1,797 research outputs found

    Better e-Learning for innovation in education

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    This book is an output from the ERASMUS+ project number 2015-1-TR01-KA204-021954 under the name 'Better e-Learning for All' (Project acronym: Better-E)This book - "Better e-Learning for Innovation in Education" - intends to provide an overview of the most important issues that relate Education through e-Learning and Pedagogical Innovation.Acknowledgements: The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's ERASMUS+ PROGRAMME under grant agreement no. 2015-1-TR01-KA204-021954 “Better e-Learning for All”.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Emotional Competence and Affective Computing as Factors of Formation of Individual and Social Identity

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    This experience of psycho-emotional education is part of more extensive international researches based on the hypothesis that the “emotional experience”, if inserted in the daily conduct of the school curriculum, especially in the nursery school one, represents an excellent training opportunity, since it fosters the learners' best perception of the self, thus strengthening their expressive and communicative attitude. On the basis of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) principles and inspired by a previous experience carried out by the Department of Human Science for training, this experimental project has been put into practice by some nursery schools in RC, thus providing very interesting data for the confirmation of the hypothesis. It has been also developed a study on the affective computing and the cognitive computing pursuing a new perspective that exceeds the traditional vision of what is defined as artificial intelligence and analyzes intelligence and aspects of perceptions, often neglected, with a methodological approach considering the emotional processes as important as the cognitive ones

    Expertise docente

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    The main points of reflection posed by the volume concern the identity and role of the teachers in the digital society: teacher training, educational planning and the praxic effects of new media. The text proposes reflections on current issues, such as assessment - intended as a training process of knowledge acquisition - and innovative applications of academic research to new learning needs. The purpose of this contribution is to link constructs and paradigms to identify what makes a teacher highly qualified, from an eminently pedagogical point of view

    A posthuman curriculum: subjectivity at the crossroads of time

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    This investigation is focused on three critical issues facing educators in the 21st century: how technology is reshaping what it means to be human, the shift from the human era to the posthuman era and the implications of that shift on subjectivity, and the purpose of undergraduate education in a posthuman era. The current shift towards a posthuman worldview is a radical break from the modern and postmodern 20th century, when identity was constructed in terms of possibilities and multiplicities. Instead, in the hyperreal 21st century, subjectivity is complicated by homogenization and the radical sameness of simulated technological experiences. Also, whereas the modern and postmodern eras were human-centered, the posthuman era brings with it a shift from a human-centered to a machine-centered worldview. To illustrate a comparable historical shift, the investigation revisits the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries and the transition from the medieval period to the Renaissance. In that shift, the focus turned from a theocentric (God-centered) worldview to a humanistic (human-centered) worldview. From a genealogical perspective, this historical glance can help demonstrate how notions of humanness were privileged in the face of radical social chaos. In the end, when theorizing about the purpose of undergraduate education in a posthuman era, a poststructural examination of modernity is undertaken that explores threads of the lives of young people and the implications of ubiquitous screen culture on their daily lived experiences. Finally, a posthuman curriculum is proposed, which seeks to reawaken attention of the human experience in a digital age

    Re-writing knowledge, re-design textbooks: auto-production of contents in the classroom

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    This contribution is a report of a qualitative research carried out within the Avanguardie Educative project aimed at describing and analyzing the experience of a group of Italian teachers in relation to the practice of textbook and digital resources auto-production. The research, conducted with some schools involved in an experimentation process of the alternative adoption of the textbook, has allowed us to start an in-depth reflection on the motivations that induce teachers to opt for this choice, in the direction of a rereading the relationship between curriculum, national indications and teaching autonomy, with particular attention to the student considered as an active subject of his / her training.This contribution is a report of a qualitative research carried out within the Avanguardie Educative project aimed at describing and analyzing the experience of a group of Italian teachers in relation to the practice of textbook and digital resources auto-production. The research, conducted with some schools involved in an experimentation process of the alternative adoption of the textbook, has allowed us to start an in-depth reflection on the motivations that induce teachers to opt for this choice, in the direction of a rereading the relationship between curriculum, National Indications and teaching autonomy, with particular attention to the student considered an active subject of his / her training

    Casas partilhadas monetizadas: a experiência turística e seus efeitos na autenticidade percebida, no apego ao destino e na lealdade

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    The emergence of the shared peer-to-peer accommodation (SP2PA) has attracted the attention of practitioners and academics, given this new business model’s increasing popularity amongst travellers. It is therefore suggested that this type of accommodation can offer a differentiated, eventually more authentic, experience to its guests, introducing new values and meanings to the hospitality provided at destinations. To sustain this argument, it is important to enhance the understanding of guest experiences while staying in such a SP2PA, while also the impact of these new tourist behaviour patterns on destinations is worthwhile exploring. Taking into account the relevance of understanding the tourist experience associated with the SP2PA, this study aims to gain theoretical and empirical understanding of the SP2PA guest experience by proposing and testing a theoretical model that estimates the relationships between the dimensions of the tourist experience (the SP2PA guest experience) and the constructs of ‘destination attachment’, ‘perception of authenticity’, ‘destination attitudinal loyalty’ and ‘SP2PA attitudinal loyalty’. To achieve this goal, two complementary methodology stages were undertaken: (i) an ‘exploratory qualitative approach’ by conducting focus group discussions and passive netnography; and (ii) a ‘quantitative approach’ by applying a survey to a convenience sample of SP2PA guests. Statistical analysis of data used descriptive and inferential methods, with the Partial Least Squares (PLSSEM) as the main method for testing the hypotheses. A total of 409 valid responses were used to test the proposed conceptual model. Findings confirm the ‘aesthetic’, ‘escape’, ‘entertainment’, ‘educative’, ‘affective’, ‘social interaction’, and ‘sharing experience’ dimensions as appropriated dimensions to analyse the SP2PA guest experience. Amongst these dimensions, the ‘educative’, ‘social interaction’, ‘aesthetics’, ‘sharing’, and ‘affective’ are, in this order, the dimensions that most influence the SP2PA guest experience. Regarding the influence of the SP2PA guest experience on the tourist experience outcomes, this study demonstrates that this experience positively influences the ‘perception of destination authenticity’ and ‘destination attachment’ formation. In turn, destination attachment mediates the relationship between the ‘SP2PA guest experience’ and ‘destination loyalty’, while the SP2PA guest experience predicts the ‘SP2PA attitudinal loyalty’. Besides, the ‘perception of authenticity’ positively influences ‘destination attachment’ formation and ‘SP2PA attitudinal loyalty’. The results contribute to the tourist experience theory by providing an empirically-based insight into its dimensionality in the hospitality sharing economy context. This study also provides an analytical framework to understand the effects of the SP2PA guest experience on constructs such as the perception of authenticity, destination attachment and tourist loyalty. Furthermore, results may help design management strategies for both SP2PA platforms and SP2PA hosts to develop and implement an experience-oriented service strategy in order to achieve a memorable experience for SP2PA guests and create positive future behavioural intentions. Limitations of the study and suggestions for further research complete the picture.O surgimento do alojamento partilhado pessoa para pessoa (SP2PA) tem vindo a atrair a atenção de profissionais e acadêmicos uma vez que esse novo modelo de negócio tem ganho crescente popularidade entre os viajantes. Sugere-se, portanto, que esse tipo de alojamento ofereça aos seus hóspedes uma experiência diferenciada, eventualmente mais autêntica, introduzindo novos valores e significados à hospitalidade proporcionada nos destinos. Para sustentar esse argumento, é importante melhorar a compreensão das experiências dos hóspedes durante a permanência em um SP2PA, ao mesmo tempo em que vale a pena explorar o impacto desses novos padrões de comportamento turístico nos destinos. Tendo em vista a relevância de compreender a experiência turística associada ao SP2PA, este estudo tem como objetivo desenvolver uma compreensão teórica e empírica da experiência dos hóspedes no SP2PA, propondo e testando um modelo teórico descritivo que estima as relações entre as dimensões da experiência turística (a experiência dos hóspedes no SP2PA) e os construtos de ‘apego de destino', 'percepção de autenticidade', 'lealdade atitudinal ao destino' e 'lealdade atitudinal ao SP2PA'. Para atingir esse objetivo, duas etapas metodológicas complementares foram realizadas: (i) uma "abordagem exploratória qualitativa", conduzindo as técnicas de grupos focais e netnografia passiva; e (ii) uma "abordagem quantitativa", administrando uma pesquisa a uma amostra conveniente de hóspedes do SP2PA. A análise estatística dos dados utilizou métodos descritivos e inferenciais, sendo o principal método para testar as hipóteses a modelagem de mínimos quadrados parciais - PLS-SEM. Assim, 409 questionários foram utilizados para testar o modelo conceitual proposto. Os resultados confirmam a "estética", "escape", "entretenimento", "educativa", "afetiva", "interação social" e "experiências de partilha" como dimensões apropriadas para analisar a experiência dos hóspedes no SP2PA. Entre essas dimensões, "educativa", "interação social", "estéticas", "partilha" e "afetivas" são, nessa ordem, as dimensões que mais influenciam a experiência dos hóspedes no SP2PA. Com relação à influência da experiência dos hóspedes no SP2PA nos resultados analisados da experiência turística, este estudo demonstra que a experiência dos hóspedes no SP2PA influencia positivamente a ‘perceção da autenticidade’ do destino" e a formação do ‘apego ao destino’. Por sua vez, o ‘apego ao destino’ media a relação entre a "experiência dos hóspedes do SP2PA’ e a "lealdade ao destino", enquanto a experiência dos hóspedes do SP2PA condiciona positivamente a “lealdade atitudinal ao SP2PA". Além disso, a "perceção da autenticidade" influencia positivamente a formação do "apego ao destino" e a "lealdade atitudinal ao SP2PA". Os resultados contribuem para a teoria da experiência turística, especificamente em contexto de alojamento turístico partilhado, monetizado, fornecendo uma visão baseada empiricamente em sua dimensionalidade no contexto da economia da partilha na hospitalidade. Este estudo também fornece uma estrutura analítica para a compreensão dos efeitos da experiência dos hóspedes no SP2PA em constructos como a perceção de autenticidade, o apego ao destino e a lealdade do turista. Além disso, poderá auxiliar o gerenciamento de plataformas SP2PA e aos anfitriões do SP2PA a desenvolver e implementar uma estratégia de serviço orientada à experiência, a fim de obter uma experiência memorável para os hóspedes no SP2PA e criar intenções comportamentais futuras positivas. Limitações do estudo e sugestões para futuras pesquisas completam o quadro.Programa Doutoral em Turism

    Quo Vadis: An Integrated Direction for Catholic Media Technology Engagement

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    Over the years, the Catholic Church has explored issues of media technology and how it relates to education. At the same time, a number of profound, modern Catholic thinkers have wrestled with the nature of media technology and how it affects the human condition. These two threads have been independent of each other. An effective conceptual understanding of the role and meaning of media technology in Catholic education requires us to weave these two threads together to craft an integrated and coherent synthesis. The question I raise is: in a culture that promulgates the digital lifestyle as the standard and norm, is there a proper way for Catholics to engage media technology? And because education forms the foundation with which we transmit our values, heritage, and worldview, we ask the attendant question of how Catholics should integrate media technology in their education? Directed at Catholics, and particularly educators, administrators, policymakers, parents, communicators, as well as creators and recipients of media technologies, this dissertation proposes seven foundational policies or keys for effective media technology engagement. These keys are in turn grounded on fundamental precepts found in scripture, magisterial documents on social communications or education, as well as discerningly mined from a wide range of other sources that offer wisdom about education and/or media technology. A prototype for an instructional technology lesson that is naturally derived from these keys is the logical next step, and is proffered in anticipation that it may be adapted to various lesson plans, home schooling activities, as well as courses in other subject areas that have with them a goal to integrate media technologies. We are at a point in multimedia learning and educational technology where practical explorations can greatly help chart the direction, type, and methods of instruction. This exploration set at the intersection of Catholic education and media technology is a first step on the journey toward empowering Catholic institutions, parents, and educators to engage media technologies in a practical way while at the same time upholding and actively living the Catholic identity and philosophy of life (Ong, 1990, p. 347)

    Current Trends in Game-Based Learning

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    A myriad of technological options can be used to support digital game-based learning. One popular technology in this context is the mobile device, considering its high penetration rate in our societies, even among young people. These can be combined with other technologies, such as Augmented Reality (AR) or Virtual Reality (VR), to increase students’ motivation and engagement in learning processes.Due to this, there is an emergent need to know and promote good practices in the development and implementation of game-based learning approaches in educational settings. This was the motto for the proposal of the Education Sciences (ISSN: 2227-7102) Special Issue “Current Trends in Game-Based Learning”. This book is a reprint of this Special Issue, collecting a set of five papers that illustrate the contribution of innovative approaches to education, specifically the ones exploring the motivational factors associated with playing games and the technology that may support them

    How to assess A meaningful technology-integrated tool for the reflective educators

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    In this paper we intend to present a tool for self-assess, support and improve reflective thinking in the educators towards the use of digital storytelling. First, we present an overview on the theoretical framework for conceptualizing a reflective educator, who needs to have a conscious approach on the practice and inquiries on the ethical consideration and important outcomes of eductional practice, with self-reflection, deep analysis of personal beliefs, and expectations on men and women and potential in general, and on learning. Educators’ expectations are self-generating, and often hard to be changed. Moreover, educators stay trapped in unexamined rulings, judgements, interpretations, conventions, potentials and hopes. Second, we describe the process of constructing a DST for approaching to the reflective practice infusing personal beliefs and values into a professional identity. Third, we describe the process of constructing the rubric, its elements, indicators and levels to value the product every storyteller made. We conclude with the self-assessment tool we want to propose in our on-going research project