; 国家科技支撑计划项目; 福建省经济和信息化委员会2013年技术创新专项资

    Multi-metric Geographic Routing for Vehicular Ad hoc Networks

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    Maintaining durable connectivity during data forwarding in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks has witnessed significant attention in the past few decades with the aim of supporting most modern applications of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). Various techniques for next hop vehicle selection have been suggested in the literature. Most of these techniques are based on selection of next hop vehicles from fixed forwarding region with two or three metrics including speed, distance and direction, and avoid many other parameters of urban environments. In this context, this paper proposes a Multi-metric Geographic Routing (M-GEDIR) technique for next hop selection. It selects next hop vehicles from dynamic forwarding regions, and considers major parameters of urban environments including, received signal strength, future position of vehicles, and critical area vehicles at the border of transmission range, apart from speed, distance and direction. The performance of M-GEDIR is evaluated carrying out simulations on realistic vehicular traffic environments. In the comparative performance evaluation, analysis of results highlight the benefit of the proposed geographic routing as compared to the state-of-the-art routing protocols