84 research outputs found

    A parallel process model and architecture for a Pure Logic Language

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    The research presented in this thesis has been concerned with the use of parallel logic systems for the implementation of large knowledge bases. The thesis describes proposals for a parallel logic system based on a new logic programming language, the Pure Logic Language. The work has involved the definition and implementation of a new logic interpreter which incorporates the parallel execution of independent OR processes, and the specification and design of an appropriate non shared memory multiprocessor architecture. The Pure Logic Language which is under development at JeL, Bracknell, differs from Prolog in its expressive powers and implementation. The resolution based Prolog approach is replaced by a rewrite rule technique which successively transforms expressions according to logical axioms and user defined rules until no further rewrites are possible. A review of related work in the field of parallel logic language systems is presented. The thesis describes the different forms of parallelism within logic languages and discusses the decision to concentrate on the efficient implementation of OR parallelism. The parallel process model for the Pure Logic Language uses the same execution technique of rule rewriting but has been adapted to implement the creation of independent OR processes and the required message passing operations. The parallelism in the system is implemented automatically and, unlike many other parallel logic systems there are no explicit program annotations for the control of parallel execution. The spawning of processes involves computational overheads within the interpreter: these have been measured and results are presented. The functional requirements of a multiprocessor architecture are discussed: shared memory machines are not scalable for large numbers of processing elements, but, with no shared memory, data needed by offspring processors must be copied from the parent or else recomputed. The thesis describes an optimised format for the copying of data between processors. Because a one-to-many communication pattern exits between parent and offspring processors a broadcast architecture is indicated. The development of a system based on the broadcasting of data packets represents a new approach to the parallel execution of logic languages and has led to the design of a novel bus based multiprocessor architecture. A simulation of this multiprocessor architecture has been produced and the parallel logic interpreter mapped onto it: this provides data on the predicted performance of the system. A detailed analysis of these results is presented and the implications for future developments to the proposed system are discussed.</p

    Aspects of parallel processing and control engineering

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    The concept of parallel processing is not a new one, but the application of it to control engineering tasks is a relatively recent development, made possible by contemporary hardware and software innovation. It has long been accepted that, if properly orchestrated several processors/CPUs when combined can form a powerful processing entity. What prevented this from being implemented in commercial systems was the adequacy of the microprocessor for most tasks and hence the expense of a multi-processor system was not justified. With the advent of high demand systems, such as highly fault tolerant flight controllers and fast robotic controllers, parallel processing became a viable option. Nonetheless, the software interfacing of control laws onto parallel systems has remained somewhat of an impasse. There are no software compilers at present which allow a programmer to specify a control law in pure mathematical terminology and then decompose it into a flow diagram of concurrent processes which may then be implemented on, say, a target Transputer system, liiere are several parallel programming languages with which a programmer can generate parallel processes but, generally, in order to realise a control algorithm in parallel the programmer must have intimate knowledge of the algorithm. Therefore, efficiency is based on the ability of the programmer to recognise inherent parellelism. Some attempts are being made to create intelligent partition and scheduling compilers but this usually means significantly extra overheads on the multiprocessor system. In the absence of an automated technique control algorithms must be decomposed by inspection. The research presented in this thesis is founded upon the application of both parallel and pipelining techniques to particular control strategies. Parallelism is tackled objectively and by creating a tailored terminology it is defined mathematically, and consequently related concepts, such as bounded parallelism and algorithm speedup, are also quantified in a numerical sense. A pipelined explicit Self Tuning Regulator (STR) controller is developed and tested on systems of different order. Under the governance of the parallelism terminology the effectiveness of the parallel STR is evaluated and numerically quantified in terms of relevant performance indices. A parallel simulator is presented for the Puma 560 robotic manipulator. By exploiting parallelism and pipelinability in the robot model a significant increase in execution speed is achieved over the sequential model. The use of Transputers is examined and graphical results obtained for several performance indices, including speedup, processor efficiency and bounded parallelism. By the same analytical technique a parallel computed torque feedforward controller incorporating proportional derivative feedback control for the Puma 560 manipulator is developed and appraised. The performance of a Transputer system in hosting the controller is graphically analysed and as in the case of the parallel simulator the more important performance indices are examined under both optimal conditions and conditions of varying hardware constraints

    Probabilistic structural mechanics research for parallel processing computers

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    Aerospace structures and spacecraft are a complex assemblage of structural components that are subjected to a variety of complex, cyclic, and transient loading conditions. Significant modeling uncertainties are present in these structures, in addition to the inherent randomness of material properties and loads. To properly account for these uncertainties in evaluating and assessing the reliability of these components and structures, probabilistic structural mechanics (PSM) procedures must be used. Much research has focused on basic theory development and the development of approximate analytic solution methods in random vibrations and structural reliability. Practical application of PSM methods was hampered by their computationally intense nature. Solution of PSM problems requires repeated analyses of structures that are often large, and exhibit nonlinear and/or dynamic response behavior. These methods are all inherently parallel and ideally suited to implementation on parallel processing computers. New hardware architectures and innovative control software and solution methodologies are needed to make solution of large scale PSM problems practical

    Parallel solution of power system linear equations

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    At the heart of many power system computations lies the solution of a large sparse set of linear equations. These equations arise from the modelling of the network and are the cause of a computational bottleneck in power system analysis applications. Efficient sequential techniques have been developed to solve these equations but the solution is still too slow for applications such as real-time dynamic simulation and on-line security analysis. Parallel computing techniques have been explored in the attempt to find faster solutions but the methods developed to date have not efficiently exploited the full power of parallel processing. This thesis considers the solution of the linear network equations encountered in power system computations. Based on the insight provided by the elimination tree, it is proposed that a novel matrix structure is adopted to allow the exploitation of parallelism which exists within the cutset of a typical parallel solution. Using this matrix structure it is possible to reduce the size of the sequential part of the problem and to increase the speed and efficiency of typical LU-based parallel solution. A method for transforming the admittance matrix into the required form is presented along with network partitioning and load balancing techniques. Sequential solution techniques are considered and existing parallel methods are surveyed to determine their strengths and weaknesses. Combining the benefits of existing solutions with the new matrix structure allows an improved LU-based parallel solution to be derived. A simulation of the improved LU solution is used to show the improvements in performance over a standard LU-based solution that result from the adoption of the new techniques. The results of a multiprocessor implementation of the method are presented and the new method is shown to have a better performance than existing methods for distributed memory multiprocessors

    A parallel functional language compiler for message-passing multicomputers

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    The research presented in this thesis is about the design and implementation of Naira, a parallel, parallelising compiler for a rich, purely functional programming language. The source language of the compiler is a subset of Haskell 1.2. The front end of Naira is written entirely in the Haskell subset being compiled. Naira has been successfully parallelised and it is the largest successfully parallelised Haskell program having achieved good absolute speedups on a network of SUN workstations. Having the same basic structure as other production compilers of functional languages, Naira's parallelisation technology should carry forward to other functional language compilers. The back end of Naira is written in C and generates parallel code in the C language which is envisioned to be run on distributed-memory machines. The code generator is based on a novel compilation scheme specified using a restricted form of Milner's 7r-calculus which achieves asynchronous communication. We present the first working implementation of this scheme on distributed-memory message-passing multicomputers with split-phase transactions. Simulated assessment of the generated parallel code indicates good parallel behaviour. Parallelism is introduced using explicit, advisory user annotations in the source' program and there are two major aspects of the use of annotations in the compiler. First, the front end of the compiler is parallelised so as to improve its efficiency at compilation time when it is compiling input programs. Secondly, the input programs to the compiler can themselves contain annotations based on which the compiler generates the multi-threaded parallel code. These, therefore, make Naira, unusually and uniquely, both a parallel and a parallelising compiler. We adopt a medium-grained approach to granularity where function applications form the unit of parallelism and load distribution. We have experimented with two different task distribution strategies, deterministic and random, and have also experimented with thread-based and quantum- based scheduling policies. Our experiments show that there is little efficiency difference for regular programs but the quantum-based scheduler is the best in programs with irregular parallelism. The compiler has been successfully built, parallelised and assessed using both idealised and realistic measurement tools: we obtained significant compilation speed-ups on a variety of simulated parallel architectures. The simulated results are supported by the best results obtained on real hardware for such a large program: we measured an absolute speedup of 2.5 on a network of 5 SUN workstations. The compiler has also been shown to have good parallelising potential, based on popular test programs. Results of assessing Naira's generated unoptimised parallel code are comparable to those produced by other successful parallel implementation projects

    Interrupt-generating active data objects

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    An investigation is presented into an interrupt-generating object model which is designed to reduce the effort of programming distributed memory multicomputer networks. The object model is aimed at the natural modelling of problem domains in which a number of concurrent entities interrupt one another as they lay claim to shared resources. The proposed computational model provides for the safe encapsulation of shared data, and incorporates inherent arbitration for simultaneous access to the data. It supplies a predicate triggering mechanism for use in conditional synchronization and as an alternative mechanism to polling. Linguistic support for the proposal requires a novel form of control structure which is able to interface sensibly with interrupt-generating active data objects. The thesis presents the proposal as an elemental language structure, with axiomatic guarantees which enforce safety properties and aid in program proving. The established theory of CSP is used to reason about the object model and its interface. An overview is presented of a programming language called HUL, whose semantics reflect the proposed computational model. Using the syntax of HUL, the application of the interrupt-generating active data object is illustrated. A range of standard concurrent problems is presented to demonstrate the properties of the interrupt-generating computational model. Furthermore, the thesis discusses implementation considerations which enable the model to be mapped precisely onto multicomputer networks, and which sustain the abstract programming level provided by the interrupt-generating active data object in the wider programming structures of HUL