72 research outputs found

    Consumer attitudes towards mobile marketing in the smart phone era

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    This exploratory study adds to the very limited prior research on consumer attitudes toward mobile marketing in the context of smartphone technologies and applications, and specifically their response to the use of QR codes. An online questionnaire-based survey was conducted to gather data from a convenience sample of mobile phone users in the UK. The study suggests that as consumers move from earlier generation mobile technologies to smartphones the frequency with which they use their phones for all functions increases significantly. Nevertheless, they remain resistant to mobile marketing communications and generally regard text messages as intrusive. Acceptance can be enhanced by permission marketing, trust-building, a sense of being in control, and useful and entertaining website content. Users who had scanned a QR code had accessed a variety of different content on different types of items and in different locations. Ease of use, utility and incentives are drivers to continued use whilst lack of knowledge about on how-to scan or the benefits of QR codes may hinder adoption

    Consumer attitudes towards mobile marketing in the smart phone era

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    This exploratory study adds to the very limited prior research on consumer attitudes toward mobile marketing in the context of smartphone technologies and applications, and specifically their response to the use of QR codes. An online questionnaire-based survey was conducted to gather data from a convenience sample of mobile phone users in the UK. The study suggests that as consumers move from earlier generation mobile technologies to smartphones the frequency with which they use their phones for all functions increases significantly. Nevertheless, they remain resistant to mobile marketing communications and generally regard text messages as intrusive. Acceptance can be enhanced by permission marketing, trust-building, a sense of being in control, and useful and entertaining website content. Users who had scanned a QR code had accessed a variety of different content on different types of items and in different locations. Ease of use, utility and incentives are drivers to continued use whilst lack of knowledge about on how-to scan or the benefits of QR codes may hinder adoption

    Relationships between apparel mobile website quality, consumer satisfaction, and intent to purchase: an empirical study of U.S. Consumers

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    Our knowledge about the dimensions of mobile website quality and their effects on consumer satisfaction is still very limited. To narrow the gap in the literature and generate useful insights for marketers, this research explored the effect of apparel mobile commerce website quality on consumer satisfaction and consequently intent to purchase to reveal the possible areas of improvement for future success of apparel m-commerce. Web information quality, website visual appeal, apparel visual appeal, website security show significantly positive effects on consumer satisfaction of apparel mobile websites, while the impacts of response time of website applications and brand trust on consumer satisfaction are insignificant. These website quality constructs collectively exhibit good explanatory power, accounting for 40.6% of variance in consumer satisfaction of apparel mobile websites

    The potential of tag-based contextualization mechanisms to leverage the sale of regional products and promote the regions through products

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    In small and rural regions, where we can many times find top quality products, there is, many times, a greater difficulty in promoting their products. This difficulty begins in the nature of the companies that manufacture these products. These companies are typically family-owned or small-sized, not having large capacity to carry out very elaborate marketing strategies. They often depend of the tourist attractiveness of the regions themselves to leverage their sales. This paper discuss the challenges for the promotion of regional products and rural regions, review the role of smartphones and the main tag-based contextualization mechanisms and their potential for leverage the sale of rural regional products and, finally, presents a cooperationbased conceptual model, where are combined contextualization-tags and mobile devices to promote regional products, leverage sales and promote rural regions by attracting new visitants, making regional products a window-mechanism to the promotion of rural regions heritage and tourism-related services


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    Witryny i aplikacje mobilne w promocji gospodarstw agroturystycznych

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    Celem pracy była ocena możliwości oraz stopnia wykorzystania przez gospodarstwa agroturystyczne witryn i aplikacji mobilnych w prezentacji i promocji świadczonych usług. Badania przeprowadzono w trzech płaszczyznach: responsywności przekazu, projektowej oraz ekonomicznej. Badaniom responsywności poddano 287 witryn internetowych gospodarstw agroturystycznych. W trakcie testów projektowych utworzono aplikacje mobilne dla modelowego gospodarstwa agroturystycznego. Ekonomiczne uwarunkowania utworzenia aplikacji mobilnych zbadano rozsyłając zapytanie ofertowe. W zbiorze badanych witryn nie odnotowano ani jednej witryny mobilnej. Żadne z gospodarstw nie udostępniało też aplikacji mobilnej. Gospodarstwa agroturystyczne z badanego zbioru posługiwały się przeważnie witrynami responsywnymi. Pracownicy ankietowanych podmiotów unikali w swoich odpowiedziach tematu kosztów wykonania aplikacji mobilnej. Większość z nich zasugerowała, że z uwagi na kwestie praktyczne (efektywność) i ekonomiczne, korzystniej jest promować gospodarstwo przy pomocy witryny internetowej dostosowanej do urządzeń przenośnych. W konkluzji wykazano, że powszechność wykorzystania aplikacji mobilnych w promocji gospodarstw agroturystycznych jest ograniczana barierami: przydatności, kosztów, a także wiedzy i umiejętności


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    Can ubiquity moderate m-banking resource-related negative effects?

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    El objetivo de este estudio es explorar la influencia de los inconvenientes de la banca móvil relacionados con la falta de recursos en la satisfacción de los clientes, su disposición a recibir marketing móvil de permiso y la emisión de boca-oreja. Analizando una muestra de 1429 usuarios de banca móvil, determinamos que la satisfacción de los clientes influye en su disposición a recibir marketing móvil de permiso y emitir boca-oreja, mientras que la disposición a recibir marketing móvil de permiso tiene un efecto positivo sobre la emisión de boca-oreja. Siendo la ubicuidad un atributo distintivo de la banca móvil, observamos su papel moderador, identificando que hay clientes que consideran la ubicuidad como una característica importante de la banca móvil, mientras que otros no la consideran relevante. Este estudio propone recomendaciones para mejorar el uso de los servicios de la banca móvil, evitando o disminuyendo los efectos negativos de sus inconvenientes.The objective of this study is to explore the influence of m-banking resource-related inadequacies on clients’ satisfaction with the banking services, their permission-based mobile marketing tendencies and word-of-mouth emission actions. Analysing a sample of 1429 users of mobile banking services, we determined that clients’ satisfaction influences their willingness to receive permission-based mobile marketing and to emit word-of-mouth, while the willingness to receive permission-based mobile marketing has a positive effect on the word-of-mouth emission. In order not to overlook the ubiquity as a distinguishing attribute of m-banking services, we observe its moderating role, identifying clients who consider ubiquity as an important m-banking characteristic and others who do not consider it relevant. Hence, attending the opinion of actual m-banking clients, this study proposes suggestions for improving the use of m-banking services by avoiding or lessening the negative effects of m-banking resource-related inadequacies

    Comparing the in-store use of smartphones between shoppers of generations X-Y-Z

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    This research aims to contribute to digital shopper marketing and omnichannel themes, by analyzing if the generations X (also called “13th generation”), Generation Y (also called “Millennials”) and Generation Z (also called “Centennials”) have different behaviors on the use of smartphones during their shopping journeys in bricks-and-mortar retail stores. For that purpose, an empirical quantitative study was conducted, via an online questionnaire. The questionnaire was applied to a sample of 913 individuals, corresponding to 27% of generation X, 44% from generation Y, and 29% from generation Z. There were found some differences between those generations regarding the actions made with the help of smartphones during the visit to the physical store. The main differences were found on the actions: checking for prices online on competitor websites; checking for prices online on the physical store own website; asking for advice with the help of the smartphone, showing pictures of products to store employees and on the use of smartphones to search online for coupons or discounts.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio