42 research outputs found

    A generalized nonstandard finite difference method for a class of autonomous dynamical systems and its applications

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    In this work, a class of continuous-time autonomous dynamical systems describing many important phenomena and processes arising in real-world applications is considered. We apply the nonstandard finite difference (NSFD) methodology proposed by Mickens to design a generalized NSFD method for the dynamical system models under consideration. This method is constructed based on a novel non-local approximation for the right-side functions of the dynamical systems. It is proved by rigorous mathematical analyses that the NSFD method is dynamically consistent with respect to positivity, asymptotic stability and three classes of conservation laws, including direct conservation, generalized conservation and sub-conservation laws. Furthermore, the NSFD method is easy to be implemented and can be applied to solve a broad range of mathematical models arising in real-life. Finally, a set of numerical experiments is performed to illustrate the theoretical findings and to show advantages of the proposed NSFD method.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figure

    Models of Delay Differential Equations

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    This book gathers a number of selected contributions aimed at providing a balanced picture of the main research lines in the realm of delay differential equations and their applications to mathematical modelling. The contributions have been carefully selected so that they cover interesting theoretical and practical analysis performed in the deterministic and the stochastic settings. The reader will find a complete overview of recent advances in ordinary and partial delay differential equations with applications in other multidisciplinary areas such as Finance, Epidemiology or Engineerin

    Computational uncertainty quantification for random time-discrete epidemiological models using adaptive gPC

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    [EN] Population dynamics models consisting of nonlinear difference equations allow us to get a better understanding of the processes involved in epidemiology. Usually, these mathematical models are studied under a deterministic approach. However, in order to take into account the uncertainties associated with the measurements of the model input parameters, a more realistic approach would be to consider these inputs as random variables. In this paper, we study the random time-discrete epidemiological models SIS, SIR, SIRS, and SEIR using a powerful unified approach based upon the so-called adaptive generalized polynomial chaos (gPC) technique. The solution to these random difference equations is a stochastic process in discrete time, which represents the number of susceptible, infected, recovered, etc individuals at each time step. We show, via numerical experiments, how adaptive gPC permits quantifying the uncertainty for the solution stochastic process of the aforementioned random time-discrete epidemiological model and obtaining accurate results at a cheap computational expense. We also highlight how adaptive gPC can be applied in practice, by means of an example using real data.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad grant MTM2017-89664-P. Marc Jornet acknowledges the doctorate scholarship granted by Programa de Ayudas de Investigacion y Desarrollo (PAID), Universitat Politecnica de Valencia. The authors are grateful for the helpful and valuable reviewers' comments that have considerably improved the final form of this manuscript.Calatayud-Gregori, J.; Cortés, J.; Jornet-Sanz, M.; Villanueva Micó, RJ. (2018). Computational uncertainty quantification for random time-discrete epidemiological models using adaptive gPC. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. 41(18):9618-9627. https://doi.org/10.1002/mma.5315S96189627411

    Stability Analysis of a Fractional Order Modified Leslie-Gower Model with Additive Allee Effect

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    We analyze the dynamics of a fractional order modified Leslie-Gower model with Beddington-DeAngelis functional response and additive Allee effect by means of local stability. In this respect, all possible equilibria and their existence conditions are determined and their stability properties are established. We also construct nonstandard numerical schemes based on GrĂĽnwald-Letnikov approximation. The constructed scheme is explicit and maintains the positivity of solutions. Using this scheme, we perform some numerical simulations to illustrate the dynamical behavior of the model. It is noticed that the nonstandard GrĂĽnwald-Letnikov scheme preserves the dynamical properties of the continuous model, while the classical scheme may fail to maintain those dynamical properties

    Modeling, analysis and numerical method for HIV-TB co-infection with TB treatment in Ethiopia

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    In this thesis, a mathematical model for HIV and TB co-infection with TB treatment among populations of Ethiopia is developed and analyzed. The TB model includes an age of infection. We compute the basic reproduction numbers RTB and RH for TB and HIV respectively, and the overall repro- duction number R for the system. We find that if R 1; then the disease-free and the endemic equilibria are locally asymptotically stable, respectively. Otherwise these equilibria are unstable. The TB-only endemic equilibrium is locally asymptotically stable if RTB > 1, and RH < 1. How- ever, the symmetric condition, RTB 1, does not necessarily guarantee the stability of the HIV-only equilibrium, but it is possible that TB can coexist with HIV when RH > 1: As a result, we assess the impact of TB treatment on the prevalence of TB and HIV co-infection. To derive and formulate the nonlinear differential equations models for HIV and TB co-infection that accounts for treatment, we formulate and analyze the HIV only sub models, the TB-only sub models and the full models of HIV and TB combined. The TB-only sub model includes both ODEs and PDEs in order to describe the variable infectiousness and e ect of TB treatment during the infectious period. To analyse and solve the three models, we construct robust methods, namely the numerical nonstandard definite difference methods (NSFDMs). Moreover, we improve the order of convergence of these methods in their applications to solve the model of HIV and TB co-infection with TB treatment at the population level in Ethiopia. The methods developed in this thesis work and show convergence, especially for individuals with small tolerance either to the disease free or the endemic equilibria for first order mixed ODE and PDE as we observed in our models.Mathematical SciencesPh. D. (Applied Mathematics

    Mathematical analysis and numerical simulation for fractal-fractional cancer model

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    The mathematical oncology has received a lot of interest in recent years since it helps illuminate pathways and provides valuable quantitative predictions, which will shape more effective and focused future therapies. We discuss a new fractal-fractional-order model of the interaction among tumor cells, healthy host cells and immune cells. The subject of this work appears to show the relevance and ramifications of the fractal-fractional order cancer mathematical model. We use fractal-fractional derivatives in the Caputo senses to increase the accuracy of the cancer and give a mathematical analysis of the proposed model. First, we obtain a general requirement for the existence and uniqueness of exact solutions via Perov's fixed point theorem. The numerical approaches used in this paper are based on the GrĂĽnwald-Letnikov nonstandard finite difference method due to its usefulness to discretize the derivative of the fractal-fractional order. Then, two types of stabilities, Lyapunov's and Ulam-Hyers' stabilities, are established for the Incommensurate fractional-order and the Incommensurate fractal-fractional, respectively. The numerical results of this study are compatible with the theoretical analysis. Our approaches generalize some published ones because we employ the fractal-fractional derivative in the Caputo sense, which is more suitable for considering biological phenomena due to the significant memory impact of these processes. Aside from that, our findings are new in that we use Perov's fixed point result to demonstrate the existence and uniqueness of the solutions. The way of expressing the Ulam-Hyers' stabilities by utilizing the matrices that converge to zero is also novel in this area

    Fractional Calculus - Theory and Applications

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    In recent years, fractional calculus has led to tremendous progress in various areas of science and mathematics. New definitions of fractional derivatives and integrals have been uncovered, extending their classical definitions in various ways. Moreover, rigorous analysis of the functional properties of these new definitions has been an active area of research in mathematical analysis. Systems considering differential equations with fractional-order operators have been investigated thoroughly from analytical and numerical points of view, and potential applications have been proposed for use in sciences and in technology. The purpose of this Special Issue is to serve as a specialized forum for the dissemination of recent progress in the theory of fractional calculus and its potential applications

    A Method of Finding Source Function for Inverse Diffusion Problem with Time-Fractional Derivative

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    The Homotopy Perturbation Method is developed to find a source function for inverse diffusion problem with time-fractional derivative. The inverse problem is with variable coefficients and initial and boundary conditions. The analytical solutions to the inverse problems are obtained in the form of a finite convergent power series with easily obtainable components