29 research outputs found

    Investigación cualitativa del impacto de los errores de software en los usuarios

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    El presente trabajo de investigación consiste en una investigación cualitativa que busca indagar acerca del impacto de los errores de software en los usuarios a partir de un estudio de caso correspondiente al desarrollo de un sistema de información de aplicación a nivel nacional. El estudio hace una revisión del estado del arte acerca del tratamiento del usuario desde el punto de vista humano / emocional / emotivo, buscando así indagar en herramientas que permitan mejorar el proceso de desarrollo involucrando a las emociones humanas. A partir de la pregunta inicial ¿cómo influyen los errores de software en los usuarios?, se desarrolla una línea de investigación que toma en cuenta factores de usabilidad considerados dentro de los estándares de desarrollo, los métodos y herramientas utilizados para el registro de requisitos y su alineamiento con las características del usuario final, la caracterización de los usuarios y los elementos personales de los usuarios que deben ser tomados en cuenta durante el proceso de desarrollo. Así se busca responder a la pregunta motivadora del estudio que es ¿cómo influyen los errores de software en los usuarios?, que busca medir el impacto a través de elementos indirectos que se miden a través de las consecuencias en el usuario y su entorno laboral. Durante la investigación se estudiaron los criterios tomados en cuenta por los estándares de desarrollo de la organización a través de una revisión documentaria y entrevistas con los actores involucrados. Asimismo, se analizaron los métodos y procedimientos utilizados por el equipo de desarrollo para el registro de requisitos y cómo estos están alineados con las características del usuario final y sus características personales. Finalmente se identificaron herramientas que puedan aportar a la caracterización de los usuarios a fin de incorporar buenas prácticas destinadas a evitar errores en etapas tempranas de desarrollo. Como resultados de la investigación, se sugiere la incorporación de herramientas que permitan explorar el lado humano del usuario y sus emociones, considerándolos como fuentes valiosas de información para el desarrollo de la solución tecnológica y como una forma de evitar errores de software futuros. Asimismo, el impacto de los errores detectados se hace visible en los ámbitos personal y profesional, impactando en el clima laboral, productividad del equipo usuario y crecimiento institucional. La investigación se realizó en el contexto del desarrollo de la herramienta informática SIGMO diseñada y gestionada por el Ministerio de Educación y que tiene alcance a nivel nacional a partir de la participación de usuarios con permisos y roles diferenciados.Tesi

    The Effects of Social Commerce Design as Social Commerce on Consumer Purchase Decision Making (A Study on Instagram – Indonesia)

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    This study aims to determine how the influence of design quality on purchase decision making on Instagram-Indonesia. The factors tested in this study are design quality (usability factor, functional factor, and social factor) as exogenous variables, while purchase decision making (product awareness, information search, evaluation, purchase, and post-purchase) as endogenous variables. The research method used in this study is descriptive and causality research methods. The populations in this study are consumers who make purchases online through Instagram. The sampling technique used in this study is probability-sampling technique with simple random sampling technique, while the number of samples in this study amounted to 400 respondents. The analytical method used in this study is Stuctural Equation Modeling (SEM) based on Partial Least Square (PLS) at a significance level of 5%. The program used in analyzing data using SmartPLS version 3.2.8 Software. Based on the results of the study show that usability factors, functional factors, and social factors influence product awareness. Usability factor does not affect information search. While functional factors and social factors influence information search. Usability factors, functional factors, and social factors influence evaluation. Usability factor does not affect purchase. While functional factors and social factors affect purchase. Usability factor does not affect post-purchase. While functional factors and social factors affect post-purchase

    Website design quality and usage behavior: Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology

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    Firms gain many benefits from well-designed websites. But which elements of website design quality really matter, and how do these elements influence usage behavior? With the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) as the theoretical foundation, this paper proposes that website design quality is a multi-dimensional construct with a higher-order structure that, when successfully incorporated into the UTAUT model, outperforms existing models. Results are based on a survey of 216 users of Internet banking. Findings indicate that the technical, general content and appearance dimensions of a website are most important for users. These dimensions are significantly related to usage behavior directly and indirectly. A halo effect may influence overall evaluation of a website because the dimensions of website design quality are interrelated. The implication is that improvements to the appearance of a website should enhance the overall evaluation of the site, leading to greater usage intentions

    ¿Influye la experiencia en el uso continuado de los sistemas de pago móvil NFC en el transporte público?

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    El interés hacia el pago mediante el teléfono móvil está creciendo en nuestra sociedad como alternativa al uso de efectivo, cheque o tarjetas de crédito. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo analizar la situación de los sistemas de pago móvil NFC en el transporte público, así como los factores que afectan a la intención de continuar empleando este sistema entre los usuarios. Para cumplir con estos objetivos se realizó una encuesta personal sobre una muestra de 180 usuarios del mismo. Los resultados evidencian que la satisfacción y la calidad son las dos variables más valoradas por los usuarios en el manejo del sistema analizado. Por otra parte, el efecto de la experiencia no tiene efecto moderador alguno en las relaciones propuestas. Por último, el trabajo presenta las principales implicaciones para la gestión y recomienda algunas estrategias para reforzar este nuevo servicio en el contexto de los avances tecnológicos.The interest towards mobile payment is growing as an alternative to the use of cash, checks or credit cards. The present study aims to analyse the situation of NFC (Near Field Communication) mobile payment systems in public transportation, as well as the factors that affect continuance use intention of this system among users. In order to meet these objectives a personal survey has been conducted gathering data from a sample of 180 participants. The results show that satisfaction and quality are the two most valued variables by users in the handling of the analyzed system. On the other hand, the effect of experience has no moderating effect on the proposed relationships. Finally, the paper shows the main implications for management and recommends strategies to reinforce this new business in the context of technological advances


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness dan trust terhadap continuance intention dengan customer satisfaction sebagai variabel intervening pada aplikasi multipayment e-wallet. Penelitian ini dilakukan dari bulan Agustus-Oktober 2022. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif data dengan pengumpuln data yang dikumpulkan secara online. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan non probability sampling dengan teknik purposive sampling. Secara keseluruhan data yang diperoleh sebanyak 261 dengan kriteria responden pengguna e-wallet, transaksi menggunakan e-wallet sebanyak dua sampai tiga bulan dan penggunaan berkelanjutan aplikasi e-wallet dua sampai tiga kali. Teknik analisis data menggunakan Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) dengan bantuan software SPSS 26 dan AMOS 23. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa perceived ease of use dan perceived usefulness memiliki hasil positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap customer satisfaction, trust memiliki positif dan signifikan terhadap customer satisfaction, customer satisfaction memiliki hasil positif dan signifikan terhadap habit dan continuance intention, sedangkan habit memiliki hasil positif dan signifikan terhadap continuance intention. Kata kunci : Continuance intention, customer satisfaction, habit, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, trus

    Website design quality and usage behavior: Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology

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    Firms gain many benefits from well-designed websites. But which elements of website design quality really matter, and how do these elements influence usage behavior? With the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) as the theoretical foundation, this paper proposes that website design quality is a multi-dimensional construct with a higher-order structure that, when successfully incorporated into the UTAUT model, outperforms existing models. Results are based on a survey of 216 users of Internet banking. Findings indicate that the technical, general content and appearance dimensions of a website are most important for users. These dimensions are significantly related to usage behavior directly and indirectly. A halo effect may influence overall evaluation of a website because the dimensions of website design quality are interrelated. The implication is that improvements to the appearance of a website should enhance the overall evaluation of the site, leading to greater usage intentions

    Measuring the impact of enjoyment on the usage continuance intention

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Statistics and Information Management, specialization in Marketing Research e CRMThis study examines the behavioural intentions of video-on-demand (VoD) consumers to continue using the service and further examines the influence of enjoyment over the intention to continue to use. To explore the usage continuance, we adopt the expectation confirmation model (ECM) for information technology and integrate it with the hedonic system adoption model. Specifically, we measure the influence of enjoyment over the behavioural intention to continue to use. The results suggest that satisfaction is the greatest predictor of the usage continuance intention and enjoyment strongly impacts satisfaction. In fact, our model explains 48.1% of the variance of the usage continuance and 53.8% of the satisfaction

    Exploring the influential factors of continuance intention to use mobile apps : extending the expectation confirmation model

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Knowledge Management and Business IntelligenceThe use of mobile applications (Apps) has been growing in the world of technology, a phenomenon related to the increasing number of smartphone users. With a huge mobile Apps market, few studies have been made on what makes individuals continue to use a mobile App or stop using it. This study aims to uncover the factors that underlie the continuance intention to use mobile Apps, addressing two theoretical models: Expectation confirmation model (ECM) and the extended unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2). A total of 304 valid questionnaires were collected by survey to test the theoretical framework proposal, using structural equation modelling (SEM). Our findings indicate that the most important drivers of continuance intention of mobile Apps are respectively; satisfaction, habit, performance expectancy, and effort expectancy

    Factors affecting Technical Debt Raw data from a systematic literature map

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    "This document presents the complete list of references that have been short listed during the systematic review process carried out during the months of April-September 2012. The objective of the systematic review was to identify current research trends in technical debt and to explore the relationship between technical debt measures and agile software development. This documents includes 352 references that are categorized according to their relevance to technical debt research." [Abstract