1,624 research outputs found

    Delay Tolerant Networking over the Metropolitan Public Transportation

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    We discuss MDTN: a delay tolerant application platform built on top of the Public Transportation System (PTS) and able to provide service access while exploiting opportunistic connectivity. Our solution adopts a carrier-based approach where buses act as data collectors for user requests requiring Internet access. Simulations based on real maps and PTS routes with state-of-the-art routing protocols demonstrate that MDTN represents a viable solution for elastic nonreal-time service delivery. Nevertheless, performance indexes of the considered routing policies show that there is no golden rule for optimal performance and a tailored routing strategy is required for each specific case

    Quasi-omniscient networks: scenarios on context capturing and new services through wireless sensor networks

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    This paper addresses future scenarios for the telecommunications field, addressing the impact of three important research trends in computer networks: Context, Sensors and Wireless Networks. The proposed scenarios clearly highlight the possible synergies between the defined areas, and describe the role of Users and Network Operators in order to achieve the described goals. The potential danger of an over-encompassing network is identified, with a brief discussion on the challenges associated to the implementation of such a knowledge-aware communications network. The paper finalizes presenting a classification on the typical scenarios to be expected, and highlighting the associated challenges. It also presents a proposal on a scalable network infrastructure for Context processing

    Investigating the use of semantic technologies in spatial mapping applications

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    Semantic Web Technologies are ideally suited to build context-aware information retrieval applications. However, the geospatial aspect of context awareness presents unique challenges such as the semantic modelling of geographical references for efficient handling of spatial queries, the reconciliation of the heterogeneity at the semantic and geo-representation levels, maintaining the quality of service and scalability of communicating, and the efficient rendering of the spatial queries' results. In this paper, we describe the modelling decisions taken to solve these challenges by analysing our implementation of an intelligent planning and recommendation tool that provides location-aware advice for a specific application domain. This paper contributes to the methodology of integrating heterogeneous geo-referenced data into semantic knowledgebases, and also proposes mechanisms for efficient spatial interrogation of the semantic knowledgebase and optimising the rendering of the dynamically retrieved context-relevant information on a web frontend

    Quality of Information in Mobile Crowdsensing: Survey and Research Challenges

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    Smartphones have become the most pervasive devices in people's lives, and are clearly transforming the way we live and perceive technology. Today's smartphones benefit from almost ubiquitous Internet connectivity and come equipped with a plethora of inexpensive yet powerful embedded sensors, such as accelerometer, gyroscope, microphone, and camera. This unique combination has enabled revolutionary applications based on the mobile crowdsensing paradigm, such as real-time road traffic monitoring, air and noise pollution, crime control, and wildlife monitoring, just to name a few. Differently from prior sensing paradigms, humans are now the primary actors of the sensing process, since they become fundamental in retrieving reliable and up-to-date information about the event being monitored. As humans may behave unreliably or maliciously, assessing and guaranteeing Quality of Information (QoI) becomes more important than ever. In this paper, we provide a new framework for defining and enforcing the QoI in mobile crowdsensing, and analyze in depth the current state-of-the-art on the topic. We also outline novel research challenges, along with possible directions of future work.Comment: To appear in ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN

    Context-Aware Mobile Games Using Android, Arduino and HTML5

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    Mobiilitehnoloogiate areng ja nutitelefonide kiire levik loob uusi vĂ”imalusi mobiilirakenduste arendamiseks ning palju rĂ”hku pannakse mĂ€ngudele. Loodavad mĂ€ngud muutuvad aga keerulisemaks, sest ĂŒha enam kasutatakse keskkonnast tulevat informatsiooni, et kohandada mĂ€ngu vastavalt kasutaja asukohale ja kontekstile. MĂ€nge, mis seovad kasutaja fĂŒĂŒsile asukoha ja oleku virtuaalmaailmaga keskkonnateadlikuks mĂ€nguks. Üha enam luuakse rakendusi veebiplatvormile, mitte kindlatele operatsioonisĂŒsteemidele, sest veebitehnoloogiad vĂ”imaldavad luua vĂ”rdvÀÀrse funktsionaalsuse ning kasutajamugavusega rakendusi. VeebipĂ”histe rakenduste suurimaks eeliseks on see, et nende tööks on vaja ainult veebibrauserit ning igale operastioonisĂŒteemile ei pea kirjutama eraldi programmi. Antud tehnoloogiad on jĂ”udnud ka mobiilimaailma, kus iga operatsioonisĂ”steemi jaoks peab arendama eraldiseisva rakenduse, sest iga tootja sĂŒsteem on teistest erinev. Antud bakalaurusetöö eesmĂ€rgiks on luua veebitehnoloogiaid kasutades mobiilimĂ€ng, mille juhtimiseks kasutatakse nutitelefonis olevaid sensoreid ning lisaks Arduino mikrokontrolleritest tulevat vĂ€liskeskoona informatsiooni. Antud bakalaurusetöö suurimaks panuseks on PhoneGap raamistikule loodud moodul, mis vĂ”imaldab pĂ€rida Arduino mikrokontrollerist saadetud sensorite informatsiooni kliendipoolsest koodist, mis tavaliste lahendustega pole vĂ”imalik.Latest technological achievements in mobile and open-source electronics platforms made it possible to develop pervasive applications that use environmental information to enhance software usability aspects in real-time, like in the case of context-aware mobile games. However, the development of this kind of pervasive applications is tied to speci c aspects owned by each mobile platform (e.g. programming language, SDK and tools, etc.). Moreover, a considerable effort and knowledge in low-level programming techniques is required for porting the applications between platforms, and thus in general most of the solutions are targeted at particular platform. In order to investigate the possibility of creating portable pervasive applications that combine sensor information from the multiple micromechanical artefacts embedded within the smartphones, we used contextual sensor data provided by Arduino Microcontroller. The current thesis proposed extending the existing implementation of PhoneGap to create hybrid mobile applications based on HTML5 that are easy to port, maintain and reuse
