224 research outputs found

    Virtualizing the Stampede2 Supercomputer with Applications to HPC in the Cloud

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    Methods developed at the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) are described and demonstrated for automating the construction of an elastic, virtual cluster emulating the Stampede2 high performance computing (HPC) system. The cluster can be built and/or scaled in a matter of minutes on the Jetstream self-service cloud system and shares many properties of the original Stampede2, including: i) common identity management, ii) access to the same file systems, iii) equivalent software application stack and module system, iv) similar job scheduling interface via Slurm. We measure time-to-solution for a number of common scientific applications on our virtual cluster against equivalent runs on Stampede2 and develop an application profile where performance is similar or otherwise acceptable. For such applications, the virtual cluster provides an effective form of "cloud bursting" with the potential to significantly improve overall turnaround time, particularly when Stampede2 is experiencing long queue wait times. In addition, the virtual cluster can be used for test and debug without directly impacting Stampede2. We conclude with a discussion of how science gateways can leverage the TACC Jobs API web service to incorporate this cloud bursting technique transparently to the end user.Comment: 6 pages, 0 figures, PEARC '18: Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing, July 22--26, 2018, Pittsburgh, PA, US

    Institutional and Economic Factors Affecting the Development of the Chinese Cloud Computing Industry and Market

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    Due to the Chinese government ?s mobilization of massive resources and entrepreneurialactivities of foreign and local firms, the Chinese cloud computing industry and market are growing rapidly. A number of contradictory, conflicting, and paradoxical forces are shaping the Chinese cloud computing industry and market. This paper seeks to analyze these forces. It examines the importance of various economic linkages as well as formal and informal institutions in the development and utilization of the cloud in China and the emergence of country ?s cloud providers as global players

    Practical Implementation of the Virtual Organization Cluster Model

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    Virtualization has great potential in the realm of scientific computing because of its inherent advantages with regard to environment customization and isolation. Virtualization technology is not without it\u27s downsides, most notably, increased computational overhead. This thesis introduces the operating mechanisms of grid technologies in general, and the Open Science Grid in particular, including a discussion of general organization and specific software implementation. A model for utilization of virtualization resources with separate administrative domains for the virtual machines (VMs) and the physical resources is then presented. Two well-known virtual machine monitors, Xen and the Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM), are introduced and a performance analysis conducted. The High-Performance Computing Challenge (HPCC) benchmark suite is used in conjunction with independent High-Performance Linpack (HPL) trials in order to analyze specific performance issues. Xen was found to introduce much lower performance overhead than KVM, however, KVM retains advantages with regard to ease of deployment, both of the VMM itself and of the VM images. KVM\u27s snapshot mode is of special interest, as it allows multiple VMs to be instantiated from a single image located on a network store. With virtualization overhead shown to be acceptable for high-throughput computing tasks, the Virtual Organization Cluster (VOC) Model was implemented as a prototype. Dynamic scaling and multi-site scheduling extensions were also successfully implemented using this prototype. It is also shown that traditional overlay networks have scaling issues and that a new approach to wide-area scheduling is needed. The use of XMPP messaging and the Google App Engine service to implement a virtual machine monitoring system is presented. Detailed discussions of the relevant sections of the XMPP protocol and libraries are presented. XMPP is found to be a good choice for sending status information due to its inherent advantages in a bandwidth-limited NAT environment. Thus, it is concluded that the VOC Model is a practical way to implement virtualization of high-throughput computing tasks. Smaller VOCs may take advantage of traditional overlay networks whereas larger VOCs need an alternative approach to scheduling

    Contribution à la convergence d'infrastructure entre le calcul haute performance et le traitement de données à large échelle

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    The amount of produced data, either in the scientific community or the commercialworld, is constantly growing. The field of Big Data has emerged to handle largeamounts of data on distributed computing infrastructures. High-Performance Computing (HPC) infrastructures are traditionally used for the execution of computeintensive workloads. However, the HPC community is also facing an increasingneed to process large amounts of data derived from high definition sensors andlarge physics apparati. The convergence of the two fields -HPC and Big Data- iscurrently taking place. In fact, the HPC community already uses Big Data tools,which are not always integrated correctly, especially at the level of the file systemand the Resource and Job Management System (RJMS).In order to understand how we can leverage HPC clusters for Big Data usage, andwhat are the challenges for the HPC infrastructures, we have studied multipleaspects of the convergence: We initially provide a survey on the software provisioning methods, with a focus on data-intensive applications. We contribute a newRJMS collaboration technique called BeBiDa which is based on 50 lines of codewhereas similar solutions use at least 1000 times more. We evaluate this mechanism on real conditions and in simulated environment with our simulator Batsim.Furthermore, we provide extensions to Batsim to support I/O, and showcase thedevelopments of a generic file system model along with a Big Data applicationmodel. This allows us to complement BeBiDa real conditions experiments withsimulations while enabling us to study file system dimensioning and trade-offs.All the experiments and analysis of this work have been done with reproducibilityin mind. Based on this experience, we propose to integrate the developmentworkflow and data analysis in the reproducibility mindset, and give feedback onour experiences with a list of best practices.RésuméLa quantité de données produites, que ce soit dans la communauté scientifiqueou commerciale, est en croissance constante. Le domaine du Big Data a émergéface au traitement de grandes quantités de données sur les infrastructures informatiques distribuées. Les infrastructures de calcul haute performance (HPC) sont traditionnellement utilisées pour l’exécution de charges de travail intensives en calcul. Cependant, la communauté HPC fait également face à un nombre croissant debesoin de traitement de grandes quantités de données dérivées de capteurs hautedéfinition et de grands appareils physique. La convergence des deux domaines-HPC et Big Data- est en cours. En fait, la communauté HPC utilise déjà des outilsBig Data, qui ne sont pas toujours correctement intégrés, en particulier au niveaudu système de fichiers ainsi que du système de gestion des ressources (RJMS).Afin de comprendre comment nous pouvons tirer parti des clusters HPC pourl’utilisation du Big Data, et quels sont les défis pour les infrastructures HPC, nousavons étudié plusieurs aspects de la convergence: nous avons d’abord proposé uneétude sur les méthodes de provisionnement logiciel, en mettant l’accent sur lesapplications utilisant beaucoup de données. Nous contribuons a l’état de l’art avecune nouvelle technique de collaboration entre RJMS appelée BeBiDa basée sur 50lignes de code alors que des solutions similaires en utilisent au moins 1000 fois plus.Nous évaluons ce mécanisme en conditions réelles et en environnement simuléavec notre simulateur Batsim. En outre, nous fournissons des extensions à Batsimpour prendre en charge les entrées/sorties et présentons le développements d’unmodèle de système de fichiers générique accompagné d’un modèle d’applicationBig Data. Cela nous permet de compléter les expériences en conditions réellesde BeBiDa en simulation tout en étudiant le dimensionnement et les différentscompromis autours des systèmes de fichiers.Toutes les expériences et analyses de ce travail ont été effectuées avec la reproductibilité à l’esprit. Sur la base de cette expérience, nous proposons d’intégrerle flux de travail du développement et de l’analyse des données dans l’esprit dela reproductibilité, et de donner un retour sur nos expériences avec une liste debonnes pratiques

    A Framework for Approximate Optimization of BoT Application Deployment in Hybrid Cloud Environment

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    We adopt a systematic approach to investigate the efficiency of near-optimal deployment of large-scale CPU-intensive Bag-of-Task applications running on cloud resources with the non-proportional cost to performance ratios. Our analytical solutions perform in both known and unknown running time of the given application. It tries to optimize users' utility by choosing the most desirable tradeoff between the make-span and the total incurred expense. We propose a schema to provide a near-optimal deployment of BoT application regarding users' preferences. Our approach is to provide user with a set of Pareto-optimal solutions, and then she may select one of the possible scheduling points based on her internal utility function. Our framework can cope with uncertainty in the tasks' execution time using two methods, too. First, an estimation method based on a Monte Carlo sampling called AA algorithm is presented. It uses the minimum possible number of sampling to predict the average task running time. Second, assuming that we have access to some code analyzer, code profiling or estimation tools, a hybrid method to evaluate the accuracy of each estimation tool in certain interval times for improving resource allocation decision has been presented. We propose approximate deployment strategies that run on hybrid cloud. In essence, proposed strategies first determine either an estimated or an exact optimal schema based on the information provided from users' side and environmental parameters. Then, we exploit dynamic methods to assign tasks to resources to reach an optimal schema as close as possible by using two methods. A fast yet simple method based on First Fit Decreasing algorithm, and a more complex approach based on the approximation solution of the transformed problem into a subset sum problem. Extensive experiment results conducted on a hybrid cloud platform confirm that our framework can deliver a near optimal solution respecting user's utility function

    Advances in Grid Computing

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    This book approaches the grid computing with a perspective on the latest achievements in the field, providing an insight into the current research trends and advances, and presenting a large range of innovative research papers. The topics covered in this book include resource and data management, grid architectures and development, and grid-enabled applications. New ideas employing heuristic methods from swarm intelligence or genetic algorithm and quantum encryption are considered in order to explain two main aspects of grid computing: resource management and data management. The book addresses also some aspects of grid computing that regard architecture and development, and includes a diverse range of applications for grid computing, including possible human grid computing system, simulation of the fusion reaction, ubiquitous healthcare service provisioning and complex water systems
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