12 research outputs found

    Using quantitative methodologies to conduct a systematic review in social sciences: Proknowk-C and Ordinatio Method in the theme “Financialization in Corporate Governance”

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    The work presented here arises in the context of a larger work, which is related to the need of carrying out a survey of possible gaps in the literature on the subject of financialization within the scope of Corporate Governance, followed by a Systematic Review of the topic. Thus, using the Vos Viewer tool and two scientific methodologies, that have gained prominence in recent years - ProKnow-C Method and Ordinatio Methodi - a set of protocols based on bibliometric indexes (number of citations, age of the article and journal impact factor) was initiated in order to define the final base portfolio for the intended systematic review that would lead to the identification of gaps in the literature and thus identify possible new lines of research. The purpose of this paper is not at all to present the empirical results and gaps that the systematic review itself allowed to identify, but rather to present the methodology used for the construction of the systematic review carried out a posteriori.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Enabling technologies daily nursing work and its practical implications

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    In the health area, technological and scientific advances are paramount for the development of innovative technologies used in the treatment of diseases. Likewise, several categories of technologies are also useful in numerous activities for organizational management, resources management (medicines, data and information sets and people, among other) in the health field. Technologies are essential in work environments, but they also have implications, directly, for professionals who handle and operate them. Therefore, this study aims to identify the main technologies used by nursing professionals (nurses and technicians in nursing) and their impacts on work. Results were obtained through literature review, prioritizing case studies. Was carried out in at Scopus, PubMed, Web of Science, Emerald and Science Direct. Two analyses were conducted, bibliometrics, in order to explore the main data of the articles (years of publications, scientific journals and more frequent terms) and qualitative (highlight the main contributions of articles regarding the researched topic). In qualitative analysis, the articles were submitted to filtering procedures, ordered and selected for full reading. Technologies have potential to improve or create obstacles to the performance at work, health and well-being of the professionals. Health Information Technology was widely disseminated in case studies analyzed; it reduces informational and technical burden at work, access to support from colleagues in large centers and decision-making support, among others positive impacts

    Technology Transfer, Anthropotechnology and Sustainable Development: How Do the Themes Relate?

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    This article aims to develop a relationship between the themes technology transfer, sustainable development and anthropotechnology. For this, a systematic literature review was carried out, using the Methodi Ordinatio methodology, resulting in a portfolio of articles with scientific relevance, which was a source for data collection and analysis. As a result, it was observed that the three themes are related, generating benefits, since, based on anthropotechnology, some barriers, such as human and lack of adaptation, can be anticipated and dealt with, allowing the transfer of technology to occur effectively. In addition, anthropotechnology generates social benefits, by facilitating technological development adapted to the population receiving the technology. Technology transfer, in turn, is a means of implementing sustainable development. Thus, aligning your goals; flow and technology with sustainable objectives, will promote beneficial results not only for the economic, but also environmental and social axis

    Analysis on Feasibility and Technology Transfer in Civil Construction: Capability Matrix in Conjunction with Ergonomic Strategies

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    Technological changes brought a need to review the architecture of operational activities, and it was up to ergonomics to turn to what would be called “external variables”, technological variables and sociological variables. The objective of this research is to build and test a tool that can guide the strategic actions of Ergonomics as to evaluating the feasibility of projects, in the operational phase, as well as in the technology transfer that these projects may present. For this work, the Methodology used was divided into two parts: building of the research portfolio and building details as to the Project Feasibility Analysis model. Based on the results found through the development of a tool to guide Ergonomics, by means of the operational feasibility of the project, in combination with technology transfer, a tool called Capability Matrix was built, which proved to be flexible and efficient, having a greater potential compared to that of its initial design. This investigation leaves as a perspective for future works the application of the matrix to other civil construction activities, in addition to enabling technology transfer to other activities belonging to civil construction and the industry in general

    Anxiety, depression and quality of life in industry: what are the existing intersections?

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    OBJECTIVE: Analyze the academic progress of research on anxiety, depression and quality of life in the industry through a systematic literature review, using the combination of keywords. METHODS: the Methodi Ordinatio method was used to select academic articles published in Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed and MedLine databases with no time limit. RESULTS: among the 114 studies found on the topic of anxiety, depression and quality of life in the industry, 56% (64 articles) of the research were found in the Scopus database. CONCLUSIONS: The quality of life axis is in evidence in the industrial scenario, within anxiety and depression, there are few reports and studies on anxiety itself, while within the depression topic, more clinical aspects were found

    Interculturalidade no ensino de ciências : uma revisão sistemática de literatura

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    Este artigo é de natureza teórica e tem por objetivo fazer uma reflexão acerca da importância da implementação da Lei 11.645/08 e da perspectiva intercultural no ensino de ciências. Para isso, recorreu-se aos argumentos centrais do pluralismo epistemológico e na metodologia de revisão sistemática de literatura chamada Methodi Ordinatio, para selecionar os artigos mais recentes sobre a temática, além de contemplar os demais trabalhos presentes na literatura sobre a temática. Assim, o artigo apresenta-se como um portfólio bibliográfico, que versa sobre importantes trabalhos e pesquisas que tratam sobre o processo de ensino-aprendizagem em ciências e a sua relação com a perspectiva intercultural.This article is theoretical in nature and aims to reflect on the importance of implementing Law 11,645/08 and the intercultural perspective in science teaching. For this, we resorted to the central arguments of epistemological pluralism and the methodology of systematic literature review called Methodi Ordinatio, to select the most recent articles on the subject, in addition to contemplating the other works presented in the literature on the subject. Thus, the article presents itself as a bibliographic portfolio, which deals with important works that deal with the teaching-learning process in science and its relationship with an intercultural perspective

    Interculturalidade no ensino de ciências : uma revisão sistemática de literatura

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    Este artigo é de natureza teórica e tem por objetivo fazer uma reflexão acerca da importância da implementação da Lei 11.645/08 e da perspectiva intercultural no ensino de ciências. Para isso, recorreu-se aos argumentos centrais do pluralismo epistemológico e na metodologia de revisão sistemática de literatura chamada Methodi Ordinatio, para selecionar os artigos mais recentes sobre a temática, além de contemplar os demais trabalhos presentes na literatura sobre a temática. Assim, o artigo apresenta-se como um portfólio bibliográfico, que versa sobre importantes trabalhos e pesquisas que tratam sobre o processo de ensino-aprendizagem em ciências e a sua relação com a perspectiva intercultural.This article is theoretical in nature and aims to reflect on the importance of implementing Law 11,645/08 and the intercultural perspective in science teaching. For this, we resorted to the central arguments of epistemological pluralism and the methodology of systematic literature review called Methodi Ordinatio, to select the most recent articles on the subject, in addition to contemplating the other works presented in the literature on the subject. Thus, the article presents itself as a bibliographic portfolio, which deals with important works that deal with the teaching-learning process in science and its relationship with an intercultural perspective

    Booking intention research progress: Emerging trends and research agenda

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    Purpose: Booking intention in the hotel context has motivated the interest of researchers in recent decades. However, research in this field is fragmented and its understanding presents gaps. The aim of this paper is to identify current trends in booking intention research and to recommend future research directions. Methods: To this end, a bibliometric study and content analysis were conducted on a total of 274 papers published between 2000 and 2022 in the Web of Science database. In particular, VOSviewer, SciMAT and the R software package were used to determine, quantify and visualise research clusters, as well as emerging topics in this field of study. Results: The results revealed the existence of three lines of research that have evolved during the total period studied: (1) the impact of technologies on booking intention, (2) the influence of internal consumer factors on booking intention and (3) the hotel attributes that are most sensitive to booking intention. Finally, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on tourist booking intention is reflected cross-sectionally in the studies, where variables such as consumer trust and perceived risk have become more important. Implications: Consequently, this paper contributes to the current body of literature on booking intention, providing a structured overview of research in this field and suggesting future avenues for research

    Towards a Sustainable Future - Life Cycle Management

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    This open access book includes a selection of contributions from the Life Cycle Management 2019 Conference (LCM) held in Poznań, Poland, and presents different examples of scientific and practical contributions, showing an incorporation of life cycle approach into the decision processes on strategic and operational level. Special attention is drawn to applications of LCM to target, organize, analyze and manage product-related information and activities towards continuous improvement, along the different products life cycle. The selection of case studies presents LCM as a business management approach that can be used by all types of businesses and organizations in order to improve their sustainability performance. This book provides a cross-sectoral, current picture of LCM issues. The structure of the book is based on five-theme lines. The themes represent different objects that are focused on sustainability and LCM practices mainly related to: products, technologies, organizations, markets and policy issues as well as methodological solutions. The book brings together presentations from the world of science and the world of enterprises as well as institutions supporting economic development

    Tourism and ICTs: Advances in Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Sustainability: Proceedings of the TURITEC 2023 Conference, October 19–20, 2023, Málaga, Spain

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    Subido al repositorio por el editor (Real Decreto Legislativo 1/1996, art. 8)This open-access book presents the best research papers from the XIV International Congress on Tourism and Information and Communications Technologies (TURITEC2023), held in Málaga, Spain from 19 to 20 October 2023. The book explores the profound impact of COVID-19 on the tourism industry and the increasing importance of digitalization and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) as key drivers for the industry's recovery, alongside sustainability. This curated collection of research papers offers conceptualizations, methodologies, analyses, and empirical case studies that illuminate the path to a resilient and sustainable future for tourism.Instituto Andaluz de Investigación e Innovación en Turismo. Unviersidad de Málag