2,967 research outputs found

    Hardware Implementation of the GPS authentication

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    In this paper, we explore new area/throughput trade- offs for the Girault, Poupard and Stern authentication protocol (GPS). This authentication protocol was selected in the NESSIE competition and is even part of the standard ISO/IEC 9798. The originality of our work comes from the fact that we exploit a fixed key to increase the throughput. It leads us to implement GPS using the Chapman constant multiplier. This parallel implementation is 40 times faster but 10 times bigger than the reference serial one. We propose to serialize this multiplier to reduce its area at the cost of lower throughput. Our hybrid Chapman's multiplier is 8 times faster but only twice bigger than the reference. Results presented here allow designers to adapt the performance of GPS authentication to their hardware resources. The complete GPS prover side is also integrated in the network stack of the PowWow sensor which contains an Actel IGLOO AGL250 FPGA as a proof of concept.Comment: ReConFig - International Conference on ReConFigurable Computing and FPGAs (2012

    A 64-point Fourier transform chip for high-speed wireless LAN application using OFDM

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    In this article, we present a novel fixed-point 16-bit word-width 64-point FFT/IFFT processor developed primarily for the application in the OFDM based IEEE 802.11a Wireless LAN (WLAN) baseband processor. The 64-point FFT is realized by decomposing it into a 2-D structure of 8-point FFTs. This approach reduces the number of required complex multiplications compared to the conventional radix-2 64-point FFT algorithm. The complex multiplication operations are realized using shift-and-add operations. Thus, the processor does not use any 2-input digital multiplier. It also does not need any RAM or ROM for internal storage of coefficients. The proposed 64-point FFT/IFFT processor has been fabricated and tested successfully using our in-house 0.25 ?m BiCMOS technology. The core area of this chip is 6.8 mm2. The average dynamic power consumption is 41 mW @ 20 MHz operating frequency and 1.8 V supply voltage. The processor completes one parallel-to-parallel (i. e., when all input data are available in parallel and all output data are generated in parallel) 64-point FFT computation in 23 cycles. These features show that though it has been developed primarily for application in the IEEE 802.11a standard, it can be used for any application that requires fast operation as well as low power consumption

    A versatile Montgomery multiplier architecture with characteristic three support

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    We present a novel unified core design which is extended to realize Montgomery multiplication in the fields GF(2n), GF(3m), and GF(p). Our unified design supports RSA and elliptic curve schemes, as well as the identity-based encryption which requires a pairing computation on an elliptic curve. The architecture is pipelined and is highly scalable. The unified core utilizes the redundant signed digit representation to reduce the critical path delay. While the carry-save representation used in classical unified architectures is only good for addition and multiplication operations, the redundant signed digit representation also facilitates efficient computation of comparison and subtraction operations besides addition and multiplication. Thus, there is no need for a transformation between the redundant and the non-redundant representations of field elements, which would be required in the classical unified architectures to realize the subtraction and comparison operations. We also quantify the benefits of the unified architectures in terms of area and critical path delay. We provide detailed implementation results. The metric shows that the new unified architecture provides an improvement over a hypothetical non-unified architecture of at least 24.88%, while the improvement over a classical unified architecture is at least 32.07%

    Bit-level pipelined digit-serial array processors

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    A new architecture for high performance digit-serial vector inner product (VIP) which can be pipelined to the bit-level is introduced. The design of the digit-serial vector inner product is based on a new systematic design methodology using radix-2n arithmetic. The proposed architecture allows a high level of bit-level pipelining to increase the throughput rate with minimum initial delay and minimum area. This will give designers greater flexibility in finding the best tradeoff between hardware cost and throughput rate. It is shown that sub-digit pipelined digit-serial structure can achieve a higher throughput rate with much less area consumption than an equivalent bit-parallel structure. A twin-pipe architecture to double the throughput rate of digit-serial multipliers and consequently that of the digit-serial vector inner product is also presented. The effect of the number of pipelining levels and the twin-pipe architecture on the throughput rate and hardware cost are discussed. A two's complement digit-serial architecture which can operate on both negative and positive numbers is also presented

    Pipelined Two-Operand Modular Adders

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    Pipelined two-operand modular adder (TOMA) is one of basic components used in digital signal processing (DSP) systems that use the residue number system (RNS). Such modular adders are used in binary/residue and residue/binary converters, residue multipliers and scalers as well as within residue processing channels. The design of pipelined TOMAs is usually obtained by inserting an appriopriate number of latch layers inside a nonpipelined TOMA structure. Hence their area is also determined by the number of latches and the delay by the number of latch layers. In this paper we propose a new pipelined TOMA that is based on a new TOMA, that has the smaller area and smaller delay than other known structures. Comparisons are made using data from the very large scale of integration (VLSI) standard cell library

    BISMO: A Scalable Bit-Serial Matrix Multiplication Overlay for Reconfigurable Computing

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    Matrix-matrix multiplication is a key computational kernel for numerous applications in science and engineering, with ample parallelism and data locality that lends itself well to high-performance implementations. Many matrix multiplication-dependent applications can use reduced-precision integer or fixed-point representations to increase their performance and energy efficiency while still offering adequate quality of results. However, precision requirements may vary between different application phases or depend on input data, rendering constant-precision solutions ineffective. We present BISMO, a vectorized bit-serial matrix multiplication overlay for reconfigurable computing. BISMO utilizes the excellent binary-operation performance of FPGAs to offer a matrix multiplication performance that scales with required precision and parallelism. We characterize the resource usage and performance of BISMO across a range of parameters to build a hardware cost model, and demonstrate a peak performance of 6.5 TOPS on the Xilinx PYNQ-Z1 board.Comment: To appear at FPL'1

    Serial-data computation in VLSI

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