53 research outputs found

    A multi-representation method of building rules for automatic code compliance checking

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    In the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry, design review is an important step that often leads to project delays, as the typical manual compliance checking process is error-prone and time-consuming. As an approach to accelerate this process and achieve a better quality of design, automatic compliance checking (ACC) has been researched for several decades. Rule interpretation and representation is a bottleneck of ACC. It focuses on the interpretation of regulations and the representation of them in a suitable computer-readable form. Despite extensive research efforts, a rule representation method that is suitable to represent all types of rules has yet to be proposed. To address this issue, this research proposed a multi-representation method that provides a “mix and match” for different representations and different types of rules, thereby representing all types of rules with suitable representations. This research is valuable to both academia and industry as it enables the representation of rules with less knowledge loss and more accuracy

    Towards fully-automated code compliance checking of building regulations: challenges for rule interpretation and representation

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    Before the building design is finalised, it needs to be checked against regulations. Traditionally, manual compliance checking is error-prone and time-consuming. As a solution, automatic compliance checking (ACC) was proposed. Many studies have focused on the crucial ACC rule interpretation process, yet no research has synthesised the themes and identified future research opportunities. This paper thus aims to fill this gap by conducting a systematic literature review and identifying challenges facing this field. Findings revealed that the representation development process lacks a methodological backdrop. Understandings of rules, representations, and relationships between them are insufficient. Potential solutions were proposed to address these challenges

    The development of a prototype intelligent user interface subsystem for NASA's scientific database systems

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    The National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC) has initiated an Intelligent Data Management (IDM) research effort which has as one of its components the development of an Intelligent User Interface (IUI).The intent of the latter is to develop a friendly and intelligent user interface service that is based on expert systems and natural language processing technologies. The purpose is to support the large number of potential scientific and engineering users presently having need of space and land related research and technical data but who have little or no experience in query languages or understanding of the information content or architecture of the databases involved. This technical memorandum presents prototype Intelligent User Interface Subsystem (IUIS) using the Crustal Dynamics Project Database as a test bed for the implementation of the CRUDDES (Crustal Dynamics Expert System). The knowledge base has more than 200 rules and represents a single application view and the architectural view. Operational performance using CRUDDES has allowed nondatabase users to obtain useful information from the database previously accessible only to an expert database user or the database designer

    Being in the World

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    This essay addresses a question raised by Helmut Pape: “What logical, semiotical and mental structure does our consciousness have to have in order to establish the proper link between perception, thought and propositional content expressed by indicators?” The answer, it is proposed, is found in Peirce’s Existential Graphs (EG). First, EG is, itself, a model of cognition that provides the formal structure required for such a consciousness. Second, an appropriate semiotical interpretation will give us the requested structure. Third, interpreted as a psychological or perceptual model, EG will represent the links we seek

    Visual Design of Ontologies for Semantic Web

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    Tato práce popisuje návrh a implementaci vizuálního editoru ontologií pro Sémanticý web, založený na RDF modelu, soustředící se na přehlednou kompaktní vizualizaci ontologií, jejich selektivní zobrazení z různých aspektů, a jejich tvorbu s rozšířítelností v nabídce ontologických jazyků.This thesis describes design and implementation of a visual ontology editor for the Semantic Web, based on the RDF model, focusing on compact ontology visualization, selective views of them from various aspects and their creation supporting extensible number of ontology languages.

    Semantic Knowledge Representations for Soft Data Fusion

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    A Historical Interaction between Artificial Intelligence and Philosophy

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    This paper delves into AI development’s historical and philosophical dimensions while highlighting the symbiotic relationship between philosophy and AI from a technological perspective: philosophy furnishes foundational concepts, and AI supplies practical tools. The paper posits neurosymbolic AI as a solution to present challenges, sparking discussions encompassing both technical and philosophical considerations. Advocating a multidisciplinary approach calls for merging empirical AI insights with philosophy and cognition science to enrich our comprehension of intelligence and propel AI forward

    Responses to Five Questions on Signs and Meaning

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