162 research outputs found

    고속 시리얼 링크를 위한 고리 발진기를 기반으로 하는 주파수 합성기

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    학위논문(박사) -- 서울대학교대학원 : 공과대학 전기·정보공학부, 2022. 8. 정덕균.In this dissertation, major concerns in the clocking of modern serial links are discussed. As sub-rate, multi-standard architectures are becoming predominant, the conventional clocking methodology seems to necessitate innovation in terms of low-cost implementation. Frequency synthesis with active, inductor-less oscillators replacing LC counterparts are reviewed, and solutions for two major drawbacks are proposed. Each solution is verified by prototype chip design, giving a possibility that the inductor-less oscillator may become a proper candidate for future high-speed serial links. To mitigate the high flicker noise of a high-frequency ring oscillator (RO), a reference multiplication technique that effectively extends the bandwidth of the following all-digital phase-locked loop (ADPLL) is proposed. The technique avoids any jitter accumulation, generating a clean mid-frequency clock, overall achieving high jitter performance in conjunction with the ADPLL. Timing constraint for the proper reference multiplication is first analyzed to determine the calibration points that may correct the existent phase errors. The weight for each calibration point is updated by the proposed a priori probability-based least-mean-square (LMS) algorithm. To minimize the time required for the calibration, each gain for the weight update is adaptively varied by deducing a posteriori which error source dominates the others. The prototype chip is fabricated in a 40-nm CMOS technology, and its measurement results verify the low-jitter, high-frequency clock generation with fast calibration settling. The presented work achieves an rms jitter of 177/223 fs at 8/16-GHz output, consuming 12.1/17-mW power. As the second embodiment, an RO-based ADPLL with an analog technique that addresses the high supply sensitivity of the RO is presented. Unlike prior arts, the circuit for the proposed technique does not extort the RO voltage headroom, allowing high-frequency oscillation. Further, the performance given from the technique is robust over process, voltage, and temperature (PVT) variations, avoiding the use of additional calibration hardware. Lastly, a comprehensive analysis of phase noise contribution is conducted for the overall ADPLL, followed by circuit optimizations, to retain the low-jitter output. Implemented in a 40-nm CMOS technology, the frequency synthesizer achieves an rms jitter of 289 fs at 8 GHz output without any injected supply noise. Under a 20-mVrms white supply noise, the ADPLL suppresses supply-noise-induced jitter by -23.8 dB.본 논문은 현대 시리얼 링크의 클락킹에 관여되는 주요한 문제들에 대하여 기술한다. 준속도, 다중 표준 구조들이 채택되고 있는 추세에 따라, 기존의 클라킹 방법은 낮은 비용의 구현의 관점에서 새로운 혁신을 필요로 한다. LC 공진기를 대신하여 능동 소자 발진기를 사용한 주파수 합성에 대하여 알아보고, 이에 발생하는 두가지 주요 문제점과 각각에 대한 해결 방안을 탐색한다. 각 제안 방법을 프로토타입 칩을 통해 그 효용성을 검증하고, 이어서 능동 소자 발진기가 미래의 고속 시리얼 링크의 클락킹에 사용될 가능성에 대해 검토한다. 첫번째 시연으로써, 고주파 고리 발진기의 높은 플리커 잡음을 완화시키기 위해 기준 신호를 배수화하여 뒷단의 위상 고정 루프의 대역폭을 효과적으로 극대화 시키는 회로 기술을 제안한다. 본 기술은 지터를 누적 시키지 않으며 따라서 깨끗한 중간 주파수 클락을 생성시켜 위상 고정 루프와 함께 높은 성능의 고주파 클락을 합성한다. 기준 신호를 성공적으로 배수화하기 위한 타이밍 조건들을 먼저 분석하여 타이밍 오류를 제거하기 위한 방법론을 파악한다. 각 교정 중량은 연역적 확률을 기반으로한 LMS 알고리즘을 통해 갱신되도록 설계된다. 교정에 필요한 시간을 최소화 하기 위하여, 각 교정 이득은 타이밍 오류 근원들의 크기를 귀납적으로 추론한 값을 바탕으로 지속적으로 제어된다. 40-nm CMOS 공정으로 구현된 프로토타입 칩의 측정을 통해 저소음, 고주파 클락을 빠른 교정 시간안에 합성해 냄을 확인하였다. 이는 177/223 fs의 rms 지터를 가지는 8/16 GHz의 클락을 출력한다. 두번째 시연으로써, 고리 발진기의 높은 전원 노이즈 의존성을 완화시키는 기술이 포함된 주파수 합성기가 설계되었다. 이는 고리 발진기의 전압 헤드룸을 보존함으로서 고주파 발진을 가능하게 한다. 나아가, 전원 노이즈 감소 성능은 공정, 전압, 온도 변동에 대하여 민감하지 않으며, 따라서 추가적인 교정 회로를 필요로 하지 않는다. 마지막으로, 위상 노이즈에 대한 포괄적 분석과 회로 최적화를 통하여 주파수 합성기의 저잡음 출력을 방해하지 않는 방법을 고안하였다. 해당 프로토타입 칩은 40-nm CMOS 공정으로 구현되었으며, 전원 노이즈가 인가되지 않은 상태에서 289 fs의 rms 지터를 가지는 8 GHz의 클락을 출력한다. 또한, 20 mVrms의 전원 노이즈가 인가되었을 때에 유도되는 지터의 양을 -23.8 dB 만큼 줄이는 것을 확인하였다.1 Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation 3 1.1.1 Clocking in High-Speed Serial Links 4 1.1.2 Multi-Phase, High-Frequency Clock Conversion 8 1.2 Dissertation Objectives 10 2 RO-Based High-Frequency Synthesis 12 2.1 Phase-Locked Loop Fundamentals 12 2.2 Toward All-Digital Regime 15 2.3 RO Design Challenges 21 2.3.1 Oscillator Phase Noise 21 2.3.2 Challenge 1: High Flicker Noise 23 2.3.3 Challenge 2: High Supply Noise Sensitivity 26 3 Filtering RO Noise 28 3.1 Introduction 28 3.2 Proposed Reference Octupler 34 3.2.1 Delay Constraint 34 3.2.2 Phase Error Calibration 38 3.2.3 Circuit Implementation 51 3.3 IL-ADPLL Implementation 55 3.4 Measurement Results 59 3.5 Summary 63 4 RO Supply Noise Compensation 69 4.1 Introduction 69 4.2 Proposed Analog Closed Loop for Supply Noise Compensation 72 4.2.1 Circuit Implementation 73 4.2.2 Frequency-Domain Analysis 76 4.2.3 Circuit Optimization 81 4.3 ADPLL Implementation 87 4.4 Measurement Results 90 4.5 Summary 98 5 Conclusions 99 A Notes on the 8REF 102 B Notes on the ACSC 105박

    Integrated photonic transmitters for secure space quantum communication

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    An important issue in today's information society is the security of data transmission against potential intruders, which always put at risk the confidentiality. Current methods to increase security require that the two parties wishing to transmit information, exchange or share one or more security keys. Once the key has been identified, the information can be transferred in a provable secure way using a one-time pad, i. e. the key length is as long as the plaintext. Therefore, the security of the information transmission is based exclusively on the security of the key exchange. Quantum cryptography, or more precisely quantum key distribution (QKD), guarantees absolutely secure key distribution based on the principles of quantum physics, according to which it is not possible to measure or reproduce a state (e.g. polarization or phase of a photon) without being detected. The key is generated out from the measurement of the information encoded into specific quantum states of a photon, named qubits. For example, a qubit can be created using properties such as the polarization or the phase of a photon. Achieved goals of this thesis are the development of a new class of high speed integrated photonic sources for applications in quantum key distribution systems, capable of producing unprecedented qubit rates (100 Mbps - 1 Gbps) and transmitting those over larger distances than those achieved so far (>200 km). More specifically the work has been focused on developing faint pulse sources which can be used in very demanding environmental conditions, such as those in Space. For the development of these sources, apart from the optical design, essential is the opto-mechanical engineering as well as the integration with the electronics. One of the objectives was to achieve very high level of integration and power efficiency, e.g. volumes and power consumption between 10 and 100 times smaller than those typical of a laboratory experiment. Moreover, work in related parts of a whole QKD transmission system has been carried out. In particular, a new scheme for a compact, fast and simple random number generator has been demonstrated successfully achieving a random number generation rate of 1.1 Gbps. Also, during the course of this thesis, the development and engineering of a free-space QKD optical link has been initiated. This thesis makes use of novel ideas to alternatively demonstrate proof-of-concept experiments, which could then further develop into commercial products. To this end, close collaborations with world-wide leading companies in the field have been established. The Optoelectronics Group at ICFO has been involved in current European Space Agency (ESA) projects to develop a small footprint and low power consumption quantum transceiver and a high-flux entangled photon source.En l’actual societat del coneixement és important la seguretat en la transmissió de dades contra potencial intrusos, els quals sempre posen en risc la confidencialitat. Mètodes actuals per incrementar la seguretat requereixen que les dos parts que volen transmetre informació, intercanviïn o comparteixin una o més claus. Una vegada la clau ha estat identificada, la informació pot ser transferida de forma provadament segura utilitzant ”‘one-time pad”’. Per tant, la seguretat en la transmissió de la informació es basa exclusivament en la seguretat en l’intercanvi de la clau. La criptografia quàntica, o més precisament distribució de clau quàntica (QKD), garanteix absolutament la seguretat de la distribució de la clau basant-se en els principis de la física quàntica, segons la qual no és possible mesurar o reproduir un estat (p. e. la polarització o fase d’un fotó) sense ser detectat. La clau es genera a partir de les mesures de la informació codificada en estat quàntics del fotó, anomenats qubits. Per exemple, un qubit pot ser creat utilitzant propietats com la polarització o fase d’un fotó. Els objectius aconseguits d’aquesta tesis són el desenvolupament d’una nova classe d’emissors fotònics d’alta velocitat per a aplicacions en sistemes de distribució de clau quàntica, capaç¸os de produir velocitats de qubit sense precedents (100 Mbps - 1 Gbps) i transmetre’ls a través de distàncies més llunyanes que les aconseguides fins ara (> 200 Km). Més en concret el treball s’ha centrat en el desenvolupament de fonts de pulsos atenuats que poden ser usades en condicions ambientals molt extremes, com les presents a l’Espai. Per al desenvolupament d’aquestes fonts, apart del disseny òptic, importantíssim es l’enginyeria optomecànica com també la integració amb la electrònica. Un dels objectius ha estat aconseguir un molt alt nivell de integració i eficiència de potència, p. e. volums i consums de potència entre 10 i 100 vegades més petits que els típics en experiments de laboratori. Ademés, s’ha realitzat treball en altres parts relacionades amb un sistema de transmissió QKD. En particular, un nou esquema per a un generador de números aleatori compacte, ràpid i simple ha estat positivament demostrat aconseguint velocitats de generació de números aleatoris de 1:1 Gbps. També, el desenvolupament i enginyeria d’un enllaç òptic per a QKD en espai lliure ha estat iniciat durant aquesta tesis. Aquesta tesis utilitza idees novedoses per a demostrar experiments de prova de concepte, els quals poden esdevenir en productes comercials. Per a aquest fi, s’han establert col•laboracions amb empreses internacionals líders del sector. A més a més, el Grup d’Optoelectrònica de ICFO ha estat involucrat en projectes de la Agència Espacial Europea (ESA) per a desenvolupar un transceptor quàntic de tamany reduït i baix consum de potència, el qual també conté una font de fotons entrellaçts d’alt flux

    Estimation Techniques and Mitigation Tools for Ionospheric effects on GNSS Receivers

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    Navigation is defined as the science of getting a craft or person from one place to another. The development of radio in the past century brought fort new navigation aids that enabled users, or rather their receivers, to compute their position with the help of signals from one or more radio-navigation system . The U.S. Global Positioning System (GPS) was envisioned as a satellite system for three-dimensional position and velocity determination fulfilling the following key attributes: global coverage, continuous/all weather operation, ability to serve high-dynamic platforms, and high accuracy. It represents the fruition of several technologies, which matured and came together in the second half of the 20th century. In particular, stable space-born platforms, ultra-stable atomic frequency standards, spread spectrum signaling, and microelectronics are the key developments in the realization and success of GPS. While GPS was under development, the Soviet Union undertook to develop a similar system called GLObalnaya NAvigatsionnaya Sputnikovaya Sistema (GLONASS). Both GLONASS and GPS were designed primarily for the military, but have transitioned in the past decades towards providing civilian and Safety-of-Life services as well. Other Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) are now being developed and deployed by governments, international consortia, and commercial interests. Among these are the European system Galileo and the Chinese system Beidou. Other regional systems are the Japanese Quasi-Zenith Satellite System and the Indian Gagan. GNSS have become a crucial component in countless modern systems, e.g. in telecommunication, navigation, remote sensing, precise agriculture, aviation and timing. One of the main threats to the reliable and safe operation of GNSS are the variable propagation conditions encountered by GNSS signals as they pass through the upper atmosphere of the Earth. In particular, irregular concentration of electrons in the ionosphere induce fast fluctuations in the amplitude and phase of GNSS signals called scintillations. The latter can greatly degrade the performance of GNSS receivers, with consequent economical impacts on service providers and users of high performance applications. New GNSS navigation signals and codes are expected to help mitigate such effects, although to what degree is still unknown. Furthermore, these new technologies will only come on line incrementally over the next decade as new GNSS satellites become operational. In the meantime, GPS users who need high performance navigation solution, e.g., offshore drilling companies, might be forced to postpone operations for which precision position knowledge is required until the ionospheric disturbances are over. For this reason continuous monitoring of scintillations has become a priority in order to try to predict its occurrence. Indeed, it is a growing scientific and industrial activity. However, Radio Frequency (RF) Interference from other telecommunication systems might threaten the monitoring of scintillation activity. Currently, the majority of the GNSS based application are highly exposed to unintentional or intentional interference issues. The extremely weak power of the GNSS signals, which is actually completely buried in the noise floor at the user receiver antenna level, puts interference among the external error contributions that most degrade GNSS performance. It is then of interest to study the effects these external systems may have on the estimation of ionosphere activity with GNSS. In this dissertation, we investigate the effect of propagation issues in GNSS, focusing on scintillations, interference and the joint effect of the two phenomena

    Ultra-Low-Power Uwb Impulse Radio Design: Architecture, Circuits, And Applications

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    Recent advances in home healthcare, environmental sensing, and low power computing have created a need for wireless communication at very low power for low data rate applications. Due to higher energy/bit requirements at lower data -rate, achieving power levels low enough to enable long battery lifetime (~10 years) or power-harvesting supplies have not been possible with traditional approaches. Dutycycled radios have often been proposed in literature as a solution for such applications due to their ability to shut off the static power consumption at low data rates. While earlier radio nodes for such systems have been proposed based on a type of sleepwake scheduling, such implementations are still power hungry due to large synchronization uncertainty (~1[MICRO SIGN]s). In this dissertation, we utilize impulsive signaling and a pulse-coupled oscillator (PCO) based synchronization scheme to facilitate a globally synchronized wireless network. We have modeled this network over a widely varying parameter space and found that it is capable of reducing system cost as well as providing scalability in wireless sensor networks. Based on this scheme, we implemented an FCC compliant, 3-5GHz, timemultiplexed, dual-band UWB impulse radio transceiver, measured to consume only 20[MICRO SIGN]W when the nodes are synchronized for peer-peer communication. At the system level the design was measured to consume 86[MICRO SIGN]W of power, while facilitating multi- hop communication. Simple pulse-shaping circuitry ensures spectral efficiency, FCC compliance and ~30dB band-isolation. Similarly, the band-switchable, ~2ns turn-on receiver implements a non-coherent pulse detection scheme that facilitates low power consumption with -87dBm sensitivity at 100Kbps. Once synchronized the nodes exchange information while duty-cycling, and can use any type of high level network protocols utilized in packet based communication. For robust network performance, a localized synchronization detection scheme based on relative timing and statistics of the PCO firing and the timing pulses ("sync") is reported. No active hand-shaking is required for nodes to detect synchronization. A self-reinforcement scheme also helps maintain synchronization even in the presence of miss-detections. Finally we discuss unique ways to exploit properties of pulse coupled oscillator networks to realize novel low power event communication, prioritization, localization and immediate neighborhood validation for low power wireless sensor applications

    The Impact of GPS Velocity Based Flight Control on Flight Instrumentation Architecture

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    This thesis explores the use of velocity information obtained by a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver to close the aircraft’s flight control loop. A novel framework to synthesize attitude information from GPS velocity vector measurements is discussed. The framework combines the benefits of high-quality GPS velocity measurements with a novel velocity vector based flight control paradigm to provide a means for the human operator or autopilot to close the aircraft flight control loop. Issues arising from limitations in GPS as well as the presence of a human in the aircraft control loop are addressed. Results from several flight tests demonstrate the viability of this novel concept and show that GPS velocity based attitude allows for equivalent aircraft control as traditional attitude. Two possible applications of GPS velocity based attitude, an autopilot and a tunnelin- the-sky trajectory guidance system, are demonstrated in flight. Unlike traditional autopilot and trajectory guidance systems, these applications rely solely on the information obtained from a single-antenna GPS receiver which makes them affordable to the larger General Aviation aircraft community. Finally, the impact of GPS velocity based flight control on the instrumentation architecture of flight vehicles is investigated.Rockwell-Collins, NASA/FAA Joint University Program for Air Transportation, Draper Laborator

    Phase Difference Navigation Satellite Study Interim Scientific Report

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    Performance analysis and implementation of marine and air navigation and traffic control system using navigation satellit

    Synchronous Meteorological Satellite Phase B Study Report

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    Design of base line system for synchronous meteorological satellit

    Algorithms for Verification of Analog and Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuits

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    Over the past few decades, the tremendous growth in the complexity of analog and mixed-signal (AMS) systems has posed great challenges to AMS verification, resulting in a rapidly growing verification gap. Existing formal methods provide appealing completeness and reliability, yet they suffer from their limited efficiency and scalability. Data oriented machine learning based methods offer efficient and scalable solutions but do not guarantee completeness or full coverage. Additionally, the trend towards shorter time to market for AMS chips urges the development of efficient verification algorithms to accelerate with the joint design and testing phases. This dissertation envisions a hierarchical and hybrid AMS verification framework by consolidating assorted algorithms to embrace efficiency, scalability and completeness in a statistical sense. Leveraging diverse advantages from various verification techniques, this dissertation develops algorithms in different categories. In the context of formal methods, this dissertation proposes a generic and comprehensive model abstraction paradigm to model AMS content with a unifying analog representation. Moreover, an algorithm is proposed to parallelize reachability analysis by decomposing AMS systems into subsystems with lower complexity, and dividing the circuit's reachable state space exploration, which is formulated as a satisfiability problem, into subproblems with a reduced number of constraints. The proposed modeling method and the hierarchical parallelization enhance the efficiency and scalability of reachability analysis for AMS verification. On the subject of learning based method, the dissertation proposes to convert the verification problem into a binary classification problem solved using support vector machine (SVM) based learning algorithms. To reduce the need of simulations for training sample collection, an active learning strategy based on probabilistic version space reduction is proposed to perform adaptive sampling. An expansion of the active learning strategy for the purpose of conservative prediction is leveraged to minimize the occurrence of false negatives. Moreover, another learning based method is proposed to characterize AMS systems with a sparse Bayesian learning regression model. An implicit feature weighting mechanism based on the kernel method is embedded in the Bayesian learning model for concurrent quantification of influence of circuit parameters on the targeted specification, which can be efficiently solved in an iterative method similar to the expectation maximization (EM) algorithm. Besides, the achieved sparse parameter weighting offers favorable assistance to design analysis and test optimization

    Proceedings of the Second International Mobile Satellite Conference (IMSC 1990)

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    Presented here are the proceedings of the Second International Mobile Satellite Conference (IMSC), held June 17-20, 1990 in Ottawa, Canada. Topics covered include future mobile satellite communications concepts, aeronautical applications, modulation and coding, propagation and experimental systems, mobile terminal equipment, network architecture and control, regulatory and policy considerations, vehicle antennas, and speech compression