2,871 research outputs found

    Profiling users for question answering communities via flow-based constrained co-embedding model

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    In this article, we study the task of user profiling in question answering communities (QACs). Previous user profiling algorithms suffer from a number of defects: they regard users and words as atomic units, leading to the mismatch between them; they are designed for other applications but not for QACs; and some semantic profiling algorithms do not co-embed users and words, leading to making the affinity measurement between them difficult. To improve the profiling performance, we propose a neural Flow-based Constrained Co-embedding Model, abbreviated as FCCM. FCCM jointly co-embeds the vector representations of both users and words in QACs such that the affinities between them can be semantically measured. Specifically, FCCM extends the standard variational auto-encoder model to enforce the inferred embeddings of users and words subject to the voting constraint, i.e., given a question and the users who answer this question in the community, representations of the users whose answers receive more votes are closer to the representations of the words associated with these answers, compared with representations of whose receiving fewer votes. In addition, FCCM integrates normalizing flow into the variational auto-encoder framework to avoid the assumption that the distributions of the embeddings are Gaussian, making the inferred embeddings fit the real distributions of the data better. Experimental results on a Chinese Zhihu question answering dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed FCCM model for the task of user profiling in QACs

    이종 자연어 처리 모델을 위한 확장형 컴퓨터 시스템 설계

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    학위논문 (박사) -- 서울대학교 대학원 : 공과대학 전기·정보공학부, 2021. 2. 김장우.Modern neural-network (NN) accelerators have been successful by accelerating a small number of basic operations (e.g., convolution, fully-connected, feedback) comprising the specific target neural-network models (e.g., CNN, RNN). However, this approach no longer works for the emerging full-scale natural language processing (NLP)-based neural network models (e.g., Memory networks, Transformer, BERT), which consist of different combinations of complex and heterogeneous operations (e.g., self-attention, multi-head attention, large-scale feed-forward). Existing acceleration proposals cover only the proposal-specific basic operations and/or customize them for specific models only, which leads to the low performance improvement and the narrow model coverage. Therefore, an ideal NLP accelerator should first identify all performance-critical operations required by different NLP models and support them as a single accelerator to achieve a high model coverage, and can adaptively optimize its architecture to achieve the best performance for the given model. To address these scalability and model/config diversity issues, the dissertation introduces two novel projects (i.e., MnnFast and NLP-Fast) to efficiently accelerate a wide spectrum of full-scale NLP models. First, MnnFast proposes three novel optimizations to resolve three major performance problems (i.e., high memory bandwidth, heavy computation, and cache contention) in memory-augmented neural networks. Next, NLP-Fast adopts three optimization techniques to resolve the huge performance variation due to the model/config diversity in emerging NLP models. We implement both MnnFast and NLP-Fast on different hardware platforms (i.e., CPU, GPU, FPGA) and thoroughly evaluate their performance improvement on each platform.자연어 처리의 중요성이 대두됨에 따라 여러 기업 및 연구진들은 다양하고 복잡한 종류의 자연어 처리 모델들을 제시하고 있다. 즉 자연어 처리 모델들은 형태가 복잡해지고,로규모가 커지며, 종류가 다양해지는 양상을 보여준다. 본 학위논문은 이러한 자연어 처리 모델의 복잡성, 확장성, 다양성을 해결하기 위해 여러 핵심 아이디어를 제시하였다. 각각의 핵심 아이디어들은 다음과 같다. (1) 다양한 종류의 자연어 처리 모델의 성능 오버헤드 분포도를 알아내기 위한 정적/동적 분석을 수행한다. (2) 성능 분석을 통해 알아낸 주된 성능 병목 요소들의 메모리 사용을 최적화 하기 위한 전체론적 모델 병렬화 기술을 제시한다. (3) 여러 연산들의 연산량을 감소하는 기술과 연산량 감소로 인한 skewness 문제를 해결하기 위한 dynamic scheduler 기술을 제시한다. (4) 현 자연어 처리 모델의 성능 다양성을 해결하기 위해 각 모델에 최적화된 디자인을 제시하는 기술을 제시한다. 이러한 핵심 기술들은 여러 종류의 하드웨어 가속기 (예: CPU, GPU, FPGA, ASIC) 에도 범용적으로 사용될 수 있기 때문에 매우 효과적이므로, 제시된 기술들은 자연어 처리 모델을 위한 컴퓨터 시스템 설계 분야에 광범위하게 적용될 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 해당 기술들을 적용하여 CPU, GPU, FPGA 각각의 환경에서, 제시된 기술들이 모두 유의미한 성능향상을 달성함을 보여준다.1 INTRODUCTION 1 2 Background 6 2.1 Memory Networks 6 2.2 Deep Learning for NLP 9 3 A Fast and Scalable System Architecture for Memory-Augmented Neural Networks 14 3.1 Motivation & Design Goals 14 3.1.1 Performance Problems in MemNN - High Off-chip Memory Bandwidth Requirements 15 3.1.2 Performance Problems in MemNN - High Computation 16 3.1.3 Performance Problems in MemNN - Shared Cache Contention 17 3.1.4 Design Goals 18 3.2 MnnFast 19 3.2.1 Column-Based Algorithm 19 3.2.2 Zero Skipping 22 3.2.3 Embedding Cache 25 3.3 Implementation 26 3.3.1 General-Purpose Architecture - CPU 26 3.3.2 General-Purpose Architecture - GPU 28 3.3.3 Custom Hardware (FPGA) 29 3.4 Evaluation 31 3.4.1 Experimental Setup 31 3.4.2 CPU 33 3.4.3 GPU 35 3.4.4 FPGA 37 3.4.5 Comparison Between CPU and FPGA 39 3.5 Conclusion 39 4 A Fast, Scalable, and Flexible System for Large-Scale Heterogeneous NLP Models 40 4.1 Motivation & Design Goals 40 4.1.1 High Model Complexity 40 4.1.2 High Memory Bandwidth 41 4.1.3 Heavy Computation 42 4.1.4 Huge Performance Variation 43 4.1.5 Design Goals 43 4.2 NLP-Fast 44 4.2.1 Bottleneck Analysis of NLP Models 44 4.2.2 Holistic Model Partitioning 47 4.2.3 Cross-operation Zero Skipping 51 4.2.4 Adaptive Hardware Reconfiguration 54 4.3 NLP-Fast Toolkit 56 4.4 Implementation 59 4.4.1 General-Purpose Architecture - CPU 59 4.4.2 General-Purpose Architecture - GPU 61 4.4.3 Custom Hardware (FPGA) 62 4.5 Evaluation 64 4.5.1 Experimental Setup 65 4.5.2 CPU 65 4.5.3 GPU 67 4.5.4 FPGA 69 4.6 Conclusion 72 5 Related Work 73 5.1 Various DNN Accelerators 73 5.2 Various NLP Accelerators 74 5.3 Model Partitioning 75 5.4 Approximation 76 5.5 Improving Flexibility 78 5.6 Resource Optimization 78 6 Conclusion 80 Abstract (In Korean) 106Docto

    Dataset search: a survey

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    Generating value from data requires the ability to find, access and make sense of datasets. There are many efforts underway to encourage data sharing and reuse, from scientific publishers asking authors to submit data alongside manuscripts to data marketplaces, open data portals and data communities. Google recently beta released a search service for datasets, which allows users to discover data stored in various online repositories via keyword queries. These developments foreshadow an emerging research field around dataset search or retrieval that broadly encompasses frameworks, methods and tools that help match a user data need against a collection of datasets. Here, we survey the state of the art of research and commercial systems in dataset retrieval. We identify what makes dataset search a research field in its own right, with unique challenges and methods and highlight open problems. We look at approaches and implementations from related areas dataset search is drawing upon, including information retrieval, databases, entity-centric and tabular search in order to identify possible paths to resolve these open problems as well as immediate next steps that will take the field forward.Comment: 20 pages, 153 reference

    Documenting Downloadable Assistive Technologies

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    This major research project explores Downloadable Assistive Technologies (DAT) and the possibilities as well as the limitations of publishing and fabricating DAT through online 3D printing communities. A design probe was used for this research within the context of Thingiverse, in the form of a 3D printed dog wheelchair design probe – the FiGO Dog Wheelchair. FiGO enabled an exploration of issues of design and communication of DAT. Through research involving both end users as well as a health professional, as well as interactions within the FiGO project page on Thingiverse, criteria for communicating DAT published on Thingiverse were developed, and a second FiGO project page reflecting these criteria was prototyped and evaluated. It is concluded that DAT could potentially benefit most greatly from a structured set of guidelines of use and communication of risks in the form of a design brief, and that there are specific considerations to developing a meaningful design brief for DAT including: 1) Tell the story of the design, 2) Do not make assumptions about the end user, 3) Clear instruction about the design use, 4) Inclusion of source files to enable user participation and extension of the design

    The text classification pipeline: Starting shallow, going deeper

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    An increasingly relevant and crucial subfield of Natural Language Processing (NLP), tackled in this PhD thesis from a computer science and engineering perspective, is the Text Classification (TC). Also in this field, the exceptional success of deep learning has sparked a boom over the past ten years. Text retrieval and categorization, information extraction and summarization all rely heavily on TC. The literature has presented numerous datasets, models, and evaluation criteria. Even if languages as Arabic, Chinese, Hindi and others are employed in several works, from a computer science perspective the most used and referred language in the literature concerning TC is English. This is also the language mainly referenced in the rest of this PhD thesis. Even if numerous machine learning techniques have shown outstanding results, the classifier effectiveness depends on the capability to comprehend intricate relations and non-linear correlations in texts. In order to achieve this level of understanding, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the architecture of a model but also to other stages of the TC pipeline. In an NLP framework, a range of text representation techniques and model designs have emerged, including the large language models. These models are capable of turning massive amounts of text into useful vector representations that effectively capture semantically significant information. The fact that this field has been investigated by numerous communities, including data mining, linguistics, and information retrieval, is an aspect of crucial interest. These communities frequently have some overlap, but are mostly separate and do their research on their own. Bringing researchers from other groups together to improve the multidisciplinary comprehension of this field is one of the objectives of this dissertation. Additionally, this dissertation makes an effort to examine text mining from both a traditional and modern perspective. This thesis covers the whole TC pipeline in detail. However, the main contribution is to investigate the impact of every element in the TC pipeline to evaluate the impact on the final performance of a TC model. It is discussed the TC pipeline, including the traditional and the most recent deep learning-based models. This pipeline consists of State-Of-The-Art (SOTA) datasets used in the literature as benchmark, text preprocessing, text representation, machine learning models for TC, evaluation metrics and current SOTA results. In each chapter of this dissertation, I go over each of these steps, covering both the technical advancements and my most significant and recent findings while performing experiments and introducing novel models. The advantages and disadvantages of various options are also listed, along with a thorough comparison of the various approaches. At the end of each chapter, there are my contributions with experimental evaluations and discussions on the results that I have obtained during my three years PhD course. The experiments and the analysis related to each chapter (i.e., each element of the TC pipeline) are the main contributions that I provide, extending the basic knowledge of a regular survey on the matter of TC.An increasingly relevant and crucial subfield of Natural Language Processing (NLP), tackled in this PhD thesis from a computer science and engineering perspective, is the Text Classification (TC). Also in this field, the exceptional success of deep learning has sparked a boom over the past ten years. Text retrieval and categorization, information extraction and summarization all rely heavily on TC. The literature has presented numerous datasets, models, and evaluation criteria. Even if languages as Arabic, Chinese, Hindi and others are employed in several works, from a computer science perspective the most used and referred language in the literature concerning TC is English. This is also the language mainly referenced in the rest of this PhD thesis. Even if numerous machine learning techniques have shown outstanding results, the classifier effectiveness depends on the capability to comprehend intricate relations and non-linear correlations in texts. In order to achieve this level of understanding, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the architecture of a model but also to other stages of the TC pipeline. In an NLP framework, a range of text representation techniques and model designs have emerged, including the large language models. These models are capable of turning massive amounts of text into useful vector representations that effectively capture semantically significant information. The fact that this field has been investigated by numerous communities, including data mining, linguistics, and information retrieval, is an aspect of crucial interest. These communities frequently have some overlap, but are mostly separate and do their research on their own. Bringing researchers from other groups together to improve the multidisciplinary comprehension of this field is one of the objectives of this dissertation. Additionally, this dissertation makes an effort to examine text mining from both a traditional and modern perspective. This thesis covers the whole TC pipeline in detail. However, the main contribution is to investigate the impact of every element in the TC pipeline to evaluate the impact on the final performance of a TC model. It is discussed the TC pipeline, including the traditional and the most recent deep learning-based models. This pipeline consists of State-Of-The-Art (SOTA) datasets used in the literature as benchmark, text preprocessing, text representation, machine learning models for TC, evaluation metrics and current SOTA results. In each chapter of this dissertation, I go over each of these steps, covering both the technical advancements and my most significant and recent findings while performing experiments and introducing novel models. The advantages and disadvantages of various options are also listed, along with a thorough comparison of the various approaches. At the end of each chapter, there are my contributions with experimental evaluations and discussions on the results that I have obtained during my three years PhD course. The experiments and the analysis related to each chapter (i.e., each element of the TC pipeline) are the main contributions that I provide, extending the basic knowledge of a regular survey on the matter of TC

    Extracting personal information from conversations

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    Personal knowledge is a versatile resource that is valuable for a wide range of downstream applications. Background facts about users can allow chatbot assistants to produce more topical and empathic replies. In the context of recommendation and retrieval models, personal facts can be used to customize the ranking results for individual users. A Personal Knowledge Base, populated with personal facts, such as demographic information, interests and interpersonal relationships, is a unique endpoint for storing and querying personal knowledge. Such knowledge bases are easily interpretable and can provide users with full control over their own personal knowledge, including revising stored facts and managing access by downstream services for personalization purposes. To alleviate users from extensive manual effort to build such personal knowledge base, we can leverage automated extraction methods applied to the textual content of the users, such as dialogue transcripts or social media posts. Mainstream extraction methods specialize on well-structured data, such as biographical texts or encyclopedic articles, which are rare for most people. In turn, conversational data is abundant but challenging to process and requires specialized methods for extraction of personal facts. In this dissertation we address the acquisition of personal knowledge from conversational data. We propose several novel deep learning models for inferring speakers’ personal attributes: • Demographic attributes, age, gender, profession and family status, are inferred by HAMs - hierarchical neural classifiers with attention mechanism. Trained HAMs can be transferred between different types of conversational data and provide interpretable predictions. • Long-tailed personal attributes, hobby and profession, are predicted with CHARM - a zero-shot learning model, overcoming the lack of labeled training samples for rare attribute values. By linking conversational utterances to external sources, CHARM is able to predict attribute values which it never saw during training. • Interpersonal relationships are inferred with PRIDE - a hierarchical transformer-based model. To accurately predict fine-grained relationships, PRIDE leverages personal traits of the speakers and the style of conversational utterances. Experiments with various conversational texts, including Reddit discussions and movie scripts, demonstrate the viability of our methods and their superior performance compared to state-of-the-art baselines.Personengebundene Fakten sind eine vielseitig nutzbare Quelle für die verschiedensten Anwendungen. Hintergrundfakten über Nutzer können es Chatbot-Assistenten ermöglichen, relevantere und persönlichere Antworten zu geben. Im Kontext von Empfehlungs- und Retrievalmodellen können personengebundene Fakten dazu verwendet werden, die Ranking-Ergebnisse für Nutzer individuell anzupassen. Eine Personengebundene Wissensdatenbank, gefüllt mit persönlichen Daten wie demografischen Angaben, Interessen und Beziehungen, kann eine universelle Schnittstelle für die Speicherung und Abfrage solcher Fakten sein. Wissensdatenbanken sind leicht zu interpretieren und bieten dem Nutzer die vollständige Kontrolle über seine personenbezogenen Fakten, einschließlich der Überarbeitung und der Verwaltung des Zugriffs durch nachgelagerte Dienste, etwa für Personalisierungszwecke. Um den Nutzern den aufwändigen manuellen Aufbau einer solchen persönlichen Wissensdatenbank zu ersparen, können automatisierte Extraktionsmethoden auf den textuellen Inhalten der Nutzer – wie z.B. Konversationen oder Beiträge in sozialen Medien – angewendet werden. Die üblichen Extraktionsmethoden sind auf strukturierte Daten wie biografische Texte oder enzyklopädische Artikel spezialisiert, die bei den meisten Menschen keine Rolle spielen. In dieser Dissertation beschäftigen wir uns mit der Gewinnung von persönlichem Wissen aus Dialogdaten und schlagen mehrere neuartige Deep-Learning-Modelle zur Ableitung persönlicher Attribute von Sprechern vor: • Demographische Attribute wie Alter, Geschlecht, Beruf und Familienstand werden durch HAMs - Hierarchische Neuronale Klassifikatoren mit Attention-Mechanismus - abgeleitet. Trainierte HAMs können zwischen verschiedenen Arten von Gesprächsdaten übertragen werden und liefern interpretierbare Vorhersagen • Vielseitige persönliche Attribute wie Hobbys oder Beruf werden mit CHARM ermittelt - einem Zero-Shot-Lernmodell, das den Mangel an markierten Trainingsbeispielen für seltene Attributwerte überwindet. Durch die Verknüpfung von Gesprächsäußerungen mit externen Quellen ist CHARM in der Lage, Attributwerte zu ermitteln, die es beim Training nie gesehen hat • Zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen werden mit PRIDE, einem hierarchischen transformerbasierten Modell, abgeleitet. Um präzise Beziehungen vorhersagen zu können, nutzt PRIDE persönliche Eigenschaften der Sprecher und den Stil von Konversationsäußerungen Experimente mit verschiedenen Konversationstexten, inklusive Reddit-Diskussionen und Filmskripten, demonstrieren die Praxistauglichkeit unserer Methoden und ihre hervorragende Leistung im Vergleich zum aktuellen Stand der Technik

    Accountability and neglect in UK social care innovation

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    Accountability structures in social care are critical. They facilitate democratic decision-making, responsibility and the equitable distribution of benefits. This study examines how innovation and technology is implicated in such structures. In the UK, innovation and technology researchers have predominantly imagined care as service provision, with accountability structured through paternalistic and technocratic configurations of people, materials and knowledge. Aligning with incumbent policy and interests, these structures neglect significant groups of actors and issues, with implications for ongoing vulnerabilities in the sector. This study empirically identifies diverse possibilities for how innovation could reconfigure accountability structures in inclusive, participative and less neglectful ways

    Bias and Fairness in Large Language Models: A Survey

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    Rapid advancements of large language models (LLMs) have enabled the processing, understanding, and generation of human-like text, with increasing integration into systems that touch our social sphere. Despite this success, these models can learn, perpetuate, and amplify harmful social biases. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey of bias evaluation and mitigation techniques for LLMs. We first consolidate, formalize, and expand notions of social bias and fairness in natural language processing, defining distinct facets of harm and introducing several desiderata to operationalize fairness for LLMs. We then unify the literature by proposing three intuitive taxonomies, two for bias evaluation, namely metrics and datasets, and one for mitigation. Our first taxonomy of metrics for bias evaluation disambiguates the relationship between metrics and evaluation datasets, and organizes metrics by the different levels at which they operate in a model: embeddings, probabilities, and generated text. Our second taxonomy of datasets for bias evaluation categorizes datasets by their structure as counterfactual inputs or prompts, and identifies the targeted harms and social groups; we also release a consolidation of publicly-available datasets for improved access. Our third taxonomy of techniques for bias mitigation classifies methods by their intervention during pre-processing, in-training, intra-processing, and post-processing, with granular subcategories that elucidate research trends. Finally, we identify open problems and challenges for future work. Synthesizing a wide range of recent research, we aim to provide a clear guide of the existing literature that empowers researchers and practitioners to better understand and prevent the propagation of bias in LLMs