28 research outputs found

    The place of Computer Science in the National Curriculum for England

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    John Slater, Seb Schmoller and a wider consultative group have framed some views on this question, in the form of a response to three questions: To get the next generation of comp scientists do we need CS in the NC? Where do we put CS? Should CS be only for those who are interested or for all

    Political computational thinking:policy networks, digital governance and ‘learning to code’

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    Reflecting political shifts toward both ‘network governance' and ‘digital governance', the idea of ‘learning to code' has become part of a major reform agenda in education policy in England. This article provides a ‘policy network analysis' tracing the governmental, business and civil society actors now operating in policy networks to project learning to code into the reformed programs of study for computing in the National Curriculum in England. The insertion of learning to code into the curriculum provides evidence of how the education policy process is being displaced to cross-sector ‘boundary organizations' such as ‘policy labs' that act as connecting nodes to broker networks across public and private sector borderlines. It also examines how the pedagogies of learning to code are intended to inculcate young people into the material practices and systems of thought associated with computer coding, and to contribute to new forms of ‘digital governance'. These developments are evidence of a ‘reluctant state' deconcentrating its responsibilities, and also of a computational style of political thinking that assumes policy problems can be addressed using the right code. Learning to code is seen as a way of shaping governable citizens that can participate in the dynamics of digital governance

    The Teaching of Computer Science, Programming and Computational Thinking in Pre-University Studies

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    Llorens Largo, F.; García -Peñalvo, FJ.; Molero Prieto, X.; Vendrell Vidal, E. (2017). La enseñanza de la informática, la programación y el pensamiento computacional en los estudios preuniversitarios. Education in The Knowledge Society (EKS). 18(2):7-17. doi:10.14201/eks2017182717S71718

    Implementing a cross-curricular digital project into a PGCE computer science initial teacher education course

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    The aim of this research is to open discourse over the matters, processes and skills of the subject of Computer Science in the new English National Curriculum of 2013. The challenge for graduate computer scientists enrolled onto a Post Graduate Certificate of Education Initial Teacher Training course in the North of England was to develop a cross-curricular digital technology project using Raspberry Pi hardware and peripherals that could sense and record data to enhance pedagogy in any other English National Curriculum subject. The results of the research were unexpected and highlight the need for ‘soft skill’ development within the Computer Science curriculum

    Computer Science Education and Interdisciplinarity

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    The world today is characterized through three major elements in the scientific field: the development of classical sciences, the increasingly evolution in the field of computer science and, as result, the emergence of a large number of new border sciences or interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary sciences. In the formation of future specialists, computer science education cannot ignore the reality of a society in which research and technological progress are based primarily on interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity. Throughout this chapter, we will analyze the way in which all these elements are evolving in a very closely interdependency one of each other: the evolution of computer science accelerates the development of classical sciences, and the development of classical sciences and computer science generates the emergence and progress of new border sciences and how the educational curricula in computer sciences have to be adapted to this trend. We will present and analyze the ways in which computer science education can be performed in an interdisciplinary and/or transdisciplinary manner at all educational levels. In the same time, we will emphasize the reasons why it is necessary to teach computer science in an interdisciplinary and/or transdisciplinary way and the benefits that teaching strategy brings in the training of future specialists


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    This paper applies an experimental case study aiming at the assessment  of the effectiveness of computer science teaching, when it is framed by activities with clear direction of "creation and expression" and in particular music. The research goes beyond the view that computers are a tool and examines them as a subject of the curriculum of the kindergarten through a creative didactic intervention. The sample was divided into two groups, the experimental group that implemented a training program for teaching basic computer concepts supported by alternative creative musical education activities and the control group which implemented a corresponding program that utilized “tutorials” and “drill and practice” software. The analysis of the data shows that computer literacy combined with music education activities had improved learning outcomes compared to the method used by guided teaching through software. The research supports the proposal for the development of educational approaches to computer science, which escapes from the narrow contexts of interaction with the PC, and is accompanied by alternative activities and adapted as well to the particularities and characteristics of early childhood.  Article visualizations

    Programming power: policy networks and the pedagogies of 'learning to code'

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    'Learning to code' has transformed from a grassroots movement into a major policy agenda in education policy in England. This chapter provides a 'policy network analysis' tracing the governmental, business and civil society actors now operating in ‘policy networks’ to mobilize learning to code in the reformed National Curriculum. Learning to code provides evidence of how power over the education policy process is being displaced to cross-sector actors such as 'policy labs' that can broker networks across public and private sector borderlines. It also examines how the pedagogies of learning to code are intended to inculcate young people into the material practices and ways of seeing, thinking and doing associated with the professional culture of programmers, the emerging context of solutions-engineering in social and public policy, and with the participatory culture of social media 'prosumption.

    The Need to Integrate Computer Science

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    This school improvement plan outlines a detailed three-year strategy designed to integrate computer science into the K-5 curriculum. Emphasizing a comprehensive approach, the action plan employs a multi-tiered strategy combining a standalone curriculum with embedded activities. Drawing insights from successful educational practices and leveraging resources, the plan strategically aligns the curriculum with CSTA standards while fostering hands-on learning experiences at various grade levels. The timeline features foundational teacher training, curriculum integration, community engagement events, and consistent assessment processes. The plan aims to create an environment where both students and educators actively participate in the dynamic landscape of computer science education. By using a phased approach, this blueprint offers a comprehensive understanding of computer science concepts, equipping students for success in a technology-driven world. The plan acknowledges the importance of monitoring potential barriers and challenges to ensure effectiveness in the integration process