12 research outputs found

    Conditional Simple Temporal Networks with Uncertainty and Decisions

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    A Conditional Simple Temporal Network with Uncertainty (CSTNU) is a formalism able to model temporal plans subject to both conditional constraints and uncertain durations. The combination of these two characteristics represents the uncontrollable part of the network. That is, before the network starts executing, we do not know completely which time points and constraints will be taken into consideration nor how long the uncertain durations will last. Dynamic Controllability (DC) implies the existence of a strategy scheduling the time points of the network in real time depending on how the uncontrollable part behaves. Despite all this, CSTNUs fail to model temporal plans in which a few conditional constraints are under control and may therefore influence (or be influenced by) the uncontrollable part. To bridge this gap, this paper proposes Conditional Simple Temporal Networks with Uncertainty and Decisions (CSTNUDs) which introduce decision time points into the specification in order to operate on this conditional part under control. We model the dynamic controllability checking (DC-checking) of a CSTNUD as a two-player game in which each player makes his moves in his turn at a specific time instant. We give an encoding into timed game automata for a sound and complete DC-checking. We also synthesize memoryless execution strategies for CSTNUDs proved to be DC and carry out an experimental evaluation with Esse, a tool that we have designed for CSTNUDs to make the approach fully automated

    Conditional Simple Temporal Networks with Uncertainty and Decisions

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    A conditional simple temporal network with uncertainty (CSTNU) is a framework able to model temporal plans subject to both conditional constraints and uncertain durations. The combination of these two characteristics represents the uncontrollable part of the network. That is, before the network starts executing, we do not know completely which time points and constraints will be taken into consideration nor how long the uncertain durations will last. Dynamic controllability (DC) implies the existence of a strategy scheduling the time points of the network in real time depending on how the uncontrollable part behaves. Despite all this, CSTNUs fail to model temporal plans in which a few conditional constraints are under control and may therefore influence (or be influenced by) the uncontrollable part. To bridge this gap, this paper proposes conditional simple temporal networks with uncertainty and decisions (CSTNUDs) which introduce decision time points into the specification in order to operate on this conditional part under control. We model the dynamic controllability checking (DC-checking) of a CSTNUD as a two-player game in which each player makes his moves in his turn at a specific time instant. We give an encoding into timed game automata for a sound and complete DC-checking. We also synthesize memoryless execution strategies for CSTNUDs proved to be DC. The proposed approach is fully automated

    Hybrid SAT-Based Consistency Checking Algorithms for Simple Temporal Networks with Decisions

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    A Simple Temporal Network (STN) consists of time points modeling temporal events and constraints modeling the minimal and maximal temporal distance between them. A Simple Temporal Network with Decisions (STND) extends an STN by adding decision time points to model temporal plans with decisions. A decision time point is a special kind of time point that once executed allows for deciding a truth value for an associated Boolean proposition. Furthermore, STNDs label time points and constraints by conjunctions of literals saying for which scenarios (i.e., complete truth value assignments to the propositions) they are relevant. Thus, an STND models a family of STNs each obtained as a projection of the initial STND onto a scenario. An STND is consistent if there exists a consistent scenario (i.e., a scenario such that the corresponding STN projection is consistent). Recently, a hybrid SAT-based consistency checking algorithm (HSCC) was proposed to check the consistency of an STND. Unfortunately, that approach lacks experimental evaluation and does not allow for the synthesis of all consistent scenarios. In this paper, we propose an incremental HSCC algorithm for STNDs that (i) is faster than the previous one and (ii) allows for the synthesis of all consistent scenarios and related early execution schedules (offline temporal planning). Then, we carry out an experimental evaluation with KAPPA, a tool that we developed for STNDs. Finally, we prove that STNDs and disjunctive temporal networks (DTNs) are equivalent

    Temporal and Resource Controllability of Workflows Under Uncertainty

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    Workflow technology has long been employed for the modeling, validation and execution of business processes. A workflow is a formal description of a business process in which single atomic work units (tasks), organized in a partial order, are assigned to processing entities (agents) in order to achieve some business goal(s). Workflows can also employ workflow paths (projections with respect to a total truth value assignment to the Boolean variables associated to the conditional split connectors) in order (not) to execute a subset of tasks. A workflow management system coordinates the execution of tasks that are part of workflow instances such that all relevant constraints are eventually satisfied. Temporal workflows specify business processes subject to temporal constraints such as controllable or uncontrollable durations, delays and deadlines. The choice of a workflow path may be controllable or not, considered either in isolation or in combination with uncontrollable durations. Access controlled workflows specify workflows in which users are authorized for task executions and authorization constraints say which users remain authorized to execute which tasks depending on who did what. Access controlled workflows may consider workflow paths too other than the uncertain availability of resources (users, throughout this thesis). When either a task duration or the choice of the workflow path to take or the availability of a user is out of control, we need to verify that the workflow can be executed by verifying all constraints for any possible combination of behaviors arising from the uncontrollable parts. Indeed, users might be absent before starting the execution (static resiliency), they can also become so during execution (decremental resiliency) or they can come and go throughout the execution (dynamic resiliency). Temporal access controlled workflows merge the two previous formalisms by considering several kinds of uncontrollable parts simultaneously. Authorization constraints may be extended to support conditional and temporal features. A few years ago some proposals addressed the temporal controllability of workflows by encoding them into temporal networks to exploit "off-the-shelf" controllability checking algorithms available for them. However, those proposals fail to address temporal controllability where the controllable and uncontrollable choices of workflow paths may mutually influence one another. Furthermore, to the best of my knowledge, controllability of access controlled workflows subject to uncontrollable workflow paths and algorithms to validate and execute dynamically resilient workflows remain unexplored. To overcome these limitations, this thesis goes for exact algorithms by addressing temporal and resource controllability of workflows under uncertainty. I provide several new classes of (temporal) constraint networks and corresponding algorithms to check their controllability. After that, I encode workflows into these new formalisms. I also provide an encoding into instantaneous timed games to model static, decremental and dynamic resiliency and synthesize memoryless execution strategies. I developed a few tools with which I carried out some initial experimental evaluations

    Complexity Bounds for the Controllability of Temporal Networks with Conditions, Disjunctions, and Uncertainty

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    In temporal planning, many different temporal network formalisms are used to model real world situations. Each of these formalisms has different features which affect how easy it is to determine whether the underlying network of temporal constraints is consistent. While many of the simpler models have been well-studied from a computational complexity perspective, the algorithms developed for advanced models which combine features have very loose complexity bounds. In this paper, we provide tight completeness bounds for strong, weak, and dynamic controllability checking of temporal networks that have conditions, disjunctions, and temporal uncertainty. Our work exposes some of the subtle differences between these different structures and, remarkably, establishes a guarantee that all of these problems are computable in PSPACE

    Mining Significant Temporal Networks Is Polynomial

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    A Conditional Simple Temporal Network with Uncertainty and Decisions (CSTNUD) is a formalism that tackles controllable and uncontrollable durations as well as controllable and uncontrollable choices simultaneously. In the classic top-down model-based engineering approach, a designer builds a CSTNUD to model, validate and execute some temporal plan of interest. Instead, in this paper, we investigate the bottom-up approach by providing a deterministic polynomial time algorithm to mine a CSTNUD from a set of execution traces (i.e., a log). This paper paves the way for the design of controllable temporal networks mined from traces that also contain information on uncontrollable events

    Incorporating Decision Nodes into Conditional Simple Temporal Networks

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    A Conditional Simple Temporal Network (CSTN) augments a Simple Temporal Network (STN) to include special time-points, called observation time-points. In a CSTN, the agent executing the network controls the execution of every time-point. However, each observation time-point has a unique propositional letter associated with it and, when the agent executes that time-point, the environment assigns a truth value to the corresponding letter. Thus, the agent observes but, does not control the assignment of truth values. A CSTN is dynamically consistent (DC) if there exists a strategy for executing its time-points such that all relevant constraints will be satisfied no matter which truth values the environment assigns to the propositional letters. Alternatively, in a Labeled Simple Temporal Network (Labeled STN) - also called a Temporal Plan with Choice - the agent executing the network controls the assignment of values to the so-called choice variables. Furthermore, the agent can make those assignments at any time. For this reason, a Labeled STN is equivalent to a Disjunctive Temporal Network. This paper incorporates both of the above extensions by augmenting a CSTN to include not only observation time-points but also decision time-points. A decision time-point is like an observation time-point in that it has an associated propositional letter whose value is determined when the decision time-point is executed. It differs in that the agent - not the environment - selects that value. The resulting network is called a CSTN with Decisions (CSTND). This paper shows that a CSTND generalizes both CSTNs and Labeled STNs, and proves that the problem of determining whether any given CSTND is dynamically consistent is PSPACE-complete. It also presents algorithms that address two sub-classes of CSTNDs: (1) those that contain only decision time-points; and (2) those in which all decisions are made before execution begins

    Optimising Flexibility of Temporal Problems with Uncertainty

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    Temporal networks have been applied in many autonomous systems. In real situations, we cannot ignore the uncertain factors when using those autonomous systems. Achieving robust schedules and temporal plans by optimising flexibility to tackle the uncertainty is the motivation of the thesis. This thesis focuses on the optimisation problems of temporal networks with uncertainty and controllable options in the field of Artificial Intelligence Planning and Scheduling. The goal of this thesis is to construct flexibility and robustness metrics for temporal networks under the constraints of different levels of controllability. Furthermore, optimising flexibility for temporal plans and schedules to achieve robust solutions with flexible executions. When solving temporal problems with uncertainty, postponing decisions according to the observations of uncertain events enables flexible strategies as the solutions instead of fixed schedules or plans. Among the three levels of controllability of the Simple Temporal Problem with Uncertainty (STPU), a problem is dynamically controllable if there is a successful dynamic strategy such that every decision in it is made according to the observations of past events. In the thesis, we make the following contributions. (1) We introduce an optimisation model for STPU based on the existing dynamic controllability checking algorithms. Some flexibility and robustness measures are introduced based on the model. (2) We extend the definition and verification algorithm of dynamic controllability to temporal problems with controllable discrete variables and uncertainty, which is called Controllable Conditional Temporal Problems with Uncertainty (CCTPU). An entirely dynamically controllable strategy of CCTPU consists of both temporal scheduling and variable assignments being dynamically decided, which maximize the flexibility of the execution. (3) We introduce optimisation models of CCTPU under fully dynamic controllability. The optimisation models aim to answer the questions how flexible, robust or controllable a schedule or temporal plan is. The experiments show that making decisions dynamically can achieve better objective values than doing statically. The thesis also contributes to the field of AI planning and scheduling by introducing robustness metrics of temporal networks, proposing an envelope-based algorithm that can check dynamic controllability of temporal networks with uncertainty and controllable discrete decisions, evaluating improvements from making decisions strongly controllable to temporally dynamically controllable and fully dynamically controllable and comparing the runtime of different implementations to present the scalability of dynamically controllable strategies

    Managing Decision Tasks and Events in Time-Aware Business Process Models

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    Time-aware business process models capture processes where temporal properties and constraints have to be suitably managed to achieve proper completion. Temporal aspects also constrain how decisions are made in processes: while some constraints hold only along certain paths, decision outcomes may be restricted to satisfy temporal constraints. In this paper, we present time-aware BPMN processes and discuss how to: (i) add temporal features to process elements, by considering also the impact of events on temporal constraint management; (ii) characterize decisions based on when they are made and used within a process; (iii) specify and use two novel kinds of decisions based on how their outcomes are managed; (iv) deal with intertwined temporal and decision aspects of time-aware BPMN processes to ensure proper execution