169 research outputs found

    Detecting and correcting errors in parallel object oriented systems

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    Our research concerns the development of an operational formalism for the in-source specification of parallel, object oriented systems. These specifications are used to enunciate the behavioural semantics of objects, as a means of enhancing their reliability. A review of object oriented languages concludes that the advance in language sophistication heralded by the object oriented paradigm has, so far, failed to produce a commensurate increase in software reliability. The lack of support in modern object oriented languages for the notion of 'valid object behaviour', as distinct from state and operations, undermines the potential power of the abstraction. Furthermore, it weakens the ability of such languages to detect behavioural problems, manifest at run-time. As a result, in-language facilities for the signalling and handling of undesirable program behaviours or states (for example, assertions) are still in their infancy. This is especially true of parallel systems, where the scope for subtle error is greater. The first goal of this work was to construct an operational model of a general purpose, parallel, object oriented system in order to ascertain the fundamental set of event classes that constitute its observable behaviour. Our model is built on the CSP process calculus and uses a subset of the Z notation to express some aspects of state. This alphabet was then used to construct a formalism designed to augment each object type description with the operational specification of an object's behaviour: Event Pattern Specifications (EPS). EPSs are a labeled list of acceptable object behaviours which form part of the definition of every type. The thesis includes a description of the design and implementation of EPSs as part of an exception handling mechanism for the parallel, object oriented language Solve. Using this implementation, we have established that the run-time checking of EPS specifications is feasible, albeit it with considerable overhead. Issues arising from this implementation are discussed and we describe the visualization of EPSs and their use in semantic browsing

    Advanced manned space flight simulation and training: An investigation of simulation host computer system concepts

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    The findings of a preliminary investigation by Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) in simulation host computer concepts is presented. It is designed to aid NASA in evaluating simulation technologies for use in spaceflight training. The focus of the investigation is on the next generation of space simulation systems that will be utilized in training personnel for Space Station Freedom operations. SwRI concludes that NASA should pursue a distributed simulation host computer system architecture for the Space Station Training Facility (SSTF) rather than a centralized mainframe based arrangement. A distributed system offers many advantages and is seen by SwRI as the only architecture that will allow NASA to achieve established functional goals and operational objectives over the life of the Space Station Freedom program. Several distributed, parallel computing systems are available today that offer real-time capabilities for time critical, man-in-the-loop simulation. These systems are flexible in terms of connectivity and configurability, and are easily scaled to meet increasing demands for more computing power

    Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE)--environment issues.

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    The rising percentage of system costs attributed to software development and maintenance have resulted in the research by industry and academia into ways to improve the productivity of software professionals in all phases of the software lifecycle. Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) environments are one solution being pursued. This thesis attempts to coalesce, from various efforts to date, some general principles for such environments in order to assist decision makers who must procure them. This work is in support of the Missile Software Branch, Naval Weapon Center, China Lake, California (MSB), and their investigation of CASE environments to improve productivity. Problems of CASE development and use are discussed in this context. A general problem solving approach through abstraction of resources is proposed with a focus on an individual programmer productivity subset of a CASE environment.http://archive.org/details/computeraidedsof00freyLieutenant Commander, United States NavyApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Behavioural model debugging in Linda

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    This thesis investigates event-based behavioural model debugging in Linda. A study is presented of the Linda parallel programming paradigm, its amenability to debugging, and a model for debugging Linda programs using Milner's CCS. In support of the construction of expected behaviour models, a Linda program specification language is proposed. A behaviour recognition engine that is based on such specifications is also discussed. It is shown that Linda's distinctive characteristics make it amenable to debugging without the usual problems associated with paraUel debuggers. Furthermore, it is shown that a behavioural model debugger, based on the proposed specification language, effectively exploits the debugging opportunity. The ideas developed in the thesis are demonstrated in an experimental Modula-2 Linda system

    A program visualisation meta language

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    The principle motivation of this work is to define an open PV architecture that will enable a variety of visualisation schemes to interoperate and that will encourage the generation of PV systems and research into their efficacy. Ultimately this may lead to more effective pedagogy in the field of computer programming and hence remove a barrier to students entering the profession.Doctorate of Philosoph

    First International Conference on Ada (R) Programming Language Applications for the NASA Space Station, volume 1

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    Topics discussed include: test and verification; environment issues; distributed Ada issues; life cycle issues; Ada in Europe; management/training issues; common Ada interface set; and run time issues

    Executive control systems in the engineering design environment

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    An executive control system (ECS) is a software structure for unifying various applications codes into a comprehensive system. It provides a library of applications, a uniform access method through a cental user interface, and a data management facility. A survey of twenty-four executive control systems designed to unify various CAD/CAE applications for use in diverse engineering design environments within government and industry was conducted. The goals of this research were to establish system requirements to survey state-of-the-art architectural design approaches, and to provide an overview of the historical evolution of these systems. Foundations for design are presented and include environmental settings, system requirements, major architectural components, and a system classification scheme based on knowledge of the supported engineering domain(s). An overview of the design approaches used in developing the major architectural components of an ECS is presented with examples taken from the surveyed systems. Attention is drawn to four major areas of ECS development: interdisciplinary usage; standardization; knowledge utilization; and computer science technology transfer

    Knowledge, programming, and programming cultures: LISP, C, and Ada

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    The results of research 'Ada as an implementation language for knowledge based systems' are presented. The purpose of the research was to compare Ada to other programming languages. The report focuses on the programming languages Ada, C, and Lisp, the programming cultures that surround them, and the programming paradigms they support

    Software test and evaluation study phase I and II : survey and analysis

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    Issued as Final report, Project no. G-36-661 (continues G-36-636; includes A-2568