1,714 research outputs found

    Cuckoo: a Language for Implementing Memory- and Thread-safe System Services

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    This paper is centered around the design of a thread- and memory-safe language, primarily for the compilation of application-specific services for extensible operating systems. We describe various issues that have influenced the design of our language, called Cuckoo, that guarantees safety of programs with potentially asynchronous flows of control. Comparisons are drawn between Cuckoo and related software safety techniques, including Cyclone and software-based fault isolation (SFI), and performance results suggest our prototype compiler is capable of generating safe code that executes with low runtime overheads, even without potential code optimizations. Compared to Cyclone, Cuckoo is able to safely guard accesses to memory when programs are multithreaded. Similarly, Cuckoo is capable of enforcing memory safety in situations that are potentially troublesome for techniques such as SFI

    Exploring Key-Value Stores in Multi-Writer Byzantine-Resilient Register Emulations

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    Resilient register emulation is a fundamental technique to implement dependable storage and distributed systems. In data-centric models, where servers are modeled as fail-prone base objects, classical solutions achieve resilience by using fault-tolerant quorums of read-write registers or read-modify-write objects. Recently, this model has attracted renewed interest due to the popularity of cloud storage providers (e.g., Amazon S3), that can be modeled as key-value stores (KVSs) and combined for providing secure and dependable multi-cloud storage services. In this paper we present three novel wait-free multi-writer multi-reader regular register emulations on top of Byzantine-prone KVSs. We implemented and evaluated these constructions using five existing cloud storage services and show that their performance matches or surpasses existing data-centric register emulations

    Applying Prolog to Develop Distributed Systems

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    Development of distributed systems is a difficult task. Declarative programming techniques hold a promising potential for effectively supporting programmer in this challenge. While Datalog-based languages have been actively explored for programming distributed systems, Prolog received relatively little attention in this application area so far. In this paper we present a Prolog-based programming system, called DAHL, for the declarative development of distributed systems. DAHL extends Prolog with an event-driven control mechanism and built-in networking procedures. Our experimental evaluation using a distributed hash-table data structure, a protocol for achieving Byzantine fault tolerance, and a distributed software model checker - all implemented in DAHL - indicates the viability of the approach

    Versioned boxes as the basis for memory transactions

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    AbstractIn this paper, we propose the use of Versioned Boxes, which keep a history of values, as the basis for language-level memory transactions. Unlike previous work on software transactional memory, in our proposal read-only transactions never conflict with any other concurrent transaction. This may improve significantly the concurrency on applications which have longer transactions and a high read/write ratio.Furthermore, we discuss how we can reduce transaction conflicts by delaying computations and re-executing only parts of a transaction in case of a conflict. We propose two language-level abstractions to support these strategies: the per-transaction boxes and the restartable transactions.Finally, we lay out the basis for a more generic model, which better supports fine-grained restartable transactions. The goal of this new model is to generalize the previous two abstractions to reduce conflicts

    Actors: The Ideal Abstraction for Programming Kernel-Based Concurrency

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    GPU and multicore hardware architectures are commonly used in many different application areas to accelerate problem solutions relative to single CPU architectures. The typical approach to accessing these hardware architectures requires embedding logic into the programming language used to construct the application; the two primary forms of embedding are: calls to API routines to access the concurrent functionality, or pragmas providing concurrency hints to a language compiler such that particular blocks of code are targeted to the concurrent functionality. The former approach is verbose and semantically bankrupt, while the success of the latter approach is restricted to simple, static uses of the functionality. Actor-based applications are constructed from independent, encapsulated actors that interact through strongly-typed channels. This paper presents a first attempt at using actors to program kernels targeted at such concurrent hardware. Besides the glove-like fit of a kernel to the actor abstraction, quantitative code analysis shows that actor-based kernels are always significantly simpler than API-based coding, and generally simpler than pragma-based coding. Additionally, performance measurements show that the overheads of actor-based kernels are commensurate to API-based kernels, and range from equivalent to vastly improved for pragma-based annotations, both for sample and real-world applications

    Ensuring referential integrity under causal consistency

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    Referential integrity (RI) is an important correctness property of a shared, distributed object storage system. It is sometimes thought that enforcing RI requires a strong form of consistency. In this paper, we argue that causal consistency suffices to maintain RI. We support this argument with pseudocode for a reference CRDT data type that maintains RI under causal consistency. QuickCheck has not found any errors in the model